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Sciascia Leonardo - 1 giugno 1988
I saw him fight with firmness and dignity
by Leonardo Sciascia

(Il Corriere della Sera - Milan - May 19, 1988)

ABSTRACT: The author speaks about Tortora, the way he was before and after the injustice he suffered, the dignity with which he conducted his battle for a just justice.

(Radical News n.3 - June 1988)

I met Enzo Tortora in Caltanissetta, in 1958. In the months prior to our encounter, we had exchanged letters. Personally, I did not know the man who, having read some of my works, wrote to me with such cordiality and warmth. But my daughters knew who he was; and perhaps his letter earned me a greater consideration on their part. As for me, I had never seen him on T.V.

During all our encounters, until the day his life was shattered by injustice, we talked about Stendhal, old books, old engravings. During the last four years, our sole topic were the problems concerning justice.

I was one of the few people who had believed in his innocence immediately, and I had publicly stated this belief; this earned me the disapproval of many a right-minded person.

After that, I had followed and encouraged his battle, as I could. A battle which he proved capable of conducting in a perfect manner, with firmness and dignity.

I saw him after many months last Saturday. He was unrecognizable, he spoke with difficulty and suffered terribly. But he spoke with passion about his great hope that his sacrifice could serve the purpose of changing something. It is with this hope that he died.

Let us hope it was not just an illusion.

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