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Clauser Pierluigi - 13 dicembre 1988

L.U.I.M.O. - Dr. Pierluigi Clauser.

ABSTRACT: The benefits of Homoeopathy applied to animal rearing may be summarized in Paracelsus' inference "Cito tuto et iucunde".

Thus we must turn to quick cures, ecologic and non polluting, harmless and non toxic both for the animals and consequently also as regards the derived products.

(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).

The high technologic pressure of intensive animal raising for economic reasons is not absorbed without damages by the different animal species.

The animal's capacity of overcoming stress and resisting infectious diseases prevaling in intensive raising is totally insufficient.

Classical infectious diseases caused by a sole agent, for the identification of which Kock's postulates are still valid, have gradually disappeared; they have been replaced in part by multifactor infectious diseases resulting from a synergic action between microbic and non microbic factors and in part from immunitarian diseases which develop on immuno deficient subjects and induced by opportunist infecting agents.

The above multifactor infectious diseases are very difficult to diagnose. They do not satisfy Kock's postulates and their pathogenesis is not quite clear and opportunist microorganisms are retained responsible for them: these alone would not be able to cause infections, but they become pathogenous in concomitance with factors of stress among which hiatrogenous factors which greatly lower the natural resistance of the single animal or of the group.

The infectious syndrome deriving from this is an enzootic disease tightly bound to animal raising, because this is when the conditions favouring the aggression of opportunist microorganisms take place.

Infections due to immunitary deficiency are one of the greatest problems of the present day intensive raising.

Examples of these syndromes are those infections from opportunist microorganisms which systematically concern the new-born of certain genetic lines, the recurrent infections that on an allergic basis affect particular groups during the weaning stage or during the fattening stage; and lastly those infections ensuing from mass treatments with antibiotics, anabolizing substances and immuno suppressive drugs.

Typical infectious diseases, especially those with a highly pathogenic are treated with drastic sanitary programmes such as the killing of all infected animals or just suspected of infection or with large scale vaccination programmes which foresee the immunization of all receptive animals existing in the area at risk.

The result of these programmes is not always satisfying (as shown by the recent recrudescence of epizootic aphta).

As regards multifactor infectious diseases connected with immunitarian deficiencies, the systems of defence are inefficient.

According to me the role of immuno deficiency of hiatrogenous origin in intensive rearing is of the utmost importance: commercial interests, indiscriminate applications of antibiotics, cortisone and anabolizing substances, immuno modulators and antiparasitarian substances have made the immunitarian system both of the single individual and of the species very frail; mass medication has increased and multiplied the dangers and the alterations of the sanitary qualities of zootechnic products; the breeder, the veterinary, the consumer often look on without being able to do anything about it.

The problem of residual drug substances in the zootechnic products consumed by man (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) has mobilized the various public health bodies responsible for the control of this foodstuff. However, despite the accuracy of laboratory tests now available, the absolute absence of residual substances will never be guaranteed.

The considerable increase of antibiotic resistance, of diseases of an allergic nature could partly be due to the presence of residual substances in food of animal origin.

As regards the above, the employment of a Homoeopathic theraphy in veterinary science would be very welcome especially as regards prevention and treatment of animals designed for zootechnic production. This, not only to safeguard the animal's health, but that of consumers as in this way the problem of residual substance would be totally eliminated.

The benefits of Homoeopathy applied to animal rearing may be summarized in Paracelsus' inference "Cito tuto et iucunde".

Thus we must turn to quick cures, ecologic and non polluting, harmless and non toxic both for the animals and the consequences on the derived products.

Homoeopathic treatment is mild and causes no sufferings for the animals; indeed, the convalescence period is shortened and the animal quickly recovers its strength and productivity.

As regards the nature of each single individual, Homoeopathy strengthens the immunitarian defences and is thus able to reduce and slowly eliminate the syndromes connected with immuno deficiency formerly held responsible for the damages to our zootechny.

The single animal and thus the entire breeding are made more resistant to diseases, less receptive, healthier and in a condition to render all that their nature, that is their genetic code, allows them. We will thus have better quality products and unexceptionable as regards health.

Last, but not least, there would be a reduction of costs.

If we think that in the management of animal rearing, the sanitary expenses for drugs alone may in certain cases reach 1/5 of the value of the animal. This effects the budget of the firm negatively and thus the future is jeopardized; with the use of the Unitarian Homoeopathic product the above expenditure would be almost cancelled and this to the advantage of the rearer and of the entire zootechny and also of the final cost of the derivated product.

Finally, the spread of Homoeopathy as a natural and non violent therapy, in veterinary science and particularly within the zootechnic field would mean a further impulse to the development of hygiene and public health and guarantee consumers with healthier and more genuine products.

Let us remember the assumption of the Old Salerno School: "Custodit vitam, qui custodit sanitatem, sed prior est sanitas quam curatis morbi".

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