By Leonardo SciasciaABSTRACT: The communique of the so-called Anti-Mafia Co-ordination shows that where the fight against the Mafia is concerned "a power is establishing itself or already has done so that does not allow doubt, dissent, or criticism." As if we were back in 1927 (i.e., the advent of Fascism, ed.). In fact the Co-ordination has criticised the author's preceding article (of January 10) which was nothing but "a call to return to the rules, to the laws of the state and the constitution". With regard to Dr. Borsellino, the criticisms made of him do not touch on his competence, but "the way in which he was nominated" appeared "worrisome". To avoid misunderstandings the author cites the decision in a trial which Borsellino prepared in the Palermo Court of Assizes, a decision which absolved the defendants with arguments that "no honest and intelligent person would refuse to subscribe to".
(CORRIERE DELLA SERA, January 14, 1987)
The communique of the so-called Anti-Mafia Co-ordination is a precise demonstration of the fact that where the fight against the Mafia is concerned a power is establishing itself or already has done so that does not allow doubt, dissent, or criticism. Just as if we were back in 1927.
In my Saturday January 10 article there was nothing but a call to return to the rules, to the laws of the state and to the constitution of the republic. And this so-called Co-ordination - stupid and lunatic fringe of that power which has formed or is being formed - replies with a violence that makes my concern more than justified. I am satisfied about it: they have delivered themselves up to the opinion of those who are able to have an opinion in their true image. And it is clear that not from them nor from those who are behind them - the style is recognisable - will originate a radical struggle against the Mafia. They are fond of "tension" and take the trouble to see that it does not slacken. But "tensions" are destined to slacken - and especially when they obey the rules of the games played by factions and aim at attaining power. With regard to Dr. Borsellino I have not put his competence into question which may perhaps be a subject of discussion by his colleagues. It is the way in which he was nomina
ted that worried and continue to worry me. And it is precisely in the decision in a case I understand he prepared, a decision pronounced by the Palermo Court of Assizes, Second Section, on November 10 of last year, that I find the best reason for not acquiescing to the intentions of the Co-ordination. This is a sentence that absolved the defendants and in which at a certain point one reads: "The judge cannot be allowed to distort the norms of proof in a way to be applied only in the cases of Mafia trials; serious and rigorous control of all the elements of the crime is necessary. The proofs must have certainty and the items of evidence consistent with each other and unequivocal; there is no room in penal trials for mere suspicion and generic opinions. The concrete fight against crime can only be conducted by serious use of the norms." Words which I believe no honest and intelligent person would refuse to subscribe to.