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Pannella Marco - 16 febbraio 1987
The ozone layer in the atmosphere

ABSTRACT: Motion for a resolution to the European Parliament tabled by Pannella on 16th February 1987, on the need for a common EEC position on the problem of the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere( doc. 1588/86)

The European Parliament,

A. whereas the layer of ozone surrounding the earth and protecting our planet from radiation is gradually being depleted at an annual rate of 3%-5% mainly as a result of the release into the atmosphere of clorofluorocarbons (CFC), of which the Community is the world's largest producer,

B. whereas,since 1985,a "hole" in the ozone layer has been recorded in the Atlantic region,a phenomenon which was reconfirmed in 1986 and has since worsened,

C. whereas research into the side-effects of chlorofluorocarbons used in the troposphere prove that,by attacking the ozone layer,these substances lead,on the one hand,to a "greenhouse effect" caused by an increase in earth temperatures and,on the other,to reduced protection against ultraviolet rays, resulting in very serious dangers to the ecosystem -desertification,death of plankton,flooding on a world scale-,in addition to the very serious dangers to human health,characterised by the uncontrolled spread of certain types of cancer,in particular cancer of the skin,

D. having regard to the particular urgency of the problem,especially since,although the consequences may at present appear acceptable,it is only in the longer term that their full impact will be felt;it has been entered the stratosphere, which means that the main impact has not yet made itself felt;when this happens it will no longer be possible to take the necessary action;hence the need for immediate and drastic measures is becoming increasingly clear,

E. whereas on 23-27 February the second meeting of experts of the signatory states to the International Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer is to be held in Vienna,and a specific programme for the reduction and progressive elimination of CFCs discharged into the atmosphere is to be dawn up,following the failure of the first meeting held in Geneva on 1-5 December 1986, to produce any tangible results,

F. whereas the EEC Member States and the Commission have not yet adopted a clear position on the matter,except to reject the proposal from the United States for the introduction of a CFC production "freeze" in the initial phase and drastic reduction of CFC production in the second phase,

G. having regard to Council Decisions Nos 80/72/EEC of 26 March 1980 ,82/795/EEC of 15 November 1982 and 86/602/EEC of 20 November 1986,

1. Calls on the Council and Commission to formulate as soon as possible a common position to be adopted by the twelve EEC Member

States for consideration at the Vienna meeting,by bringing forward the next meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Environment,which is not otherwise due to be held until 20 March;

2. Calls on the Council and Commission to decide on a position

to be adopted,calling for an immediate limitation of production,to be followed as soon as possible by the progressive withdrawal from use of CFC in industrial products already in circulation and still being marketed,including,first and foremost,synthetic foams, chemicals used in agriculture,coolants,lubricants and gaseous fuels;

3. Urges that the draft research programme include,in addition to CFC F-11 and CFC F-12, all other substances having a lasting effect,which contain chlorine and chromium;

4. Calls on all Member States which have not yet done so to sign and ratify the Vienna Convention and participate in the implementation of specific measures to limit or bring to an end the production of substances which attack the ozone layer;

5. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Commission and Council.

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