"Alabama TEACH","Rt 3 Box 620","Blountsville, AL 35031",,,,,"Johnny Bynum""Alaskans for Hemp Awareness","1013 E.Ditmond Street 227","Anchorage, AK 99515",,,,,
"Alaskans for Privacy","810 West 2nd Street","Anchorage, AK 99501",,,"907 274 2010",,
"Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics","PO Box 21210","Kalorama Station","Washington, DC 20009",,"202 483 8595",,
"American Anti-prohibitionist League","3929 SE Madison","Portland, OR 97214",,,,,"Floyd Parris Landrath"
"American Cannabis research Experiment","PO Box 3240","Charlotsville, VA 22903",,,,,
"American Cannabis Society","PO Box 9028","Madison, WI 53715",,,,,
"American Civil Liberties Union","132 West 43rd St.","New York, NY 10036",,,"212 944 9800",,
"American Hemp Council","PO Box 71093","Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093",,,"213 288 4152",,
"American Medical Marijuana Movement","San Francisco Headquarters","3745 Seventeenth ST.","San Francisco, CA 94114",,"415 864 1961",,
"Ann Arbor NORML","PO Box 6014","Ann Arbor, MI 48106",,,"313 453 3840",,
"Antiochans for Hemp Awareness","Antioch College","Community Government","Yellow Springs, OH 45387",,"513 767 6427",,
"Arizona NORML","703 West 12th Place","Tempe, AZ 85281",,,,,
"Austin, Texas NORML","PO Box 13549","Austin, TX 78711",,,"512 837 4674, 512 467 6021",,
"AZ 4 NORML","PO Box 50434","Phoenix, AZ 85076",,,"602 278 4278",,"William Groen"
"Bill of Rights Society","PO Box 44485","P.C., CA 97412",,,,,
"Buffalo BACH","336 Esser Avenue","Buffalo, NY 14207",,,"716 873 0255",,"Marilyn Craig"
"Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp","PO Box 71093","Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093",,,"213 288 4152",,"Chris Conrad"
"California NORML","2215 R Market St. 278","San Francisco, CA 94114",,,"415 563 5858",,"Dale Gieringer"
"California Marijuana Initiative","23342 Angelos Forest Hwy.","Palmdale, CA 93550",,,,,
"Cannabis Action Network","PO Box 54528","Lexington, KY 40555",,,"606 873 9707",,
"CARE","Art. I","PO Box 1612","Bellflower, CA 90706",,,,
"COCO Western Region","PO Box 42249","San Francisco, CA 94142",,,,,
"CCDS/BB","41 Sutter St., Suite 1688","San Francisco, CA 94104",,,,,
"CCCO","2208 South St","Philadelphia, PA 19146",,,"215 545 4626",,
"Chapel Hill NORML","PO Box 5122","Chapel Hill, NC 27514",,,"919 932 5345",,"Rick Ramiou"
"Chicago Rainbow Circle","PO Box 152","1555 Sherman","Evanston, Il 60201",,,,
"Christians for Hemp","4550 N Springfield Ave","Chicago, Il 60625-6318",,,"312 287 HEMP",,
"Christic Institute","1324 North Capitol St, NW","Washington, DC 20092",,,"202 797 8106","202 462 5138",
"Citizens Against Prohibition","1825 1 Street NW 400","Washington, DC 20006",,,"202 429 6827",,
"Clergy for Enlightened Drug Policy","St Luck's Methodist Church","Wisconsin Ave and Calvert St, NW","Washington, DC 20007",,"202 333 4949",,
"Coalition for Personal Rights","PO Box 73","Des Moines, IA 50301",,,,,"Carl Olsen"
"College Station NORML","PO Box 9077","College Station, TX 77842",,,"409 268 1180",,
"Colorado NORML","137 W County Line Road 500","Littleton, CO 80126",,,"303 470 1100",,"Mark Culverhouse"
"Community for Creative Non-Violenece","425 Second Street NW","Washington, DC 20001",,,"202 393 1909",,
"Community Improvement, Inc.","104 E.Fowler Ave, Suite 203","Tampa, FL 33612",,,"813 931 8028",,
"Concerned Citizens for Responsible Drug Policy","3601 S. Noland Road 32","Independence, MO 64055",,,,,
"Dallas/Fort Worth NORML","PO Box 280586","Dallas,TX 75228-9186",,,"214 502 4211",,"Dana George"
"Daytons Beach Hemp Awareness Council"," PO Box 10384","Dayton Beach, FL 32120",,,,,
"DC Metro NORML","PO Box 10384","Washington, DC 20013",,,"703 660 WEED",,"Gary Jones"
"Delaware Valley NORML (1)","4387 Swamp Road, Suite 275","Doylestown, PA 18901",,,"215 672 5567",,"Bob Paber"
"Delaware Valley NORML (2)","154 Uploand Ave","Horsbarn, PA 19044",,,,,
"Drug Legalisation Comments","c/o Carol Moore","PO Box 1608","Washington, DC 20013",,,,
"Drug Policy Foundation","4801 Massachusetts Ave. NW","St 400","Washington, DC 20016",,"202 895 1634",,
"Drug Reform Coalition","225 Lafayette St., St 911","New York, NY 10012",,,"212 995 1245",,
"DU NORML","Student Government Office","Duc-North/2055 East Evans","Denver, CO 80210",,"303 778 7574",,"Todd Hall"
"End Drug Crime","PO Box 1623","Albany, NY 12201",,,"518 434 3279",,
"Environmental resources Through Hemp","8480-M Baltimore National Pike","Suite 268","Ellicott City,MD 21043",,"301 461 1862",,"Alan Kiocodale"
"Fairbanks NORML","2990 Davis Road E-29","Fairbanks, AK 99709",,,,,
"Families Against destructive Drug Rehab (FADD)","4654 Downer Drive","Ellicott City, MD 21043",,,,,
"Families Against Mandatory Minimums","2000 L Street NW, Ste 702","Washington, DC 20016",,,"202 833 3266",,
"Family Council on Drug Awareness","PO Box 71093","Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093",,,"213 288 4152",,
"Pliot Hills NORML","SGS Union PO Box 70","Kansas State University","Manhattan, KS 66502",,"913 532 5254",,"Terry Weber"
"Florida Ass. for Inteligent Hemp Reform","Tampa Bay NORML","5364 Ehrlich Road, Ste 223","Tampa, FL 33625",,"813 265 808",,"Gregory Courson"
"Florida Legalisation organisation","c/o Michael Guison","PO Box 350","La Crosse, FL 32650",,,,
"Freedom Education Outreach","PO Box 34077","Betsheda, MD 20827",,,,,
"Freedom Fighters of America","235 Park Ave So 5th Flr","New York, NY 10003",,,,,
"Friends of Hemp","PO Box 981","Macs Hill, NC 28754",,,"704 652 8981",,
"Fully Informed Jury Association","4730 W Northern 1063","Glendale, AZ 85301",,,"602 930 1268",,
"Fully Informed Jury Association","PO Box 59","Holmville, MT 59843",,,,,
"The Picture of Freedom Foundation","PO Box 9752","Denver, CO 80008",,,,,
"Gainsville NORML/Florida Legalization Organization","PO Box 350","La Crosse, FL 32658-0350",,,,,"Michael Guison"
"Georgia NORML","PO Box 821","Lithia Springs, GA 30057",,,"404 739 1870",,"James Bell"
"Green Bay NORML","PO Box 22081","Green Bay, WI 54305",,,"800 498 8000",,"Robbie Brien"
"Green Democrats of Kentucky","PO Box 760","McKee, KY 40447",,,,,
"Green Panters (1)","PO Box 8292","Toledo, OH 43605",,,,"202 265 1078","Terry Mitchell"
"Green Panters (2)","1718 M St NW Ste 322","Washington, DC 20036",,,"202 829 9419","202 265 1078",
"GVSU NORML","Student Activities Office/Kirkhof","Grand Valley State University","Allendale, MI 49401",,,,
"HEMP","5632 Van Nuys Blvd","Van Nuys, CA 91401",,,,,
"Hemp Advocates","PO Box 10176","South Bond, IN 46680",,,,,
"The Hemp Coalirtion","PO Box 2382","Albany, NY 12220",,,,,
"Hemp Environmental Activism","PO Box 4935","East Lansing, MI 48826",,,"517 371 HEMP",,
"Hemp Hemp Hooray","c/o Craig Howard","PO Box 1912","Mason City, LA 50401",,"515 696 5755",,
"HJA NORML","PO Box 11","Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-0011",,,,,
"Hoosier Caannabis Relegalization Coalition","PO Box5325","Bloomington, IN 47407",,,,,"Paul Hager"
"Houston NORML","PO Box 1952","Bellaire, TX 77401",,,"713 465 8418",,"Rich Potthoff"
"Idaho BACH","3310 Driftwood Dr","Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814",,,"208 773 3974",,"Tom Klein"
"Indiana CAN","PO Box 20028","Indianapolis, IN 46220",,,"317 638 ICAN",,
"Indiana NORML","3601 E Pennsylvania St","Indianapolis, IN 46205",,,"317 923 9391",,"Stephen Dillen"
"Indianapolis NORML","3746 North College Ave","Indianapolis, IN 46218",,,,,
"Illinois Marijuana Initiative","PO Box 2242","Dorien, IL 60559",,,,,
"Institute for Hemp","PO Box 65130","St Paul, MN 55165",,,"612 222 2628",,"John Birrenbach"
"Int. Society for Individual Liberty","1800 MArker St","San Francisco, CA 94102",,,"415 864 0952","415 864 7506",
"Iowa Grassroots Party","PO Box 1136","Arnes, IA 50010",,,"515 233 6081",,"Derrick Grimmer"
"KU NORML","PO Box 3677","Lawrence, KS 66044",,,"913 842 0019",,"Mark Craamer"
"Libertarian Party","1528 Peensylvania Ave SE","Washington, DC 20003",,,"202 543 1988",,
"Libertarian Party of Massachusetts","PO Box 2610","Boston, MA 02208",,,"617 426 4402",,
"Little Rock NORML","PO Box 19031","Little Rock, AR 72209",,,"501 371 0701",,"Glenn Schwarz"
"Little Sisters of the Mother Herb","R.1 Box 2142","Carwo, VA 23930",,,"804 645 1038",,"Sandy Hayer"
"The Loone Reefer","PO Box 515","Harmony, PA 16037",,,"412 766 1842",,
"Los Angeles NORML","8749 Holloway Drive","West Hollywood, CA 90069",,,"213 652 2654",,"Brace MArgolin"
"LSU NORML","LSU Box 16266","LA State University","Baton rouge, LA 70893",,"504 769 6669",,"Pat O'Neil"
"Maine Vocals","PO Box 189","Anson, ME 04911",,,,,"Don Christen"
"Mankato NORML","302 N Fifth Street 1","Mankato, MN 56001",,,"507 345 6112",,"C. Gibson"
"Marylanders for Drug Policy reform","2499 Davidsonville Road","Garnbrills, MD 21054",,,"777 721 0129",,
"Massachusetts CAN","1 Homestead Road","Marblehead, MA 01945-1122",,,"617 599 3161",,"Steven Epstein"
"Mass. Cannabis Reform Coalition","711 Center Street","Hanover, MA 02339-2514",,,"508 261 9073",,
"Medical Marihuana Restoration Association","3745 17th Street","San Francisco, CA 94114",,,"415 864 1961",,"Dennis Peron"
"M-S tennessee NORML","PO Box 254","Pulaski, TN 38478",,,"615 565 3989",,"Kenny Brooding"
"Milwaukee NORML","PO Box 92251","Milwaukee, WI 53202",,,"414 273 HEMP",,"Tom Scannell"
"Minnesota NORML (1)","PO Box 80522","Minneapolis, MN 55408",,,"612 827 2224",,"Tim Davis"
"Minnesota NORML (2)","PO Box 3011","St Paul, MN 55108",,,"612 827 2224",,"Tim Davis"
"Missours NORML","15 North 10th Street","Columbia, MO 65201",,,"314 443",,"Dan Viets"
"Center for Constitutional Rights","666 Broadway, 7th Flr","New York, NY 10012",,,,,
"National Drug Strategy Network","2000 L St, Ste 702","Washington, DC 20036",,,"202 835 9075",,
"NORML","1636 R St NW","Washington, DC 20009",,,"202 483 5500",,
"New Age Patriot","PO Box 419","Dearborn Haights, MI 48127",,,"313 563 3192",,"Bruce W. Cain"
"New Options Inc.","PO Box 19324","Washington, DC 20036",,,"202 822 0929",,
"NY City NORML","6 West 13th Street 4B","New York, NY 10011",,,"212 727 7500",,"Todd A Boerman"
"No More Drug War Promotion","PO Box 18780","Denver, CO 80218",,,,,
"New Jersey NORML","PO Box 668","Navesink, NJ 07752",,,,,
"Northcoast Ohio NORML","PO Box 771154","Cleveland, OH 44107-0049",,,"216 521 WEED",,
"North Idaho NORML","3310 Driftwood Dr","Cour d'Alene,ID 83814",,,"208 773 3974",,"Tom Klein"
"NW Arkansas NORML","36 East Center Street","Payetteville, AR 72701",,,"501 521 4300",,"Dale Evans"
"Ohio NORML","PO Box 36","New Plymouth, OH 45654",,,"614 385 4167",,"Cliff Barrows"
"Ohio University NORML","415 Carriage Hill Drive","Athens, OH 45701",,,"614 592 5118",,"James Davis"
"Rocky Mountain Hemp Network","1090 S Watsworth Blvd D","Lakewood, CO 80226-4308",,,"303 838 1235",,
"Rhode Island Crusade","Against Marihuana Prohibition","PO Box 1538","E Greenwich, RI 02818",,,,
"Republicans for Hemp","PO Box 7644","Torrance, CA 90504",,,,,"Michael Scott"
"Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy","3421 M St NW, Ste 351","Washington, DC 20007",,,,,
"Prisoners of Conscience","PO Box 4091","Des Moines,IA 50333",,,"515 243 7351",,"Carl Olsen"
"Pitsburgh NORML","PO Box 4839","Pitsburgh, PA 15309",,,"412 362 3461",,"B. Kurtz"
"Patriots of Truth for United Earth","PO Box 262","Row? Lodge,OR 97372",,,,,
"Partnership for a Responsible","Drug Policy","Lake Oswego, OR 97034",,,"503 697 3974",,"Anthony Taylor"
"Partnership for a Responsible America","RATEX","PO Box 926042","Houston, TX 77292",,"713 362 9659",,"Richard Lee"
"Partnership for a Free America","c/o S. Parekh","829 Paddock Lane","Libertyville, IL 60048-3743",,"708 362 9659",,
"Tulsa OK NORML","1023 West 23rd","Tulsa, OK 74107",,,"918 583 9041",,"C. Rabon Martin"
"Oklahoma NORML","PO Box 12?45","Oklahoma City, OK 73157",,,"403 840 4367",,"Michael Pearson"
"Saint Paul NORML","PO Box 2865","St Paul, MN 55102",,,"612 776 5467",,
"San Diego NORML (1)","4895 Gaymon St","San Diego, CA 92102",,,"619 263 5733",,"Jos Cravotta"
"San Diego NORML (2)","PO Box 171396","San Diego, CA 92197",,,,,
"Southern California NORML","PO Box 71093","Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093",,,"213 288 4152",,"Lenny Shaw"
"SVA Freedom Fighters","209 B 23rd St","New York, NY 10010",,,"212 679 7350 ext. 206",,"Happy"
"San Diego Country NORML (1)","4895 Gaymon St","San Diego, CA 92102",,,"619 263 5733",,"Jos Cravotta"
"San Diego Country NORML (2)","PO Box 171396","San Diego, CA 92197",,,"619 281 8586",,"Charles Blauw"
"Trans High Corporation","235 Park Avenue South","New York, NY 10003",,,,,