MOSCOW. (IMA-Press). The press conference dedicated to the examination of criminal case against Vadim Hesse, which finished the day before in Noginsk city court, has taken place on May 14. Vadim Hesse has been arrested in October 1995 for refusing to serve in the army on political reasons. He was accused in committing crime provided by the article 80 of Russian Criminal Code - "evading the regular draft to the military service". Hesse protested against war in Chechnya, absence in the country a law on alternative civilian service and hampering the democratic military reform. As it was reported, judge Elena Raskevich passed the justification verdict following article 59 (part 3) of Russian Constitution. Nikolaj Khramov, secretary of Anti-militarist Radical Association told to the journalists: "Justification verdict is an event of extra-ordinary importance. It proves that Russia becomes a State of Law."