20, 21, 22, 23, 24 July 1988ABSTRACT: The Federal Council, in consideration of the Radical Party's dire financial situation, charges the secretary and the treasurer with the task of preparing the closing of the party.
The Federal Council
having heard the reports of the first secretary and of the treasurer, thanks them for the extraordinary value and contribution in terms of achievements, proposals and example which they have given the party;
charges them with the task of preparing the closing of the party, a preparation which is made necessary by the current dire financial crisis and membership crisis;
points out that the responsibility of the success or of the closure of the party is more than ever entrusted to its members, to each and all the democrats and the people who care for the life of rights and the right to life, and that in the current circumstances, the success or the end of the project and of the radical party depends mostly on them.
The federal council
accepting the proposal of the secretary of the party, decides to summon the first transnational congress in Zagreb, Yugoslavia.
The Federal council
urges those who will not attend future meetings to immediately resign from the federal council itself.