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Benveniste Jacques - 13 dicembre 1988
Dr. Jacques Benveniste

Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale

I N S E R M U 200 Université Paris sud (Paris XI)

Immunofharmacologie de l'allergie et de l'inflammation.

ABSTRACT The explanation of the action mechanism of high concentrations requires complex studies in physics and biology. These should result in establishing the existence of a molecular organization of water capable of preserving and trasmitting biologic information (metamolecular biology).

(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).

Recent and present history concerning the "memory of water" is rich in interrogatives more than in teachings.

We have obtained experimental results with animals and on isolated cells, which supply very strong scientific topics in favour of the effect of high dilution in which there are no more, or in a very low number, molecules which may "normally" induce a biological effect.

Three sets of surveys show that certain products, some of which employed in homoeopathic therapeutics, are capable of affecting the behaviour of cells even when highly diluted.

Very high dilutions of Silicea, known in Homoeopathy for its capacity of increasing immunitarian defences in inflammations, repeatedly stimulate the cells of the peritoneum of mice. Mice were administered Silicea at 10-11 and 10-19 M for 25 days (in biology, active concentrations seldom decrease below 10-10 M). The production by the cells of an inflammatory molecule, the paf factor, suddenly increased from 30 to 65% in the mice treated in respect of those not treated. The differences observed are highly significant in all the experiences. These results clearly prove the cellular effect of high Silicea dilutions, effect which is not explained at the present stage of our knowledge. (1)

Our two surveys compare the efficacy of high dilutions of substances capable of stimulating specifically the human basophils. When the polynucleate basophils (a glass of white corpuscles) are subjected to appropriate stimuli, they lose their granules and do not colour any more. This is due to the presence of these cells of high affinity molecules, the immunoglobulines E (IgE).

High and low dilutions of human anti-IgE goat antiserum cause the loss of colour (acromasia) of these cells.

Subsequent degranulation peaks (40 60%) of the basophilys present in suspensions of leucocytes of the blood are observed with the anti-IgE antiserum diluted by 10 in 10 or 100 in 100 at the 10-6 M upto concentrations much inferior to those commonly used in classical pharmacology, for instance 10-126 M (theoretic). The same process, applied to a goat antiserum (human anti-IgE) with different specificity does not give any result. (2)

We have proved, however, that high concentrations of two homoeopathic products, lung histamine and Apis Mellifica employed in the treatment of allergic diseases inhibit noticeably the degranulation of basophils induced by anti-IgE of 10-16 and 10-18 M antibodies. (3)

The explanation of the action mechanism of high concentrations requires complex studies in physics and biology. These should result in establishing the existence of a molecular organization of water capable of preserving and trasmitting biologic information (metamolecular biology): they imply an international multidisciplinary cooperation and expensive means of research. If public powers listen to official experts, the necessary money will not be allotted and Europe will miss this opportunity just as it has missed biotechnologies, the biologic and medical genius, and above all A.I.D.S. the existence of which cannot be concealed. However, if our results were confirmed, they could have a strong impact on our knowledge and reveal a new state of molecular organization of matter (the first articles of basic physics on the subject are now beginning to appear) and also allow a new pharmacologic approach (infrapharmacologic?) of the control of cellular functions in physiology and pathology. This would open a new

age and permit to spot out new industrial applications and not only biological .... probably in Japan.

Challenges are what make us go: according to us the bet, certainly immense, is worth the game. Success of defeat, this daring will never be forgiven by the old elites of our old continent whose policies have never believed in fantastic ideas which later proved true.


1. Davenas E. Poitevin B. Benveniste J. Effect on mouse

peritoneal macrophages of very high diluitions of silica.

Eur J. Pharmacol., 1987, 135: 313 - 319.

2. Davenas E. Beauvais F. Amara J. Oberbaum M. Robinzon B.

Miadonna A. Tedeschi A. Pomeranz B. Forther P, Belon P.

Sainte-Laudy J. Poitevin B. Benveniste J. Human basophil

degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE.

Nature, 1988, 333: 816 - 818.

3. Poitevin B. Davenas E. Benveniste J. In vitro immunological

degranulation of human basophil is modulated by Lung

Histamine and Apis Mellifica. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 1988,

25: 439 - 444.

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