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Conferenza Antimilitarismo
Adamo Pasquale - 14 settembre 1996
Global Initiative has mobilized 100.000 young people for a worldwide school and
youth strike for nuclear disarmament. This event will take place on September

17, 1996, the International Day of Peace.

Now the committee of Global Initiative is invited by the UN-Headquarters.

After having written several letters to Mr. Boutros-Ghali and the Security

Council asking for immediate disarmament, the Committee of Global Initiative

will be received by Mr. Prvoslav Davinic, Director of the Centre for Disarmament

Affairs, during the week of September 9 to 15. Furthermore, the group will meet

with important NGOs like the NGO Committee on Disarmament", Peace Action",

Pathways to Peace" and others. In Switzerland, Global Initiative is cooperating

with Greenpeace.

For the ceremonies of Peace day, Swiss ecologist Bruno Manser will come to Biel,

and the major of the city will speak as well. There will be activities in other

Swiss and German cities, but also in The Gambia, Kenya, Ghana, South America and

the Philippines.

There will be two central elements on the 17th of September: The minute of

silence at 12 o'clock noon, and Hear the Children Day". Hear the Children Day

shall be an occasion for children and youth to present their thoughts, hopes and

fears concerning the future to the media on a large scale.

The schools are asked to help organise Hear the Children Day" and the school

strike activities, and to prepare, if possible, the subjects concerning

disarmament and world peace.

Global Initiative has just won the Futurist of the Year"-Award of Heineken

together with three other applicants. 3500 essays from over 100 countries have

been sent to the jury. The price money of US $ 2500 will be used for the trip

to New York. As a next step, the building of small autonomous groups for peace

(Peace Cells) is encouraged which support the aims of Global Initiative in their

own way.

The journey to New York and its preparation will be documented by the Swiss TV.


The committee of Global Initiative invites to an informal meeting on

Monday, 9th of September 1996, 3 p.m., at the Church Centre opposite UN

Headquarters, Dag Hammarskjold Lounge, 12th floor, NY

We are mainly young people under 21 and we are quite dynamic. We would

like to meet with people who agree with our slogan: One must start with the

impossible in order to reach the possible".

In particular, we ask you to support our negotiations with Mr. Davinic,

Director of the Centre for Disarmament Affairs at the UN, which will take place

during the same week. Also, we would like to ask you if you can support in

general the activities of Global Initiative, and if we can mention this support

in our documents and interviews. Please check out before we come, if such a

support from your organisation is possible.

For detailed information, please look at our homepage.

In the hope to meet many of you in New York

Franziska (18) and Dr. Roland Schutzbach, Stefan Meier (18), Raphael Rossel (20)

Phone and Fax: +41 32 832458

URL: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/Roland_Schutzbach_10

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