ABSTRACT: On the fate of the Filipov family from Bulgaria, presented by Pannella to the European Parliament on 18th February 1986 (Doc. PE. B2-1614/85)
The European Parliament
A. having regard to the fate of the Filipov family from Bulgaria,
B. whereas the parents,Michail and Sveja, who have been political refugees in Rome since September 1983, have still not succeeded
in obtaining permission from the Bulgarian authorities for their children,Michaela, aged 7, and Severina, aged 6, to join them,
C. whereas, despite the support of the general public and the interest of the Italian Government, non-violent, dignified and law-abiding action, the fact that they have been on hunger strike for two weeks and promises and favourable prognoses by the Bulgarian authorities, the latter have not yet allowed the Filipov family to be reunited,
D. having regard to the European and United Nations human rights charters and to the Helsinki agreements,
1. Calls on the Commission to take immediate action to enable the Filipov children, Michaela and Severina, to join their parents in Rome;
2. Formally requests the Community institutions to be increasingly heedful of and committed to the defence of the basic
human rights laid down in the United Nations Charter and the Helsinki agreements;
3. Addresses the same request to all Member States;
4. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the parliaments and governments of the Community Member States with a formal request that appropriate replies, over and above the obligations laid down in the Treaties but in accordance with the spirit thereof, be given from the European Parliament as to the action taken by the
Addresses in response to the above communications.