ABSTRACT: The motion of the XXXIV Congress ratifies the transformation of the Radical Party into a transnational entity.
(For the United States of Europe, edited by Roberto Cicciomessere, Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Gianfranco Spadaccia - Supplement to Radical News n. 68 of the 5th of April 1988)
With the XXXIV Congress held in Bologna in January 1988, the Radical Party formally decides to become the transnational party of the United States of Europe.
To adopt such an important decision, it must make difficult choices such as the decision to no longer run, as such, for the national electoral competitions.
Here are some excerpts of the motion approved by the Congress:
(...) The establishment of a transnational force, the only instrument apt to assert the ideals and the values to reach the goals that for thirty years have represented the very reason of the Radical Party and its political battles, can no longer be postponed.
None of the major problems of our epoch, from which the destiny of mankind, the life of law and the right to live for every person depend upon, can presently be faced with the hope of being solved in the single national dimension. We need institutions, democratic powers, positive law and supra-national laws, starting from the historically mature goal of the United States of Europe.
The Radical Party therefore decides to carry out its transformation into a transnational political subject, not only in its political goals, but also in the concreteness of its associative reality. From this moment on, the Radical Party proposes itself as an instrument of political organization, beyond and through national borders, open to the participation also of members of different national parties. The Radical Party as such will therefore no longer take part in national electoral competitions.
(...) The XXXIV Congress of the Radical Party commits all the elected organs and all the Radicals to an extraordinary enrolment campaign, allowing for the rise and the organization of the transnational party, of which today there are only the first premises.
The congress approves the report delivered by the treasurer, and takes note of the serious economic and financial situation, a consequence of the enormous expenses that the Radical Party has had to make to win minimal margins of political battles and of defence of its image and identity.
The Congress judges that the minimal conditions necessary for the existence of the party and of a transnational activity are the achievement of:
1) the target of 4 billion Lire of self-funding;
2) the target of at least 3,000 members outside of Italy and the establishment of the first significant associative nucleuses at least in some European countries (...)