Dr. Primo Mastrantoni - Biologist, Secretary of the Radical Commitee for Consumer rights - Italy.ABSTRACT: Often people turn to non conventional medicine because they suffer from hyatrogeneous diseases.
In Italy there is no verification of the effects of tested drugs, which are often unknown to the Ministry of Health.
(Papers of the Transnational Conference: "THE HOMOEOPATIC REMEDY-NON-MEDICINE. A PROPOSAL FOR RECOGNITION" - Rome 12th and 13th december 1988).
In Italy about one million people turn to Homoeopathic Medicine, 1,500 doctors practise it and 3,000 chemist's sell its products for proceeds for about 30 billion lire.
This sector is not regulated by law and thus the citizen is not guaranteed as regards the quality of the homoeopathic product. One blindly truts the chemist and the producing firm. In Holland about 20% of the people is treated with non conventional medicine (homoeopathy, agopuncture, etc.).
Often people turn to non conventional medicine because they suffer from hyatrogeneous diseases (antibiotics, cortisone based drugs, psycho-drugs).
This is especially true in Italy where there is no verification of drugs and their effects, on a considerable part of the population, are unknow to the Ministry of Health except for some extreme case or for cases brought up by foreign publications.
Thus a drug experimented on 2,000-3,000 people has different effects on the following million consumers who remain unknown.
The relation between doctor and patient to which little attention is paid in allopathic medicine is greatly underlined in Homoeopathic Medicine, where a visit lasts an average of 30 minutes and special attention is paid to the patient's past and his way of life.
It is quite clear, however, that the time has come to regulate this sector, not only at a national level, but throughout Europe and this must start with the Homoeopathic Remedy.
The European Bill of Law 87/21 established that within one year the criteria of production and trading authorizations of a class of products, among which the Homoeopathic Remedy, had to be fixed.
Time has passed and homoeopathic products have not yet been regulated.
The legislative initiative submitted aims at disciplinating and regulating the sale of Homoeopathic Remedies, with the necessary guarantees as regards production processes, preservation and sale.
Unfortunately, our legislators need time and are often overcome by phenomena of regulation obeying more to market logic than to quality guarantees.
The fact that many proposals have been made on this issue leads us to hope in a rapid and serious regulation of this sector.
All we can do urge Parliament to take care of the matter and this is the main reason for our presence here.