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Archivio Partito radicale
Stanzani Sergio, Vigevano Paolo - 5 maggio 1988
The Report Of First Secretary Sergio Stanzani and Treasurer Paolo Vigevano To The Federal Council Of The Radical Party - Madrid - May 5-9, 1988

ABSTRACT: The Radical Party's situation starting with the financial and organisational factors. In the general report presented at the meeting of the Federal Council in Madrid on May 5-9, 1988, the Secretary and Treasurer indicate and analyse in detail the enormous political difficulties connected with the decision to transform the PR into a trans-national party.



1.1 The Congress

On the basis of the motion approved at Bologna, the next party congress will be the first to take place outside Italy. For this reason we must provide for a different organisation and different costs, heavier ones than we have sustained in years past.

The principal cost "items" of the last Congress in Bologna were:


Special number of <> 15,000,000

Paid advertising in newspapers and on television 20,000,000

Posters 5,000,000


Travelling expenses and activities of those

responsible for the organisation 5,000,000


Travelling expenses and hospitality 40,000,000

Rental of the hall and amplification 40,000,000

Fittings (tribune, back-drop, etc.) 20,000,000

Translations and interpreters 50,000,000

TV filming 10,000,000

Press office 5,000,000

Various and sundry 10,000,000


The budget estimate for a congress to be held outside Italy must take into account the fact that it must be organised, co-ordinated, and realised for the most part from Italy and thus from a different country than the one in which the congress will be held.

The publicizing of the congress, furthermore, will not be able to count on information and communication media which until now has been available to the party in Italy. These aspects, besides creating difficulties of organisation, will increase the risk of having to invest in publicity at the last moment with resulting increases in costs to levels that may go beyond the party's possibilities. The ordinary income of the Bologna congress (entrance and membership fees) were not enough to guarantee self-financing.

Only in the November and and February congresses of 1987, which were the closing manifestations of the campaign for "10,000 members", was the result good enough to self-finance the congress, but even to make a substantial contribution to the activities undertaken in the course of the whole year.

The decision to hold the congress outside Italy cannot, on the other hand, be accepted as a burden to be accepted as a risk venture. Therefore we need to think up initiatives during the congress and parallel to it which would ensure covering a relevant part of the costs. For this purpose one can try to interest operators in tourism and other sectors for the advertising of the event.

We consider it possible to organise trips and conditions favourable even for third parties as well as for participants in the congress, such as concerts or other events not strictly political in character.

The most opportune solution could be that of giving the job of organising the congress to an "ad hoc" organisation right from the start, which could operate freely for the sake of optimising the political result with the self-financing one.

To give the concession for organising the congress to a group such as "Geldorf" or "Zard" might be the most valid solution.

Total cost estimate 400,000,000


1.2 Federal Council

The Federal Council is the party activity this year which will have the greatest cost increase as a result of the trans-national decision. In fact the party will have to sustain in toto a new expenditure which is that of simultaneous translation (about 13,000,000 lire for each meeting) and the travelling expenses are much higher whether the Federal Council meets in Italy or abroad. For the travelling and related costs of the 18 comrades who live there when the Federal Council meets in another country, in this case it is not to be forgotten that there participates in each meeting, without the right to vote, the members of the Secretariat, or, as guests, the members of parliament and eventually other comrades, or, as members of the organisation, at least 35 people coming from Italy. It should also be remembered that the Brussels headquarters is, among the non-Italian ones, the least expensive due to the presence there of numerous participants as well as to the availability of European Parliament structure

s which allow the use of their services gratis.

The usual practice is for the participants in the meetings to contribute at least 150,000 lire per head to their own travelling expenses as well as to pay for their own meals.

The members of parliament are requested to use for the trip the airline tickets put at their disposal by their respective parliaments.

The estimated costs of each Federal Council reunion is 40,000,000 lire in Italy as against 55,000,000 in other countriess. Two meetings in Italy and three in other countries are foreseen.

Total estimated costs 245,000,000


1.3 Secretariat

Contained in this item are the expenses relative to the activities of her first secretary, of the five vice secretaries and the eleven federal secretaries.

The first secretary and four of the first vice secretaries, since they are elected to the Italian or European Parliaments, receive no salaries from the party. The fifth receives compensation equivalent to that of the members of Parliament (2,850,000 a month).

For the federal secretaries who work full time (six), compensation has been maintained at 2,300,000 lire a month (before withholding tax). One other, not full time, receives a reduced salary of 1,800,000 lire.

Furthermore a total expenditure is foreseen of 4,000,000 lire a month to cover travelling expenses. This figure has been increased over what it has been in past years to take into account the needs deriving from the new trans-national dimension of the party.

Total estimated costs 288,000,000


1.4 The Treasury

This year as we know the treasurer will have the direct help of a vice treasurer and a person in charge of co-ordinating activities. The vice treasurer has been put in charge of relationships with the Radical associations and, where these have no yet been set up, with party "points of reference" outside Rome.

These relations regard both the organisation of activities relating to current political initiatives, and to organisational and logistic aspects connected with information. These are activities that in the past were directly entrusted to the secretary. To deal with these activities, the vice treasurer also has the help of two other people full time. Another comrade continues her work this year too in obtaining memberships or those who will join in specific party initiatives in the cultural and theatrical spheres. And, finally, the estimate for the treasury includes the compensation for a supplementary deputy whose task is mainly to follow the party activity in Spain and Portugal as well as to collaborate with the vice secretary in the relationships with the associations. His compensation is equal to that of the federal secretaries working full time.

The compensation of the treasurer is the same as that of the vice secretaries, while that of the vice treasurer and the person in charge of co-ordinating activities is the same as that of the federal secretaries.

For the other collaborators the compensation (always before withholding tax) runs between 730,000 and 1,800,000 lire.

The total of travelling expenses for the Treasury has been estimated at 20,000,000 lire.

Total estimated expenditures 233,000,000


1.5 Memberships

This item includes all activities related to the management of memberships from the time they reach the party to their being entered in the books and the computer, to subsequent check-ups and processing, as well as the mailing of membership cards to the members which alone accounts for 30,000,000 lire in the total costs of this sector.

In this sector is also included the work relating to the mailing lists managed directly by the party and used for mailing both the newspaper and other printed material as well as circulars and other material written and personalised by the computer.

On the whole the sector is taken care of by four people who ensure the availability and the functioning of these services six days a week and 10.5 hours a day. The total annual expenses for salaries to the employees come to 42 million lire with sums varying from 600,000 to 1 million a month for each employee with varying jobs to do in the course of a week.

This items also includes the expenses of keeping the large mailing lists (more than 500,000 names each) which is entrusted to third parties at a total cost of 18 million lire.

Total estimated expenditures 90,000,000



The daily press agency is the party's communication medium with organs of information in Italy.

Two part-time workers (with directorial functions) are in charge of the agency's editorial department. In part these two people are also occupied with the press office of the secretary and the Secretariat. Their salaries are respectively 1,450,000 and 1,000,000 lire a month (before withholding tax).

The printing and distribution of the agency's bulletins is in the care of three other people working part time who receive an average of 500,000 lire a month.

The cost of paper and the agency's printer are included in the chancery costs inserted in the chapter for "ordinary services". The total expenses of this item appear as a sum for collaborators' compensations as well as the insurance policies relating to them.

Total estimated expenditures 60,000,000


2.1 Rome headquarters

At the moment the party's activities take place in two offices: the one in Via Torre Argentina 18 and the one in Corso Rinascimento 65 (the second having been recently remodeledd).

After June two thirds of the space in the new headquarters will be available in Via Torre Argentina 76 which is in the process of being purchased. One third of these premises is presently rented and action to free it is going on.

Thus for this year the space available is as follows:


----------------------------------------------------- NOW AFTER JUNE

------------ ------------ ----- ------------ --------

Torre Corso Torre includ.

Argentina 18 Rinascimento Total Argentina 76 Corso

offices offices available in Rinasci-

June mento

---------- ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ -------- No. rooms

as work

space 12 6 18 14 20

--------- ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ --------


of work 167 110 277 240 350 space

--------- ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ --------


per room 14 18 15 17 17.5 --------- ------------ ------------ ----- ------------ --------

Sq. mtrs.

per meet- 49 - 49 76 76

ing hall

--------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------

The cost of the new premises for party headquarters is to come from the public financing funds the party receives from the Italian Parliament. This year rental, heating, electricity and cleaning costs for the two offices in Corso Rinascimento (for 12 months) and Via Torre Argentina 18 (for 7 months) plus electricity for the new offices come to 85,000,000 lire. Furthermore about 90,000,000 lire are foreseen as costs for remodelling and refurnishing the Corso Rinascimento offices and the new Torre Argentina 76 offices.

Estimated total expenditure 173,000,000

Telephone costs: the average monthly cost in the last twelve months has been about 600,000 lire per line. This year we have gone from 11 lines to 14 (not including the two fax lines) with a total estimated cost of 110,000,000 lire (including the basic charge).

Estimated total expenditure 110,000,000

Fax costs (not including paper): in the last twelve months the fax costs have been about 13,000,000 lire, of which at least 7,500,000 are to be attributed to traffic between Rome and Brussels.

A new line has been put into the Corso Rinascimento offices which will not necessarily result in a doubling of costs, but will bring an increase of at least 60%. The total cost of fax traffic can be calculated at about 21,000,000 lire. In this regard it is to be considered that traffic from the various Rome offices (party, Chamber and Senate groups) to Brussels and from Brussels to Rome and other countries excepting Belgium and Italy come to about 40,000,000 lire a year.

This amount can be partially reduced when we have available Itapac telematic lines (phase B - telematics). A good number of texts, hard to evaluate furthermore, which are not inserted in the computers (correspondence, newspaper cuttings and other printed pages, etc.) will still have to be sent by telefax. The only way of overcoming this residual cost would be to get a free telephone line from the European Parliament for communications to and from Italy.

Estimated total costs 21,000,000

Postal and Dispatching Costs

This item takes into account dispatching within Italy. All dispatching abroad as well as the new undertakings such as <> are analysed singly.

Estimated total costs 82,500,000

Personnel for ordinary services: A total of eleven people are employed for ordinary services as secretaries (1), part-time secretarial and switch-board work (3), switch-board (3), full-time dispatching employees (1), messengers (1), employed in handling Marco Pannella's voluminous correspondence (1).

Salaries for these jobs varies between 600,000 to one million lire monthly, while for secretarial work alone costs 2,600,000 lire monthly of which about 80% is for social security payments.

Among the collaborators for ordinary services is included a consultancy for managing software and making programmes with a monthly cost of 1,800,000 lire.

Estimated total costs 167,750,000

Estimated total costs 695,250,000


2.2 The Brussels Co-ordinating Centre

It is not easy to draw an exact distinction between people in our Brussels headquarters and at the European Parliament who perform jobs connected with the members of parliament and those who are more directly involved with party activities. In fact, one of the members of the European Parliament, Giovanni Negri, is also first vice party secretary. Of the two members of the Secretariat present in Brussels, one is also secretary general of the Radical Parliamentary Group and only the second is prevalently involved with party activities.

At the Brussels centre, besides the three members of parliament and the two federal secretaries, two other people work, both of them with secretarial jobs for the Parliamentary Group, but who also do work on behalf of the party, the Treasury, the press and the translations. A third person handles almost exclusively the translations for the party and the Group.

The secretarial services of the Brussels centre are managed by two secretaries paid directly by the European Parliament. Occasionally collaborators are hired part time.

The European Parliament also supplies gratis eight international telephone lines, one of which is inter-continental; the telefax and computer, however, are connected to pay lines.

There are no fixed expenses for the Brussels centre for the Party's federal budget except for reimbursing one of the two Secretariat members who reside there since the entire structure is financed with the contributions made by the European Parliament for the expenses of the deputies (about 6,000,000 lire monthly each) and with a fund of some 10 million lire yearly, this too provided by the European Parliament and which is used for specific projects.

The Brussels co-ordination centre also functions as a cost centre for a combination of activities which the party performs directly by means of the structures and resources of the centre itself. The relative expenses of these activities are inserted in the estimate in the specific cost items relating to them.

Until today the activities performed by way of the Brussels centre are:

- the acquisition and handling of the mailing lists outside Italy - an initiative which costs the party nothing except for the purchase of a computer;

- editorial work, printing and dispatching in French and Flemish of the paper <>;

- translations from Italian into French which are done directly and without costs to us as well as the organisation of a great part of the other translations which are paid for.

With the development of the party's trans-national activity, with the presence in Brussels of a first vice secretary, there must be a strengthening of both the party's activities and those more directly connected with that of the Parliament. Nevertheless serious difficulties for such a strengthening are due to the fact that the lack in this legislature of a Radical's own parliamentary group not only poses significant limitations to the receiving of funds from the European Parliament, but also great limitations of the functional and logisticaL resources with the result that every further expense will weigh directly upon the party budget. The activities that particularly require strengthening in Brussels are:

- Contacts with the international press regarding activities of the members of Parliament as well as those of the party;

- News transmission to the international press and the Italian media, including Radical Radio and <>.

- Contacts in general that support the party's trans-national initiative.

Apropos of this there are several considerations that can influence the direction of these choices:

a) The European Parliament's special account 3708, which serves to finance information campaigns on the activities of the members elected to the European Parliament, has earmarked 230,000,000 this year for the three Radical members; 25% of this amount (about 60,000,000) can be used for paying personnel;

b) If new collaborators have to be acquired it is cheaper to recruit them right there in Brussels rather than send people from Italy;

c) One must evaluate more attentively the activities to be undertaken in Italy which are mostly directed abroad, with particular attention to telephone and telefax bills; one hour on the telephone from Italy to other European countries costs on the average 80,000 lire; given the number of free telephone lines available in Brussels, it follows that two or three weeks of activities in Rome with other countries easily amounts to the cost of a trip and a stay in Brussels for one person for an equal period of time.


2.3 Communications

Telematics and automation.

The project of creating widespread information and telematics structures is divided into two phases: the first phase provides for the strengthening of the present media actually in use for the collection of signatures and addresses and the allocation of several places of work (personal computer) in Radical offices; the second phase provides for the linking of networks (internal and external) of installed places of work and the creation of a common archive and re-distribution system for the texts produced.

More particularly, with the first phase one reaches the point of having eight places of work for working out texts and calculations to be allocated among the Torre Argentina, Corso Rinascimento, Chamber and Senate offices (one of which is to be partially dedicated to increasing membership) and one place of work dedicated to taking care of the mailing lists and getting members). Furthermore a link up is planned via modem and a switch network of a place of work for each of above-mentioned offices. (That of Brussels already disposes of communications media.) For the first phase a short instruction course is planned for learning the common rules of correct resource management, the use of a word-processing programme and the exchange of texts with other processors via modem. Delivery of the machines, installing them and instruction in their use for those who need to or want to use them will all be accomplished within 30 days.

The second phase plans for the purchase of a PBX system to link all the places of work and other resources among each other that are available in the Torre Argentina offices (modem, laser printer, links with the public service ITAPAC), and above all it foresees link-ups between all the places of work with a mini-processor (16 available channels that can be expanded to 32) suited to collecting, filing and re-distributing the texts processed in the various offices. For this purpose the specifications are being worked out for the development of a software programme with multilingual multifaces that can satisfy these needs and can also be used to experiment with processors as communication media (conferences, "direct lines", telematics, etc.).

DISTRIBUTION OF THE MACHINES AMONG THE VARIOUS OFFICES ----------------------------------------------------------------

Phase A1 and A2 Phase B Phase C

---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ---

Personal Home MODEM ITAPAC Mini Scanners

Offices computers computers tel. links and

links PBX

---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ----- ---------- Torre


Corso 7 1 1 1 1



---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ----- ----------


Group 1 1 1


---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ----- ----------


Group 1 1 1


---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ----- ----------


Parliament 3 1 1


---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ----- ----------


offices 10 10

in Italy


---------- ---------- --------- ------ ------- ----- ----------

The installation of the machines and the implementing of the first software modules will require at least four months. Completing the basic specifications for the eventual use of the system by external users may require about another six months.

In the party's branch offices minimal equipment will be necessary (personal or home computers with modem, possibly incorporated) to enable them to exchange texts with party headquarters and in particular with the mini-processor. In phase B it is possible, according to needs, to install equipment in the branch offices primarily for the work to be done by personal computers capable of handling mailing lists. This activity, once the first machines are installed, implies a full-time collaborator for training to use them with a monthly salary of 1,500,000 lire. Two filing clerks will be necessary for phase C filing at a monthly salary of one million lire each.

The cost of the three phases is subdivided as follows:

Phase A1 and A2 80,000,000

Phase B 91,000,000

Phase C 39,000,000

Thanks to leasing, a part of the costs can be allocated to future budgets.

Estimated total cost 150,000,000


2.4 Information

The <> Agency Weekly

Beginning this year there will be a weekly selection of the items published by the agency during the week.

This weekly edition of the agency's bulletins is currently being distributed to about 100 Radical associations and others, and the number of those receiving it will be increased to 200.

Estimated total cost 32,000,000

The <> Periodical (Italian edition)

The news review <> currently appears monthly. The number of copies printed varies between 25 and 40 thousand copies according to needs. Of these, 17,000 are sent to members old and new, subscribers and supporters by post. The remaining copies are distributed by party militants.

The first two numbers published after the Bologna congress have brought in up to now about 5 million lire each from subscriptions and contributions as against a cost of 20,000,000 lire.

It is to be noted that during 1987, during campaigns of particular intensity and interest (the campaigns for "10,000 subscribers" and for referendums), the review was a vehicle for self-financing that amply exceeded its production costs.

Also planned are four pamphlets (of four pages each) in support of specific political initiatives to be circulated in 60,000 copies at a cost of about 16,000,000 lire each.

Two people bring out the <> review, one of whom does the job of managing editor (with a salary equal to that of the Secretariat members), while the second who receives 1,100,000 lire, also brings out <>.

The possibility of a special price for distributing the paper by rail is being looked into, a solution which would allow for a global cost reduction of about 20,000,000 lire a year.

Estimated total cost 315,000,000

The <> Periodical (French, Belgian, Spanish and Portuguese editions)

The following editions of <> for other countries are also planned:

--------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------------

circulation number editions cost

of pages planned

--------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------------

France 10 - 15,000 16 8 30,000,000

--------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------------

Belgium 25,000 16 8 57,000,000

--------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------------

Spain 5 - 15,000 16 6 28,000,000

--------- ----------- --------- --------- ---------------------

Portugal 2-5-10,000 16 6 18,000,000

--------- ----------- --------- --------- ----------------------

A serious obstacle to the realisation of this editorial project is the absence of an adequate mailing list in the various countries (see list par. 2.6.). The 80,000 "trans-national" addresses available to us (over 50,000 Belgians), in reality are not selected in the same manner as those that regard Radical activity in Italy. These mailing lists cannot be used for more than two or three times each and with a very low foreseeable yield in terms of subscriptions and contributions.

Estimated total costs 133,000,000


<> is a letter that the party secretary sends every two weeks to non-Italian members. At the moment it is produced and printed in Rome. The translations are partly done in Rome, partly in Brussels (French) and in Trieste (Slovenian and Croatian).

Dispatching is done from Rome. With this type of organisation and given the high costs of dispatching (95%) as well as the hypothesis of reaching a membership of 3,000 within the year, the estimated cost is 82,000,000 lire.

A considerable saving could be made by partly decentralising and allotting the printing and dispatching to the various countries to which it goes by sending them a single copy by telefax which would then be duplicated and dispatched on the spot. This second idea of the total decentralising of dispatching, the saving would come to 70%.

But the question only comes up in terms of both costs and savings if the non-Italian membership increases significantly.

Estimated total costs 82,000,000


As a follow-up to the campaign in recent years for equitable justice conducted by the Radical Party (the Tortora case, referendums), in 1987 publication began of <> a periodical on questions of justice and particularly directed at the sphere of the penitentiaries. Presently five numbers are produced annually which are distributed to 20,000 people by post. The cost of each number is about 8,500,000 lire, including the cost of one permanent employee (940,000 lire monthly).

Estimated total cost 42,000,000


2.5 Translations

The problem of translations cannot be dealt with simply on the basis of putting into other languages from time to time the things written in Italian. The translations must be done by people who keep in touch with the party and in direct contact with the authors of the texts at least via telematics.

For the translation of newspapers it is almost impossible to use translators without some journalistic abilities. For example, the translation of a headline means rendering it in another language with the same impact and effect that it has in the original language. The presence of the translator is necessary in the print shop up to the last working moment. A badly handled sub-headline is enough to ruin a newspaper. Thus, in reality, the translator's work is really and truly a kind of creative production.

The only adequate structure for this purpose is the one of the comrades working with the Brussels Group. This may guarantee a good quality product, but it is not on the quantitative level capable of dealing with the mass of work that often must be done in a very short time. Even if the our two comrades in Brussels (one of whom is a member of the Federal Secretariat) dedicate themselves full time to this work to the detriment of other tasks, they could never manage all of it by themselves.

It should also be noted that the quantity of Radical writings that need to be sent abroad is in any case more than what is produced with difficulty for Italy. Thus there are insufficient resources for dealing with this production in Italian. More than increasing it, there is need of creating in Italy a new activity of transcribing the spoken word into the written word and of translating the transcribed texts into other languages. And above all, the translation of Radical writings of the past.

Following is a table of the estimated amount of translation, which, however, must be considered to be less than required for a written information programme entirely effective and corresponding to our needs:



<> newspaper:



768 576 576 1920




80 80 80 80 80 80 80 560


Agency Weekly








Europa pamphlet

----------------------------------------------------------------ITAL FREN ENG SPAN PORT GER SERB SLOV POL RUS TURK FLEM Total pp

62 62 62 62 62 310





16 16 16 16 16 80




92 92


PR Historical Brochure



50 50 50 50 50 250


History - Motions



280 280 280 840


Federal Council Documents

----------------------------------------------------------------ITAL FREN ENG SPAN PORT GER SERB SLOV POL RUS TURK FLEM Total pp

200 200 200 600


----------------------------------------------------------------ITAL FREN ENG SPAN PORT GER SERB SLOV POL RUS TURK FLEM Total pp

60 60 60 180


Total publications

----------------------------------------------------------------ITAL FREN ENG SPAN PORT GER SERB SLOV POL RUS TURK FLEM Total pp

1680 548 984 984 452 80 80 80 16 4832


All of this requires a great economic and above all organisational effort. The simple translation of texts, which the present publishing programme has provided for up to now, under the present set-up costs 100 - 130 million lire according to the number of translations which must be paid for; or else they can be entrusted to translators who guarantee a job as "dependents"; or, lastly, they can be given to party activist translators.

In this regard it should be noted that the translations done by party activists are often the most reliable even from a technical standpoint. An objective of party organisational policy should be to increase to the maximum quantity and quality the amount of translation done by party activists.

The preceding table indicates the number of pages to be translated for each publication in the various languages. As one can see, Russian is missing. For this language a suitable programme of printing and distribution must be provided.

Following is a list of prices per page of translation in the various languages and the quantities that can be translated under various condition: full price, half price, and by activists:

------------------- -------------- ------------- -------------




------------------- -------------- ------------- ---------------

Brussels activists 0 380

Brussels half price 16 200 3,200

Brussels full price 32 1020 32,640

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Brussels full price 27 548 14,796

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Brussels full price 27 984 26,568

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Brussels full price 35 894 34,440

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Brussels full price 27 542 12,204

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Trieste half price 15 80 1,200

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Trieste half price 10 80 800

------------------- -------------- ------------- ----------------


Rome half price 10 80 800


Estimated total cost L. 127,000,000

Estimated total cost 127,000,000


Besides the "Euro" mailing lists (see the list attached at the end of this paragraph) which was mentioned in the paragraph on non-Italian editions of <>, the Radical Party has "Italian" mailing lists partly handled directly by the party and partly by external sources.

Mailing Lists Directly Handled

The Treasury Mailing List - consists of 69,000 addresses of members, supporters and sympathisers from 1976 until today. This mailing list also includes some special sub-categories: the "observers" of Radical congresses (800), the adherents to the campaign against the RAI [Italian state radio/TV, ed.] tax (1,000), the subscribers to the <> bulletin on questions of justice (1,350), those who have written letters to Radical Radio, the adherents of PARIFA [a parliamentary association against world hunger, ed.] etc. for a total of about 5,000 addresses.

Other Mailing Lists - a) List of correspondence sent to Marco Pannella (2,822 names); b) International cultural associations (1,244); List of executive members of Italian lay parties (534).

Mailing Lists Handled Outside The Party

The mailing list of the signers of the referendum petition of 1986 (510,000). On the following pages, as mentioned, we give the picture of the "Euro" or trans-national mailing lists that are handled by the Brussels Co-ordination Centre.

From the relationship of Italian addresses with the "Euro" ones, it can be noted how the selected addresses amount to 600,000 in Italy and only 4,500 in the rest of the world. These are people who in some way or other have made contact with the party or have been adherents to initiatives promoted by the party or to which the party adhered. Thus it is necessary to provide for initiatives that allow for the acquisition of large numbers of "active" names such as dispatching small publications, flyers, or postcards to a large number of people (more than 200-300,000 per country) and then gather from those who reply the addresses. In this way the addresses are selected for the dispatching of more substantial printed material including <> without wastefulness.

Euro Mailing Lists (up-dated to April 21, 1988)

Number of addresses: 78,122

Distribution country by country


(of which 17.266 Flemish)


(prevalently members of parliament, regional councillors

and mayors)


Great Britain.....................................2,422

(mainly members of the Houses of Commons and Lords)

German Federal Republic...........................1,630

(mainly members of parliament and the Laender)



(mainly members of parlaiment)



(mainly members of parliament)


(mainly members of parliameny)



(mainly members of parliament)
























Puerto Rico.............................................3






Ivory Coast.............................................1

East Germany............................................1


India ..................................................1






Distribution by groups (the sum of the addresses in each group is greater than the total number of the mailing list because some names can appear in more than one category)

Members 1987 (except Italy)............................196

Members 1988 (except Italy)............................396

Supporters, subscribers to "NR" and partial members....155

The closest sympathisers...............................604




Pacifists, Maragakis petitioners and the O. Dupuis

Supporting Committee..................................6671

Replies to the Radical publicity campaign of

October 1987...........................................371

Signatures for the Radical lists in Belgium...........2655

VIPs, writers, artists................................1231

Food and petitions against hunger.....................2563

Petitions for the European States-General 1988.........453

Deputies of the European Community countries

(excepting Italy).....................................3411

Senators of the European Community countries

(excepting Italy).....................................2290

Deputies to the European Parliament....................518

Members of the Council of Europe Assembly..............344

Regional deputies (Spain).............................1180

Mayors (Spain, Portugal, and Belgium).................5769

Mouvement des radicaux de Gauche.......................275

Civil rights for immigrants..........................1364


Esperanto supporters....................................55

The Jewish community...................................125

Journalists and media.................................1094

Jurists and lawyers (Beglium).........................7843


University staff......................................3540


Societé Européene de Culture..........................1441

Medical doctors (Belgium)............................21648

Centrale générale des enseignants......................658

Non classified........................................4031

For the costs relating to the <> item see 1.5 members, and 2.2 Brussels Co-ordinating Centre.


3.1 Assemblies

Trans-national assembly - The <> which was to be held in Rome at the end of March or beginning of April is now waiting for a new date to be fixed.

Total estimated costs 30,000,000

The anti-prohibition assembly - the anti-prohibition assembly planned for Madrid in mid June or autumn will present a substantial number of speakers from the United States and other European countries. Bearing on the total costs, besides the travelling expenses for guests (60,000,000), are also advertising (50,000,000) as well as organising costs, translations, the publication of a special number of <> (4-page pamphlet) to be sent to those on the national and trans-national mailing lists.

Total estimated costs 180,000,000


3.2 Activities in Italy

The collection of signatures in Italy for the petitions in support of the resolution passed by the Italian Parliament and on the popular initiative bill establishing the consultancy referendum on the occasion of the 1989 European elections, foresees publishing costs (forms, posters, flyers, folders) of about 50,000,000 lire and about 60,000,000 for actions supporting the collection such as demonstrations, assemblies, etc.

Total estimated costs 115,000,000

Expenses are also foreseen for other, "small" demonstrations to be held in Italy like the one already held to commemorate the anniversary of Martin Luther King's death (2,500,000); for Bahgwan's right of entry into Italy, for the appeals trial of Athos De Luca for having distributed anti-militarist leaflets.

Total estimated costs 50,000,000


3.3 Activities in other countries

In support of the campaign to convene the <> a letter of the First Secretary is planned to be sent to 6,000 people (the members of parliament of all European parliaments) and of a 4-page pamphlet.

Total estimated costs 25,000,000

Presently being prepared is a series of non-violent actions in Eastern Europe.

Total estimated costs 200,000,000

For the moment only minimal expenses are foreseen during the first five months for actions outside Italy of a logistical type (offices, telephones, etc. in France, Spain, Portugal and Turkey), for assemblies (Spain and Portugal), and for small political actions (Yugoslavia).

Total estimated costs 42,000,000


3.4 The fight against extermination from hunger

For the European visit of Kaunda, President of Zambia and the OAU (Organisation of African Unity), we have planned together with Food and Disarmament International a series of actions and meetings with European heads of state and government in support of the heads of states appeal against extermination from hunger in the world recently approve unanimously by the ACP-EEC assembly of Lomé.

Total estimated costs 200,000,000


4.1 Memberships

The estimate has only taken into account income from memberships that are certain, that is, those which have arrived at the party offices as of April 27. Beyond this date no estimate has been made as to how the memberships and contributions will go for the sake of throwing light on the total minimum financial needs. Analysing the way membership income went during January 7 - April 16, we obtain the following results:


----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------





----------- ----------------- ---------------- -----------------

JANUARY (*) 48,933,000 14,266,000

----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------

FEBRUARY 77,536,000 18,728,000 + 31%

----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------

MARCH 55,703,000 12,574,000 - 49%

----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------

APRIL (**) 42,769,000 11,088,000 - 12%

----------- ----------------- ---------------- ------------------

(*) Memberships in January date from the 7th of the month (the end of the congress).

(**) From April 27.

It is not easy to predict the progress of membership even on the basis of data in our possession. However there is an evident downward trend directly influenced by political initiative. In the first half of April, for example, the average income from memberships fell to 8.5 million and with a tendency to decrease further. The Radical Radio campaign and the news appearing in the newspapers after Parliament approved the law on the civil responsibility of judges and Enzo Tortora's actions to invert the trend and increase the weekly average of memberships to 11.5 million for the whole month. It should be noted that such an immediate correspondence between political initiative and the progress of memberships is only possible in Italy, thanks to Radical Radio, which is a tool of immediate support and amplification of the political campaign.


4.2 Contributions and self-financing initiatives

Income from the contributions of non-members is today still a negligible factor if one considers that of the 108,000,000 collected as of April 27 more than 80 are due to contributions made during the Bologna congress. Given the difficulty of predicting the contributions from non-members, we have limited ourselves here to including in the estimate only the amounts that are certain, that is, the amount that has in fact been taken in as of April 27.

The category of contributions should, instead, be a decisive factor this year for reaching the goal of 4 billion lire. Besides initiatives aiming at the collection of contributions in specific sectors, such as contracting, we need to provide self-financing projects for single initiatives. The action against extermination from hunger already foresees contributions of about 70 million from organisations co-operating in the action. We must think up specific self-financing projects regarding undertakings in Eastern European countries, the campaign for the protection of the ozone layer and the anti-prohibition conference planned in Madrid.

Another source of self-financing, or better, of cost reduction for the moment, is the convention on the furnishing of services which Listening Centre for radio/ TV programmes is beginning to stipulate with groups outside the Radical Party (the Press Office of the European and Italian parliaments and the Region of Latium). This may offer prospects of the total self-financing of this activity.


4.3 Indemnity

The income from indemnity that members of parliament pay monthly to the party constitute the only certain predictable income until the end of the year which, after taxes, amount to an

Total estimated income of 800,000,000



1.1 The congress 400,000,000

1.2 The Federal Council 245,000,000

1.3 The Secretariat 288,000,000

1.4 The Treasury 233,000,000

1.5 Memberships 90,000,000

1.6 Agenzia Radicale (daily paper) 60,000,000

total 1,316,000,000


2.1 Rome headquarters 695,000,000

2.2 Brussels Co-ordinating Centre -

2.3 Communications 150,000,000

2.4 Information 604,000,000

2.5 Translations 127,000,000

total 1,576,000,000



1. Structure Costs 1,316,000,000

2. Operating and Service Costs 1,576,000,000

3. Activities 842,000,000

total 3,734,000,000


Liquid assets as of Jan. 7, 1988 400,000,000

4.1 From memberships as of April 27, 1988 225,000,000

4.2 From contributions as of April 27, 1988 108,000,000

4.3 From deputies indemnities (annual estimate) 800,000,000

total 1,533,000,000


On the basis of the estimated income contained in the combined report of the Secretary and Treasurer, the estimate of relative income and deficit are thus modified:


4.4 Memberships from 28/4 to 31/12/1988 450,000,000

4.5 Contributions from 28/4 to 31/12/1988 100,000,000

4.6 Contributions at the Congress 50,000,000

4.7 Contributions from political activities 167,000,000


4.8 From public financing 500,000,000

4.9 From the parliamentary groups 500,000,000


total income 3,300,000,000



In the text handed out on the eve of the Federal Council in Madrid the costs of the Listening Centre were inappropriately attributed to those of the party structure.

This activity has actually always been given to the Chamber Parliamentary Group.

Thus the various figures vary from the Federal Council's text because of these shifts in attribution.

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