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Archivio Partito radicale
NR - 1 ottobre 1988
Those who presented papers on drug antiprohibitionism at the round table in Brussels.

At the "International Round Table on Drug Antiprohibitionism promoted by CORA (the Radical Antiprohibition Co-ordination) which was held in Brussels from September 29 to October 1, 1988, the following presented papers:

Georges Apap, public prosecutor, Valence, France: Does the persecution of drug addicts reveal an ideology?

Roger Lewis, research sociologist, U.K.: Drug dealing as a factor of social disintegration.

Manuela Carmena Castrillo, magistrate, Madrid, Spain: Current legal problems and the possibility of an alternative.

Ambrogio Viviani, General, former head of Italian Counter Espionage: International problems in the repression of drug dealing.

José Manuel Sanchez, policeman, member of the Executive Committee of the Police Union, Madrid, Spain: The legalisation of the drug trade and drug use.

Giancarlo Arnao, doctor, member of the Secretariat of CORA: The cost of bureaucracy in the drug war.

Peter Reuter, economist, formerly at the Rand Corporation, Washington, Usa: Are we to continue with prohibitionism? Costs and benefits.

Amato Lamberti, director of the Observers Group on the Camorra, department of Sociology, Naples, Italy: The role of organised crime in instigating the use of drugs.

Richard Stevenson, economist, Liverpool University: The economic necessity for legalisation.

Ernesto Ugo Savona, department of Criminology, Trento University, Italy: Prohibitionism and the transformation of the problems of criminality.

Fernando Savater, philosopher,editorialist of "El Pais": Prohibitionism kills both common and civic sense.

Ernesto Galli della Loggia, department of History, Perugia University

Luigi Del Gatto, President of CORA: The chains of prohibitionism and the doctor's freedom.

Bruce Alexander, department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada: The true danger of cocaine.

Micheline Roelandt, psychiatrist in Brussels: Dependence in drug addiction - do prohibited drugs offer any clinical or epidemiological advantage?

Peter Cohen, director of the research programme on drug addiction, Amsterdam: The Dutch experience.

Thomas S. Szasz, department of Psychiatry, Syracuse University, New York: An appeal to end the longest 20th century war - the drug war.

Marc Reisinger, research psychiatrist, Brugmann University Hospital, Brussels: Preliminaries to liberalisation.

Marco Taradash, journalist, member of the Secretariat of CORA: Towards a narcocracy?

José luis Diez Ripolles, Criminal Law Department, Malaga University, Spain: The drug policy in Western Europe.

Wijnand J. Sengers: department of Social Psychiatry, University of Rotterdam, Secretary of EMNDP, the European Movement for the normalisation of drug policies: The European situation.

Marie-Andrée Bertrand, department of Criminology, Montreal University, Canada: The immorality of prohibition.

Lester Grinspoon, department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston,USA: A proposal for the regulation and taxation of the drug trade.

Jacques Baudour, psychotherapist, Brussels: Europe: heroin or methadone?

The acts of the Round Table are available at CORA on request. Please send 25.000 lire to: CORA, Via di Torre Argentina 18, 00186 Rome.

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