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Sengers Wijnand J. - 1 aprile 1989
by Wijnand J.Sengers

(First preliminary English edition - April 1989 - 76 pages - Special number of the EMNDP-Newsletter, ISSN 1011-1336

(This document is subdivided in 10 texts within Agora'. To retreive the texts please digit the key-word "drug policy").

5.1 References:

United Nations Handbook 1987. Published by: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wellington. Available through the New Zealand Embassy in The Hague (tel 070469324).

Organisation outline of the European Commission 1987:

The Commission and it's secretariat; the assignment of duties of the commissioners; the 21 directorates general; etc

The United Nations and Drug Abuse Control. U.N., New York, 1987. 102 pp. ISBN 9211003148. UN publication Sales No. E.87.I.8 Multilingual Dictionary of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances under International Control (U.N.DND, 1985)

"Woordenboek Reclassering" dictionary for aftercare services for discharged prisoners (it gives current ideas concerned with aftercare work in Dutch, French, German and English). Published in 1985 by the foreign dept. of the Dutch federation of aftercare services ("afd. buitenland van de Ned Fed van reclasseringsinstellingen") in Den Bosch. Tel 073123221.

U.N. System of Organisations and Directory of Senior Officials 1987/88. Secretariat of ACC. U.N., New York.

WHO handbook of resolutions and decisions of the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board. Geneva, WHO, Volume II, 1985.

WHOpublikations after 1979 about illicit drugs and 'drug abuse'.

. Resource Book on Measures to reduce illicit Demand for Drugs. Division on Narcotic Drugs, Vienna. U.N. New York 1979. 107 pages.

. Drug Problems in the Sociocultural Context; A basis for policies and programme planning. edited by Griffith Edwards Awni Arif. Public Health Papers No. 73. 1980. 258 pages. ISBN 92 4 130073 6

. Review of General Population Surveys of Drug Abuse. by Lloyd D. Johnson. WHO Offset Publication No 52. 1980. 57 pages. ISBN 92 4 170052 1

. Drug Abuse Reporting Systems. by I.Rootman P.H.Hughes. WHO Offset Publication No 55. 1980. 98 pages. ISBN 92 4 17005 6.

. Extent of Drug Abuse: An international review with implications for health planners. by P.H.Hughes, Canavan, Jarvis Arif. World Health Statistics Quarterly, 1983. Vol. 36, No 3/4.

. Guidelines for the Control of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances in the context of the international treaties. by B.Rexed, K.Edmondson, I.Khan R.J.Samsom. 1984. 141 pages. ISBN 92 4 154172 5

. SubstanceAbuse Education for Health Professionals. Report on a WHO Consultation. Vienna 2022 May 1984. WHO Regional Office for Europe. EUR/ICP/ADA 013. English only. Unedited.

. The relevance of biological factors in the development of drug abuse. Report on a WHO Workshop, Copenhagen 2223 Febr 1988. WHO Regional Office for Europe. EUR/ICP/ADA 522. English only. Unedited.

. Drugs and Punishment; An uptodate interregional survey on drugrelated offences. UNSDRI Publication No. 30. Rome, February 1988 Papers of the international antiprohibitionism forum in Brussels (28th september 1st october 1988). Edited by CO.R.A., Roma (Via Torre Argentina 18): The Costs of Prohibition on Drugs. 236 pages. 1989. In Italian and English edition.

5.2 Monographs

Giancarlo Arnao. Four books in Italian;

James B. Bakalar and Lester Grinspoon. Drug Control in a Free Society. Cambridge University Press 1984 (paperback, 1988)

de Beaufort, chapter 3 from the De Beaufort report: criminal investigations, proceedings and criminal procedure policy; opium laws and delicts; report of the working party on the pilot study on criminal proceedings and punishment concerning the opium law and delicts, June 1987 (available from: The Justice Ministry, afd Staats en strafrecht, The Hague).

HansGeorg Behr. Weltmacht Droge.

Behr, HansGeorg und Andreas Juhnke u.a. Drogenpolitik in der Bundesrepublik. Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 1985 (280 Seite).

Virginia Berridge Griffith Edwards. Opium and the People; Opiat Use in NineteenthCentury England. Yale University Press New Haven and London 1987. 370 pp.

Berridge (Virginia). Drug Research in Europe. ISDD, 1989.

Marie Andrée Bertrand (University of Montreal)

Edward M.Brecher and the Editors of Consumer Reports. Licit Illicit Drugs. Little, Brown and Company (BostonToronto), 1972. 623 pp incl Index.

Wilhelm Burian und Irmgard EisenbachStangl (Hrsg.). Hachisch: Prohibition oder Legalisierung. Ursachen und Folgen des Cannabisverbots. Beltz Verlag, Weinheim und Basel, 1982. 184 Seiten.

Dorn, Nicholas Nigel South. A Land Fit for Heroin? (McMillan, London, 1987; 187 pp).

Drogenproblematik im Wandel. Symposium organisiert von der Carl KoechlinStiftung, Basel. Dieter Thommen, Herausgeber. ISPAPress, 1988. Included are the lectures of 'drugsnormalisers' such as Engelsman, Gysin and Sengers.

Michael Gossop. Living with Drugs. Wildhood House, England. Second edition 1987.

Helmer, John. Drugs and Minority Oppression.

J.H. Henderson (Regional Officer for Mental Health, WHO, Regional Office for Europe). WHO European Programme on Prevention and Control of Abuse of Psychoactive Drugs. Lecture on the symposium of december 1984 te Warschau (see 3.3.18 sub XIV)

Anthony Henman, Roger Lewis Tim Malyon. Big Deal; The politics of the illicit drugs business. Pluto Press, London and Sidney, 1985. 211 pages.

Henner Hess. Rauchen (Geschichte, Geschäfte, Gefahren). Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 1987.

Abbie Hoffman Jonathan Silvers. Steal This Urine Test; Fighting Drug Hysteria in America. Pinguin Book, 1987.

Marec Kohn. Narcomania; On Heroin. Faber Faber, London 1987. 176 pages. Lettieri, Dan J., Sayers and Wallenstein Pearson (eds) Theories on Drug Abuse. NIDA Research Monograph 30, 1980. US Government Printing Office.

Leuw,E. Een criminologische visie op deviant druggebruik (= A Criminological vision on Deviant Drug Use). in: Goos,C.J.M. van der Wal, H.J. (editorial staff on drug use). Samasom, 1981

Logan, F. Cannabis, Options for Control. London, 1979.

Lunde. see DDD (Chapter 7)

Maas, B. Drugs in Europe. Published in four languages by the Socialist fraction Europian Parliament. September 1987.

Mader,R. und Strotska, H. (Hrsg.). Drogenpolitik zwischen Therapie und Strafe. Wien, 1980.

Musto, David F. The American Disease: Origins of narcotic control. Oxford University Press. Reprinted 1987.

Platt, J.J. Labat,C. Heroin Addiction; Theory, research and treatment. N.Y. 1976.

Quensel, Stefan. Drogenelend. Cannabis, Heroin, Methadon: Für eine neue Drogenpolitik. Frankfurt/N.Y.,1982.

RAND Corporation, the. J. Michael Polich, Ellickson, Reuter Kahan. Strategies for Controlling Adolescent Drug Use. 1984.

Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Drug Problem in the Member States of the Community. Reporter: Sir Jack StewartClark.

European Parliament. Working Documents. ASeries. Document A 2114/86. 2 October 1986.

Peter Reuter (Rand Corporation)

Schaef, Anne Wilson. When Society becames an Addict. Harper, San Francisco, 1987.

Scheerer, Sebastian Irmgard Vogt (ed) Drogen und Drogenpolitik; een Handbuch. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt/New York, 1989, 502 pp.

Schenk, J. Droge und Gesellschaft. 1975

Schmerl, Christiane. Drogenabhängigkeit; Kritische Analyse psychologischer und soziologischer Erklärungsansätze. Westdeutscher Verlag 1984. 202 pages.

Schur, J.. Narcotic Addiction in Britain and America (1962).

Schur, E.M. Crimes without victims. Englewood Cliffs, 1965.

Stewart Clark, Sir Jack (see: Report of the Committee Drug Problems in the European Community, 1986)

Thamm, Berndt Georg. Drogenfreigabe: Kapitulation oder Auswege? Verlag Deutsche Polizeiliteratur GMBH (Reihe Polizei und Politik), 1989.

Trebach, Arnold. The Heroin Solution. Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1982. 331 pp.

Ben Whitaker. The Global Fix: The Politics of drug addiction. Methuen, London.

Steven Wisotsky. Breaking the Impasse in the War on Drugs. Greenwood Press, 1986.

Jock Young. The Drugtakers. Bladin, London 1971.


Report of the symposium "Het drugbeleid in een impasse?" Erasmus universiteit Rotterdam

5.3 Bulletins

U.N.DND quarterly Bulletin on Narcotic Drugs

YearReports of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB, Vienna).

SCRIP, an international weekly newspaper on medicine supplies, see further under 7.

5.4 Journals:

(a) Specific journals

Bulletin on Narcotics. United Nations, Division of Narcotic Drugs

Drugs and Drug policy

Kriminologisches Journal


The Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. HaightAshbury Free Medical Clinic. 409 Clayton Street. San Francisco, CA 94117

Psychotropes. Un journal d'information sur les drogues et leurs usages. First published in 1984. A quarterly published magazine in French speaking areas (France, Canada, Belgium and la Suisse Romande).

Journal of Drug Issues

U.S. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence

The Merseyside Drugs Journal (10 Maryland Street, Liverpool L1 9BX, tel 0517093511); in July 1989 the title will be: International Journal on Drug Policy

International Journal of the Addictions. Addiction Research Foundation, Toronto, Canada.

Dialogue on Drugs; the Newsletter of the Concerned Citizin's Drug Study and Educational Society (Canada). Started in 1987. No.4 (Summer,1988)

Common Sense for America. A quarterly periodical of NORML

Druglink (U.K.)

Newsletter (a quarterly) of the European Movement for the Normalization of Drug Policy. Postbox 2579, NL 3000 CN Roterdam

Amsterdams Drug Tijdschrift

Interventions. Journal de ANIT (France). See 3.3.09

(b) Medical journals that publish articles concerning the drug addition problematic:

The Lancet

New England Journal of Medicine


British Medical Journal

5.5 Important articles:

see under the different headings and subheadings.

The spread of drugs. South (monthly journal), Londen (August 1988).

Time (May 30, 1988) and Newsweek (May 30, 1988): extensive articles on the topic 'Should drugs be made legal?'.

Economisch Statistische Berichten (ESB) published in 1984 a special on the heroin market.

J.M.A. van Atteveld. "Het Nederlandse drugsbeleid in vergelijking met andere Westeuropese landen" (= The Dutch Drug Policy compared to

other West European Countries):liberal? (TADP, jrg 14, no 1, april 1988 pages 312.

5.6 Notes

Commission of Inquiry into the NonMedical Use of Drugs. 1973. Final Report. Ottawa: Information Canada.

Ruimte in het drugbeleid (Space in the drugs policy), The Hulsman Commitee, BoomMeppel 1971

VSD (Verein Schweizerischer Drogenfachleute) Perspektiven einer neuen Drogenpolitik. Herbst 1986.

National Academy of Science. Marijuana and Health. Nationale Academy Press (Washington, USA), 1982.

National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse: "Drug Use in America; Problem in Perspective". U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, 1973

idem. "Marijuana: A signal of misunderstanding". (1972)

National Research Council. Committee on Substance Abuse and Human Behavior 1982. An Analysis of Marijuana Policy. Washington, National Academy Press.

5.7 Documentaries

Killing the Dragon, documentary of Mick Scaky (Yorkshire, 1988) about the treatment of addicts in a Buddist monstery near to Bngkok, where since 1969 60,000 individuals have been treated, of which 70% have definety kicked the habit. This is (partly ?) financed by UNFDAC.

5.8 Documentation centres and libraries

The intention here is to mention every documentation centre and library specialized on the subject of illicit drugs, where ever it may be in the world.

Archido = Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum für Deutschsprachige Drogenliteratur. See 7 and 3.3.08.

Institut de Documentation et Recherche Européenne sur la Toxicomanie (I.D.R.E.T.) of le Patriarche. Established in 1983. See 3.3.09 and 7.

Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (ISDD, Londen), see 7.

Nederlands Instituut voor Alcohol en Drugs (NIAD, Utrecht), see 7.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA, Rockville, USA), see 7.

SWIDOC Amsterdam. See: chapter 7.

FADINDID (Madrid). See: Chap.7.

Centre Nationale de Documentation sur les Toxicomanies (C.N.D.T.). See 3.3.09 and Chap. 7

5.9 Authors on the subject 'normalisation of drug policy'

Aebersold, Peter (Basel); Brecher, Edward (West Cornwall, CT USA); Alexander, Bruce (Burnaby, Canada); Apap, Georges (Valence, Fr); Arnao, Guancarlo (Rome); van Atteveld, J.M.A.(Tilburg, NL); Bakalar, James and Lester Grinspoon (Harvard Medical School, Boston); Baudour, Jacques (Brussels); Behr H.G. und Juhnke, A. (Hamburg?); Marie Andrée Bertrand (Montreal, Canada); Manuela CarmenaCastillo (Malaga, Spain); Cohen, Peter (Amsterdam); Christie, Niels (Oslo); Diez Ripolles, José Luis (Dean of the Faculty of Laws, Malaga, Sp.); Del Gatto, Luigi (Roma); Dorn, Nicholas (London, ISDD); Engelsman, Eddy (The Hague);

EisenbachStangl, Irmgard (Vienna); del Gatto, Luigi, CO.R.A., Rome); Gossop, Michael (London); Grinspoon, Lester (Cambridge, MA USA); Gysin, Remo (Basel); Hoffman, Abbie; Hulsman, Louk (Dordrecht NL); Inciardi, James (Newark, DE USA); de Jong, Wouter (Rotterdam); Joset, Pierre (Basel); Lewis, Roger (Roma); Leuw, Ed (The Hague); van Mastrigt, Hans (Rotterdam); Nadelmann, A. (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ USA); Newcombe, Russell (Liverpool); Pannella, Marco (Radical Party, Roma and Europarlementarian Rainbo fraction); O'Hare, Pat (Liverpool); Peele, Stanton (USA); Plomp, H.N. (Amsterdam); Quensel, Stephan (Bremen); Roelandt, Micheline (Brussels); Rüter, Frits (University of Amsterdam); Scheerer, Sebastian (Bremen); Schmerl, Christiane (Bielefeld, FRG); Sengers, Wijnand (Rotterdam); South, Nigel (ISDD, London); Stevenson, Richard (University of Liverpool); Stöver, Heino (Bremen); Szasz, Thomas (Syracuse University, New York); Tarradash, Marco (Rome); Trebach, Arnold (Washington); van der Valk, Peter (Rott

erdam); Winslöw, Jacob (Copenhagen); Wisotsky, Steven (Fort Laurendale, FL USA); Zinberg, Norman (Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA USA).

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