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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio Partito radicale
Partito radicale - 26 aprile 1987
General Motion Approved by the XXXIIIrd Congress (Extraordinary) of the PR
Rome, April 25,26, 1987

ABSTRACT: The XXXIIIrd Congress (Extraordinary) is convened in an attempt to block the early dissolving of the houses of Parliament and the consequent postponement of the referendum on the legal responsibility of magistrates (for their decisions, ed.) and on nuclear energy plants. The congressional motion indicates the initiatives to be taken to ward off this kind of "curse".


The XXXIIIrd Congress of the Radical Party held in Rome the 25/26 of April 1987

in consideration of the greater strength that the growth of the Radical Party and its lay and democratic understandings and agreements with the Liberal, Social Democratic, and Socialist Parties guarantees to all who fight for a democratic outcome of the party-rule crisis, for the reform of the political and electoral system, and for convincing public opinion that the Radicals' reforms are necessary and urgent;

in consideration of the strength and wide front of those groups who have reached the Radical Party's pre-referendum position and of those who up to now have declared themselves in favor of holding the referendums already announced and called;

makes a pressing appeal and request to all parties and to public opinion to ward off the "curse" of early elections and the consequent postponement of the referendums and the approval of laws and reforms that are now ready and that have been waiting to be passed for decades;

requests democratic members of parliament to give the Fanfani government a vote of confidence in order to save the legislature, the referendums and the laws that the citizens have been awaiting;

makes a respectful but very firm request to the Head of State, the President of the Council, and the Presidents of the Houses of Parliament to exclude unconditionally the dissolving of a Parliament that should give the government a vote of confidence, and that any other eventuality is denounced by the Radical Party as bearing the marks of a veritable outrage and betrayal of the Republican Constitution, all the more so in the above-mentioned

special conditions of the moment;

requests the PSI, the PSDI, and the PLI (Socialists, Social Democrats, Liberals, ed.), in accordance with the mutual commitments up to now assumed to defend the Constitution, the Parliament, the referendums that have been called, the civil and political rights of citizens, to support the Fanfani government with both their unconditional votes and by rejecting provocations and opposition having no cogent constitutional value;

decides, in the case of eventual early election, to present a Radical Party list of candidates for the Chamber of Deputies;

proposes for the Senate vote a Reform Front composed of all the lay, socialist, liberal, republican and ecological groups, and only if this proposal is not accepted will Radical candidates for the Senate be authorised;

the 33rd Congress of the Radical Party,

in the case that voters' meetings are called because of substantially coup-like acts contrary to the Constitution made by the Christian Democratic Party with the complicity of the MSI and the PCI (Neo-Fascists and Communists, ed.) and the guilty, self-serving neutrality of others;

commits the statutory organs, all Radicals and all democrats to mobilise with all their strength in non-violent response to the anti-democratic attack with which the DC (Christian Democrats, ed.) once again strikes at our country;

decides not to present Radical Party lists of candidates as such, bearing the symbol of the PR, in order to deny all legitimacy, legality, democratic value or regularity to such acts and to the election meetings themselves, which must be considered mere occasions for political rather than institutional battle, for the defence and the liberation of the institutions from party-rule usurpation on the part of the DC with the decisive consent of the PCI on this occasion too;

decides on the full political and electoral support, by way of agreements, of those lay parties that will have used all the necessary strength and will power in the coming days and hours to oppose this "curse", in particular by giving a full and unconditional vote of confidence to the Fanfani government without taking refuge in alibis and possible justifications that may be available due to "provocations" on the part of the government itself during its retort in the Chamber of Deputies and its declarations to the Senate, and by subscribing to or adopting the Radicals' motion of confidence deposited in the Chamber.

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