ABSTRACT: Motion, presented by radical parliamentarians of the European Federalist Group, which binds the government to operate for the transformation of the E.C. into European Union, in conformity with the guidelines repeatedly expressed by the Italian Parliament.
The Chamber,
- recalling the stances taken by the Italian Parliament in favour of the transformation of the E.C. into a federally-based European Union, the results of the referendum of 18 June 1989, the proposals of the European Parliament in relation to the modifications of the E.C. treaties (Martin report) and of the Constitution of the European Union (Colombo report), as well as of the final declaration of the Conference of Parliaments of the European Community and the contribution of the Italian delegation;
- recalling the undertaking by the Italian government to endorse the results of the inter-governmental conferences only if they are passed by the European Parliament, and welcoming the resolution passed by the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium on 27 June 1991, according to which it "will in no case pass the modifications of the treaties if the results of the inter-governmental Conferences are not conform to the final declaration of the Conference of Parliament of the European Community", and will not pass "the results of the two inter-governmental Conferences if the European Parliament denies its assent owing to the lack of the indispensable democratic legitimacy";
- underlining the fact that the definition of a new international order, and in particular the U.N.'s adjustment to the new world situation call for the prior enhancement of the process of political and economic integration in the different regions of the world, and that this is most urgent and necessary in the European continent, where the old system has been replaced by a situation in which dangerous nationalist and racist tendencies could prevail;
- having taken cognizance, as far as the reform of the E.C. is concerned, of the draft treaties developed by the Luxembourg and Dutch Presidencies;
binds the government
1. to urge the development and presentation of a proposal for the modification of the treaties - on the basis of the guidelines given by the European Council of Rome in relation to the realization of Political, Economic and Monetary Union, and on the basis of the contributions of the national governments in the preparatory stages of the inter-governmental Conferences and in the negotiations themselves, and on the basis also of the proposals of the European Parliament itself - on the part of the Commission of the European Communities, which already in the inter-governmental Conference of Luxembourg of 1985 proved capable of taking into account the interests of the E.C. and of the Member States;
2. to submit a political statement to the European Council - to be endorsed by the twelve Heads of State and of Government or by those who wish to - which on the one hand should stress the need to transform the Community into a federally-based European Union, according to a well-defined and binding agenda and a democratic method, and on the other hand should express the resolve of the E.C. Member States to adopt all the measures relative to constitutional, political and economic order to give a clear and positive answer to the wish of the democratic countries of Central and Eastern Europe to join the E.C.;
3. to state its willingness to endorse a treaty instituting Political, Economic and Monetary Union on the following bases:
a) the E.C. will replace the European Economic Communities, the EMS, the inter-governmental cooperation in relation to foreign and security policy, domestic affairs and European juridical space, according to a single legal and constitutional system, especially as regards the powers and the competences of the four institutions of the E.C., the decision-making procedures, the jurisdictional implementation and control;
b) the E.C. should be competent in point of foreign and security policy - which should include the defence sphere by means of a progressive integration into the E.C. structure of the sectors which are currently managed according to the intergovernmental method. By way of transition, some of the executive competences may be delegated to the WEU, under the political control of the European Council, in the expectation that the organization of the Western European Union will be dissolved at the expiry of the Treaty of Brussels in 1998, and its competences will be attributed to the E.C.;
c) the treaty which institutes Political Union should contain a new series of association-adhesion agreements, designed to establish, by way of transition, the relations of the E.C.- especially as regards the common foreign and security policy - , legal and financial instruments to create a strong economic, monetary, social, environmental, energetic, scientific, technological and infrastructural cooperation, and measures to enable a progressive harmonization and convergence between the Twelve and the States applying for membership in the E.C.;
d) the law should be the chief source of E.C. law, replacing the current normative acts (regulations and directives). In the definition of the nature and of the contents of the law, the authority of the outline law, in order to enable the national parliaments to take legislative measures for the transposition into the domestic law and thus take part in the final phase of the E.C. legislative production;
e) the law should be adopted according to procedures enabling the European Parliament and the Council to express their explicit assent on the final text of the act to be promulgated. The fields of application of the law and the procedures for its passage should be extended to all the sectors of the E.C.'s legislative activity at the latest by the beginning of the fourth legislature of the European Parliament;
f) in cases in which the procedure for the passage of the law does not intervene, the European Parliament should have a power of conform opinion, especially in relation to the E.C. citizenship, the uniform electoral procedure, the new autonomous resources, the extension of the competences, the constitutional modifications and the passage of international agreements;
g) as a rule, the Council of Ministers should vote by majority, with the exception of the sole constitutional decisions;
h) the Commission should be appointed at the beginning of each legislature and legitimated by a double vote of investiture of the European Parliament on the composition of the Board and on the program. The role of the President of the Commission should be enhanced, with the attribution of the power to choose the commissioners in agreement with the European Council;
i) the objective of economic and social cohesion should be included in the Treaty and be part of every common policy;
l) the regions should be associated to the process of European integration by means of the creation of an independent consultive committee, whose members are to be appointed by the regional bodies and whose competences - in matters of regional interest - should be similar to those attributed to the Economic and Social Committee.
4. to demand that the results of the inter-governmental Conferences be submitted to the European Parliament for approval, before being definitively signed by the governments and submitted to national ratifications.