1. Objective
The action is meant to support the Dutch government's tolerant policy on drugs and to encourage it not to retreat into a more prohibitive stand. The immediate goal is to present a petition to the Dutch representative in as many cities as possible. If there is no Dutch embassy or consulate in your town, the petition can be handed over to the representative of the french embassy or consulate or of the country representing the Dutch interests.
2. Local participation
The organizers will inform the local groups about any other groups in the same locality that participate in the event,so that these can be contacted for coordinated action. It is of course of great importance that you invite as many other groups as possible to participate. All local groups that participate in the demonstration are to be mentionned on the back page of the petition under the heading "The following organizations adhere to this initiative". Ideally the petition should be printed on paper with a heading of the reponsible group.
3. Local responsibility
The responsibility for the local demonstration rests with the group that first decided to organize it, unless afterwards it is decided otherwise by this group and other participating groups.
The responsible group will :
determine the meeting place and inform the demonstrators about it.
contact the embassy or consulate in order to inform them of the
petition presentation and arrange with them details of the event.
forward to the press the final information on the demonstration
the group will receive on May 17th latest.
report to the Drugspeace Institute on the demonstration: in parti
ticular on the other groups that participated, on the number of
the participants and on the demonstration itself. The report
should, if possible, contain pictures of the demonstration and of
the presentation of the petition.
4. Remaining questions
For all remaining questions you may contact your national organization or the Drugs Peace Institute, PO Box 15563, 1001 NL Amsterdam, tel. + 31 20 691 5950, or the ECCO, PO Box 12469, 1100 AL Amsterdam, tel. + 31 20 697 7951.