List of all groups participating on the action of May, 19, 1995
_ Accion Andina - Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
_ Asociación de Consumidores de Coca "Los Hijos de Mama Coca" Bolivia
_ Asociación Ramon Santos de Estudios sobre el Cannabis (ARSEC) Spain
_ Associacao Antiproibicionista Portuguesa (SOMA) Portugal
_ Associazione "Consumatori Cannabis" (CC) Italy
_ Auto Support et Prévention du VIH parmi les Usagers de Drogues (ASUD) France
_ Bond van Cannabis Detaillisten (BCD) - The Netherlands
_ Cannabis BundesKonferenz (CBK) Germany
_ Cannabis Legalisation, Education and Reform (CLEAR) England
_ Citoyens Comme les Autres (CCLA) Belgium
_ Collectif d'Information et de Recherche Cannabique (CIRC) France
_ Comite Antiprohibitionniste Cannabique (CAC), Belgium
_ Coordinamento radicale antiproibizionista (CORA) Italy
_ De Bond voor een Emancipatorisch Drugsbeleid (DEBED) Belgium
_ De Onafhankelijke Liberale Jongeren Organisatie (JOVD) The Netherlands
_ DWARS groenlinks jongerenorganisatie The Netherlands
_ European Interest Group of Drug Users (EIGDU) - Germany
_ Groupe C.S. Belgium
_ Grupos Revolucionarios Anti prohibicionistas Marihuana y Otros Substancias (GRAMOS) Spain
_ Institut für qualitative Drogenforschung Münster (INDRO) - Germany
_ Jong Socialisten The Netherlands
_ Jonge Democraten The Netherlands
_ Junkies, Ex-Junkies uns Substituierte (JES) - Germany
_ Legalise Cannabis Campaign (LCC) England
_ Legalise Cannabis Campaign (LCC) Scotland
_ Liaison Antiprohibitionniste Belgium
_ Medisch sociale Dienst Heroine Gebruikers (MDHG) The Netherlands
_ National Organization for the Reform of Marihuana Laws (NORML) USA
_ Nederlandse Cannabis Consumenten Bond (NCCB) The Netherlands
_ The Growers' Association Amsterdam "Sinsemilla Fanclub" - The Netherlands
_ The Hash, Marihuana, Hennep Museum Amsterdam - The Netherlands
_ Verein Schweizerischer HanfFreunde (VSHF) Switzerland
_ Vereniging van Haagse Coffee Shops (VHCS) The Netherlands