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Archivio Partito radicale
Cosma Neagu - 8 ottobre 1991
The Transnational Radical Party
by Neagu Cosma

ABSTRACT: Some parts of an "exceptional" article from the very mysterious weekly "Spionaj-contraspionaj" from Bucarest. A lesson of, at least, imagination.

(Spionaj-contraspionaj, Bucharest, Nr. 8, October 1991)

(...) Mr. deputy Imre Andras works toughly, without any shame or fear. As he had seen that the legal authorities, concerned with the defence of the peace in the country and its territorial integrity weren't disturbed at all by his unlawful actions, mr. deputy has extended the field of his actions and relations which ought to throw gas on the irredentist fire. He connected his efforts to those of the Transnational Radical Party, a party which, as his name tells it, should function all over the world.

How much it succeeded to organise itself in the world - we don't know and we are not interested in it. What the Romanians and Romania is interested in is the "Coordination Office for Central and Eastern Europe", with its headquarters in Budapest. This "office" is leaded by Dupuis Olivier Eduard, born on 25.02.1958 in Belgium, where he lives; his profession is sociologist. He suddenly fell in love with Romania after the events in December 1989 and, since then, he visits the country frequently - he stays shorter or longer periods, depending on where he comes from. He stays around longer when he comes from Budapest, because he must see many people also connected with invisible wires to this capital. Each time he is going to the UDMR organisations from Timisoara, Arad, Brasov, Cluj, Sfintu Gheorghe, Miercurea Ciuc. And betwen the ones who he is friendly talking, underminig the country (Romania), there are usually Imre Andras and Borbely Erno, both members of the UDMR parlamentarian group. Mr. Dupuis regularly vi

sits them at the Dorobanti hotel, where they live when they come to Bucharest. Borbely E. has been arrested in 1983 for anti-Romanian irredentist activities, for the benefit of the Hungarian state. Released after four years, he emigrated in Hungary, where from he came back after December 1989, to continue more efficiently the dismembering of the country.

Mr. Dupuis doesn't avoid having relationships with parlamentarians and non-parlamentarians from the leadership of the PNL, as well as with leaders of the Alianta Civica. The internationalist belgian worked out to set up organisations of the TRP in Bucharest, with someone called Barabas as a leader, in Brasov (Popescu Alexandru), Sfintu Gheorghe (Raduly Janos), Timisoara (Borza Adrian). The same Dupuis set up in Romania the "Radical Association for the United States of Europe", leaded by Borza A. - Timisoara and the "Radical Association for the Anglo-Saxon System", leaded by Sorina Alexandru.

The program of the TRP, including, of course, its organisations, is the federalisation of Eastern Europe's countries, to brake them into little states and, in a second phase, to reunify them upon Hungarian wishes and formulas.

This party, by its "office" from Budapest is publishing and asserting, by its own newspaper - "The New Party", edited in Rome, with exceptional graphics in many languages, including Romanian - and other printed matters edited in the Hungarian capital, nationalist and irredentist ideas, in tune with Budapest's efforts to convince the world that, concerning its territorial wishes, it has justice on its side.

Where does Mr. Dupuis get from the money for such an intensive propaganda and activity? It is not hard to guess. In fact, this is the chain which holds together Dupuis, Borbely, Imre Andras...

Because it is an international and impartial party, the Federal Council of the RP published, on Sept. 22nd this year, in Rome, a motion concerning the events from Yougoslavia, which reflects the aims of this party. We wish to present only 3 paragraphs: "Everyone must admit that the yougoslavian federal institutions have no more any basis of legality;... there must be commenced the recognition of the republics and autonomous regimes from the ex-Yougoslavia as subjects of international law... The International Community must give supranational guaranties for respecting the rights of national, ethnical and religious minorities inside each republic and region".

As we can see, this "party" interferes insolently in the sovereign states's affairs, in order to brake them into pieces and undermine the stability in the zone. And, as these dirty businesses cannot be made without the help of some traitors, we will name some of them: Emil Iovanescu, from Lugoj, living in Budapest, "clerk" at the Coordination Office for Central..., in fact agent of the Hungarian Information Service.

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