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Pannella Marco - 19 agosto 1988
Drugs: compensation for "war damage" to be awarded
by Marco Pannella

ABSTRACT: The principal victims of the war on drugs are often forgotten: the millions of citizens that drug-addicts are "forced" (because of a criminogenic law and not because of drugs) to rob and bag-snatch in order to provide themselves with their "dose". The author suggests that these victims organize themselves to claim "war damage" from the State.

(Notizie Radicali n.175 of 19 August 1988 taken from Il Giornale d'Italia of the 14th of August)

Twenty-four months ago, in this same period, for the third time in ten years I resumed my anti-prohibitionist proposition on drugs, that is, on the worst criminal plague of the century, and the most absurd political folly of the government (and there are plenty!) of this last decade.

I received loads of insults, I was condemned by those mediocre moralists who speculate on other people's problems. Even the President of the Christian Democrat group of Parliament, who certainly does not detain the record for the denigration of my person, entered the debate to denounce the joke or folly of the day of the Assumption.

In these last weeks, on "24 Ore", I read the introduction of a page devoted to this theme: it said, more or less, that from abroad a new and peculiar debate was going on, in which the proposal of abolishing prohibition on drugs had many authoritative arguments and advocates..."Nemo propheta in patria"? Probably. But this violent impudence too, in the same country!

These days, in cities, a gramme of more or less pure drugs is worth 250.000 lire. Dealers are holidaying in the mountains or at the seaside, while the decaying structures of public health are more or less in the same conditions.

Drug-addicts must also "go on holidays" or else rob, bag-snatch, visit and burgle houses even more. And, generally, their preys are not robust adults, athletic youngsters and luxury apartments, which are equipped with sophisticated electronic alarm systems. As usual it is the elderly, the poor and the weak who must pay.

Of these people nobody talks or writes about, nobody is concerned with them. They are millions of elderly, of pensioners, of lonely people, of women, and even children. Magistrates, for once agreeing with statistics, acknowledge the fact that the work of justice and of the police is paralyzed, is squandered by the various crimes related to prohibition on drugs (and not to "drugs" as such). The phenomenon is not just Italian, but universal. In the name of the "rights" (to die murdered or murderers) of the drug-addict, of "anti-individual" "solidarity" (and this is complete rubbish), the "powers" of the State, the executive, legislative powers, and its "fourth power", passing through the judiciary are a barrier to anti-prohibitionism.

And they are about to increase the dose of the lethal and catastrophic drug of their "non-thought". Even worse than during "prohibition" on divorce, on abortion and on the Radical Party (which in the mean while has become civilization).

In the meanwhile, the great magistrate, Sica, having finally achieved the longed for aim of a super-police, secluded from the risks of having to be, at least some years of his life, a "judging judge", upon arrival in Palermo will finally have to deal with drug-money, and the banks that proliferate on it, and will have to make a big effort indeed to avoid problems to the important personages.

But let's get back to the "bomb", the one that must not be mentioned. If we multiply 100.000 drug-addicts, "forced" (by a criminogenic law and not by drugs) to commit at least 50 acts of violence (bag-snatchings, burglaries, robberies, ecc.) a year, -and this is an optimistic calculation - we come up with a total of five million victims, for the most part pensioners, elderly or weak, and poor as well. If they go to the police, they find nothing else but a resigned and sincere statement of impotence.

Will it be necessary for these tens of millions of victims to get together in order for their misfortunes to be paid for by the State as "war damage", in other words by those who, in every part of the world, invented this "war" and conduct it with an ever increasing degree of insanity? Today is the day of the Assumption, and I pose this question, this proposal. The lunatics are others, not me.

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