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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza droga
Partito Radicale Aleksander - 19 maggio 1995

Today, on May 19, at 4:00 PM Kiev time, activists of Radical party in Kiev organized an action for support of present course of Dutch government concerning light drugs. The initiative took place under the aegis of international mobilization campaign for protection and support of policy concerning drugs that Dutch government is carrying out already for 20 years, for support of policy of tolerance that is under a menace.

Results of the demonstration were unexpectedly good. It was, to say, the most numerous demonstration of all time radicals spent in Ukraine. More than 60 people took part in it. Following people and organizations has supported and has taken part in the action: students' trade union "Direct Action", Ukrainian Union of veterans of World War II, Ukrainian party of admirers of beer, students of Kiev state university, Kiev polytechnic university, Kiev theater institute, Kiev pedagogical institute.

Workers of the embassy greeted participants of the demonstration. The secretary of the embassy Mr. Van der Veier met with the demonstrants, who spoke to him about their support of the course of Dutch government concerning drugs. Also participants of the demonstration handed Mr. Van der Veier the text of appeal and numerous signatures collected at the demonstration and by mail.

The action organized by Transnational Radical party has evoked a great interest of mass media. Thus, TV camera-men of TV agency "Gravis" and Worldwide Television News, and journalists and photographers of all-Ukrainian newspaper "Post-Postup", "Zerkalo Nedeli" ("Week Mirror") weekly and some other newspapers have worked at the demonstration.

And as early as today, on 7th channel at 8:05 PM and 10:00 PM and on 35th channel at 9:00 PM, news programs have shown interview and videoreports about the demonstration in front of Dutch embassy.

In a word, the action was a success, so this is the evidence that Ukrainian citizens support the course of Dutch government concerning problems of drugs.

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