ABSTRACT: Resolution presented by Emma Bonino to the European Parliament on 6th April 1987, et approved on 9th April 1987on the situation of the Jewish community in Syria
The European Parliament,
A. whereas the 4.500 people who make up the Jewish community in Syria are practically held prisoner, are constantly subjected to humiliation and repression and have the right neither to move freely within the country, nor to choose their occupation,
B. whereas all their identity cards must bear the word "Jew" and the Syrian authorities force them to live in the ghetto of Domascus and in isolated villages in the north of the country,
C. whereas a Jewish woman recently died because she needed treatment from a heart specialist in Europe but was refused an exit visa,
1. Calls on the Syrian Government to allow any Jews who request permission to leave the country to do so freely and unconditionally;
2. Calls on the Council and the Commission to make every effort to ensure that this request is granted;
3. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the Syrian Government.