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Conferenza Antimilitarismo
Kiriazis Christos - 9 maggio 1996
Ri: Tribunale crimini di querra

Scritto il 8-Mag-96 alle 08:14:45 da vetoulis@pppl.gov:

Ieri ho ricevuto questo e-mail. A chi interessa pou' consultarsi i links

VP> From vetoulis@pppl.gov Wed May 8 08:05:03 1996 VP> To: macedonia@husc.harvard.edu VP> Subject: Gia to dikasthrio egklhmatiwn polemou sthn prwhn-Yougkoslabia

VP> In The News - Int'l Criminal Tribunal For Former VP> Yugoslavia

VP> The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former VP> Yugoslavia, the first war tribunal since the end of VP> World War II, begins today in The Hague in the VP> Netherlands. A World Wide Web site, maintained by the VP> press and information office of the tribunal, has its VP> own Web page with the latest news. The UN news page also VP> offers some information. When we looked, the most VP> current press releases dated back to October so maybe VP> CNN will be the best place to watch for breaking news!

VP> World Wide Web:*http://www.igc.apc.org/tribunal/* World VP> Wide Web:*http://www.un.org/News/* World Wide Web:

VP> *http://www.cnn.com/*

--- MMMR v4.50reg * C.Kiriazis@agora.stm.it

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