FRANCE - Dr. Anais Atmadjian.(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).
Each of us is unique, as regards our experiences and what we have experienced and seen since childhood, even earlier, since our intrauterine life.
President, Ladies and Gentlemen, while the world is in the throes of extremely serious vicissitudes and the sky and the earth tremble fearfully: 7,5 on 9 degrees of the Richter scale, we meet here to speak of the true value of the Homoeopathic Remedy:
- It is indeed capable of a powerful action on each individual
suffering in body and soul.
- The diseased may indeed stop his suffering, all his suffering,
but at a sole condition: that the Remedy be prescribed and
chosen according to the laws of art, according to the
homoeopathic methodology, according to the basic principles
established by the founder Samuel Hahnemann.
The human being in its whole presents certain alikenesses and similitudes with the other individuals of its species. The physiological functions may be defined and considered a norm.
- For the same individual in case he achieves an intense bodily
effort (sports for instance) or a strong mental effort.
- Or according to individuals developping in very different
parts of the world, such as mountains, the North Pole, etc.
We find alikeness in our way of eating, sleeping, loving; alikeness which becomes stronger if we are born in the same cultural, sociologic and geographic environment, etc., and despite this we are not all alike.
Each of us is unique in its kind, each is unique as regards his experiences and what he has seen since childhood and since our intrauterine life.
We are sole and unique in our way of listening and vibrating to outer stimuli, of perceiving the echoes of situations the way these reach us.
Each present situation brings us back to situations previously experienced which have left in our childhood recollections of happiness, pleasure and suffering which form a mnemonic trace which may not be cancelled. Indeed, we speak of cellular memory.
The suffering we evoke is personal and peculiar to the person who experiences it: the Individual is unique, unique in body, mind and entire life.
More than one thousand unique specific homoeopathic remedies representing each one of them a self-sufficient entity (never use compound remedies).
These entities are natural, never of synthesis, and come from the vegetable, animal or mineral world and are available to the homoeopathic doctor who has made a diagnosis of his patient and his disease, to relief him from pain and achieve the goal: the one clearly enunciated by Samuel Hahnemann in the first paragraph of Organon or the Art of Recovery (first edition 1810):
"The first and sole vocation of a doctor is of reestablishing health in diseased people and that is achieve recovery".
The encounter is the following: a natural substance, properly diluted and above all dynamized to empower its pharmacodynamic properties, is put at the disposal of an individual, unique in the manifestation of his suffering for he is the sole to present the same symptomatic whole: this symptomatic whole is determined solely in the life of that individual and of no one else.
The circumstances giving rise to the present disorders are exclusive and personal to that particular patient.
The whole of these circumstances which have accumulated through the years, which originate in childhodd, are specific for each diseased and always come in the same way and, each time, in circumstances not identical but similar. It would thus be a mistake to believe that all diseased may be faced in the same way, though they may be suffering from the same disease.
This would be insufficient for the doctor and unsatisfactory for the patient and his suffering. In common pathologies we have a different context for each individual.
Homoeopathic medicine gives an answer for each individual case. If applied in the respect of the basic methodology, it is a medical tecnique which facilitates in an amazing manner the return to basic health, the health which stems from its natural source.
It is a medical tecnique which greatly facilitates the deep set, true, fundamental achievement of each human being, of each individual. Thus doing the individual places his actions in agreement with his unconscious and harmony reigns between reality and unconscious.
Do we need a definition of the therapeutic action?
It may only be that the unique Homoeopathic Remedy is the therapeutics of the unique individual.