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Arnao Giancarlo - 1 settembre 1988
Edited by Giancarlo Arnao

ABSTRACT: Card about the abuse of metamphetamine in Usa

"Various indicator data and other sources suggest that abuse of metamphetamine from clandestine labs has been increasing during recent years. [...] m. abuse is presently a regional phenomenon yet has the possibility of expanding to the entire nation. Just as cocaine was introduced and succesfully test-marketed in the 1970's before its expansion in the later half of the decade and the 1980's, domestically produced m. looms as a potential national drug crisis for the 1990's.

[...] Abusing populations are predominantly white, lower middle income, high school educated, young adults ranging in age from 20-35 years [...]. Abuse patterns suggest an estimated two to four years latency period from first use to full addiction. Most treatment clients [...]initiated use by intranasal snorting, but then turned to IV administration [...]. Thus, m. has been characterized as "white men version of crack" and a "gateway to needle use and sharing""

(Hall, Uchman Rodriguez: "Trends and patterns of metamphetamine Abuse in the US - September 1988", NIDA Order No. 88MO31054801D)

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