"In Italy, Rebels Without a Cure"
Washington Post (08/15/95) P. D1; Williams, Daniel
Since last week's press conference in which three Italian bank
robbers with AIDS explained their plight, many have questioned
the law which prohibits their arrest. "Give me a job, a place to
live, and treatment...and I'll stop robbing," said one member of
the "AIDS gang." To change the 1993 law which forbids the
continued jailing of anyone in the final stages of a terminal
disease, officials have proposed changes under which a prisoner's
individual circumstances would be taken into account before a
release was approved. Therefore, a person with AIDS who is still
able-bodied would probably not be let go. In addition, funds
have been set aside to remedy the problem of treating the disease
in jails. In 1993--when the release law was passed--another
measure was passed to provide 4,600 hospital beds for AIDS
patients. Thus far, however, nothing has been built.
--- MMMR v4.10 beta