ABSTRACT: Letter sent to the members of the Parliaments of Europe to illustrate the Radical Party, its projects and objectives, its campaign for the United States of Europe. The Radical Party wants to provide the parliamentarians with a real "public service" of support and integration (supplement to the first letter of the radical party to the 6969 members of the Parliaments of Europe - May 1988)
We would like to make sure - for example - that the legislative texts or the government initiatives be promoted simultaneously in the twelve Parliaments of the twelve E.C. member States and in other Parliaments as well as in the European Parliament; and that democratic and nonviolent militants endorse them everywhere, involving the media and the public opinion.
For this purpose, we would like to collect and distribute operational information in order that the representatives in the Parliaments - but also in local institutions - can see their action endorsed also in the international, institutional fora, if such action is such as to interest the public opinion of other countries, through petitions, actions of public support on the part of intellectuals and media, nonviolent and democratic actions, institutional or personal endorsements from parliamentarians from other countries.
In other words, we would like to provide a real "public service"
of support and integration, in order to enhance the values, the ideas, the achievements of parliamentarians who are too often confused by the complexity of contemporary society and of the institutional equilibriums of our time, but also by the limits which national and linguistic barriers represent, and the barriers which have become a second nature for the national parties or for the traditional party "Internationals". Often, draft bills or parliamentary motions have no impact because while their interest goes beyond national borders, they receive no coherent support owing to a lack of information or coordination of the initiatives.
This specific attempt to carry out a transnational action made by a transnational (and transparty) party starts with this first newsletter whereby we inform you of:
a) a solemn "Declaration" of the European Parliament, according to article 65 of its rules, which follows a resolution passed by the Italian parliament and which is about to be submitted to other Parliaments of Europe. Through this "Declaration", the competent institutions pledge to guarantee that an important "package" of reforms aimed to support the process of formation of the European Union will be examined during the European Council of Hannover next June, and namely the summons of "European General States", a common assembly of the twelve Parliaments and of the European Parliament in July 1989.
b) the initiative carried out in the European Parliament and in other Parliaments, aimed to request that the EEC ensure the controlled administration of the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel.
The first of such initiatives has already been taken, but will be made formal only in the next few days. The second will be taken very soon, and we believe it might also be successful. In both cases, we hope our colleagues and the other representatives who will receive our newsletter will quickly endorse these initiatives and inform us of this.
c) the existence of the radical party, the only transnational party, and of some of its characteristics, a party which in no way wants to compete institutionally with any national party, a party that will not participate as such in any election (national or European, local or regional) or in any Government, and this in spite of the fact that some members of the Government or of Parliament are members of it.
Some brief information on the last point.
The transnational radical party is not an ideological party; simply, it is a transnational party which focuses on precise objectives, which are chosen during yearly congresses open to all members, and decided by qualified majorities; such choices are not considered "binding" for its members (they are so only for the executive organs). To join the radical party one need not "apply": all it takes is buying the membership card the same way as one buys a bus ticket or a share, endorsing the party's method and specific objectives.
Obviously, joining the radical party not only enables, but in a certain sense even suggests the idea of joining other national parties.
This party is the only, possibly the first Gandhian "nonviolent party". In places where its action is known, it is considered to be a "party that upholds civil rights".
Born in Italy, in the past it has had foreign First Secretaries.
Today, the Radical Party's Federal Council is formed by 17 Italians and 18 non-Italians. However, either the transnationalization process is achieved rapidly and efficiently - also in numerical terms - or else the Radical Party will cease existing even in Italy. We hope there will be the desired and necessary conditions in the coming months, we hope many politicians will be capable of understanding the interest of this reality and of this project, that they will endorse it by joining the party and by being willing to assume central responsibilities to ensure its existence and development.
There are evidences which are so clear as to be blinding: the fact that transnational parties are needed with extreme urgency is one of those evidences it is necessary to face.
If this transnational party, with your contribution, succeeded in existing in the coming months, this would probably represent the premise for similar parties to start arising. This is our hope. It is likely that the members of the Radical Party could then be present in a richer way in various traditional formations.
But for the moment, it is through this adhesion and through the life of this party that all the rest comes.