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Conferenza droga
Cicciomessere Roberto - 6 maggio 1990
AIDS and drugs and...hunger
On the "Mercurio" supplement of yesterday's issue of La Repubblica, I read a review which I believe to be interesting because it suggests a non-conventional thesis on the diffusion of AIDS. I am obviously in no condition to give an evaluation. The book, "AIDS, the Acquired Immune Deficiency" was written by Maurizio Luca Moretti, director of the Miami Nutrition Research Center.

Summarizing: the cause of AIDS would not be, as Robert Gallo states, the HIV virus, but "an immunologic damage produced by a gradual weakening of the affected organism. The Hiv-virus is only one of the factors, perhaps not even the determinant one, of acquired immuno-deficiency".

I will invite you to read the rest of the review on your own, particularly the strong polemic with Gallo, concentrating on the question of the relationship between prohibited drugs and AIDS: "AIDS is simply the last link of a chain, of a "cycle" of acquired immuno-deficiency due to progressive infections. Drug-addicts and homosexuals are liable to have direct contact, through blood, with two of the substances which are the nost effective transporters of pathogenous germs: fecal matter and the so-called street-drugs, which could be eliminated by adopting anti-prohibitionist measures, that is state drugs puryfied in laboratories".

Moretti also realtes hunger to AIDS. Talking about Africa and Romania he states that "Malnutrition in itself produces immuno-deficiency, exposing the human organism to several diseases and infections. It is not by chance that in Africa people die of immuno-deficiency before having AIDS".

Does anyone have further information on this debate which seems to set one school of researchers against another? It would be important to know more about it, in order to add new reasons to the anti-prohibitionist battle.

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