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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza droga
Partito Radicale Olivier - 1 maggio 1995

The Dutch legislative policies on drugs has represented and represents still a field of experiment for the government of the plague caused by illegal drugs.

Your country, compared to all the other European countries, is the least exposed to the spread of AIDS and to the ferocious violence of crime that in other countries maintains the absolute monopoly of the production and sale of such substances.

Having given to the users the possibility not only to avoid jail, but also of not having to rely on criminality for their supply, having provided the means to avoid the violent spread of AIDS, these have to be more than valid reasons to continue pursuing the path taken.

The Dutch legislative policies on drugs have represented and represent still a model to imitate not for ideological reasons, but the results obtained in reducing the number of heavy drugs users, of social and health control and of the decrease of risks involved in drug use; furthermore for its character of courageous undertaking of responsibility. These policies are, contrary to those of our countries, a democratic and respectful shield for all citizens, in the interest of all citizens.

With full respect to your autonomy of decision,

WE URGE YOU not to modify in a prohibitionist way your legislation;

WE ASK YOU to disseminate in all European countries your results in governing the plague of illegal drugs.


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