ABSTRACT. The Transnational Radical Party's secretariat in Brussels issued a press release (divided in four news agency deliveries) concerning the demonstration held in Cannes on June 26, in the occasion of the 15 European countries meeting, asking for the immediate adhesion of Bosnia to the EU. The four releases offer a complete overview of the event. Quite interesting, in the second post the Radical Party is defined as a "group" recently recognized as a "non- hierarchical organization" by the UN.
Brussels - Yesterday morning from 11 am to 1 pm the announced demonstration of European Parliament and transnational Radical Party members for the immediate adhesion of Bosnia-Erzegovina to EU took place nearby the Palais des Festivals where the European Council meeting is being held.
More than 600 people, mostly from Spain, Italy and France, showed up with signs and posters (written in the various EU languages and in Esperanto) asking for the adhesion of Bosnia-Erzegovina to EU as a tool to achieve a political and peaceful solution to the Bosnia war.
Among others were also present: Marco Pannella, Bernard Kouchner, José Maria Mendiluce, Alex Langer, Gianfranco Dell'Alba, Magda Alvoet, Monica Baldi, Léonide Van Bladel, Pierre Pradier, Conceptio Ferrer and the Radical Party secretary Olivier Dupuis.
At the same time a similar rally was held at the French-Italian border in Ventimiglia, where French authorities blocked two buses with about 100 people from Croatia, Bosnia, Albany and Italy, thus preventing them from reaching Cannes.
In the afternoon, members of the EP and the secretary of the Radical Party met the European Council President, Jacques Chirac, and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hervé de Charette. Bernard Kouchner explained, in behalf of his colleagues, the reasons supporting the immediate entrance of Bosnia in the EU. While the European Council President was neutral concerning both aggressors and assailed, Marco Pannella wished to Jacques Chirac to not find out later that the current EU attitude was similar to Europe in the 30's, the Europe of Chamberlain et Daladier.
Cannes - Since this morning several hundreds people are demonstrating in front of the Cannes town hall building, about 200 meters from the Congress Palace where in the afternoon the EU meeting will be held, asking for an "immediate adhesion-adoption" of Bosnia to the EU.
The demonstration has been called as a follow-up to an appeal signed by 150 members of EP, including Marco Pannella, Gerardo Bianco, Gianpietro Boniperti, Leoluca Orlando, Pino Rauti and Alex Langer. In the afternoon a delegation of demonstrating people will meet Jacques Chirac, as current president di of EU meeting, delivering him a document outlining the proposal for the adhesion of the Balkan country. The 15 European leaders are scheduled to discuss this evening the Balkan crisis, with the participation of the new EU mediator, former Sweden Prime Minister Carl Bildt.
While conveyed people were shouting slogans like "neutrality=indignity" and "Free Bosnia", Pannella talked to them denouncing "the Hitler policy, the shame policy" managed by Europe in the Bosnian crisis. "We must prevent any new offense against the right to life in Bosnia otherwise all of us will surrend our right to life," Pannella said. At the demonstration were also present the Italian members of EP Monica Baldi (Fi), Gianfranco Dell'Alba (Reformers) and Alex Langer (chief of Greens).
Ventimiglia - This morning at the Italian-French border of Ventimiglia four buses with about 200 people from Italy, Bosnia, and Croatia, and activists of the Radical Party leading to Cannes to monitor the EU meeting, were blocked by French officials.
The group, asking for the adhesion of Bosnia to the EU but not allowed to cross the border, organized a demonstration (including flags and signs) right at the border site. A few hour later, only two buses with Italian citizens were allowed to enter France.
As pointed out by Danilo Quinto, treasurer of the Radical Party, this is the first public demonstration of the Party after last Friday, when it had been recognized by the UN as a "non- hierarchical organization".
Ventimiglia - A demonstration of about 200 people from Italy, Bosnia and Croatia, and activists of the Radical Party, leading to Cannes to monitor the EU meeting, blocked at the Italian-French border of Ventimiglia.
Those people, aboard of four buses, are asking for the adhesion of Bosnia to the EU, thus sustaining their right to cross the border to reach Cannes.
Sergio D'Elia, executive of the Radical Party, said the demonstration will go ahead for the entire day at the border site, if these people will not be allowed to reach Cannes.
Cannes - The former Sweden Prime Minister Carl Bildt, European mediator in ex-Jugoslavia territories, must obtain great power along with huge diplomatic and military tools to defend Sarajevo. This is the wish of President of France Jacques Chirac, as current president of EU meeting. In the working dinner at the end of the first meeting day, Chirac will introduce his action plan for Bosnia. According to source close to the French President, this evening "it will be outlined a comprehensive battlefield scene, including a series of specific actions to be pursued, and Mr. Bildt will receive the necessary tools to achieve his goals: means for both diplomatic pressure and military actions, including UN troops and French, English, and Dutch soldiers of the rapid reaction division. Mr. Bildt mission will be simple ed effective, with two very specific objectives in Sarajevo". Mr. Bildt, who yesterday has already met with Mr. Chirac in Paris, will partecipate at the working dinner with the 15 EU Foreign Ministers and
will met later on European Prime Ministers and Presidents.