Date: 13 Aug 1995 14:42:40 -0500
Aug 12 1995
HIV-SUPPORT is an internet discussion list for BOTH emotional
support AND sharing medical information for people living with
Most real-life neighborhood support-groups for people living with
HIV or AIDS have the peculiarity of forbidding all discussion of
technical, medical matters and restricting discussion to
"feelings." Because of this, we have come up with an electronic
discussion-list to serve as a virtual support-group.
Here are some guidelines for the list:
1. Feel free to share experiences, feelings, opinions, and
knowledge in a compassionate and supportive way.
2. The assumption is that HIV causes AIDS.
3. No advertisements, please.
4. Researchers and observers are requested NOT to subscribe. This
list is for people with AIDS (and those closely associated with
them), not for people interested in people with AIDS. Please
respect our privacy and confidentiality.
5. Respect each other. No blaming the victim or telling people
they'll die if they don't follow your treatment ideas.
6. Please take the time to make your message the best it can be.
Consider your posting carefully before sending it out. Is it
appropriate to an E-Mail support group? Will it further the
purpose of the group? Remember, your message will be seen by
lots of people who are taking their time to read it. Proper
spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and line and paragraph
breaks will help make your message more readable.
You may subscribe to either of two lists: HIV-Support or
HIV-Support-Digest. The digest (summary) of the day's messages
will go out at midnight.
To subscribe to the support-group, send a message to
Lists@Web-Depot.COM. The text of the message should be one line
containing two words: subscribe HIV-Support.
Do not be polite by adding the word "please" to the end of your
subscription request -- it is processed by a program that gets
confused by this. If you prefer to get the digest, your message
should be: subscribe HIV-Support-Digest. You don't need a
subject-heading for your message.
To send mail to folks on the list, just send mail to
If you want to post anonymously, you can send mail to
For a list of commands that you can send to this list server,
send a message to lists@Web-Depot.COM. The text of the message
should be: help.
This is a private list. No one can use the "who" command to see
who is on the list. While this offers some privacy to members of
the list, remember that not much is truly private on the
internet. Please help us to maintain an atmosphere of
confidentiality and trust.
If you subscribe to the list and mail sent to you bounces back to
the list server, your subscription to the list may be removed.
If you think you have been removed from the list, just
resubscribe after clearing up the problem. Don't worry about
being subscribed more than once, the software should prevent
Michael Davon Davon@Web-Depot.COM
Mauro Guarinieri: Tel/Fax: <+39-923-861392> alt. e-mail:^M.Guarinieri
if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig
more info: * *
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