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Sengers Wijnand J. - 1 aprile 1989
by Wijnand J.Sengers

(First preliminary English edition - April 1989 - 76 pages - Special number of the EMNDP-Newsletter, ISSN 1011-1336

(This document is subdivided in 10 texts within Agora'. To retreive the texts please digit the key-word "drug policy").

ACDC= see 3.3.21

AFIT = ? (Belgium, see 3.3.03)

AITQ = ? (Quebec, Canada)

AMCD = Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. See 3.3.25

ANIT = Association National des Intervenants en Toxicomanie. Secretariat: 7, rue de la Résistance, Fr 42000 StEtienne.

Tel: See 3.3.09

AJK= Arbeitskreis Junger Kriminologen. See: 3.3.08

APA= American Psychiatric Association (Washington D.C.)

ARCHIDO = Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum für Deutschsprachige Drogenliteratur. Fachbereich 9, Universität Bremen, Bibliothekstr. 33, 2800 Bremen (FRG). Tel: 0421/218 3173. Documentalist: Heino Stöver. See: 3.3.08

ASBI = ? (Belgium, see 3.3.03)

AUS = die antiprohibitionistische Union Sloveniens (see AZS)

AZS = Antiprohibitionisticna Sveza Slovenije. See 3.3.27, XII.

BAG = (Schweizerisches) Bundesamt Gesundheitswesen. Bolwerck 27, CH3003 Bern; tel 031619111. See 3.3.24

BD= Bundestags Drucksache. See 3.3.08

BDK= Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter. See 3.3.08

BGBl Bundes Gesetzblatt (BRD). See 3.3.08

BtMG= Betäubungsmittel Gesetz (in de BRD). See 3.3.08

BetmG = Betäubungsmittelgesetz (der Schweiz). See 3.3.24

BKA= Bundes Kriminal Amt (in de BRD). Se: 3.3.08

BRD= Bundes Republik Deutschland (=FRG). See 3.3.08

CANNABIS CAMPAIGN: see Legalize Cannabis Campaign

CCC = Customs Cooperation Council. See

CEE = ? (France, see 3.3.09)

C.E.M.R. = Council of European Municipalities and Regions. Secretaryship: Kapoenstraat 30, NL 6211 KW Maastricht. Tel 043250245. (see: 3.4)

C.F.I. = Central Funding Initiative. See 3.3.25, IIIb (U.K.)

C.I.D. = ? (Paris). See: 3.07 (France)

C.I.D.M. = Center for International Drug Monitoring (Uppsala). see under WHO.

C.I.T. = Commission d'Information Toxicomaniques (Belgium). see 3.3.03

C.M.O. = Comprehensive Multidisciplinary Outline of future activities in drug abuse control (see 3.1.1)

C.N.A.D. = Concertation Nationale Alcool Drogues. See 3.3.03 (Belgium)

CND = UN/ECOSOC Commission on Narcotic Drugs. Address see U.N., Office in Vienna. See:

CNDT = Centre Nationale de Documentation sur les Toxicomanies 14, avenue de Berthelot, Fr69007 Lyon. Tel:72729307. See 3.3.09

Concerned Citizens Drug Study and Educational Society. 5589 Keith Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5J 3C4, Canada. Tel 4379329. See 2.12

CO.R.A.= Coordinamento Radicale AntiProibizionista (Radical Antiprohibition Committee; COordination Radicale Antiprohibitionniste). Marco Taradash. Via di Torre Argentina 18, 00186 Roma (It.) Tel 3966547775/6547760. Telefax (396) 6545396. See: 3.3.12

. CORA Groupe de travail de Bruxelles. Réunion les 1e et 3e jeudis du mois, ŕ 19 heures au 25 rue du Prince Royal 1050 Bruxelles. Tel 5127603 ou 2304121.

C.P.A.D. = Concertation Préventive Alcool Drogues (see 3.3.03, Belgium)

CRI= Centrale Recherche en Informatiedienst (= Central investigations and Information Services). P.O. box 20304, NL 2500 EH The Hague; tel 070769911. See: The Netherlands (3.3.16)

CSDHA = Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations). Vienne International Center, P.O.Box 500, A1400 Vienne. Tel 26310. See

DEA= Drug Enforcement Administration (USA) See

DDD = Defined daily doses (Lunde, 1972) dosage for the level of use per year per 1000 population. See: 5.

DDR= Deutsche Demokratische Republik (capital: Berlin) (=GDR)

DHSS (England) = ? see: Pearson. Young people and heroin (1987).

DMW= Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift

DND = U.N. Division of Narcotic Drugs. See

Adress: see U.N., Office in Vienna

DPF= Drug Policy Foundation (prof A.Trebach, Washington). Address: 4410 Massachusetts Avenue N.W., Suite 330, Washington D.C. 20016.8121, USA. Tel 202291.2482. Second address: 4801 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20016. Tel 2028951634. See: 2.12

DSMIIIR = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Third EditionRevised). Published by APA, Washington D.C., 1987. 567 pp.

E.C. = European Community. Rue de la Loi 200, 1049 Bruxelles. Tel 2351111. See: 3.1.2

ECOSOC = Economic and Social Council (of the U.N.). See CND

EMNDP= European Movement for the Normalization of Drug Policy (Postbox 2579, NL3000 CN Rotterdam; Tel 31.10.4771077). See: 2.12 and 4.7

EPS = see 3.1.2

FAD = Fondación de Ayuda contre la Drogadicción. Alcadá 101, 2e dcha, 28009 Madrid. Tel 2759774/2760356/2769780. See 3.3.22 See also INDID.

FDR= Fachverband Drogen und Rauschmittel (in de BRD). See: 3.3.08

FIRST = Formation Intervention Recherche Sida Toxicomanie. 27, Rue Pierre Nicole, Fr 75005 Paris. Tél. 16(1)43258252. President: A. Charles Nicolas. Director: Dr Didien Touzeau. See 3.3.09.

FNJB = Federatie Nederlandse Junkie Bonden (postbox 362, NL8200 AJ Lelystad. Tel 03200471000). See: 3.3.16

FRG = Federal Republic of Germany (capital: Bonn) = BDR

GAL = Grün Alternative Liste (Hamburg). See: 3.3.08

GDR = German Democratic Republic (= DDR). Capital: Berlin

GP = general practitioner (Great Britain). See: 3.3.25

HAI = Health Action International. Memberorganisation of IOCU. Emmastraat 9, 2595 EG The Hague tel 070476331. See IOCU

HMSO = Her Majesty's Stationary Office (London, UK) =the editor of governments publications.

HONLEA = Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies. See

HMSO = Her Majesty's Stationary Office (United Kingdom). See 3.3.25

IACU = International Association of Consumers Unions

director: L.O.Broch (The Hague). Central office: Emmastraat 9, NL2595 EG Den Haag, tel 070476331. See:

The IACU (1960) is the link between more than 150 consumer organisations worldwide. Using a fivepoint "Charter for Consumer Action", IOCU encourages: critical awareness, action, social responsibility, and solidarity so that consumers everywhere can play their full role in achieving a just and fair society.

ICAA = International Council on Alcohol and Abuse (Mr Miss dr Tongue, Lausanne). ICAA is a NGO of WHO. See 2.12

ICD.9 = International Classification of Diseases (9th edition) of the World Health Organisation (Geneva)

ICPO/Interpol = International Criminal Police Organisation (Paris, France). See and

IDRET = Institut de Documentation et Recherches Européenne sur la Toxicomanie. See 5.8. Adress: Patriarche.IFPMA = International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations. See:

IMS = Institute for Medical Statistics. This is an international commercial enterprise that collects marketing data about the medical supplies for trade and industry. IMS data are not available to the public, it is only by way of extreme exception provided to a third party.

INCB= International Narcotics Control Board. See Address: see UN, Vienna.

INDID = Instituto de Documentación e Información sobra Drogodependencias (Madrid). It forms a division of FAD. See FAD.

INJ = Institut National de la Jeunesse. See 3.3.09

INSERM = ? See 3.3.09 (France)

(International) League against Prohibition. See: League against Prohibition.

Interpol = ICPO

IPA = International Police Association (still to be established?)

IPDC = Portuguese Society for legalisation of cannabis. Adress: Carlos M.G.Gilot (coordinator), Apartado 8077, 1801 Lisboa Codex. Tel

Lisboa312563. See: 3.3.19

ISBN= International Standard Book Number

ISDD= Institute for the Study of Drug Dependence (14 Hatton Place, Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8ND; tel 014301991). See: 3.3.25

KB = Koninklijke Bibliotheek te Den Haag (Royal Library of the Netherlands)

KUB = Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (Catholic University of Brabant); the address is :postbox 90153, NL5000LE Tilburg (tel 013669111);

LEAGUE AGAINST PROHIBITION (founded April 1, 1989 in Rome). President: prof Marie Andrée Bertrand (University of Montreal, School of Criminology; C.P.6128, succursale A. Montreal (Quebec H3C 3J7, Canada). General secretary: Peter Cohen (Amsterdam). Treasurer: Berndt Georg Thamm (Berlin). Address of the secretariat (JeanLuc Robert: 93, Rue Belliard (Bat. Rom 508), 1040 Brussels. Tel 32.2.2304121. Fax 32.2.2303670. See 2.12

LEGALIZE CANNABIS CAMPAIGN. BM Box 2455, GBLondon WC1N3XX. Or: Mathew Atha, 55 Abbeydal Road, Sheffield S7.1FA. Tel 0742385122 or 425122 or 01.5851031.

LENAD= Italian national ligue antidroga. See: 3.3.13

de LOOR, August. Info/adviesburo Drugs. Kerkstraat 170 hs, NL1017 GT Amsterdam. Tel 31.20.237943.

MDHG= Medischsociale Dienst Heroine Gebruikers (medical and social services for heroin users); the address is: Binnenkant 46,

NL1011 BR Amsterdam; tel 010244775. See: 3.3.16

MILT = 71 rue Saint Dominique, 75007 Paris. See 3.3.09

NCB= Nationale Centrale Bureaus (see: Schengen Agreement, 3.2.5)

Ned.Stcrt= Nederlandse Staatscourant (Dutch government gazette). ISSN 01695037. Postbox 20014, NL 2500 EA 's Gravenhage (The Hague) See: 3.3.16

NGO = Non Governmental Organisation

NIAD= Nederlands instituut voor alcohol en drugs (Dutch institute for drugs and alcohol); the address is: St. Jacobstraat 6c, postbox 725, NL3500 AS Utrecht; tel 030341300. See: 3.3.16

NIDA= National Institute of Drug Abuse (Rockville, Mass., USA). See: 1.5.1 and

NORML = National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (USA, Canada). Red. Common Sense for America: 2001 S Street NW. Washington D.C. 20009. See: 2.12

NRC = NRC Handelsblad (the most influencial daily journal in the Netherlands) Postbox 824, NL3000 DL Rotterdam; Tel 31.10.4066111).

OCRTIS = l'Office central de répression contre le trafic illicite de stupéfiants (France). 127, rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008 Paris. See: 3.3.09

P.A.D.A. = Parents against drug abuse (USA)

PARTITO RADIKALE (= Radical Party). Via di Torre Argentina 18, It 00186 Rome, tel 6.6547775. See: 3.3.13 and 2.12

le PATRIARCHE, (Association le Patriarche international, 1968). Chateau de la Motte, Saint Cezert. Fr31330 Grenade sur Garonne. Tel.61.826747. Direction Internationale: C/Rufzafa, 38 46006 Valencia (Espagne), tel 6.3746962. See 3.3.09

PLURALIS = ? (see 3.3.09)

PPWG = see sub c.

RAND Corporation, The. 2100 M.Street NW, Washington D.C., 200371270. Tel 202.296.5000. Peter Reuter, senior economist.

ReSolv = Society for the Prevention of Solvent and Volatile Substance Abuse. St. Mary's Chambers, 19 Station Road, Stone ST15 8JP (England). ReSolv Newsletter.

RODIS = Rotterdams Drugs Informatie Systeem (an anonymic registration of all clients in Rotterdam by Public Health Office it started 1988). See 3.3.16

SCRIP is an international weekly on medical supplies. SCRIP Head Office: 1820 Hill Rise, Richmond, Surrey TW10 6UA (U.K.). Tel 01 948 3262.

SGG= Suchtgift Gesetz (Austria). See: 3.3.02

Stb.= Staatsblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. (Statute Book of the Kingdom of The Netherlands) See: 3.3.16

Stcrt.= see Ned. Stcrt.

SWIDOC = SociaalWetenschappelijk Informatie en Documentatiecentrum van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen (Social Sciences' information and documentation centre of the Royal Dutch

Academy of Science); Address: Herengracht 410, 1017 BX Amsterdam. Tel 020225061. See: 3.3.16

SWOAD = stichting wetenschappelijk onderzoek alcohol en drugs (scientific research foundation for alcohol and drugs in the Netherlands); see: NIAD. See: 3.3.16

TADP = Tijdschrift voor alcohol, drugs en andere psychotrope stoffen (Journal alcohol, drugs and other psyhotropic substances); the address is: De Savornin Lohmanlaan 68, NL9722 HK Groningen.

Trb.= Tractatenblad van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden (Treaty Book of The Kingdom of the Netherlands). See: 3.3.16

Tw.K.= Tweede Kamer der Statengeneraal in Nederland (House of Representatives in the Dutch parliament; The Hague). See 3.3.16

TREVI= (the police consultation body of the U.N. and E.C. which deals with matters of internal Security). See and 3.1.4

UN= United Nations. U.N. Office at Vienna: Vienna International Centre, P.O.Box 500, A1400 Vienna (Austria). Tel (222)2631 and extension for direct dialling. See: 2.01 and 3.1.1

UN Division on Narcotic Drugs (DND). Address see UN (Office at Vienna).

UNFDAC= United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control. See Address: see U.N. Office in Vienna.

UNSDRI = United Nations Social Defence Research Institute. Via Giulia 52, 00186 Rome, tel 6875301/6877437/6541610. Director: Mr Ugo Leone (see

V.A.D. = Vereniging Alcohol Drugs (Society for alcohol and drugs), Belgium. See: 3.3.03

VSD = Verein Schweizerischer Drogenfachleute. see 3.3.23. (secr: Elisabeth Schenk, Rebenweg 16, CH4143 Dornach; tel 61722636)

WHO = World Health Organisation (Geneva, 20 Avenue Appia. Tel 022912111). See

Regional Office for Europe: 8, Scherfigvej, DK 2100 Copenhagen. Denmark. Tel (01)290111.

WHO Collaborating Center for International Drug Monitoring CIDM (Uppsala) is soley concerned with the side effects of medicines. Het Nederlandse Bureau Bijwerking Geneesmiddelen (the Dutch Bureau for the side effects of medicines (headinspector of medicines, state inspectorate of public health) maintains contact with the CIDM

WRR = Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid (scientific council for government policy in the Netherlands); the address is: Plein 2, The Hague.

W.S. = Wijnand Sengers (composor of this cumulative inventory concerning illicit drugs). Adress: Mathenesserlaan 359a, NL 3023 GC Rotterdam. Tel 31.10.4771077. No fax. See page 1 and 2.

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