to save drug users they do this in many countries"Vseukrainskiye Vedomosti" newspaper, April 29, 1995, p. 9
by: Irina Dubskaya, "Vseukrainskiye Vedomosti"
Participants of recent International Congress for drug problems in Florence have paid a special attention to Ukraine. That was noticed by Valeri Ivasiuk, deputy chairman of National Committee for struggle against AIDS, and Vladimir Stretovich, chairman of Working Commission of Ukrainian parliament for legislation, who participated the Congress. Both of them are members of National and Cabinet's Coordination Council for struggle against drug use.
VALERI IVASIUK considers it necessary to explain our readers what threats Ukraine, it's territory being a gateway for drugs' mafia; and what measures must we undertake to reduce drugs' spread in our country.
-- Ukraine has become the main transit way of drugs to the West. The country has replaced ex-Yugoslavia that has played such a role before. Now the old way is too difficult because of war. Western European countries worry about it. They have managed to control the old way somehow, but the new one brings up difficulties not so much for drugs' business dealers, but for those who struggle against them. That's why two variants were discussed at the Congress: either Ukraine would put on a trap itself and break off that stream, or consuming countries (those, who are receiving the drugs' stream) would invest money to a program for revealing and control of drugs' stream. Certainly we prefer the second variant, the more so it will be more efficient for other countries.
Q. -- What countries are consumers of drugs, and is Ukraine one of them?
-- It concerns countries of Eastern Europe, France, Germany, Great Britain and partially USA. The transit drugs' stream is a danger for Ukraine, of course. Uncontrolled spread of drugs will cause increase of number of drug users. It will influence the Government with criminality growth and threat of destabilization, because drug users are unmanageable. It is very difficult to treat them. That's why some states have adopted so called METHADONE PROGRAM. We were interested with it too.
Q. -- What are the essentials of the program?
-- Methadone is medical preparation that causes drug-like feelings without strict physical dependence of drugs. Networks of posts created in countries that have adopted methadone program are ready to distribute desired amounts of free methadone among drug users. Using this preparation, they can break dependence of drugs. Moreover, drug users are escaping influence of drugs' mafia. This will decrease drugs trade market.
Q. -- Will methadone trade market appear instead?
-- No, because of wise legislation. The distribution of the preparation is under control. But having about 400 thousand drug users in Ukraine, the government has forbidden use of methadone for drug prophylaxis.
Q. -- In what countries was methadone program adopted?
-- The program acts 5-7 years in Scandinavian countries, in Great Britain, France, Italy. Recently it was adopted in Poland, Croatia and Slovakia. I consider that we must examine and discuss the program. It could play an important role in AIDS prophylaxis. Methadone is produced in pills. Last time we face a problem of AIDS spread among drug users who use one syringe. National Committee can inform any interested persons about methadone program. As far as I know, experts in drug using consider it's expediency.
Q. -- Is drug mafia trying to prevent the program?
It is clear that mafia won't welcome the program. The whole world spends billions of dollars during more than 70 years to finance power authorities that struggle against drug mafia. But police manage to intercept only 5-10 per cent drugs. Annual turnover of drugs is 500 billions of dollars. Prohibitive measures work for drug mafia: the price of heroine increases since its production till its sale 1700 times. So, what is more profitable for drug mafia -- methadone program or our prohibitive measures? The solution is obvious.
Translated into English by A.Prishchenko, May 4, 1995.