SWITZERLAND - Dr. Dario Spinedi.ABSTRACT: By severe chronic pathology I mean those diseases that experience (in allopathic medicine) are as follows: a chronic course requiring continuous or repeated treatment; a negative prognosis as regards the quality of life, or an unfavourable prognosis; diseases requiring the removal of an organ to obtain an attenuation of the disease to guarantee the very life of the patient.
(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).
By severe chronic pathology I mean those diseases that experience (in the allopathic medicine) show up as follows:
1) A chronic course requiring continuous or repeated treatment:
ulcerous colitis, aggressive chronic hepatitis, bronchial
asthma, epilepsy, ect.
2) A negative prognosis as regards the quality of life, such as
for example: polyarthritis, multiple schlerosis, endogenous
psychosis, paresis after polio or intra partum.
Or an unfavourable prognosis such as for example:
lupus eritematodes, disseminatus, hereditary polycystic,
kidney, severe psychosis with repeated attempts at suicide.
3) Diseases requiring the surgery of an organ to obtain an
attenuation of the disease to guarantee the very life of the
patient, such as for example: Werhoff's disease or the
surgery of the spleen, polycystic ovaries (Stein-Leventhal's
disease), severe endometriosis, tumours, etc.
I have treated one or more patients for each of the above pathologies and in many cases I succeeded in achieving a recovery.
a) Improvement and normalization of laboratory parametres.
b) Disappearence of the subjective and objective symptoms for
which the patient consulted me.
c) Minimum period of observation 2-3 years.
It is difficult for a single doctor to propose a statistical survey responding to modern requirements in this field.
In this respect a centre with a vast casuistry and long periods of observation should be available.
Due to the shortness of my talk, I shall have to limit myself to four cases to explain the above.
I should like to draw your attention on a case of severe acute pathology and three cases of chronic pathology.
In honour of my Maestro Dr. Jost Kunzli.
Ten years ago my wife gave birth to a child and had to undergo a Caesarian operation. This was very complicated and a state of septicaemia ensued.
Symptomatology: semi-unconsciousness, shivering, temperature at 41 degrees.
Proposal of the hospital and of the doctor who was treating her: timely administration of a combination of three antibiotics, cortisone, anticoagulating substances and ergotamine.
At this point I called Dr. Kunzli for advice. He suggested I take my wife and the new born baby home and just observe the symptoms ignoring all treatment.
Of course, my wife's doctor and the Board of doctors deemed me irresponsible and made me sign a paper in which they declined all responsibility. With the help of neighbours I took my wife home; her temperature was very high and the wound was bleeding.
Once home, I started to observe the symptoms.
As time passed, I realized that everytime I entered her room, my wife started coughing. This happened only when I entered the room.
I informed Dr. Kunzli of this strange fact and after questioning me further, he suggested I administer my wife PHOSPHORUS at the thirtieth centesimal (30CH).
At 11:00 p.m. I put on my wife's tongue a pillule of PHOSPHORUS 30CH.
The day after her temperature had disappeared.
Later I discovered in Kent's Repertory the note "coughs when someone enters the room" with a sole remedy represented by this symptom: PHOSPHORUS.
Three days later I took the stitches out from the wound and my wife and child were well again.
This is the case of a septocaemia which recovered in a night treated with PHOSPHORUS 30CH.
Three years ago a sixteen year old girl came to me.
She was crying because she did not want to take any more cortisone which, according to her, caused her stomach-ache and pain in the bones.
Diagnosis: acute ulcerous colitic condition.
Symptomatology: in the last months loss of body weight of 19 Kg., diarrhoea with blood 15-20 times a day, strong abdominal pain.
Sedimentation 54 the first hour despite a 50 mg. therapy of cortisone and salazopirine followed for many months.
The choice of the Homoeopathic Remedy fell on MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS, especially because the patient was always dreaming of people cut to pieces: legs, arms and heads, all cut up, or people without head or inferior limbs.
In Kent's Repertory under the note "Mutilation" we find, among other remedies, MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS which covers the totality of the patient's symptoms.
MERCURIUS at the two hundredth centesimal (200CH) is prescribed.
Course of disease: cortisone is put aside at once. A month later the abdominal pain disappears. Feces almost normal.
Six months later: sedimentation has lowered from 54 to 28 without employment of cortisone. Normal feces. Weight increase of 10 Kg.
A year later there was a check-up at the University Hospital of Berne which acknowledged a great objective and subjective improvement of the patient. Hospital advice: continue the Homoeopathic treatment.
This is an example of respect of the rights of others on the part of the allopathic colleagues.
The third patient comes to me on 06/06/1986. Thirty years old.
Diagnosis: purple idiopathic haemorrhagia or Werlhoff's disease.
The diagnosis had been effected in 1984 and since then, for two years, the patient had been treated unsuccessfully with cortisone.
This is why the doctor suggested surgery of the spleen.
Laboratory data: 20.000 platelets.
The antibodies againist the thrombocytes are extremely high.
The G immunoglobulines on the thrombocytes are, for example, 685 whereas the normal number is 10 at the highest. The IgM are 2.110 whereas the normal number is 10 at the highest.
The Homoeopathic treatment starts on 06/06/1986 with CROTALUS HORRIDUS, that is the poison of the rattle snake.
This Remedy was chosen firstly on the strong symptom "aversion for loved ones". Her father, for instance, loved her very dearly, but she felt uneasy in his presence. This was also true for the other members of her family.
On 6th June, 1986 she was administered a dose of CROTALUS HORRIDUS at the thounsandth centesimal (C) and cortisone was immediately and totally suspended.
On 20th August, that is two months later, the patient called me saying that she was perfectly well and that she had 220.000 thrombocytes.
Her relations with the family had not yet improved and her last menstruation had been painful. It was thus decided to repeat the administration of one pillule of CROTALUS at the thousandth centesimale (C 1000) on 1st September, 1986.
60 days later the thrombocytes were 246.000. Her relations with the family had improved, but menstruation was still painful. Therefore on 20th November, 1986 it was decided to give her CROTALUS at the tenththousandth centesimale (C 10.000).
Two years have elapsed since then. The patient has regained an excellent health and thrombocytes have always been over the limit of 200.000.
The idea of spleen surgery was abandoned and this was the very reason for which the patient had consulted me.
Five years ago a young homosexual patient came to me suffering from chronic aggressive B type hepatitis and with very high hepatic enzymes and transaminasis.
He had been taking cortisone for three years yet transaminasis and gamma-GT remained high.
Despite the opposition of the doctor who was treating him, a Professor in gastroenterology who stated that he would give up his profession if Homoeopathy succeded in curing his patient, the patient started the Homoeopathic treatment.
The Remedy was NATRIUM MURIATICUM, the simple kitchen salt which, dynamized has miraculous faculties.
It is not by chance alone that an Oriental philosopher wrote: "There is something strangely holy in salt, found both in the oceans and in our tears".
NATRIUM MURIATICUM at the thousandth centesimal (C 1.000) is administered to the patient on 21/09/1983. Transaminasis are GOT 149, GPT 230 (I refer to the old values).
On November 18th, 1983, that is two months later, values reach 86 and 113 which means that they were halved with a single pillule of kitchen salt, dynamized and without even one mg. of cortisone.
Without any further administration of the remedy until 26/02/1984, 5 months later, transaminasis were almost normal:GOT 27 and GPT 38.
After a sentimental crisis in June 1984, values rise to 74 GOT and 105 GPT. NATRIUM MURIATICUM at the thousandth is again administered. Three months later, on 27th September, 1984, values are again normal.
The Professor in gastoenterology speaks of a probable recovery because gamma GT values have returned normal.
On 09/10/1985, a year later, the last dose was administered and, without an apparent reason, values become very high, and reach 330 GOT and 590 GPT.
A dose of NATRIUM MURIATICUM at the hundredthousandth centesimal (C 100.000) is repeated on 26th May, 1986, that is a year after the last dose, because of a further sentimental crisis and a deep psychic depression. Despite this episode laboratory values remained normal.
On June 17th, 1987, another dose of the Remedy was administered again because of sentimental problems which were liable to unbalance this very weak patient.
In the last two years all the laboratory values have kept normal and we may thus speak of recovery.
Exams: GOT, GPT, Gamma-GT, alkaline phosphatitis, hepatitis antibodies and antigenes.
The psycho-physical condition of the patient is greatly improved and he is now in a condition to overcome the daily difficulties of life.
Observation period: 5 years.
Pillules administered in this period: six.