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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Archivio Partito radicale
NR - 30 novembre 1988
The Radical Party's document on the Congress of Zagreb

ABSTRACT: Document whereby the Radical party's secretariat tries to overcome the Yugoslav government's "negative disposition" regarding the possibility of holding the radical congress in Zagreb. The document underlines the transnational and transparty character of the Radical Party, and therefore the impossibility of calling it a "foreign" party. It also asks to illustrate the nature of the Radical Party and the reasons urging the party to ask permission to hold the congress in Zagreb directly to the Yugoslav central authorities.

(Radical News N. 262 of 30 November 1988)

The Radical Party acknowledges the negative disposition of the government and party of Belgrade concerning the possibility of authorizing the Radical Party to hold its congress from 4 to 8 January in Zagreb and - consequently - to hold the meeting of the International Antiprohibitionist League against drugs and crime in the Croatian capital from 9 to 11 January.

The radical Party recalls, on this occasion, the uninterrupted demonstration of friendship and trust which characterized its positions vis-à-vis the Yugoslav Republic. It recalls its action in the E.C. institutions to urge the E.C. itself to invite Yugoslavia to become part of the E.C. as a full-fledged member; the constant positive contribution in obtaining maximum help and trust to Belgrade in the context of the agreements in force; the public, reiterated acknowledgement of the seriousness of the Yugoslav leading class.

The Radical party has summoned its Congress in the absolute belief that its decision represented a demonstration of confidence given to the international community, to the democrats of the world, regarding the democratic evolution of Yugoslavia; for decades it has drawn attention on the fact that the Constitution of this country already includes, without any need for reforms, the possibility of a full development of the civil and political rights of the citizens, and of a "social democratic evolution and the achievement of a party pluralism" of the political and institutional society.

The Radical party has rapidly developed its characteristics as a "transnational" and "transparty" party, which it has always stated in its Statute. In the same period, over 100 Yugoslav citizens have joined the Radical Party on these bases, and everywhere its action and proposals have received positive attention. Having recalled all this, in the face of the negative disposition which seems to translate into the possibility of the congress being prohibited, on grounds that this would mean holding an unacceptable meeting of a "foreign party" on the territory of the Republic, the radical party answers with full confidence and with the characteristics of dialogue and tolerance which are typical of a party and of people who practice nonviolence.

The radical party will be ready, whatever the cost, and to the end, to accept the good reasons which might lead Belgrade to avoid being confronted with a political novelty as the radical congress would no doubt be, at a moment of grave tensions and crisis in the country.

As a party of nonviolence, we could never have problems of pride or "image" to be solved with rigor and insensitivity with regard to the difficulties of the interlocutor. Nonetheless, it is necessary to overcome the misunderstandings and the diffidences which could be artificially fostered and be aimed to disinform the Yugoslav authorities to induce them in error. Signals in this sense seem to have come, and we will not fail to underline them. We cannot accept the fact of being called a "foreign party" simply because this is false. We cannot but underline the fact that the Constitution and the very laws and codes do not seem to oppose the holding of our congress; far from it. Nor is it possible to refer to "precedents", as we are faced to a fact and a reality which are totally new. The radical party therefore will continue to prepare its congress with renewed efforts and with the maximum mobilization of its militants and of the forces involved, hoping it will be possible to hold the congress with the full co

nsent and support of the Yugoslav authorities, both federal and national. For this purpose, it addresses a public appeal and asks to illustrate its reasons and objectives directly to all the competent authorities.

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