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Ortega Proceso Sanchez - 13 dicembre 1988
L.U.I.M.O. - Dr. Proceso Sanchez Ortega.

ABSTRACT: The fact that individuals react and get ill according to their own nature is the principle of the individuality of pathology. The medicine cannot be replaced with another. This is the medicinal individuality.

(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).

In Homoeopathy unicism means prescribing a single medicine at a time. According to Galen the indication, just as in Homoeopathy, is the evident need for a particular action.

The action expected by administering the medicine may be deduced only by a drug submitted to Pure Experimentation, that is by a drug which has produced, in the healthy person, a series of phenomena similar in everything to the functional and structural disorders which we know as diseases.

Homoeopathy, a method of treatment discovered and defined by Samuel Hahnemann, doctor of medicine, rises to a condition of principle, the condition of individuality referred to the diseased, who as a human being in unrepeatable and to each drug which, when experimented on the human body, shows its particular form and action and the simpler, the more natural it is the better.

Homoeopathy is not just another system among the many which try to eliminate or stop the sufferings from diseases, but is the true method of treatment: scientific because it reproduces experimentally what nature shows by treating diseases with a relation of similitude.

If medicines are experimented isolated it is mandatory to administer them in the same individual form.

The Homoeopathic method is formed by various principles or postulates related and complementary. None of them can be omitted without destroying the relation of the whole.

Experimentation on the healthy person, as fas as possible in respect of health, underlines the "Vis Medicatrix Naturae" of Hippocrates or the "Natura Morborum Medicatrix" and that is the fact that nature is the best doctor.

The fact that individuals react and get ill according to their own nature is the principle of morbid individuality.

The medicine cannot be replaced with another. This is the medicinal individuality.

The medicine acquires the characteristics of a remedy by administering it according to the principles of similes. On this basis of similitude, the more the medicine is dynamized the better is its action. Thus experience brings to the minimum dose according to the numberless daily medical experiences which faithfully follow Hahnemann's method.

In their intimacy, morbid processes are more recognizable and verifiable, disorders of vital energies, energies producing all the possible functions and manifestations of the human organism.

The Homoeopathic Remedy must have the qualities and the capacity to operate on the vital dynamism or disturbed energies and also modify, where possible, the anomalous structures which lie in the patient as a ground. The Remedy must be absolutely specific for the nature of the patient during the development of the disease and of his life.

The Homoeopathic method, according to its scientific characteristics, has the capacity of foretelling and that is allows the development of its postulates. In agreement with science, all the principles forming this method have developped.

Pure Experimentation multiplies and increases and perfections and no deviation or approximation is acceptable.

In every achieved recovery we notice and underline the curative action of nature and the best result is obtained with the relation of similitude of the Remedy.

Modern physics is trying to find an explanation for the imponderable doses that the true homoeopaths employ.

Nowadays both morbific and curative actions may be explained only as energetic variations.

The predisposing or constitutional factor, meant as the basis of all true pathologic entity, (idea of ground or psycho-somatics), is inevitable in the pathogenesis of the various diseases which find no solution in surgery.

Only the lack of a true vocation or the desire to shorten the necessary clinical and global reasearch on the patient, can generate temptations of complexism, pluralism and multiple medicinal drugs.

To prescribe the medicines available in Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia according to indications of an organ-tropic kind or mixed together and thus deviating from the necessary consideration of the whole, as the method requires, is very different and even contrary to Homoeopathy. According to Hahnemann and the classical authors of his time and of ours, these practices are condemnable, not only because they deviate from the indications of the method, but because they are transcendently harmful for the patient.

True Homoeopathy may be practised only according to the Unique Remedy, considerably dynamized, capable of individualizing the particular sufferings of the patient.

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