Sprache: englischTHE DRUGS PEACE MARCH - 24 August/5 September 1995.
The Drugs Peace March is an activity undertaken by european antipro-
hibitionist organizations with the aim to put the reform of the
international drug laws prominently on the political agenda of the
European institutions.
The March is meant to propose in Brussels, as well as on the local
level - in towns where it passes - the revision of the United Na-
tions Conventions on drugs. On the local level more specific issues
of national interest, will be addressed by local organizations and
The March is hoped to enhance the unity and the cooperation between
the different antiprohibitionist traditions in Europe by means of
discussions and debate, specifically tailored to the event. The goal
of the March is to foster tolerance by european citizens towards
their peers, "users" of illicit drugs, through presentation of
positive images of them.
To this end it is also proposed that the March be an expression of
the general preoccupation in the world with the atrcious war in Bos-
nia. Indeed, a responsible european drug policy can only be elabora-
ted in a free and united Europe. We therefore propose also to demon-
strate for an end to this war in former Yougoslavia, as "Europe will
either die or be reborn in Sarajevo". We therefore propose to
demonstrate in favor of the initiative of the Transnational Radical
Party - already endorsed by 600 european parlementarians - for the
immediate adhesion of Bosnia-Herzegovina to the European Union.
Another particular focus of the March concerns the fate of the
cocaleros from the Andes region. These producers of the coca leaf
are subjected to a very brutal repression, in particular in Bolivia.
Due to the permanent pressure exercised by the United States, the
Bolivian government has again incarcerated leaders of the cocaleros
unions, including their president, Evo Morales Ayma, drugspacifist
nominated to the 1995 Nobel Peace Prize. The Bolivian government
moreover militarizes at high speed the Chapare region, in order to
be able to guarantee the forced eradication of thousands of hectares
of cocacrop. The protection of the means of survival of tens of
thousands of small scale coca farmers is an absolute priority for
any drugs peace movement pretending to be universal.
Practical information
The Drugs Peace March offers 2 formulas : a 'short duration' one and
the other 'long duration'.
The 'long duration' March (1) of 12 days starts on August 24th in
Deal (England) and passes the Canal the next day where the Brittish
participants will be met in Calais by their continental colleagues.
At a rhythm of 25 km a day the March walks to Brussels.
The 'short duration' March in reality consists of 5 marches that
start on September 2nd in London (2), Amsterdam (3), Bonn (4),
Luxemburg (5) and Paris (6) and join the others in Brussels on
September 4th.
The complete calendar for the Drugs Peace March is as follows :
Thursday August 24 : 1. Deal, Dover
Friday 25 : 1. Dover, Calais
Saturday 26 : 1. Calais, Ardres, Nordausques.
Sunday 27 : 1. Nordausques, St Omer, Racquinghem.
Monday 28 : 1. Racquinghem, Aires-sur-Lys, Lillers.
Tuesday 29 : 1. Lillers, Béthune, La Bassée.
Wednesday 30 : 1. La Bassée, Loos-les-Lille, Lille.
Thursday 31 : 1. Lille, Baissieux (border), Doornik.
Friday September 1 : 1. Tournai, La Tombe, Wattripont.
Saturday 2 : 1. Wattripont, Ronse, Nederbrakel.
2/6.: assemble and actions in London,
Amsterdam, Bonn, Luxemburg and Paris.
Sunday 3 : 1. Nederbrakel,Ophasselt,Ninove. 2. Lon-
don,Kortrijk. 3. Amsterdam,The Hague.
4. Bonn, Maastricht. 5. Luxemburg,
Luik. 6. Parijs, Ghent.
Monday 4 : 1. Ninove,Eizeringen,Schepdal, Brussels.
2. Kortrijk, 3.The Hague, 4. Maastricht,
5. Liege and 6. Gent.
Tuesday 5 : 1/6. demonstrations in Brussels.
March 'short duration', per day :
1. a gathering of the different local antiprohibitionist groups and
their foreign guests,eventually followed by a demonstration/rally
and/or party and/or a forum for an exchange of ideas.
2. presentation of an Address to the foremost christian religions in
the European capitals : anglican, catholic, lutheran and reformed
churches; departure for next stop on our way to Brussels.
3. demonstration for the adaptation/reform of national drug policy
in the countries where we march through; assembling in Brussels.
4. presentation of petitions to the representatives of the European
and the European Commission.
March 'long duration'
This March goes entirely by foot to Brussels, or with non-motorized
means of transport, like monocycles, bicycles, tricycles, dogcarts,
scooters,etc. We have 2 small vans and will dispatch our own
cook-shop, first aid service and communications centre.
At night time debate will follow experts talks on the great issues
confronting the drugs peace movement. Subjects: Schengen - Coca -
Europe and its drugs - Different drugs and different users- The war
on drugs and the war in Bosnia : parallels - Users and Non-users :
what sort of cooperation? - Drugs Peace : utopia? - Drugs and Human
Rights - The war on drugs : a generation conflict - The world's
biggest drive of religious persecution.
Special demonstrations are planned at the arrival of the Brittisch
delegation in Calais, in front of the prison of Loos-les-Lilles and
at the french/belgian border.
Total expenses are estimated to amount to 100.000 fl.(one hundred
thousand dutch guilders) for : the March 'long duration' (1), a
participation of 5.000 fl. in the Marches 2/6 and for the organisa-
tion of the events in Brussels.
Estimate of revenues :
- sales of souvenirs 22.500 fl.
(10.000 buttons, 1000 T-shirts, 500 umbrellas)
- individual sponsoring of participants (1) 15.000 fl.
(300 participants x 50 fl. each)
- collective sponsoring by commercial interests 50.000 fl.
- donation by IRDRHR Drugs Peace Institute 12.500 fl.
Organizations in charge
Participating organsizations :
(1) Narcotic System (France)
(2) Legalise Cannabis Campaign and Release (England) and the
Belgische Cannabis Consumenten Bond (Belgium)
(3) Cannabis Detaillisten Bond and Nederlandse Cannabis Consumenten
Bond (The Netherlands)
(4) Jusos (Jung Sozialisten)(Germany)
(5) Génération Verte (Luxemburg), CIRC Thionville (France), Comité
Antiprohibitionniste Cannabique (Belgium)
(6) CIRC Ile de France and ASUD (France).
The final responsability rests with the European Cannabis Consumers
Organization (ECCO) and with the IRDRHR Drugs Peace Institute.
Tel. and fax + 31 20 691 5950, or 697 7951 or 623 0094.
Registration form (please send to DPH address)
Spuistraat 2 - 1012 TS Amsterdam - HOLLAND - Tel. 31 20 623 0094.
The undersigned ...................................................
living at .........................................................
herewith registers for the Drugs Peace March from Calais to Brussels
- August 25th - September 5th, for the following strech/es
(please mark the corresponding '0') :
1. The entire March (250 km) 0
2. One or more 25km parts of the March :
(a) Calais - Nordausques 0
(b) Nordausques - Racquinghem 0
(c) Racquinghem - Lillers 0
(d) Lillers - La Bassée 0
(e) La Bassée - Lille (Rijsel) 0
(f) Lille - Tournai (Doornik) 0
(g) Tournai - Wattripont 0
(h) Wattripont - Nederbrakel 0
(i) Nederbrakel - Ninove 0
(j) Ninove - Brussels 0
The costs for participation per person and per day amount to 50
french francs. The total amount to be paid equals the number of days
of participation in the march multiplied by this amount.
Please indicate below whether you are able to contribute for your
participation in the march. If affirmative, indicate the amount and
the way of payment.
3. The amount of my participation will be:...................FF
4. I can pay for (please read explanation on back, before answering)
(a) the total amount of my participation 0
(b) part of my participation: ................FF 0
and like you to pay the remainder ................FF 0
(c) an additional amount ................FF 0
5. Way of payment :
(a) by means of enclosed check 0
payable to : IRDRHR Drugs Peace Institute
reference : March
(b) CASH, at the start of the march 0
Give legs to our ideas
Let Drugs Peace March
The Drugs Peace March offers the participants the possiblity to
finance their participation and even those of other participants
(your uncle and aunt, daddy and your coffeeshop secret comrades)
through SPONSORS. So you can ask your grandaddy, your uncle and aunt
and those secret friends of yours to put up a fixed amount for every
mile, sorry it's kilometers here. You are even able to fix almost
any amount for every step you do towards peace.
For example, you decide to spend four days walking between Tournai
and Brussels (g to j on the map). That's four days of 25 kilometers
a day, and one of your sponsors who pays say 15 French Franks per
kilometer, will pay 1500 FF. Of course every registered sponsor will
receive a suitable souvenir. Because you can get as many sponsors as
you like, your sponsoring can amount to a higher sum than the one of
your participation, meaning even more legs to our Ideas of Peace.
1. Mr/Mrs .........................................................
address .........................................................
sponsors an amount of....... ..................................FF
2. Mr/Mrs .........................................................
address .........................................................
sponsors an amount of .................................FF
3. Mr/Mrs .........................................................
address ........................................................
sponsors an amount of .................................FF
4. Mr/Mrs .........................................................
address ........................................................
sponsors an amount of ........................................FF