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Negro Antonio - 13 dicembre 1988
L.U.I.M.O. - Prof. Antonio Negro.

ABSTRACT: The Homoeopathic doctor has the difficult task of analysing the patient's personal history in order to be able to prescribe the same Unique Remedy which synthesizes the patient's physiopathologic unitarian processes allowing the certain attainment of the following double aim: restore health in its totality and re-establish those values which are more apt to prevent disease.

(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).

I shall here try to contribute to the understanding of the subject: "Homoeopathic Remedy" and the responsibility of the homoeopath, with serenity and sense of duty and freedom favoured by my experience and doctrine.

The unity of measure for a true Homoeopathic Medicine which has to face medical doctrines (without compromises) is THE NATURAL LAW OF SIMILES which remains unchanged through the ages - it is a law devoid of time.

Samuel Hahnemann (the discoveror, he who codified and experimented Homoeopathy), is not concerned with the personal or traditional scientific theories because he wants to and knows he can defend man in his entirety who is naturally stimulated and urged to harmonize with the order of creation, if he does not want to become a wrong note in the concert of the universe.

Hahnemann, therefore, discovers and carries out the Responsibility of the Remedy, of which his doctrine is a jealous custodian for it considers the values of man and thus cannot be limited (and attempts to this effect are being made) to the private work of alternativity or expression of another medicine. It takes on its responsibility as original science and as moral conscience and teaches to talk of man studied as an absolute "prototype" reality of creation.

This ethic and scientific research is considered necessary by Hahnemann's Homoeopathy to better understand man as an unrepeatable person marked by the divine seal of the law of similitude, thus (the logic consequence) establishing the will of understanding the others (the law of love).

The Homoeopathic science, therefore, does not ignore the fate of man, as Hahnemann states in the ninth paragraph of his Organon or the Art of Recovery.

In choosing this subject for my talk I was encouraged by the first paragraph of Organon where one reads: "Unique and mighty aim of the doctor is to make the diseased man healthy".

The Homoeopath does not only achieve the recovery of the localized morbid process, but must aim at restoring, definately and totally, to the diseased the complete and certain awareness of the equilibrium of his vital principle which, becoming more vivid, keeps in a dynamic harmony the mysterious composition spirit-body so that each man may anjoy and show the real and absolute health.

The Homoeopathic Remedy, FOR THE CONTINUITY OF THE SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR LAW, represents the imponderable biotic entity experimented in the balanced person-subject. A SERIOUS EXPERIMENT which every homoeopath identifies when practising his profession, studies the natural pathologic development of the single diseased recognized in his individual eziopathogenetic miasmatic (or diathesic) hereditary or acquired process, AS A PERSONALIZED BIOTYPE.

The search for the Homoeopathic Remedy (which often requires much labour, as Hahnemann says), is not only designed to get the nosographic picture with which the disease described in books on pathology is diagnosed, BUT to understand and recognize the singular semeiologic total sum (that is mental, functional and organic), that is the entire single man, which documents and explains the description of the signs caused by the pathogenetic experiment caused by the substance administered in an infinitesimal dose to the healthy man who, in his unitarian individual dynamism experienced by the entire person-object, is, by reproducing the picture of psycho-organic correlationism, alike the symptomatology of the disease of the single diseased.

Therefore, the responsibility of the employment of the Homoeopathic Remedy is experienced by the doctor in an accurate research of the total symptoms of the diseased marked by his disease. This research, which the doctors consider as a diseased-remedy problem is identified in the law of similitude from which the Unique Remedy logically and experimentally stems. This Remedy, in its imponderable infinitesimal action englobes the archetype principle established in the spirituality and in the bodily condition of each single living being, that is the inborn tendency towards transcendence towards light, that is towards the stage of original perfection.

The Homoeopathic doctor, therefore, has the hard task of analysing the personal history of the diseased in order to be able to prescribe the same Unique Remedy which synthesizes the physiopathologic unitarian process of the diseased achieving (through this very careful investigation) the certainty of reaching (by virtue of the infinitesimal dynamism of the Remedy co-vibrating with the deviated vital force), the following double aim: restore health in its totality and reestablish those values which are more apt to prevent disease, and putting the healthy man in a condition of transmitting his best hereditary characteristics.

For this reason, by making the diseased healthy as Hahnemann puts it, the Remedy has the power of forging the most favourable heredity on the most regular nature of man amd makes the doctor face the actual responsibility of its employment, as clinically and pharmacologically exact as possible.

The action of the Homoeopathic Remedy gives the real proof of the most attentive ethico-scientific and sociologic consideration which is legitimately proper of Hahnemann's medical doctrine and thus pure science which by interpreting the diagnosis individually, logically formulates the therapy of each single man.

As for homoeopathy the diseased is person-subject, that is characteristic biotype in its physiologic and pathologic evolution, so, for the law of similitude, the Remedy becomes the personal and singular Remedy-object.

It is the Remedy of vitalism, scientifically experimented formulated by Hahnemann and proved in clinical medicine. This is documentated over about two centuries with moral and scientific conscience together with the certain and immense value of which the Maestro Giacinto Viola, honourable doctor in Bologna, writes: "The Italian homoeopaths, followers of Hahnemann, who study and believe in the eternal vital power which permeates life strongly hope that Italy (who first accepted Homoeopathic Medicine as documented by history) will be the first to make a law which safeguards and defends the development of teachings and the practical achievement of the sublime scientific truth discovered by Samuel Hahnemann for the future of mankind ever ready to know and respect the eternal values of life".

Talk of the true Homoeopathic Medicine always gives rise to harmful controversies by allopaths and by that Homoeopathic Medicine which Hahnemann called "hybrid". But as history teaches, we are certain that it is the path of truth which always prevails and one day we will achieve the harmony of intelligence which enjoys the sincere response of facts.

Whoever disregards the fundamental principle of similitude by introducing blundering pharmacologic methods different from those already wisely experimented by Samuel Hahnemann, deforms the legitimacy of medical vitalism as taught by the genuine Homoeopathy in clinical medicine and in therapy, confirmed in the prescription of the similar Unique Remedy which covibrates with all the reactivity of the morbid process of the single diseased.

The immense scientific value of homoeopathy (medicine of experience) has not been properly understood. It is a conscientiously construed science deformed by apparently scientific innovations.

The Remedies employed 200 years ago by Hahnemann and his school are even today the safest means of recovery as clinical results continously prove. These are the most valid testimonies of Samuel Hahnemann's warning: "Imitate me, but imitate me properly, if you wish to obtain a safe, quick and harmless recovery".

In the Treccani encyclopaedia at the voice "Homoeopathy": "The time of everlasting debates is over. Through a vast observation and experimentation regarding all morbid affections we must establish the precise boundaries within which the following statement holds true: that morbid symptoms and thus diseases can be efficaciously won and with more chances of success by small doses instead of strong doses of that drug which taken in high doses by a healthy person can produce a disease similar to the natural one which has to be treated.

To this Homoeopathy, since Hahnemann's time, has already given a remarkable contribution which must be attentively considered.

This fact has been represented for years in the clinics of L.U.I.M.O. and A.I.M.O.

Someone very superficially wrote that if Samuel Hahnemann were alive today, he would write and act in a very different way. This is false and presumptous and confirms that little is understood of the law of similitude.

Samuel Hahnemann is timeless because his study stems from the observation and the reasoning of the natural law which unchangingly resists through the centuries.

No "serious" homoeopathic doctor ignores scientific, biologic, biochemical, biophysical and genetic discoveries. From these he deducts how valuable the principles of the science of vitalism remain; the vitalism which requires an ethic and scientific foundation which enhances its doctrine as I have already states on 2nd July 1985 during a conference at the Higher Health Institute.

There cannot be a different Samuel Hahnemann, one who comprosises on the doctrine and becomes utilitaristic. It would be a man without scruples, uncertain, mediocre. Not the one who with a noble conscience, wrote: "If you know (addressing his enemies) a better method than the one proposed by the law of same, I am ready to accept it".

The cultural, ethico-scientific historicity of Samuel Hahnemann faces much opposition today and it is not accepted because it has not been studies and experienced in its entirety.

Samuel Hahnemann, foreseeing such sad years as the present ones, wrote: "And they (the homoeopathic doctors) will let Homoeopathic Medicine die because they will not understand the immense and understructible value of the law of similitude".

Hahnemann is a (moral) being who continues everlastingly. The truth of the cosmologic principle of similitude lives, lived and always will live because past, present and future are constantly real and integral in the unchanging law that God sculptured in nature - and especially in human nature.

The Homoeopathic law unites the true followers of Hahnemann. The relation science-ethic becomes moral and cultural strength and power because heart and mind are ready for meditation, as Hahnemann taught, on the mystery of life, and enjoy the triumph of the moral values that support ideas.

Hahnemann's Homoeopathy experiences the scientific reality of the individual unity of the single person as the one expressed by Nobel Prize Eccles who wrote: "The more we know of the brain, the more we become spiritualists".

Are not the studies on the individualization of the single person and on the similar imponderable unique Remedy, as true Homoeopathy teaches and deems capable of continuous manifestation of certain recovery that makes man healthy as shown by clinical facts, UNCHANGING STRENGTH? Are these not the realities which justify the truth discovered by Hahnemann?

For the above reasons the Association for the Free International University of Homoeopathic Medicine and the Italian Hahnemann Omeopathic Academy (united in the truth of the doctrine resulting from the law of same and which have been teaching for years with the sole aim of training Hahnemann Homoeopath doctors as proved by their principles) HOPE that the Senate and the Parliament will issue a law (free from compromise, and wrong formulations) which will safeguard True Homoeopathic Medicine and will consolidate, in clear and natural terms, the righteousness of the Homoeopathic Remedy to the advantage of both the Homoeopathic science and the citizen who wants to be cured according to homoeopathic principles.

Homoeopathic science does not have a fluctuating internal develpment, but remains firm on its natural principles. The arbitrary change causes the transformation of the doctrine, and this results in destruction and deviation of its ethic and scientific base.

The more the essence of the Homoeopathic doctrine is studied and achieved, the more its development achieves its highly humanitarian scope which is "to make the diseased man healthy". The cornerstone of its scientific truth is the clinical and pharmacologic experiment supported by complete vitalism expressed by the sole and eternal law of similitude and thus ask (I would rather say demand) for the juridical support capable of protecting them from the dangerous deviations of illicit compromise.

In its ethic and scientific rationality, Homoeopathic Medicine always remains constant and unchanging and its Remedies are those Hahnemann left us, certain in their clinical and pharmacologic experiment and which the homoeopath must constantly study and develop in the most severe and demanding Hahnemann experiment in the certainty of the intrinsic value of their curative power.

He who does not accept this ethico-scientific reality is very much mistaken. It is for this reason that Samuel Hahnemann's faithful followers ask for a severe law which may safeguard and defend the ethics and science of True Homoeopathy.

It is thus for social duty and scientific honesty that we ask the Senate and the Parliament to carefully and severely safeguard the actual value of Homoeopathic Medicine: keeping away negative and destructive interests which attempt at the truth, documented, as we can conscientiously and scientifically state, by numberless clinical facts.

The citizen who chooses to be guided according to the principles of Homoeopathic Medicine must be quite certain that the path he is treading, to defend his own health, is based on the faithfulness of the doctrine that the historical experience of facts confirms and documents in the experimental clinical and therapeutical survey.

The Homoeopathic Remedy has but one origin: pure pharmacologic experimentation on the healthy man (which is the great discovery of the very ingenious Samuel Hahnemann).

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