Date: Mon, 4 Apr 1994 18:56:10 GMT
When I saw the subjects relating to the synthesis of LSD, I knew the
information would be outdated. It's humourous to see people who think
they're in the know giving out information that was outdated even in the 70's.
Lysergic acid amides are commonly made by a simple and efficient procedure
using POCl3 and the desired amine in CHCl3 solution. I doubt that this
procedure is used by the majority of clandestine chemists, but since I
don't know any, I wouldn't know. By the description of the procedure,
it's simple and uses relatively safe reagents. (I have a reference, but
not handy...) And you won't find it in any obvious places even in the
most recent Merck because LSD is not the product of focus in the article.
This is why I doubt that unsavvy clandestine chemists would be using this
procedure. But according to the article, the method has a broad scope
and has been used by Nichols and Oberlender for some other lysergic acid
amides. (The article in question regards 9,10 saturated derivatives
tested for emetic properties.) It's time to stop turning to those stupid
"how to make your very own drug" guides and learn how to read real chemsitry
literature. If you can't, don't bother...
Even the synthesis of lysergic acid is outdated. Rebek has described
an extremely elegant synthesis of methyl lysergate from L-tryptophan
which gives only the natural isomer of lysergic acid. It's still a
several step procedure, but most of the reagents are fairly common and the
yields are greatly improved over past syntheses.
This brings me to an interesting side-note. Several years ago, analogues
of LSD that were 2 and 3 times as potent as LSD were synthesized. These
went largely unnoticed and would most likely prove of little interest
to clandestine chemists because LSD was the precursor used and the loss
in synthesis outweighed the gain in potency. But using Rebek's synthesis,
one could simply alter the procedure slightly and intorduce the groups
that make the compounds more potent. When the 6N-methyl group is replaced
by ethyl or allyl, it becomes 2 and 3 times as potent respectively.
I am posting this for general information. I may post references if I
decide it would be prudent. Requests will be ignored and I ask you not to
send e-mail requesting references. But if you just want to chat about them
and maybe speculate on subjective effects or other avenues of substitution...
I don't know if I'll ever see the day that research in this area is open
and legal, but I'd love to...
No risk. Its not looked for, hard to find, and transient.
"A maximum concentration of 2-8 ng/ml [Plasma concentration of LSD]
was reached 1.0-1.25 h after an oral dose of 160 ug.
...[A] value of 2.9 h for the elimination half-life of LSD from
plasma [was reached].
[Upshall, D.G., Wailling, D.G.: The determination of LSD in
human plasma following oral administration.
Clinica Chimica Acta 36, 67-73 (1972)]
Second of all, LSD and its metabolites are detectable in the urine
for much longer than one hour.
"LSD and its metabolites were still detectable in human urine for
as long as 4 days after the ingestion of 0.2 mg of the drug.
[Faed, E.M., McLeod, W.R.: A urine screening test of lysergide.
Journal of Chromatographic Science. 11, 4-6 (1973)]
Note that standard, cheap initial drug screening does not use
chromatography or mass-spectrometry, and does not look for LSD.
There were rumors going around that LSD could be detected
by drug tests fo thirty days. I think this reference and
abstract makes it clear that it is probably 4 days, max.
(see the end of the abstract)
IDNUM 03319915
TYPE Journal paper
DATE 880715
AUTHOR Heng Keang Lim; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P.; Foltz, R.L.; Jones, R.T.
Center for Human Toxicology, Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, UT, USA
TITLE Quantification of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD in urine by gas
chromatography/resonance electron capture ionization mass
SOURCE Analytical Chemistry; vol.60, no.14; 15 July 1988; pp. 1420-5
SUBJECT chromatography; electron capture; mass spectroscopic chemical
analysis; organic compounds; quantification; gas chromatography;
resonance electron capture ionisation mass spectrometry; LSD;
N-demethyl-LSD; urine; lysergic acid diethylamide; human; in vitro;
in vivo; aromatic hydroxylation; drug; metabolite;
N-tri-fluoroacetyl derivatives; calibration curves; urinary
concentrations; adult volunteer; excretion; elimination half-lives;
4 to 6 hrs; 8 to 10 hrs
Numerical data: time 1.4E+04 to 2.2E+04 s; time 2.9E+04 to 3.6E+04 s
Class codes: A8280M; A8280B; A3470
ABSTRACT Demethylation of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the human has
been demonstrated, both in vitro and in vivo, and aromatic
hydroxylation at positions 13 and 14 has been tentatively
identified. A gas chromatography/resonance electron capture
ionization mass spectrometry (GC/MS) assay for LSD and
N-demethyl-LSD in urine has been developed, in which the drug and
its metabolite are converted to their N-tri-fluoroacetyl derivatives
prior to GC/MS analysis. Linear and reproducible calibration curves
have been obtained for LSD concentrations from 0.05 to 5.0 ng/mL,
and for N-demethyl-LSD concentrations from 0.03 to 5.0 ng/mL. The
assay was used to determine the urinary concentrations of LSD and
N-demethyl-LSD following administration of a single oral dose of the
drug (1 mu g/kg) to an adult volunteer. The rates of excretion of
LSD and N-demethyl-LSD reached maxima in urine collected at time
intervals of 4-6 and 8-10 h after administration, respectively. The
elimination half-lives for LSD and N-demethyl-LSD were 3.6 and 10.0
h, respectively
Treatment: experimental
Anal. Chem. (USA)
Abstract number(s): A89037987
ISSN: 0003-2700
Refs: 15
Marijuana is detectable from 2 to 5 days after a single, isolated
use using the standard 50-ng cutoff for the EMIT test. At 20 ng, the
time may go out to a week. Frequent users (every other day or more )
may be positive for 3 weeks or more (84 days is the longest I have
heard of). However, this time can be abridged considerably(to a day
or two in some cases) given proper measures, in particular, drinking
lots of fluids.
For up-to-date details on how to deal with this new intrusion on personal
privacy, contact Californ NORML, 2215-R Market St. #278, San Francisco 94114-
(415) 563-5858.
If you smoke only occasionally (once or twice a month) you are likely
to pass a urine test within no more than 3-5 days. If you smoke several
times a week, you should allow at least 3-4 weeks, and if you smoke
several time daily, you may need 6 weeks or more (84 days is the record).
However, there are ways that can help you pass a urine test on shorter
notice. For info, contact California NORML, 2215-R Market St. #278,
San Francisco CA 94114; (415) 563-5858.
What they are most likely to detect about a diluted sample is incorrect
temperature. More and more labs are checking to see that the specimen is
within the range 92-100 degrees F. To my knowledge, no one looks at cholrine
or fluorine. Howver, there has been some talk of testing creatanin levels,
which can tell if urine has been diluted.
Actually, your friend took an unnecessary risk in diluting his sample
in the first place. The fact is that occasional marijuana use (say, on the
order of once a month or two weeks) is typically detectable only 2-5 days.
A lot of occasional users get really paranoid because they hear of marijuana]
staying around 4-6 weeks, but this is true only for regular users who smoke
every day. For info about urine testing, send to Cal. NORML, 2215-R Market
St. #278, San Francisco CA 94114 (415) 563-5858.
Spinal taps are not particularly useful (cerebro-spinal fluid doesn't
concentrate LSD or metabolites) and are never done under any
circumstances: they are painful and dangerous.
You might want to mention that Abbie Hoffman's _Steal This Urine Test_
has a table which claims lsd is detectable for 40 days. I'm almost sure
this was a typo.
> 1] How long can LSD be detected in the body?
This varies by the test being used, the detection limit placed on the test,
the point of collection and type of the sample fluid, the amount of LSD that
was taken, and the individual in question.
Assuming the testers are using an RIA screening test with the cutoff set at
0.1 ng/ml and assuming that the user has recently emptied their bladder,
then the detection limit for one hit (100 ug) is normally around 30 hours.
Each doubling of the initial amount will add about 5 hours. Thus taking 8
hits will leave a user vulnerable for approximately 2 days. (NOTE: This is
based on the data in [7])
> 2] What exact form of test can be used to detect LSD in the body? There
are a number of tests which can be used to detect LSD in the body.
Abuscreen, a product of Roche Diagnostic Systems, is a series of
RadioImmunoAssay (RIA) tests, one of which is used to detect LSD and its
metabolites in whole blood, serum (blood), urine and stomach contents [1].
RIA can in theory be used to detect quantities as small as 0.020 nanograms
(ng) per milliliter (ml) of sample [2]. Laboratory tests have shown that
RIA results are accurate down to at least 0.1 ng/ml [3]. The manufacturer
recommends limiting the cutoff to 0.5 ng/ml.
EMIT, a product of Syva Corporation, is another series of tests, one of
which can be used to detect LSD and its metabolites in serum and urine.
EMIT stands for Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique.
Both EMIT and Abuscreen are "positive/negative" response tests (much like
pregnancy tests) which require periodic equipment calibration and consume
chemicals for each test performed. A basic battery of tests costs approx.
$15-$25 per person [4]. The basic tests (recommended by NIDA) include
marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and phencyclidine (PCP).
Normally, unless an (employer) specifically requests the test, an LSD assay
is not run.
Both Roche and Syva recommend confirmation of positive results by using a
different test. The usual method of confirming positive results is some
form of chromatography. These include High Performance Thin Layer
Chromatography (HPTLC)[3], and different forms of Gas Chromatography/Mass
Spectrometry (GC/MS)[5][6][7][8][9]. HPTLC and GC/MS can be used to give
quantitative results as opposed to the Boolean results from EMIT or
Abuscreen. Laboratory tests have shown that GC/MS test for LSD in urine[6]
and blood[7] can be accurate down to 0.1 ng/ml. The cost for confirmation
of a positive screening test is approximately $50-60.
Positive results to either EMIT and RIA are held to be "probable cause" by
U.S. courts. GC/MS results are held to be "proof" by U.S. courts.
> I am asking for an actual text message containing a short, precise >
description of each test,
Immunoassays chemicals are created by injecting animals (rabbits, sheep,
donkey, etc) with the drug to be tested for and an albumin which force the
animal to produce antibodies. The antibodies are then removed from the
animal, purified and bottled. In RIA tests, the antibodies are then added
to the fluid sample with a radioactively labeled chemical. Any of the drug
(or similar chemicals) found in a sample that is being tested will react
with this glop and by measuring the radioactivity, the amount of drugs can
be determined [2][10].
> 3] How can such a test be beaten?
While there is some literature on adulterating urine samples to produce
false negative results [11], there has been little written that applies
specifically to the LSD screening tests.
I would suggest you read the article posted by Paul Hager paying particular
attention to the warning about water intoxication [12]:
In <> wrote
+ Recommended: "Dealing With Urine Tests on Short Notice"
+ by Dale Gieringer, California NORML
+ Most folks recommend that people hydrate themselves -- the idea
+ being that by drinking water and taking a diuretic that will
+ promote water loss, the urine will be very dilute and THC metabolite
+ content from "tomatoe" consumption will drop below the 100 ng/ml
+ threshold that defines a "positive".
+ Mr. Gieringer recommends that, the day before the test, the
+ person drink lots of water. I would amend this to, drink your
+ normal "8 glasses" plus a few more. Don't get carried away with
+ drinking water -- there is such a thing as "water intoxication"
+ which can result in brain swelling and other nasties so don't
+ chug-a-lug a gallon of water just before the test. After
+ hydrating, and a little before the test, drink some more water
+ and use a diuretic (coffee is a weak diuretic). Urinate to
+ flush the bladder -- the first urination of the day is the
+ one most charged with metabolites. The pamphlet quotes from
+ a _High Times_ article, "How to Beat a Drug Test":
+ Take an 80 mg dose of the prescription diuretic Lasix
+ (furosemide); take a hefty drink of water; piss two
+ or three times; then take the test.
+ Some caution is to be exercised in taking diuretics. Consult
+ your physician.
+ Mr. Gieringer also suggests that the clear, watery urine that
+ results from the above procedure is sometimes suspicious. He
+ recommends taking 50-100 mg of vitamin B2 which will color
+ urine yellow for a couple of hours. Vitamin C does not produce
+ this effect -- contrary to rumor.
+ For more information, I'd suggest contacting California NORML
+ directly at (415) 563-5858. They are located in San Francisco.
+ It is also possible that Mr. Gieringer will respond directly
+ via his canorml account.
> I am asking for ...[a description]... of each thing that LSD leaves behind
> that can be detected, and of each method used to beat each test.
The immunsoassay tests vary in their specificity. Some display a relatively
low cross-reactivity[13], others a high cross-reactivity[14]. The exact
metabolites of LSD in humans have not been fully determined yet, though
animal studies have been done. The only verified human metabolite I could
find in the literature was N-demethyl-LSD[6] but I did not check all the
Altunkaya, D; Smith R.N.
"Evaluation of a commercial radioimmunoassay kit for the detection of
lysergide (LSD) in serum, whole blood, urine, and stomach contents"
Forensic Science International. v47n2, September 1990, p113-21.
Taunton-Rigby, A.; Sher, S.E.; Kelley, P.R.
"Lysergic Acid Diethylamide: Radioimmunoassay"
Science. v181, July 13 1973, p165-6.
McCarron, M.M.; Walberg, C.B.; Baselt, R.C.
"Confirmation of LSD intoxication by analysis of serum and urine."
Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v14n3, May-June 1990, p165-7.
Berg, E.
"Drug-testing methods: what you should know."
Safety & Health. v142n6, Dec 1990, p52-6.
Lim, H.K.; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P.; Bridges, R.R.; Foltz, R.L.
"Determination of LSD in urine by capillary column gas chromatography
and electron impact mass spectrometry."
Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v12n1, Jan-Feb 1988, p1-8.
Lim, H.K.; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P.
"Quantification of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD in urine by gas chromatography/
resonance electron capture ionization mass spectrometry."
Analytical Chemistry. v60, July 15 1988, p1420-25.
Papac, D.I.; Foltz, R.L.
"Measurement of lysergic acid dietylamide (LSD) in human plasma by gas
chromatography/negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry."
Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v14n3, May-June 1990, p189-90.
Paul, B.D.; Mitchell J.M.; Burbage, R.; Moy, M; Sroka, R.
"Gas chromatographic-electron-impact mass fragmentometric determination
of lysergic acid diethylamide in urine."
Journal of Chromatography. v529n1, July 13, 1990, p103-12.
Blum, L.M.; Carenzo, E.F.; Rieders, F.
"Determination of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in urine by instrumental
high-performance thin-layer chromatography."
Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v14n5, Sep-Oct 1990, p285-7.
Ratcliffe, W.A.; Fletcher, S.M.; Moffat, A.C.; et. al.
"Radioimmunoassay of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) in serum and urine
by using antisera of different specificities."
Clinical Chemistry. v23n2, Feb 1977, p169-74.
Cody, J.T.; Schwarzhoff, R.H.
"Impact of adulterants on RIA analysis of urine for drugs of abuse."
Journal of Analytical Toxicology. v13n5, Sep-Oct 1989, p277-84.
Klonoff, D.C.
"Acute water intoxication as a complication of urine drug testing in the
Journal of the American Medical Association. v265n1, Jan 2 1991, p84-6.
Christie J.; White, M.W.; Wiles, J.M.
"A chromatographic method for the detection of LSD in biological liquids."
Journal of Chromatography. v120n2, May 26, 1976, p496-501.
Twitchet, P.J.; Fletcher, S.M.; Sullivan, A.T.; Moffat, A.C.
"Analysis of LSD in human body fluids by high-performance liquid chromatography,
fluorescence spectroscopy and radioimmunoassay."
J. Chromatogr. v150n1, March 11 1978, p73-84.
Sorry this was so long but I thought it deserved it :-)
Enjoy a "referenced" article.
Tim Basher
There were rumors going around that LSD could be detected
by drug tests fo thirty days. I think this reference and
abstract makes it clear that it is probably 4 days, max.
(see the end of the abstract)
IDNUM 03319915
TYPE Journal paper
DATE 880715
AUTHOR Heng Keang Lim; Andrenyak, D.; Francom, P.; Foltz, R.L.; Jones, R.T.
Center for Human Toxicology, Utah Univ., Salt Lake City, UT, USA
TITLE Quantification of LSD and N-demethyl-LSD in urine by gas
chromatography/resonance electron capture ionization mass
SOURCE Analytical Chemistry; vol.60, no.14; 15 July 1988; pp. 1420-5
SUBJECT chromatography; electron capture; mass spectroscopic chemical
analysis; organic compounds; quantification; gas chromatography;
resonance electron capture ionisation mass spectrometry; LSD;
N-demethyl-LSD; urine; lysergic acid diethylamide; human; in vitro;
in vivo; aromatic hydroxylation; drug; metabolite;
N-tri-fluoroacetyl derivatives; calibration curves; urinary
concentrations; adult volunteer; excretion; elimination half-lives;
4 to 6 hrs; 8 to 10 hrs
Numerical data: time 1.4E+04 to 2.2E+04 s; time 2.9E+04 to 3.6E+04 s
Class codes: A8280M; A8280B; A3470
ABSTRACT Demethylation of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) in the human has
been demonstrated, both in vitro and in vivo, and aromatic
hydroxylation at positions 13 and 14 has been tentatively
identified. A gas chromatography/resonance electron capture
ionization mass spectrometry (GC/MS) assay for LSD and
N-demethyl-LSD in urine has been developed, in which the drug and
its metabolite are converted to their N-tri-fluoroacetyl derivatives
prior to GC/MS analysis. Linear and reproducible calibration curves
have been obtained for LSD concentrations from 0.05 to 5.0 ng/mL,
and for N-demethyl-LSD concentrations from 0.03 to 5.0 ng/mL. The
assay was used to determine the urinary concentrations of LSD and
N-demethyl-LSD following administration of a single oral dose of the
drug (1 mu g/kg) to an adult volunteer. The rates of excretion of
LSD and N-demethyl-LSD reached maxima in urine collected at time
intervals of 4-6 and 8-10 h after administration, respectively. The
elimination half-lives for LSD and N-demethyl-LSD were 3.6 and 10.0
h, respectively
Treatment: experimental
Anal. Chem. (USA)
Abstract number(s): A89037987
ISSN: 0003-2700
Refs: 15
Class I, "no medical use" --- mostly for political reasons, as it was
and is used in psychotherapy. (Current use is in Switzerland.)
Though LSD has very different subjective qualities than MDMA, Dutch psy
chiatrist Dr. Hans Bastiaans' use of LSD for decades in the treatment of
concentration camp survivors is an inspiring example of the beneficial use of
psychedelics in the treatment of people with severe trauma.
"SET" is the expectations a person brings with them. "Setting" is the
environment that a person is in. Set includes expectations about the
drug's actions and how the person will react. Setting includes the
social and physical conditions. For LSD and the hallucinogen-type
drug more than other psychoactives, set and setting are very important
in determining the nature of the experience. These factors make the
difference between, e.g., the experiences of someone taking the drug
for enhancement at a concert, for psychotherapy in an doctor's office,
in a religious context, or in the outdoors for an aesthetic
experience. For best results, one should take LSD only with people
one trusts in safe, comfortable surroundings, free of everyday
intrusions. Tripping alone is a very risky thing to do, that
inexperienced people should avoid.
First, note that LSD is a fairly stable organic molecule, no more or
less fragile than other molecules with comparable structures.
The main factors to be concerned with are moisture (due to leaching
and facilitated chemical reactions in the presense of moisture),
oxygen, light, and temperature. Reaction rates typically depend upon
temperature exponentially. These factors basically apply to all
organic compounds.
Sealing in AL foil in a cool dark place is fine. Some recommend
refrigeration, but be careful about nosy guests, condensation, and frost.
Multiple, redundant seals are suggested, eg., paper in metal foil in
plastic in a metal candy tin which has been taped shut. Should last
at least a presidential term.
Wallets are contraindicated as storage locations due to sweat.
Smoking cannabis products considerably increases the effects,
increasing the visuals and also possibly increasing the cognitive and
linguistic disorders. As the effects of LSD wear off, marijuana may
bring them back, and also ease the jitteriness some dislike. Nitrous
oxide goes well with LSD, though one should be extra careful (not to
suffocate or fall down) with the nitrous because of the effects of the
LSD. MDA & cousins can go well, but people on these drugs should not
take LSD unless they are familiar with the latter's effects.
Alcohol's effects are largely overwhelmed by LSD, and they act in opposite
ways: alcohol being a depressant and LSD being a (hyper)stimulant.
Generally mixing stimulants and sedatives is counterproductive.
MAO inhibitors ???
Amphetamines and cocaine ???
Don't try it, too difficult and risky both physically and
legally. Precursor medical drugs (ob/gyn and migraine ergot
alkaloids) are watched.
When I saw the subjects relating to the synthesis of LSD, I knew the
information would be outdated. It's humourous to see people who think
they're in the know giving out information that was outdated even in the 70's.
Lysergic acid amides are commonly made by a simple and efficient procedure
using POCl3 and the desired amine in CHCl3 solution. I doubt that this
procedure is used by the majority of clandestine chemists, but since I
don't know any, I wouldn't know. By the description of the procedure,
it's simple and uses relatively safe reagents. (I have a reference, but
not handy...) And you won't find it in any obvious places even in the
most recent Merck because LSD is not the product of focus in the article.
This is why I doubt that unsavvy clandestine chemists would be using this
procedure. But according to the article, the method has a broad scope
and has been used by Nichols and Oberlender for some other lysergic acid
amides. (The article in question regards 9,10 saturated derivatives
tested for emetic properties.) It's time to stop turning to those stupid
"how to make your very own drug" guides and learn how to read real chemsitry
literature. If you can't, don't bother...
Even the synthesis of lysergic acid is outdated. Rebek has described
an extremely elegant synthesis of methyl lysergate from L-tryptophan
which gives only the natural isomer of lysergic acid. It's still a
several step procedure, but most of the reagents are fairly common and the
yields are greatly improved over past syntheses.
This brings me to an interesting side-note. Several years ago, analogues
of LSD that were 2 and 3 times as potent as LSD were synthesized. These
went largely unnoticed and would most likely prove of little interest
to clandestine chemists because LSD was the precursor used and the loss
in synthesis outweighed the gain in potency. But using Rebek's synthesis,
one could simply alter the procedure slightly and intorduce the groups
that make the compounds more potent. When the 6N-methyl group is replaced
by ethyl or allyl, it becomes 2 and 3 times as potent respectively.
I am posting this for general information. I may post references if I
decide it would be prudent. Requests will be ignored and I ask you not to
send e-mail requesting references. But if you just want to chat about them
and maybe speculate on subjective effects or other avenues of substitution...
I don't know if I'll ever see the day that research in this area is open
and legal, but I'd love to...
LSD: My Problem Child [A. Hofmann, PhD] (excellent)
Storming heaven : LSD and the American dream [Jay Stevens]. (excellent)
Ceremonical Chemistry [T. Szasz, M.D.] (excellent)
Acid Dreams
Drugs and the Brain
Psychedelics Reconsidered
Electric Koolaid Acid Test
Flashbacks (Leary's autobiography)
The Great Drug War
Dealing With Drugs
Psychedelic Encyclopedia [Stafford] (excellent)
Psychedelic Chemistry [M.V.Smith]
Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology (technical)
Consumer Reports: Licit & Illicit Drugs
Recreational Drugs
Merck Handbook
Physician's Desk Reference
The Botany And Chemistry Of Hallucinogens, Shultes & Hofmann
Journal of Psychoactive (formerly Psychedelic) Drugs
AUTHOR: Cohen, Sidney
U California School of Medicine, Neuropsychiatric
Inst, Los Angeles
TITLE: LSD: The varieties of psychotic experience.
SOURCE: Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 1985 Oct-Dec Vol 17(4)
ABSTRACT: Discusses the contributing factors (e.g., preexisting
character structure, insecurity, negative experience,
current mood and stress level) and prevention and
treatment of acute and prolonged psychotic reactions
to LSD. (10 ref)
Additional (detailed) References (in random order):
"Indole Alkaloids In Plant Hallucinogens" Richard Evans Schultes, PhD.
Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol.8(No.1) Jan-Mar 1976
"Ethnopharmacology and Taxonomy of Mexican Psychodysleptic Plants"
Jose Luis Diaz M.D.
Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol. 11(1-2) Jan-Jun 1979
"The Botanical and Chemical Distribution of Hallucinogens"
Richard Evans Schultes, PhD.
Journal of Psychedelic Drugs Vol.9(No.3) Jul-Sep 1977
"Burger's Medicinal Chemistry" Fourth Edition, Volume III
Chapter: "Hallucinogens" Alexander Shulgin
J. Psychoactive Drugs Vol 21 (1) Jan-Mar 1989
The Addictvie Behaviors: treatment of alcoholism, drug use, smoking, and
W.R. Miller, Ed
(small amount of info on use of psychedelics in psychotherapy)
Pergammon press 1986
Biological Basis Of Behavior
N.Chalmers R. Crawley S.P.R.Rose Eds
Open Univ Press Harper & Row1971
Recreational Drugs
Young Klein Beyer
Collier Books, div of Macmillan pub co 1977
The Biochemical Basis Of Neuropharmacology
J.R.Cooper F.E.Bloom R.H.Roth
Oxford Univ Press 1982 (4th ed)
Craving For Ecstasy: Consciousness And Chemistry Of Escape
H.Milkman S.Sunderwirth
Lexington Books, DC Heath and co 1987
A Primer of Drug Action
W.H.Freeman & Co.1978
LSD & Creativity
O.Janiger, Rios
J. Psychoactive Drugs Vol 21 (1) Jan-Mar 1989
An Introduction To Pharmacology
Williams and wilkins Co, Baltimore 1964 (3rd edition)
Metabolism Of Drugs Of Abuse
Spectrum Publications 1976
Dist by Halstead Press of John Wiley Press
L. Lemberger
Medicinal Chemistry: a series of monographs
G.deStevens Ed
Vol 4: Psychopharmaceutical agents
M. Gordon (ed)
Vol I, ch 13: psychomimetic compounds D.F.Downing
Vol II, ch 4: psychomimetic agents by A.T.Shulgin
Academic press 1976
The Road To Eleusis
Unveiling the secret of the mysteries
R.G.Wasson, A.Hoffman, C.A.P.Ruck
harcourt brace jovanovich inc. 1978
Lsd Man And Society
R.C.Debold, R.C.Leaf Eds
Wesleyan U press
Middletown Conn 1967
Hallucinogenic Plants (A Golden Guide) New York: Golden Press
Shultes, R.E., Smith E.W.
The Sun And The Moon
A.Weil, MD
The Natural Mind
A.Weil, MD 1986
Houghton-mifflin pub co.
Sacred Narcotic Plants Of The New World Indians
H. Schleiffer ed.
Hafner press 1973
Div of mcmillan pub co
Moksha: Writings On Psychedlics And The Visionary Experience
stonehill pub co., NY
M.Horowitz, C. palmer Eds 1977
Psychedelic Chemistry
2nd edition 1973
rip off press
Psychotropic Methoxyamphetamines: Structure And Activity In Man
S.H.Snyder, E.Richelson, H.Weingartner, LA.Faillace
Ethnopharmacological Search For Psychoactive Drugs
Proc of a symposium in SF, Ca Jan 28-30 1967
D.H.Efron, B.Holmstedt, N.S.Kline eds
US Dept of HEW
The Botany And Chemistry Of Hallucinogens
R.E.Schultes, A.Hoffman
charles C Thomas Publisher
Springfield Ill 1980
The Behavioral Effects Of Drugs
(Ch 4 Hallucinogens: Complications of LSD: A Review of the Literature;
Dimensions of the LSD, Methlphenidate, and Chlordiazepoxide
Experiences; LSD: Injection Early in Pregnancy Produces Abnormality
in Offspring of Rats; LSD: No Teratogenicity in Rats; Congenital
Malformation Induced by Mescaline, LSD, and Bromolysergic Acid in
the Hamster; Drug Motivated-Behavior: The Effect of Morning Glory Seeds
On Motor Activity In Chicks) (Also Includes Weil'S Study Of "Clinical and
Psychological Effects Of Marijuana In Man")
D.W. Matheson M.A. Davidson Holt Rinehart
Winston Inc 1972
any textbook titled "Physiological Psychology"
(For a complete listing of books that we have in the No More
Drug War Foundation Research Library, e-mail or write your
address to me:
Gerald Bryan, Secretary
The No More Drug War Foundation
2045 Kearney St.
Denver, CO 80207-3919
303/388-5495 days
303/394-3930 evenings)
1986, 279 pages, $35.00, Greenwood Press. Sympathetic to the
idea of legalization. Can be ordered from publisher at 88
Post Road West, Box 5007
Bakalar, 1979, 1981, Basic Books, Inc. Good book that covers
all aspects of psychedelic drugs, written by Harvard professors.
You can probably order this from anywhere.
ECSTASY: THE MDMA STORY, by Bruce Eisner, mid-1980s. Covers
all aspects of this drug, good book, available anywhere.
PSYCHEDELICS ENCYCLOPEDIA, by Peter Stafford, Revised Edition,
1983, J.P. Tarcher, Inc. Great resource book, you can probably
order this from anywhere (huge bookstore in Denver had it in
The Drug Policy Foundation The grand-father of all the
4801 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. legalization groups, this one
Suite 400 appeals to educated mainstream
Washington, D.C. 20016-2087 folk. Holds annual conference,
202/895-1634 has respectability. This is a
Multidisciplinary Assoc. for Educational group seeking to
Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) give drug study legitimization
23A Shaler Lane through normal public policy
Cambridge, MA 02138 channels. Supports drug
617/547-7271 research projects worldwide.
The Albert Hofmann Foundation Educational group seeking to
132 West Channel Road build a library to house
Suite 324 vast amount of research work
Santa Monica, CA 90402 done on consciousness, including
extensive LSD studies.
Coalition for 100% Drug Reform Political, grass-roots activist
9 Bleecker Street group seeking an end to zero-
New York, NY 10012 tolerance policies and promoting
212/995-1245 safe drug use education. They
have a drug reform conference
scheduled for Dec 1-3.
The No More Drug War Foundation Activist group seeking to bring
Box 18780 an end to the drug war through
Denver, CO 80218 grass-roots political action &
303/320-1910 education.
N.O.R.M.L. Still around, still holding pot
2001 'S' Street, N.W. rallies. Good for people who
Suite 640 want MJ legalized but don't care
Washington, D.C. 20009 about other drugs.
Ed Hassle's Freedom Fighters Activist group associated with
Trans-High Corp High Times. Similar agenda to
211 East 43rd St. NORML.
NY, NY 10017
PRIDE Yes, this is an anti-drug,
50 Hurt Plaza pro-drug-war group, but they
Suite 210 publish a good newsletter
Atlanta, Georgia 30303 that informs well on what the
404/577-4500 opposition is doing.
(about visual disturbances: )
Migraine: the evolution of a common disorder
O. Sacks
U CAl press 1970
Brain Damage, Behavior, And The Mind
M. Williams
John Wiley & Sons 1979
ch 5 Disorders of visual perception
Mescal And Mechanisms Of Hallucinations
Heinrich Kluver
U. Chicago Press 1930
Drugs And The Brain
Perry Black MD, Ed
Johns Hopkins Press 1969
behavioral effects of LSD in subhuman primates
Sci Am
(see also article on phosphenes in amateur scientist column in another issue)
Luria's _The Shattered Mind_
Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) -
Your Psychedelic Pharmaceutical Company
by Rick Doblin, MAPS President
MAPS, 1801 Tippah Avenue, Charlotte, NC. 28205 Phone (704) 3
58-9830, FAX (704) 358-1650, e-mail
Becoming a member of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic
Studies, Inc. (MAPS) and receiving the MAPS newsletter is an excellent way to
stay abreast of the latest developments in psychedelic research around the
world. In addition, your membership donation will be used to support
research into the medical uses of MDMA, LSD, marijuana,
and a cornucopia of other fascinating compounds.
MAPS is an IRS-approved non-profit corporation supported by tax-deductible
contributions from a membership of about five hundred people and growing.
MAPS works to develop the medical potential of MDMA and other psychedelics
by assisting researchers around the world to design, obtain governmental
approval for, fund, conduct and report on psychedelic research. MAPS is
also involved in research exploring the medical use of marijuana. MAPS'
primary goals are to help researchers conduct the studies necessary to
transform MDMA and marijuana into FDA-approved prescription medicines. For
MDMA, this is an estimated ten-year, $10 million project; for mar
ijuana, a two-year, $500,000 task.
MAPS offers its members a quarterly newsletter reporting on MAPS-sponsored
and other psychedelic research in progress both in the US and abroad,
political developments that affect psychedelic research and use, and
conferences, books and articles of interest. In addition, MAPS offers for
sale various unique publications (for example the protocol submitted to the
FDA for the investigation of the use of MDMA in the treatment of pain and
distress in terminal cancer patients), videotapes (of a MAPS benefit held in
Berkeley in 1990 that featured Jerry Beck, Ram Dass, Bruce Eisner, Rick
Doblin, Laura Huxley, Emerson Jackson, Mark Kleiman, Timothy Leary, Dennis
McKenna, Terence McKenna, Ralph Metzner, Andrew Weil, and Robert Zanger), and
audiotapes (of a MAPS seminar held in Prague in 1992 featuring Ram Dass, Ken
Ring and Richard Yensen discussing working with the terminally
ill with psychedelics).
Since its inception in 1986, MAPS has invested about $75,000, donated by
its members, into preliminary FDA-required 28-day MDMA toxicity studies in
the dog and rat. These studies were submitted to the FDA in order to open
MAPS' FDA Drug Master File for MDMA. These toxicity studies were a
prerequisite for all FDA-approved studies involving the administration of
MDMA to human volunteers. When UC Irvine psychiatrist Dr. Charles Grob
applied to the FDA to conduct human research with MDMA, MAPS provided him
with written permission to cross-reference its MDMA Drug Master File. This
document saved Dr. Grob from having to reproduce the toxicity data, a hurdle
that he would have foun
d prohibitively expensive.
MAPS has also invested an additional $125,000 on pilot studies into the
effect of MDMA on the serotonin levels of humans, on MDMA neurotoxicity
studies in the primate, and on protocol design for Phase 1 and Phase 2 human
studies with MDMA. In addition to MAPS' preliminary toxicity research and its
subsequent efforts on protocol design, MAPS successfully assisted Dr.
Charles Grob in obtaining FDA permission to study the effects of MDMA on
human volunteers. Dr. Grob's study is the first that the FDA has ever
permitted involving the administration of MDMA to human volunteers. The
study is designed to gather information for a subsequent study by Dr. Grob
which will investigate the use of MDMA in the treatment of pain and distress
in end-stage pancreatic cancer patients. MAPS intends to raise funds for Dr.
Grob's studies and provide him with whatever scientific and profess
ional support he may need to conduct his experiments. One function of
MAPS is to conduct MDMA research as if MAPS were a pharmaceutical company
interested in making MDMA into a prescription medicine. The critical
difference is that MAPS makes its data available for free to responsible
researchers to help advance the field of MDMA research rather than keep the
data as proprietary information. In this way, duplication of expensive
required studies is eliminated and researchers can focus on research
rather than profit considerations.
You may have heard about "no-hitter" that Bob Milacki's of the Oakland A's
pitched last week. No-hitters are pretty rare and this one made the
news everywhere. One of the local TV stations refered to it as
Milacki's "no-no," a term that originated with Dock Ellis's no-hitter
back on June 20th, 1970 for the Pirates.
Dock pitched that game on acid. That fact didn't come out until almost
15 years later. Here are some interesting excerpts from Eric Brothers
account of the game in the August 1987 issue of High Times magazine:
"Dock woke up late. Why shouldn't he? As far as he knew, the team had
an off day and he planned to take full advantage of it. Three hits of
LSD were ready and waiting in the refrigerator.
"A few minutes later, his girlfriend returned with coffee, donuts, and
the morning paper. At noon, they dropped acid. Dock put on a record,
while his girlfriend read the paper.
"Dock, it says here you're pitching today!"
"Whaaaa...? said Dock groggily. He snatched the paper, scanned the box
scores, and read:
(6 P.M.) - Ellis (4-4) vs.
Roberts (3-3)
[He makes it to the game and after having someone help him find his
locker, he suits up and enters the game.]
"Dave Roberts, the Padres' pitcher, had an easy first inning, ending
with Roberto Clemente hitting one back to the box. Dock marched to the
mound, wondering if he'd last the inning.
"His fingers tingled as he squeezed the ball. He squinted to see
catcher Jerry May's hand signals. He nodded his head and went into his
windup, falling slightly off balance in the process. The ball hit the
ground about two feet in front of the plate and skipped into May's
"May signaled for a fastball outside. Dock wound up and threw a hot one
over the the corner of the plate - a swinging strike! In was no
ordinary pitch: The ball burst from Dock's hand and left a blazing,
cometlike tail that remained visible long after the ball was caught.
"Dock felt wobbly on the mound and his stomach was churning with acid
cramps. His concentration, however, was superb. As long as he kept to
his fastball, the comets kept burning across the plate. All he had to
do was steer the ball down the multicolored path. Dock had a crazed
look in his eyes and his lack of control was evident to the batters,
many of whom were feeling increasingly vulnerable in the batter's box.
Dock easily retired three batters in a row [in the second inning].
[the seventh inning:]
"The Pirates were clinging to their 1-0 lead. Dock was staring at the
scoreboard when he realized he'd pitched hitless ball for seven innings.
He smacked Cash on the arm.
"Hey, look," said Dock, pointing at the scoreboard. "I've got a no-no
Cash gave him a blank look. "A no-no?" asked Cash. He'd never heard
the term before. But Cash wanted to keep the pitcher loose and happy,
so he smiled and said nothing.
[He finished the game without a hit.]
(Dock had a pretty good year in 1970. He went 13-10, and helped the
Pirates win their first of three divisional championships. The fact
that he pitched his no-hitter on LSD was not revealed until April 8,
1984. [no details given])
From the 11th Edition of the Merck manual, the "Centennial Edition" no less:
[perhaps something to drop in the FAQ?]
5505. Lysergamide. 9,10-Didehydro-6-methylergoline-
8beta-carboxamide; lysergic acid amide; ergine. C16H17N3O;
mol wt 267.32. C 71.88%, H 6.41%, N 15.72%, O 5.99%.
Isoln from _Rivea_corymbosa_(L.) and from _Ipomoea_tricolor_
Cav., _Convolvulaceae_: Hofmann, Tscherter, _Experientia_ 16,
414 (1964). Prepn from lysergic acid hydrazide: Ainsworth,
U.S. pat. 2,756,235 (1956 to Lilly); from lysergic acid and
phosgene-dimethylformamide complex: Patelli, Bernardi,
U.S. pat. 3,141,887 (1964 to Farmitalia). Microbiological
production: Rutschmann, Kobel, U.S. pat. 3,219,545 (1965
to Sandoz).
'. /
|| |
|| N
/ / /
/ / / CH3
|| | |
|| | | H
// /
// /
| ||
| ||
Prisms from methanol. dec 242deg. [alpha](5461)(20) + 15% (c = 0.5 in
Methanesulfonate, C7H21N3O4S, prisms from methanol +
acetone, dec 232deg.
Note: This is a controlled substance (depressant) listed in
the U.S. code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 Part 1308.13
5506. Lysergic Acid. 9,10-Didehydro-6-methylergoline-
8-carboxylic acid. C16H16N2O2; mol wt 268.32. C 71.62%,
H 6.01%, N 10.44%, O 11.93%. Lysergic acid and isolyser-
gic acid are the main cleavage products formed on alkaline
hydrolysis of the alkaloids which are characteristic of ergot.
Jacobs, Craig et al., _J._Biol._Chem._ 104, 547 (1934); 125, 289
(1938); 130, 399 (1939); 145, 487 (1942); _J._Org._Chem._ 10,
76 (1945). High-yield production by _Claviceps_paspali_:
Arcamone et al., _Proc._Roy._Soc._ (London), _Ser._B_, 155, 26
(1961). total synthesis: Kornfeld et al., _J._Am._Chem._Soc._
76, 5256 (1954); 78, 3087 (1956); M. Julia et al., _Tetrahedron_
_letters_ 1969, 1569; V.W. Armstrong et al., ibid. 1976, 4311;
W. Oppolzer et al., _Helv._Chem._Acta_ 64, 478 (1981); R.
Ramage et al., _Tetrahedron_ 37, Suppl. 9, 157 (1981); J.
Rebek, D.F. Tai, _Tetrahedron_Letters_ 24, 859 (1983). Ste-
reochemistry: Stoll et al., _Helv._Chem._Acta 37, 2039 (1954);
Stenlake, _J._Chem._Soc._ 1955, 1626; Leeman, Fabbri, _Helv._
_Chim._Acta_ 42, 2696 (1959). Absolute configuration: Stad-
ler, Hoffman, ibid. 45, 2005 (1962).
'. /
|| |
|| N
/ / /
/ / / CH3
|| | |
|| | | H
// /
// /
| ||
| ||
Haxagonal scales, plates with one or two moles H20 from
water, mp 240deg (dec). [alpha](D)(20) + 40deg (c = 0.5 in pyridine).
Behaves as an acid and base, pKa 3.44, pKb 7.68. Moder-
ately sol in pyridine. Sparingly sol in water and in neutral
organic solvents; sol in NaOH, NH4OH, Na2CO3, and HCL
solns. Slighly sol in dil H2SO4.
Methyl ester, thin leaflets from benzene, mp 168deg.
Note: This is a controlled substance (depressant) listed in
the U.S. code of Federal Regulations, title 21 Part 1308.13
5507. Lysergide. 9,10-Didehydro-N,N-diethyl-6-meth-
ylergoline-8beta-carboxamide; N,N-diethyl-D-lysergamide; D-
lysergic acid diethylamide; LSD; LSD-25; Lysergsaure Di-
ethylamid. C20H25N3O; mol wt 323.42. C 74.27%, H 7.79%,
N 12.99%, O 4.95%. Microbal formation by _Claviceps_pas-
pali_ over the hydroxyethylamide; Arcamone et al., _Proc._
Roy._Soc._(London) 155B, 26 (1961). Partial synthesis: Stoll,
Hofmann, _Helv._Chim._Acta_ 26, 944 (1943); 38, 421 (1955).
Industrial prepn: Pioch; Garbrecht, U.S. pats. 2,736,728;
2,774,763 (both 1956 to Lilly); Patelli, Bernardi, U.S. pat.
3,141,887 (1964 to Farmitalia). Isotope-labeled LSD: Stoll
et al., _Helv._Chim._Acta_ 37, 820 (1954). Toxicity data: E.
Rothlin, _Ann._N.Y._Acad._Sci._ 66, 668 (1957). Review: Hof-
fer, _Clin._Pharmacol._Ther._ 6, 183 (1965). Book: _The_Use_of_
LSD_in_Psychotherapy_and_Alcoholism_, H.A. Abramson, Ed.
(Bobbs-Merrill, Indianapolis, 1967) 697 pp.
/ C2H5
'. / C2H5
|| |
|| N
/ / /
/ / / CH3
|| | |
|| | | H
// /
// /
| ||
| ||
Pointed prisms from benzene, mp 80-85 degs. [alpha](D)(20) + 17deg (c =
0.5 in pyridine). uv max (ethanol): 311 nm (E(1 cm)(1%) 257).
LD50 in mice, rats, rabbits (mg/kg): 46, 16.5, 0.3 i.v.
D-Tartrate, C46H64N6O10, solvated, elongated prisoms from
methanol, mp 198-200deg. [alpha](D)(20) + 30 deg. Soluble in water.
Caution: This is a controlled substance (hallucinogen)
listed in the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 Part
1308.11 (1987).
USE: In biochemical research as an antagonist to serotonin.
Has been used experimentally as adjunct in study and treat-
ment of mental disorders.
NOTES: Not guaranteed to be free from typos.
Underlines are supposed to be italic (ie book/journal titles, etc)
Alpha, beta, and deg are the greek letters and the degree symbol
[alpha](D)(20) means a greek letter in [] followed by a subscript
and then a superscript (I don't know *WHAT* this actually is)
The chemical structures are almost exactly what the Merck manual has
drawn. Almost nothing was lost in the conversion to ASCII.
... of the jungle
P.O. Box 1801
Sebastopol, CA 95473
Their catalog doesn't list how much their catalog is. I'm
sure it wasn't more than $2. It might be free.
>From their catalog - "We are ... of the jungle. This catalog
lists some of our favorite beneficial plants and botanical
products from our personal collection ... The propagule units
listed here are intended for cultivation as houseplants only.
The data provided on folk uses is given for historical
interest and can be found in ethnobotanical literature. We do
not suggest or imply attempting such folk use ... [ :-) ]"
They sell San Pedro cuttings and a number of other
Trichocereus Cacti seeds, Hawaiian Woodrose, Datura, etc.
Pretty much every legal medicinal plant. They are very prompt
at shipping orders.
2140 Shattuck Ave.
Box 2196,
Berkeley, CA 94704
>From an October 1988 Douglas J. Trainor posting - "Mostly
listing many tapes by McKenna, but also a new expanded edition
of _Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide_." Their
catalog is free (?).
P.O. Box 619
Honaunau, HI 96726
Amazonian Psilocybe Cubensis spore prints $10 + $1 shipping.
This info is also from the October 1988 Douglas J. Trainor
P.O Box 203
Capitola, CA 95010
They used to advertise San Pedro cactus seeds and cuttings in
H.T. I ordered seeds from them and they came promptly with
some nice growing information.
The Twentieth Century Alchemist
P.O Box 1684
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
They publish a number of booklets [some apparantly formatted
using troff & Berkeley fonts, interestingly enough] including -
"The Book of Acid" - LSD synthesis
"Peyote and other Psychoactive Cacti" - growing and extracting alkaloids.
"Legal Highs"
"Basic Drug Manufacture"
Booklets are $1.50 each (plus $.25 for handling). The catalog
alone is 25 cents. I have quite a few from the collection,
but I've bought them from bookstores, so I don't know how good
the mail order service is.
Thompson & Morgan
P.O Box 1308
Jackson, NJ 08527
(201) 363-2225
The largest seed catalog in the world. The beautiful catalog
is free (you can get it by calling them). They sell peyote
Island Spore Co.
P.O Box 8055
Honolulu, Hawaii 96830
"Baby or regular Hawaiian Woodrose Seeds, a sample $20 [20
seeds] or $75/oz.; one Hawaiian Panaeolus Cyanescens spore
print for $15; Betel Nut seeds $10; Kava-Kava $20/pz., or
$75/quarter lb.; Imported Poppy Seeds $10 or $60/quarter lb.
Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery." - H.T. ad
This company seems to have been around a while. I've only
ordered from them once, and they took the full 8 weeks to get
my order to me. They are quite a bit more expensive than
other sources like "of the jungle."
The Shroom King
Box 17444
Seattle, WA 98107
(206) 784-9328
"Growing Wild Mushrooms" + Psilocybe Cubensis print - $25
Above plus compost + malt agar medium - $35
The Seed Bank
Postbus 5
6576 ZA Ooy
The Netherlands
The 1989 catalog is free. They sell marijuana seeds. The
color catalog is nice to look at if nothing else.
Postbus 1942
100 Bx Amsterdam - Holland
S.S.S.C. is the Super Sativa Seed Club. Their 1989 catalog free.
They sell marijuana seeds.
CEREMONIAL CHEMISTRY: The ritual persecution of drugs, addicts, and
pushers, by Thomas Szasz, 1985, Learning Publications, PO Box 1326,
Holmes Beach, Florida, 33509. (ISBN: 1-55691-019-3.)
There is a revised edition floating around -- buy it! This book is a
The book is divided into three major sections: (1) Pharmakos: The
Scapegoat, (2) Pharmacomythology: Medicine as Magic, and (3)
Pharmacracy: Medicine as Social Control. There's a great appendix,
"A Synoptic History of the Promotion and Prohibition of Drugs", an
addendum to the appendix, "The `War on Drugs' 1974-1984", plus
copious references and a bibliography.
Some feminists want to borrow my copy when I'm done reading it.
LSD by Richard Alpert and Sidney Cohen, photography by Lawrence
Schiller, 1986, The New American Library, New York.
What a find!!! Alpert and Cohen play good-cop/bad-cop with LSD.
More debate-type books like this should be written.
Getting Real About Drugs
It was almost 30 years ago that a group of 20 young seminarians from
Andover-Newton Theological School gathered in the basement of Boston
University's Marsh Chapel to participate in an experiment using
psychedelic drugs.
Organized by Walter Pahnke, a graduate student in religion and society,
assisted by a young Harvard researcher named Timothy Leary and
encouraged by the Rev. Howard Thurman, the charismatic black chaplain
of Boston University, half the group swallowed psilocybin, a
hallucinogen derived from mushrooms, while their colleagues ingested
niacin tablets. Then all 20 filed into pews to listen to Thurman's Good
Friday sermon and reflect upon Christ's Passion on the cross.
Pahnke believed that the psilocybin would induce mystical religious
visions, and he hypothesized that the drug experiences would exert a
longterm positive influence on his subjects' lives. Little did he know
that his Good Friday experiment, which created a furor at the time,
would be one of the last scientifically controlled tests using
psychedelics. Shortly after the experiment, Leary was booted out of
Harvard and psilocybin was outlawed. Pahnke died in 1971.
Rick Doblin, a young researcher at Harvard's Kennedy School of
Government, has spent four years tracking down the 20 participants in
the Good Friday experiment. One has died, one has disappeared. Of the
remaining 18, all but one agreed to discuss their experiences with him.
Ten of the 18 subjects whom Doblin located entered the ministry, while
the rest fanned out among other professions.
By and large, they agree that the psilocybin experience had a lasting,
positive effect on their lives. In an article just published in the
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, Doblin writes: "The subjects
unanimously described their psilocybin experience as having had
elements of a genuinely mystical nature and characterized it as one of
the highpoints of their spiritual life."
Robert Kirven, who at the time was writing a thesis on spiritual
reality, remembers feeling like a skeleton and experiencing his own
death. "It was a very vivid opening onto another aspect of reality,"
he said. "Here I thought I knew what I was talking about; it was like
writing about China and then getting a chance to go there."
Several psilocybin subjects had profound mystical experiences,
prompting one to tell Doblin: "I would want my kids to take it "
But Doblin's follow-up research also uncovered some of the experiment's
darker moments. Two subjects found the combination of the hallucinogen
and Thurman's vivid Passion sermon to be overwhelming -- When Thurman
urged his listeners to spread the news about the crucifixion, one
seminarian rushed onto Commonwealth Avenue to announce the good news
and had to be restrained.
More chillingly, one of the subjects experienced what Pahnke called a
"psychotic episode," and was given an injection of the powerful
tranquilizer thorazine - a fact Pahnke never mentioned in his writings.
Six months after the experiment, the man reported "slightly harmful"
negative persisting effects. Almost 30 years later, the man's colleagues
told Doblin that "his experience caused no persisting dysfunction and
may even have had some beneficial as well as detrimental effects."
The subject refused to talk to Doblin.
Doblin, who is also the president of the Multidisciplinary Association
for Psychedelic Studies, believes his follow-up to Pahnke's original
research argues for the legalization of drugs, which he supports. I
don't support the full legalization of drugs, but if dissemination of
Doblin's work helps quell the antidrug hysteria in this country, so
much the better.
My own children are learning about illicit drugs from public-service
advertisements aired during Saturday-morning cartoon shows, thus
whetting their interest in the forbidden fruit of which their parents
partook. Some drugs are dangerous and are properly outlawed. Other
controlled substances provide medical benefits. As the aging hipsters
might say: It's time to get real about drugs.
Alex Beam is a Globe Columnist.
DATE 890922
AUTHOR McKenna, Terence
TITLE Plan plant planet. (Special Section: Plants as Teachers)
SOURCE Whole Earth Review n64 p5(7) 1989 Fall
SUBJECT Plants and civilization--study and teaching
Hallucinogenic plants--history
GRAPHICS photograph
DATE 890922
AUTHOR Rheingold, Howard
TITLE Ethnobotany and the search for vanishing knowledge. (Special
Section: Plants as Teachers)
SOURCE Whole Earth Review n64 p16(8) 1989 Fall
SUBJECT Ethnobotany--study and teaching
Plants and civilization--study and teaching
Hallucinogenic plants--study and teaching
Shamanism--study and teaching
GRAPHICS photograph
LSDCREAT.TXT follows this line:
(Originally printed in Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Vol 21(1),
Jan-Mar 1989. Note: every word in the text, omitting the
References-section, beginning with a slash, i.e. /word, is to be
printed in cursive font.)
LSD and Creativity
Oscar Janiger, M.D. (Department of Psychiatry, University of
California, Irvine, California)
Marlene Dobkin de Rios, Pd. D. (Department of Anthropology, California
State University, Fullerton, California)
The effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on creativity were
examined in a unique experiment in the late 1950's. In this project,
artists were asked to draw and paint a Kachina doll both prior to and
one hour after the ingestion of LSD. Evaluations of these artistic
productions were analyzed by a professor of art history in order to
investigate the impact of LSD on artistic creativity. Certain
representative changes were found in the artists' predominant style.
The most significant change was noted in those artists whose styles
were intrinsically representational or abstract to more
expressionistic or nonobjective. Other changes noted included the
following: relative size expansion; involution; movement; alteration
of figure/ground and boundaries;greater intensity of color and light;
oversimplification; symbolic and abstract depiction of objects; and
fragmentation, disorganization, and distortion. Many artists judged
their LSD productions to be more interesting and aesthetically
superior to their usual mode of expression. The above-mentioned
changes contributed to heir usual mode of expression. The
above-mentioned changes contributed to the artists' convictions that
they were fashioning new meanings to an emergent world.
The eminent novelist Aldous Huxley has written that the twentieth
century may well be remembered for the impact of hallucinogens on
society. One of the issues debated regarding the use of these drugs,
particularly lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), is that they may
heighten creative capacity in the individual. There is a large and
often-cited literature of self-reports by such drug users concerning
their perceived enchanced creativiness. In addition, there are a
number of anthropological accounts that relate the use of
mind-altering ethnobotanical substances to artistic inspiration and
productivity. Objective analysis of these data is difficult, although
there is certainly a need for their systematic examination and
Capturing the elusive elements of a creative act is like trying to
weigh a pound of leaping mice. Janiger and his colleagues were
fortunate to have been present when several mice seemed to hit the
scale at the same time. This opportunity came during the course of a
large clinical project that was begun by Janiger in the spring of
1955, with the cooperation of the Sandoz Pharmaceutical Corporation.
Many papers had been published prior to that time regarding the unique
properties of LSD. The several clinical reports were almost all of
psychiatrically ill subjects in hospital settings, and little was
known about the effects of LSD on normal subjects in a controlled
nonmedical environment. Janiger designed a series of experiments to
study the behavioral and psychological effects of LSD in a varied
population of human subjects in a natural setting. This was done at a
time when the investigational use of the drug was legally permissible,
its clinical testing selectively encouraged among researchers, and no
public knowledge of LSD was generally available. By the close of the
project, more than 2,000 administrations of the drug had been given to
848 people who reported their experiences.
Candidates were selected from a large number of applicants on the
basis of health and demographic factors, such as ethinicity, religion,
age, sex, marital status, occupation and education. Two settings were
provided: One was a comfortable living room and the other was an
artist's studio, with facilities for painting, drawing, and sculpting.
An adjoining garden was also accessible. The subjects were given LSD
(2,5 ug/kg of body weight) and were unobtrusively monitored during the
period of heightened drug activity. They were encouraged to provide a
written account of their experiences as soon as they were able. In
addition, one-month and one-year follow-up questionnaires were
submitted by 70 percent of the participants.
The art subproject began serendipitously when one of the early
subjects, a practicing professional artist, insisted om having some
object to draw. A decorative and colorful Deer Kachina (see front
cover) taken from the mantel of Janiger's office proved to be a
fortuitous choice. The artist drew furiously and later exclaimed.
"This is four years of art school!" He felt that it would be most
insightful for other artists to experience this process of perceptual
change. It was decided to pursue this concept, and a separate art
project was formed. By the close of the study, almost seventy
practicing professional artists had participated under controlled
This preliminary article will examine the corpus of artwork produced
by these artists who drew and painted the Kachina doll both prior to
and on ehour after ingestion of a prescribed dose of LSD (see Plate
1). Additional data were obtained on several occasions from artists
who chose to draw self-portraits or their internalized imaginery.
Whether these transformations represent enchancement or deterioration
of the artistic product is a question to which this study of
LSD-created art may provide a tentative answer. Aside from occasional
presentations at professional meetings and some partial exhibitions of
the artwork, this research material has not been previously published.
The research literature on LSD and creativity is scant. The little
information that is available is either inconclusive or the
measurements used lacked sensitivity to the issue. Six studies were
undertaken to examine the subject of hallucinogenic drugs and creative
performance. Most were pilot studies rather than full-scale
investigations. Berlin and colleagues (1955) investigated the effects
of mescaline (400-700 mg)and LSD (50 ug) on four graphic artists of
national prominence. They found impairment of fingertapping efficiency
and muscular stediness; however, all were able to complete paintings.
A panel of art critics judged the paintings as having "greater
aesthetic value" than the artists' usual works, with the lines bolder
and the use of color more vivid. However, technical execution in the
material was somewhat impaired.
In another study, Barron (1963: 284) administered psilocybin to a
number of highly creative individuals and recorded their impressions.
He concluded that "psilocybin dissolves many definitions and melts
away boundaries, permitting greater intensities or more extreme values
of experience to occur in many dimensions."
In 1967, McGlothlin, Cohen and McGlothlin studied seventy-two graduate
students, each of whom volunteered to receive 200 ug of LSD. A number
of crativity tests were given before the session and one week later.
The main finding was that 62 percent of the subjects asserted that
they had a greater appreciation of music. They purchased more record
albums, visited art museums, and attended musical events more
frequently in the postdrug period. The authors concluded that the
increase in aesthic appreciation was not accompanied by an increase in
sensitivity and performance.
Zegans, Pollard and Brown (1967) investigated the effects of LSD (0.5
ug/kg) on creativity test scores of thirty volunteer graduate students.
The indices of creativity showed that the administration of LSD to a
random sample, for the purpose of enchancing creativity, is not likely
to be successful.
The fifth study, which was conducted by Fadiman and colleagues (1966),
examined the effects of mescaline (200 mg) as a facilitating agent in
the creative process. Subjective reports culled from the participants'
responses yielded the following: the increased capacity to restructure
a problem in a larger context, an enchanced fluency of ideas, a
heightened capacity for visual imaginery, an increased ability to
concentrate, a greater accessibility of unconscious material, and an
ability to associate dissimilar ideas and to visualize the completed
solution. About half the subjects reported that they had accomplished
a great deal more during the session than they usually did. Twenty
percent were not able to concentrate on their project because they
were diverted by the hallucinogenic effectsm, and 30 percent fell in
between the two groups.
As Krippner (1969) has pointed out, two of the five studies that were
cited above indicate that experimental LSD use in unselected graduate
students does not seem to increase their creative ability. However, in
the three remaining studies utilizing hallucinogenic drugs, an
enchancement of creative ability among artistic individuals was
demonstrated. In 1967, Krippner surveyed ninety-one artists reputed to
have had one or more LSD-like experiences. He defined the psychedelic
artist as one whose work was produced during an LSD experience or as
the result of the influence of a psychedelic experience. Ninety-seven
percent of Krippner's respondents stated that their art was influenced
in three general areas: content, technique, and approach. Seventy
percent stated that their experiences affected the content of their
work, particularly the heightening of eidetic imaginery. Fortu-four
percent noted improvement in their techniques; the use of color was
the most cited example. As for the creative approach, 52 percent of
the artists stated that the experience eliminated superficiality from
their work and gave them greater depth as people and as creators.
Cohen (1964) wrote that whether LSD does or does not increase
creativity remains an open question. Certainly, no systematic research
to date has been available to help in finding an answer. All that can
be definittively said about the effect of hallucinogens on the
creative process is that a strong subjective feeling of creativiness
accompanies many of the experiences.
During the seven years of the experiment, 250 drawings and paintings
were produced. These were examined by Carl Hertel, professor of art
history at Pitzer College, Claremont, California, who undertook a
stylistic assessment of the artwork. An inherent difficulty of this
formal analysis was the wide range of individual stylistic tendencies
charasteristic of the works of contemporary Western artists. Hertel
has stated that "it is probably simpler to formally analyze the work
of any tribal group where definite traditional stylistic conventions
are operative than our task here. A heterogeneous group of
non-traditional artists in this study reflects the numerous
conventions that characterize post-Renaissance art in the West."
When the results are examined in light of the many stylistic
tendencies in twentieth-century paintings - such as expressionistic,
abstract-expressionistic, and nonobjective works of art - at a glance,
it is difficult to separate the drug-influenced works from the
historic examples. There is a striking homogeneity of stylistic
effect. One is also tempted to compare certain of the drug-incluenced
drawings with examples of Ch'an (Zen) Buddhist works by a traditional
Chinese and Japanese artists and to observe equally striking stylistic
There may be some bias in the individual attitudes related to the
drug-taking experience. Some of the artists were content with quick
sketches of the subject matter presented, while others were motivated
to execute rather finished drawings and paintings. A more ideal
research design, which was not available to the study, would have been
to conduct longitudinal studies of individual artists before and after
the experimental period. Some of the most significant data and
impressions received in dealing with these particular paintings and
drawings will now be reviewed.
A Deer Kachina series, consisting of fifty-six items of
before-and-after samples of twenty artists, was selected for detailed
analysis. Twenty-five items by eight artists were labeled /series and
represented /free paintings and drawings during the experimental
period. They comprised a wide variety of subject matter, including
self-portrait series, random drawings, and paintings. Of the
eighty-one items, seventy-three were paintings done in various media
and eight were drawings.
This section summarizes the results of the formal analysis of the Deer
Kachina series, which were classified under the following eight
1. Dominant style - whether the work was predominantly
abstract, representational or of another genre.
2. Compositional charasteristics - whether the composition was
architectonic, a vignette or of another form.
3. Linear charasteristics - whether the quality of line was
nervous, angular, curvilinear of another form.
4. Stroke charasteristics - whether the predominant stroking
was short and broad, broken, flat field or another technique.
5. Textural charasteristics - whether the predominant textural
quality was a heavy impasto (actual), illusionistic or another
6. Color charasteristics - whether color was noticeably local,
arbitrary, brilliant, muted or otherwise portrayed.
7. Value charasteristics - whether the use of lights and darks
was strong in contrasts, close value or another blend.
8. Dimensional charasteristics - whether the nature of the
drawing and/or painting was suggestive of volume and mass,
flat, two dimensional or otherwise presented.
The most predominant changes were in the following categories:
dominant style (1); color (6); line (3); and texture (5), in that
order. Focusing on the representative changes in the dominant style
category (1), three general stylistic tendencies in the pre-LSD state
were represented in the Deer Kachina series. First, ten of the artists
were classifiable as predominantly representational in their approach
to the subject matter (i.e., their primary motive lay in representing
the object as it presents itself to the eye). Of course, there was a
great deal of individual variation within this style category, as well
as withing the other two.
Four of these ten changed their style under the influence of the drug
to a noticeably expressionist one (i.e., their primary motive lay in
alterations of form, color, line, and medium). Within this group, the
major tendency was to radically distort stroke, and therefore medium
and form. Image was retained in varying degrees. Three changed their
style to a nonobjective one (i.e., image was lost and was replaced by
an interest in color and personal symbolism). One artist changed to a
predominantly abstract style (i.e., the primary motive lay in the
reduction of forms or simplification of forms and formal elements
generally). In this case, the focus was shifted to a single part of
the Deer Kachina. It might be noted that reduction is a charasteristic
of this Kachina's style, but the reduction utilized by the artist and
those in the category below exceeded what might be considered to be
within the realm of naturalistic representation.
Second, six of the artists were classifiable as predominantly abstract
in their approach to subject matter. Of these six, three changed their
style to a nonobjective one; two changed their style to being notably
expressionist and engaged in radical distortions of composition and
color; and on eretained an essentially abstract style.
Third, two artists were classifiable as distinctly expressionistic in
their approach to subject matter. In both cases, the predominant
stylistic tendency was retained. However, changes in articulation of
various formal elements, particularly line, were observable.
In summary, eight of the changes were to an essentially
expressionistic style. Six were to a nonobjective one, which in many
cases entailed expressionistic distortions of medium and color. In
fact, on ecan state that fourteen of the cahnges were to a style in
which the primary motive alteration of the representational image. Two
of the changes were to a predominantly abstract style. Two other
changes were ambiguous and unclassifiable. The changes generally
manifested were as follows: There was a movement toward alteration and
fragmentation; the /enlargement of the composition through focusing on
parts rather than the whole, and with filling up the page;
intensification of color; the /loosening /up of the line to either a
chiefly curvilinear (flowing) or sharply angular motive; and a general
intensification of the textural properties of the medium used.
These results are not surprising. One could suggest tentatively that
although the work done under the influence of LSD was more interesting
on a sensational level, it was not immediately clear that the
individual artist - in the majority of cases - was able to produce
aesthetically superior work during the period when the drug was
operable. To be more spesific, in a majority of cases a residual
imprint of the artist's aesthetic preferences was retained. This was
especially evident in choice of color and in technical facility. In
those cases where technical proficiency appeared deficient in the
pre-LSD state, a certain increase in articulateness (confidence) was
noted due to the freedom apparently provided by the drug experience.
The most commonly reported phenomena resulting from an LSD experience
and having particular relevance to this question of creativity were
greater freedom from prescribed mental sets and syntactical
organization, an unusual wealth of associations and images,
synesthesia, the sharpening of color perception, remarkable attention
to detail, the accessibility of past impressions, memories, heightened
emotional excitement, a sense of direct and intrinsic awareness, and
the propensity for the environment to compose itself into perfect
tableaux and harmonious compositions.
The data from this study and others by Janiger (1959a, 1959b) seem to
support the thesis that the evidence from LSD-induced artwork reveals
perceptual changes indicative of those generally gound under the
influence of hallucinogenic drugs. The powerful global statement of
the artists' work bears witness to these perceptual transformations.
They can be examined at will and serve as a prototype of the visual
record of consciousness changes accompanying the creative process.
As evidenced by this study, the alterations in perception can be
categorized as follows:
1. Relative size expansion - the figure tends to fill all
available space and shows difficulty being contained within
its borders.
2. Involution - obecjts shrink down or fill less space; they
become more compact or are imbedded in a matrix.
3. Alteration of figure/ground - or to a circular viewpoint.
4. Alteration of boundaries - figure and ground may be
considered a continuum. The object tends to merge with the
surroundings, with observer and observed not rigorously
delineated, with less differential between the object and the
5. Movement - the object or environment is in continuous
movement, with greater vibrancy and emotion.
6. Greater intensity of color and light.
7. Oversimplification - elimination of detail and extraneous
8. Objects may be depicted symbolically - or as essences.
9. Objects are depicted as abstractions.
10. Fragmentation and disorganization.
11. Distortion.
Contrary to popular belief, most artists find it possible to exercise
some technical proficiency, with varying degrees of success, under the
influence of LSD. This seems to improve with repeated experiences. The
artistic productions are not ipso facto inferior to those performed in
ordinary states of consciousness. However, in evaluating the reports
and follow-up questionnaires, they are often judged by the artists to
be more interesting or even aesthetically superior to their usual mode
of expression. A review of the follow-up information shows that, in
many instances, the artist in the series described herein felt that
the LSD experience pruduced some desirable lasting change in their
understanding of their work, which continued to incluence the form and
direction of their artistic development. A so-called confusional or
disorganized phase may represent a creative crisis in which the artis
struggling, to maintain his/her traditional approach, finally reaches
another level of integration and expression.
These metamorphoses all contribute to the artists' convictions that
they are able to create new meanings in an emergent world. It is of
special interest to note that many of those elements that are
universally reported under the influence of LSD are those features
traditionally associated with heightened artistic creativity. The
ultiamte explanation for these changes may lie in a biochemical basis
of perception and/or the cultural history of the individual.
The authors wish to acknowledge the asistance of Virginia D. Berg, M.
A., in the preparation and editing of this article.
Barron, F. 1963. Creativity and Psychological Health. Princeton, New
Jersey: Van Nostrand.
Berlin, L.M.; Guthrie, T.; Weider, A.; Goodell, H. & Wolff, H.G. 1955.
Studies in human cerebral function: The effects of mescaline and
lysergic acid on cerebral process pertinent to creative activity.
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Vol 122: 487-491.
Cohen, S. 1964. The Beyond Within: The LSD Story. New york: Atheneum.
Fadiman, J.W.; Harman, H.W.; McKim, R.H.; Mogar, R.E.; & Stolaroff,
M.Y. 1966. Psychedelic agents in creative problem solving: A pilot
study. Psychological Reports Monograph Vol. 19 (Suppl. 2): 211-227.
Janiger, O. 1959a. The use of hallucinogenic agents in psychiatry.
California Clinician Vol.56:193-200.
Janiger, O. 1959b. The use of hallucinogenic agents psychiatry.
California Clinician Vol. 55: 222-224.
Krippner, S. 1969. The psychedelic state, the hypnotic trance and the
creative act. In: Tart, C. (Ed.) Altered States of Consciousness. New
York: John Wiley & Sons.
McGlothlin, W.H.; Cohen, S. & McGlothlin, M.S. 1967. Long lasting
effects of LSD on normals. Archives of General Psychiatry Vol. 17(5):
Zegans, L.S.; Pollard, J.C. & Brown, D. 1967. The effects of LSD-25 on
creativity and tolerance to regression. Archives of General Psychiatry
Vol 16: 740-740.
>From the archives:
Migraines are severe headaches which are caused by dilatation of
blood vessels in the scalp and meninges (the brain itself is
insensitive to pain). They are throbbing, often unilateral.
At or before onset of the pain, many people will have neurologic symptoms.
These may be caused by spasm of vessels or by electrical disturbances
in the brain (spreading activation). EEG at this time may be abnormal.
The most common of these symptoms are visual, such as sparkling lights off to
the side (scintillating scotomas), colored jaggy lines (fortification spectra),
or blind spots that sometimes expand. Occassionally, retinal migraine
can cause total loss of vision in one eye. Some patients will have
numbness of the face or extremities, often progressing from foot to
arm to face or in reverse (usually on one side of the body only).
Some will have weakness, speech disturbance, or confusion. Vertigo
is another common complaint. These symptoms typically last 10-20
minutes. Patients with neurologic symptoms are said to
have "classic migraine". Common migraine may appear without such prodromes.
Blurred vision is very common with all types of migraine. Usually,
the patient with migraine is photophobic (light hurts their eyes),
and will seek to lie down in a dark room, often with an icepack or
cool cloth on their head. They are irritable and don't like to be
bothered at this stage. Nausea is usually present, and vomiting may
occur. The scalp is sore and combing the hair may be painful. Pressure
on the temples may temporarily help the pain. If the patient can
sleep, the pain is usually better on awakening. The headache usually
lasts a few hours. Sometimes, it can last days. The frequency of
the headaches varies from every year or two to daily. Most sufferers
have one or two per month. Females are much more likely to have
migraine, which usually abate after menopause. Migraines are
hereditary. Certain foods and medications can provoke migraines.
Patients with migraine should first make a food diary to determine
if any food appears commonly in the 24 hours prior to the migraine
attack. Such foods should be eliminated if necessary. Chocolate,
cheese, wine, beer, nuts, and fruits are often the culprits. Birth
control pills should be eliminated if they are being taken. Certain
nitrates such as nitroglycerine and isosorbide are notorious provokers
of migraine. Calcium channel blockers and theophylline are also guilty
in some. Change in sleeping time and stress can cause a migraine.
Treatment depends on the frequency of migraines and is pharmacologic.
If migraines are less than weekly, and especially if there is a prodrome,
the vasoconstrictor ergot preparations are useful. The ergot is most
effective sublingually or as a suppository (so it can't be vomited up) and
should be taken at the earliest sign of the prodrome. Doses can be repeated
half-hourly up to 6mg per day and 12mg per week. Dosages above this can
lead to overconstriction of small vessels in the periphery and should
not be taken. This medicine has been used for hundreds of years, and
if the above caution is respected, is safe. Midrin works like
the ergots and is an alternative. If the migraines are
too frequent to use ergots, daily doses of propranolol (a beta blocker)
are effective in about 60% of people. Usually 80mg or above daily
are needed. Depression and malaise are the most common side effects
which prevent its use. Tricyclic anti-depressants are very effective
on a daily basis. 50mg of amytriptilene nightly is the usual dose.
If the patient gets too drowsy with these, Prozac may be effective also.
Women who have migraines only during menses may benefit from tiny
doses of ergot (0.2mg tid) taken only at that time of month. Those
who don't respond to propranolol or tricyclics may also benefit from
chronic small dose ergots. Methysergide, a serotonin inhibitor
is also very effective, but can only be given for 6 months at a time
because of fibrotic side effects. Cyproheptadine is another serotonin
inhibitor that is less effective but safer. Lithium is effective,
but difficult to administer. Fiorinal is a good migraine remedy, but
may be habit forming if taken on a daily basis. It is good for the
occassional migraine sufferer, especially if taken early on in the attack.
Phenobarbital is also effective and is sometimes preferred by pediatricians.
In my experience, most migraineurs can be brought under control if
one is patient enough to search for the proper regimen.
This was sent to me for anonymous post. This is a pretty good procedure, but
the author asked me to add his recommendation that anyone who wishes to grow
mushrooms of any kind consult a secondary source of information, such as the
book he mentions, or _PSILOCYBIN: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide_. Of course
these books deal with contraband, illegal, evil, satanic hallucinogenic
mushrooms, but the information they contain can also be used to grow other
strains, and if you use one of these books to grow your morels, you should
definitely ignore the information they contain about those unAmerican
psilocybes, cuz if you don't you may just turn into an free-thinking liberal
commie pinko long hair drug abusing rebelious hippie (TM).
I didn't proofread this, so any inaccuracies or mistakes are unknown to me.
To flame the writer, copy your comments to /dev/null.
============================ BEGIN ANONYMOUS POST ==========================
Well here it is, all I know about growing psychedelic mushrooms...
This information was taken from a book in the rare books collection at the
University of Texas at Austin entitled "Magic Mushroom Cultivation", published
in 1977 and written by (the name escapes me). Anyway, I have used the rice-
cake method described below, and am currently growing my third batch, which
has turned out some pretty potent mushrooms! I feel the need to mention that
I'm giving you this information for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, and I don't
expect you or anyone else to actually undertake any of the techniques I will
describe below, for to do so may violate certain laws--and I wouldn't give you
this information if I thought you might do something illegal.
Before I describe the technique I use, I'd like to say that there are many
methods of growing 'shrooms, some more difficult than others, and I am simply
presenting the method which has worked well for me: never had a dud batch--
they've always fruited readily, and I've never poisoned myself or others with
contaminated 'shrooms.
Materials Needed:
- a sporeprint from a strain of psychedelic mushrooms.
(make sure it's the real thing, and that it's not contaminated with dust
or anything!)
- a pressure cooker, pref. 17 qt. (liquid) capacity.
(this is the most expensive item, but it's a necessity. Borrow, rent,
buy, or steal one.)
- one dozen (or more) new mason jars, 1 quart size, pref. wide mouthed,
with lids.
- a box/bag of brown rice--not white rice and not long-grain. Use a decent
quality brand...i find that Comet brand SUCKS! Do not use it.
- something to scrape the spores off the print into the jar... You want
something like a stiff metal wire with a handle, so you can heat the end
red hot in a flame to sterilize it without burning your fingers. I find
that a probe from a Biology dissection kit works wonderfully.
- a flame source. An alcohol lamp is not hard to make out of a small jar
filled with rubbing alcohol, with a cotton ball as a wick. I suppose you
could just use a lighter, but i prefer making an alcohol lamp--just make
sure you don't burn your place down!!
- a clean place with a relatively constant temp. between 60-78 degrees to
store your jars. ( I made up the temperature range ) Closet shelves are
fine, in my experience. You want a place that's pretty dust/bug free,
but you don't want the storage area to be airtight, as shrooms do have to
breathe just like any other living organism. Many books recommend making
some kind of superclean box to store the jars in, but I've never bothered
with that. Most sources of information on growing 'shrooms (this one, too)
stress that everything be AS STERILE AS POSSIBLE. However, if you do have
to cut a few corners you should still be successful if you just USE YOUR HEAD!
which leads me to the....
- optional materials: germ-killing soap for washing hands, alcohol for
sterilizing hands, etc., surgical gloves, dust masks, hair-nets, an
air-filtering machine (Pollenex?), a couple gallon jugs of distilled water.
(As you can see, this is all stuff which will help to make things a bit
more sterile--definetly recommended!)
PROCEDURE (finally!)
This is the procedure I follow for the rice-cake method of propagating
psychedelic mushrooms. I use this method for a number of reasons. One is
that my first ever batch consisted of 6 jars of manure medium and 6 of the
brown rice medium, I found the rice cakes produced more 'shrooms, and for
a longer period of time than did the manure-filled jars. Rice has obvious
advantages in that it's easy to obtain--no trekking thru a pasture looking
for fresh cow-shit! Also, the manure stinks like hell when cooked in the
pressure cooker! Perhaps the biggest advantage to the rice cake method is
that when the rice cake no longer produces crops of 'shrooms (2-3 mos.),
you can actually CONSUME THE RICE CAKE ITSELF!! Given, of course, that you
detect no contaminants on the rice cake (molds or bacteria). When mushroom
growth stops, the rice cake can provide a trip for 2-4 people. See the end
of this article for methods of ingesting mushrooms/rice cakes...
PROCEDURE ( i promise! )
1. Turn off the air-conditioner in the place you're going to do this...It is
very important to work in a draft-free area. Turning the A/C off will allow
the dust in the room to settle (incl. the heavier mold spores which can
contaminate your rice-cake medium. )
2. Set up the pressure cooker, make sure you read the manual if you have one.
You don't want the damn pressure cooker exploding, or anything like that...
Wash out the pressure cooker for good measure, and also wash the jars and lids.
I wouldn't use a towel to dry them out, though, you'll just wipe germs & dust
back on 'em.
3. Wash yourself, too. It's recommended that you wear a long sleeved shirt,
and to pull your hair back or wear a cap or hair-net. I don't think that the
dust mask would be nec. at this point, maybe later, though...
4. For each quart-size mason jar, add 1/4 cup brown rice, and 1/3-1/2 cup water
I use the distilled water that you can buy in any grocery store--I don't trust
tap water. Fill 6 or 7 jars with this mixture, as many as will fit into your
pressure cooker without stacking or jamming them in there. Place the lids on
the jars, with the rubber UP, and leave the lids very loose.
5. Place the jars on the bottom rack of the pressure cooker. I recommend using
the rack, that way the jars won't tip and spill as the water boils around them.
Also keeps them from breaking from the heat of the burner directly below them.
For a 17 quart pressure cooker, add about 3 quarts of water, but not so much
that the jars start to tip over too much from floating. Again, I use distilled
water for this.
6. Now, follow the directions for sealing the pressure cooker. Some recommend
that you rub a dab of cooking oil on the seal, so that it seals properly and
is easier to close and open. Do it right. Do it by the book. Turn the stove
on high and cook the jars for 1 hour AFTER the pressure reaches 15 lbs. inside
rush the cooling process.
7. Just before opening the pr. cooker, wash up again, maybe use rubbing alcohol
or surgical gloves. Now is the time for dust masks (although I usu. use my
shirt to keep from breathing germs on the jars). Long sleeves and a hat or
whatever is recommended because literally millions of germs are falling off
your body at any given moment. Sterility and the absence of drafts are of
utmost importance from here on out...
8. Open the pressure cooker and let the jars cool until they're pretty close
to room temp. You may want to tighten the lids a bit so air/germs can't
contaminate the rice cakes. When the jars cool off some, you're ready to go...
9. Heat your wire loop/probe/whatever until it is GLOWING RED. Put on your
dust mask or pull your shirt up over your nose and mouth.
10. Lift the lid off the jar and set it down on a sterile surface, with the
inside face down.
11. Get out your sporeprint and hold it over the open jar at an acute angle.
Use the sterilized wire loop/probe to gently scrape and tap the sporeprint to
get the spores down onto the rice cake. If you can see the dark specks fall
onto the rice, you've done it sufficiently--anything you can see is probably
a few hundred thousand spores. A sporeprint the size of a nickel can EASILY
innoculate a dozen jars.
12. Screw on the jar's lid tightly and shake the jar until the rice cake
breaks up, this will allow the spores to spread throughout the rice medium,
thus increasing the chances for success. Next, unscrew the lid until it almost
comes off-- this allows for air to get into the jar. I usu. just screw the lid
on about 3/4 of a turn--just enough where it won't fall off easily.
13. When you've done this for all your jars, just put the jars in a safe,
clean place with a fairly steady temp., a dark place is OK. In 3 days-2 weeks
you should see white, fluffy mycelia appear--looks like white fuzz. Any other
color of fuzz (green, black, etc.) is mold, and the jar should be disposed of.
I'm not kidding about this! Certain contaminants, molds in particular, can
cause illness or even death if you ingest the contaminated 'shrooms. It's
better to be safe than sorry, believe me. Also be on the lookout for bacterial
infections of the rice medium. These will often appear as colored (orange or
pink) runny or clammy looking gunk in with the rice. These should be thrown out
immediately as well. Bacterial infections may also give off a kind of putrid
odor, but of course you should not be taking the lids off the jars at all at
this stage. Now, the rice itself will get very soft as a result of the pressure
cooking, and the initial shaking of the jar may smear gel-looking gunk all over
the insides of the jar. But by comparing with the rest of the jars you should
be able to tell the difference between this gunk and a bacterial infection.
Like I said before, JUST USE YOUR HEAD!!
14. This is not actually another step because you're done! Just sit back and
wait for nature to take its course! Shrooms are pretty much maintenance-free
until fruiting starts to occur. It should take anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 month
for the mycelia to completely permeate the rice medium, then it will start
getting these stringy looking or fan shaped runners in the white fuzzy growth.
Mushroom formation is not far off, and the jars should be getting a couple of
hours of light per day--fluorescent is OK, and natural sunlight is superb, just
make sure the jars don't get too warm. Of course at all stages be on the
lookout for any possible contaminants in the mycelia. By the way, as the
mycelia mature, they may start staining blue, due to bruising, I think--so
don't mistake this for a mold infection, but keep a close eye on any change in
color from the white coloring. The 'shrooms first appear as tiny white pinheads
and then they will darken (in P. cubensis) to a lovely reddish brown.
When the 'shrooms are growing the lids on the jars should be very loose.
Also, mushrooms grow best in an environment with a humidity of over 90%, so if
you think that your 'shrooms may need a more moist environment, one thing to do
is to simply use a spray bottle to spray boiled or distilled water directly onto
the lids of the jars. I find that the moisture condenses inside the jars and
runs down the inside of the jars, moisturizing the mycelia. You don't want
things TOO wet, however, as this will promote mold/bacteria growth. Another
possible method is to replace the lids with a double layer of paper towel
which is misted daily--although I would think that not having an actual lid
on the jar would invite contamination. Just my personal preference. It is
important that air exchange takes place in the storage area--this becomes
more important as fruiting occurs, as the mycelia gives off CO2 and needs O2.
'Shrooms are "ripe" as soon as the white membrane connecting the cap to the
stem has broken somewhat, although you don't want to pick them before they have
reached their full size! To harvest an individual mushroom, wash your hands
well--I usu. use rubbing alcohol, too. Then take the lid off the jar and grasp
the mushroom firmly near the base. You may need to use a pair of sterilized
tweezers to do this, which is what I usu. do--I avoid placing germy hands
inside the jars. A brisk twisting motion will help to free the 'shroom from
the mycelia.
Avoid crushing fresh mushrooms. The blue staining that is common in psychedelic
mushrooms is evidence of oxidation--meaning that the active ingredients
(psilocin and psilocybin) are being oxidized, too--rendering the 'shrooms
inactive. While refrigeration is recommended, freezing fresh mushrooms should
be avoided, since the expansion of the freezing water in the cells ruptures the
cell walls and thus opens them up for oxidation. Mushrooms that were frozen
while fresh may be an attractive blue color, but they are inactive....
Storage of fresh mushrooms should be in a breathable container such as a paper
bag stored in a refrigerator, avoid putting fresh 'shrooms in a ziploc bag, as
they may become slimy--ugh! I have heard of people also storing fresh shrooms
by chopping them up and mixing them into honey--the 'shroom honey is then spread
on bread or whatever and eaten.
I have not had good experiences with drying mushrooms, although there are a
couple ways to do it. One is by placing them on a cookie sheet in an oven on
the lowest temp. with the door slightly open. Sun drying will also work.
My main problem with dried shrooms is that in my experience they are only about
half as potent as fresh 'shrooms. I believe the reason for this is that the
two psychoactive ingredients (psilocin and psilocybin) are present in equal
amounts in fresh shrooms. BUT, psilocin is an unstable compound compared to
psilocybin, and breaks down readily when exposed to heat and oxygen. The
normal dosage for dried shrooms is 2 - 5 grams, dried. But I have never
had a "trip" from dried shrooms--only with the fresh stuff. I ate 4 grams once
and only got a buzz--like being stoned or drunk.
So, I like my shrooms fresh, and of course, I have that luxury since I grow my
own. Whether they are dried or fresh, there are many interesting ways to take
them. My current favorite method is to blend fresh ones in a blender with
orange juice--the effects are fantastic! I believe due in part to the fact
that the shrooms are almost completely liquefied by the blending process,
releasing the "good stuff" into the orange juice and making it more readily
absorbed by the stomach. Another good method, one which I have used to eat the
rice cakes, was to chop the rice cake (or shrooms), and brown them for JUST
a few seconds in butter before pouring in an omelete mixture. Mushroom
omeletes!! Not only a meal, but a good trip, and a tasty way to ingest the
shrooms! (I happen to dislike the taste of shrooms by themselves) Yet another
method of taking shrooms is to make a milkshake in a blender, and add the
shrooms, you can make kind of a "strawberry smoothie" in this way. Another
way is to boil the shrooms, fresh or dried (or a rice cake) in a couple cups of
water for about 15 minutes, and then either add a tea bag for hot tea, or
make Kool-Aid with the cooled water (straining out the shrooms, of course).
Sprinking fresh or dried shrooms (chopped) onto pizza, or into spaghetti sauce
is another treat--fun for a "shroom party". Since psilocin and psilocybin are
soluble in both water and alcohol, soaking shrooms in any liquor will release
these active ingredients into the liquor, making for a powerfully intoxicating
liquor a la' the way an "Emerald Dragon" is made with marijuana...
I have tried smoking a couple dried shroom caps, but only got the slightest buzz
from the VERY harsh smoke, no real effects to tell the truth.
I should mention again that once shroom production has really tapered off (and
you'll be able to tell) after 2 - 3 months, the rice cake can be eaten/used, if
you closely examine it and decide that there is no green or black mold
contaminant present. I should note that the rice cake will probably be all
kinds of funky colors--a mix of white, steel blue, gray, maybe even purple in
places from spores falling on it! I have ingested several scary-looking rice
cakes, however, with no ill effects. A single rice cake is enough for 2 - 4
people to trip on, although 2 is probably the better figure. Some of my best
trips were on half a rice cake chopped up and cooked in an omelete! That's
what I love about the rice-cake method--when the shrooms stop growing there's
no waste! Speaking of no waste, if I ever had a rice cake that I didn't
want to risk eating I might use it to innoculate a compost pile or a pasture
full of cow shit by inserting a small piece into each cow-pie or into the
compost pile...Wild mushrooms...Just something to think about.
This is really easy, just take a fresh shroom and gently twist the cap off away
from the stem. Then place the cap, gills down, on a sterile card or piece of
glass. Cover the cap and card with a clean, small container to keep drafts
from blowing the spores away, and to prevent dust/contaminants from settling on
the card/glass. I usu. use a small juice glass for this purpose. Leave the
covered 'shroom cap on the card/glass overnight and, voila! I suggest folding
the card the next day and keeping it in an airtight container (sm. ziploc bag)
in a refrigerator. I have been told that spore prints will keep for up to a
year in an airtight refrigerated (not frozen) environment. From personal
experience I know that they last at least 3 months.
In the middle 80's I had obtained a copy of Stafford's Psychedelic
Encyclopedia and read the description of 5-MeO-DMT. It didn't sound
as fun as other mind drugs (eg, lsd) but the book said it was legal
and different. (like having elephants dance on your head...)
So, I made up a company and used a quasi-safe address and money order,
and bought 250 mg from A******h chemical co. They called and wanted to
make sure that it was for "laboratory use only". I assured them it
was, so they were off the hook.
The first time I tried it, I was frozen with my pipe in hand. It hits
within seconds and is like being thrown into the peak of a really
strong trip. Thrown by being picked up and bounced on your head.
There was very momentary visual distortion ---like the visual world
was made of rubber being stretched at the center--- that lasted for
maybe half a second. But the big effect is purely mental: you become
a catatonic psychotic for ten minutes. Your body feels weird, you may
see a little of the acid-sheen on surfaces. But mostly, everything
seems very strange and you sit there and wait for it to subside. And
you're convinced you know what its like to be crazy, in a different
way than acid. You don't talk for a minute after taking the hit.
You better sit down when you try it.
Note that this is different, though chemically related, to DMT, aka
'businenessman's trip', which is supposedly mostly visual. Alas,
this poor monk has not tried that sacrament. Born too late, I suspect.
The burnt chemical smells awful; use a disposable pipe, or clean it in water
after use. Use a tiny amount ---maybe the amount of 3 grains of salt or so.
It either works or it doesn't; the dose-response curve is more like
a step-function than any other drug I know of.
There are no aftereffects evident, and you can talk to your parents
in half an hour.
It is the most potent demonstration of the physical basis of mind that
I know of.
I've let 3-4 people try it over the course of several years, (hi
Peter!) and the effects have been similar. It is not ecstatic like
lsd, and after doing it, there is no great desire to repeat it soon
The chemical is a constituent of various south american snuffs, which
contain other ingredients too. It may also be a component of
cerebrospinal fluid.
LSD, MDMA, plus some other compounds are being used in Europe, legally,
as part of various psycholytic[*] therapies and research studies by
qualified investigators. Newsletter #2 of the Albert Hofmann Foundation
focuses on psychedelic research in Europe and is being mailed now
( 14 pages and GROWING!!! ). Here are only a few tidbits from Robert
Zanger's recent trip to Europe...
* * *
Jan Bastiaans of Leyden, Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the
University of Leyden and former Director of the Psychoanalytic
Institute in Amsterdam, was the last researcher permitted to use LSD in
the Holland. He reached the mandatory retirement age for Dutch
professors -- 70.
* * *
Hanscarl Leuner of West Germany ( Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at
the University of Gottingen ) is currently working with Ketamine and a
new empathogen ( an unidentified phenethylamine from Shulgin, twice the
activity of MDMA, and used at 50 mg. ). Michael Schlichting is doing a
pilot study of the phenethylamine, as part of his doctoral thesis, and
initial neurotoxicity studies have found no neurotoxicity at normal
dosage levels.
Leuner's psycholytic clinic administers Ketamine in 3 intramuscular
injections, beginning in the morning, and spaced 90 minutes apart ( 1st
dose moderate, 2nd higher, 3rd lower again ). The phenethylamine is
taken orally, usually in just one dose. Patients have guides.
* * *
Milan Hausner of Prague, formerly Medical Director of Sadska Hospital,
has joined the Advisory Board of the A.H.F. and will be its first
scholar-in-residence. Hausner will spend 6 months in the U.S. putting
together results from his 20 years experience with LSD in therapy.
Czechoslovakia even made their own LSD, Lysergamid-SPOFA, and supplied
it for 8 years after Sandoz halted production in 1966.
* * *
Albert Hofmann of Burg, just received is 3rd honorary doctorate from
the University of Bern ( biochemistry of ergot alkaloids ), and has
been talking a lot lately about the medical uses of LSD, plus
celebrating Sandoz's drug Hydergine.
* * *
Peter Baumann of Zurich, President of the Swiss Association of
Physicians for Psycholytic Therapy, brings some of the best news --
that permission was granted in Switzerland ( Office of Pharmaceuticals
and Narcotics, of the Department of Public Health of the Ministry of
the Interior ) for private practitioners to use LSD, psilocybin,
mescaline, and MDMA! Baumann's group, however, is currently using only
LSD and MDMA, and the LSD is being synthesized at the University of
Jorg Roth of Bern, Research Director for the Association, is setting up
a whole ward at Lindenhof Hospital to study the "therapeutic efficacy
of both LSD and MDMA", at the prompting of Swiss health officials.
George Ricaurte of Baltimore, MDMA researcher at Johns Hopkins
University, will be working with the Swiss Association. Swiss subjects
will be donating spinal fluid ( before and after ) for Ricaurte's study
( currently illegal in the U.S. to collect such data... ).
* * *
If you're currently on the Foundation's mailing list, you should be
receiving the newsletter soon. If you're not, write for information:
The Albert Hofmann Foundation
132 West Channel Road, Suite 324
Santa Monica, CA 90402
[*] European investigators seem to like the word "psycholytic", i.e.
mind-dissolving, over the term "psychedelic", i.e. mind-manifesting.
P.S. The 4th Symposium of the European College for the Study of
8th-10th ( 1989 ) in West Germany.
European ethnopharmacologists are planning the FIRST INTERNATIONAL
CONGRESS ON ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY for June 5th-9th ( 1990 ) in France.
Write the Foundation or send e-mail for more details on these.
Spring 1991
S.P. Lab, 5426 NW 79 Avenue, Miami, FL 33166
- Assign random five-digit number to sample, state alleged
content, and enclose $25 money-order, allow two weeks
before calling (305) 757-2566.
Books, in-print:
Books By Phone, POB 522, Berkeley, CA 94701; 800-858-2665
- free catalog
Books, out-of-print:
Cape Ann Antiques, POB 3502, Peabody, MA 01960
- Used and rare, catalog $3.
Flashback Books, 906 Samuel Drive, Petaluma, CA 94952
- (707) 762-4714
- Used and rare, catalog $1.
Mycophile Books, POB 93, Naples, FL 33939
- Used and rare, catalog $3.
Skyline Books, POB T, Forest Knolls, CA 94933
- (415) 488-9491
- Used and rare, catalog free
Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH)
P.O.Box 71093, Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093
- (213) 288-4152
- information and list of resources
National Hemp Imports
1718 M Street #322, Washington, DC 20036
- (202) 829-9419
- "Imported Hemp Products"
Church of the Tree of Life, POB 330155, San Francisco, CA
- membership: upon request, with self-addressed stamped
- publications:
BARK LEAF, quarterly bulletin, $7/yr.
FIRST BOOK OF SACRAMENTS, updated edition, $5.75 ppd.
- sacraments: [for members only] from Inner Center, POB 362,
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church, POB 3581, Urbandale, IA 50322.
- publications:
biweekly newsletter, $12/yr.
THE COPTIC WORLD past issues, complete set $2.
MARIJUANA AND THE BIBLE, pamphlet $3.50 from:
E.Z.C.C., Dept. C, POB 110519, Hialeah, FL
Fane of the Psilocybe Mushroom Association [The Fane], P.O. Box 1295,
STN. "E", Victoria, B.C. V8W 2W3, CANADA
- $1 for membership form
- publication:
THE SPOREPRINT, newsletter, $5
Neo-American Church of California,
c/o Robert Funk, POB 4380, Arcata, CA 95521.
Neo-American Church of Texas,
c/o Kevin Sanford, POB 3473, Austin, TX 78764.
Art Kleps (Neo-A.C. founder), Gravestein 119, 1103 BH, Amsterdam, Z.O.,
NETHERLANDS; tel. 020-996554.
- inactive membership free, active membership by donation
- publications from Neo-A.C. of Texas:
Peyote Way Church of God, Star Rt. #1, Box 7X, Willcox, AZ 85643.
- Rev. Anne L. Zapf, President
- lifetime associate membership, card, newsletter, BYLAWS & FREEDOM UNDER THE CONSTITUTION/$28
- publications:
THE SACRED RECORD, newsletter/$2
Wild Mushrooms/Telluride, August 21-24
- Fungophile, Inc., POB 5503, Denver, CO 80217-5503
(303) 296-9359 [?]; $145 inclusive, with camping.
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies
- Lake Drive, RD 2, Box 377, Rhinebeck, NY 12572
Catalog of courses upon request.
Breitenbush Hot Springs/Retreat and Conference Center
- POB 578, Detroit, OR 97342; (503) 854-3314
Newsletter and schedule of events upon request.
[Esalen /A.R.U.P.A. ?]
Gene Pool:
Botanical Dimensions, POB 807, Occidental, CA 95465
(POB 953, Captain Cook, HI 967??)
(POB 619, Honaunau, HI 96726)
- private research farm operated by Terence & Kathleen McKenna
- publication:
PLANT WISE newsletter
Lux Natura, 2140 Shattuck Avenue, Box 2196, Berkeley, CA
- free catalog of books and tapes by Terence McKenna.
Rosetta, POB 4611, Berkeley, CA 94704-0611
- catalog of folios and books with SASE
National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)
- 1636 R Street, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20009
202-483-5500 (24 hours); legal referals available.
- $25 for annual membership and newsletter
THE LEAFLET, quarterly newsletter
Alexander T. Shulgin, 1483 Shulgin Road, Lafayette, CA 94549
- reference publication:
/$34.95 + $4 postage & handling
The Albert Hofmann Foundation
- 1341 Ocean Avenue, Suite 300, Santa Monica, CA 90401
- (213) 281-8110
- annual membership and newsletter/$30
- free catalog of publications, audio and video materials
- 24 hour computer bulletin board (Forum-PC Version 2.0E)
(213) 454-2874 300/1200/2400 N,8,1
- POB 740, Boca Raton, FL 33429
- Published by Thomas Lyttle.
Cannabis Action Network
P.O.Box 54528, Lexington, KY 40555; (606) 266-3218
Coalition for 100% Drug Reform, 9 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012
- (212) 995-1245; 24-Hour Information Hotline
International Anti-Prohibitionist League, 97 Rue Belliard, Rem. 512,
1040 Brussels, BELGIUM; tel. (32-2) 230-4121; fax. (32-2) 230-3670
- full membership US$ 100
- publication:
Coalition for Religious Freedom, 515 Wythe Street, Suite 201, Alexandria,
VA 22314.
- basic membership $30
- publications:
RELIGIOUS FREEDOM ALERT, newsletter, $20 w/o membership
ASSAULT ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM, book, free with memebership
[Drug Policy Institute, Chicago, DC ?]
Of The Jungle, POB 1801, Sebastopol, CA 95473.
- catalog of beneficial plants and botanical products $1.
Pacific Seeds, POB 15050, Honolulu, HI 96815
- (808) 946-5868
- seed list upon request
Thompson & Morgan, POB 1308, Jackson, NJ 08527.
- (201) 363-2225
- free seed catalog
- Lophophora williamsii, 7 seeds, $9.95 + $1.50 p&h
It seems to me that among the many positive benefits from drug use, especially
acid and to a lesser degree other hallucinagens is an enhanced appreciation of
beauty. That is finding aesthetically pleasing images that other people tend to
ignore or not appreciate. Things like enjoying the pattern of frost that forms
on a glass, or the lights of a city, or just the paterns formed on the inside of
our eyelids. This is not just limited to the periods when one is actually under
the effects of the substance. For example while driving into a city at night
with a mixed group of people, one of the persons in the car who occaisionally
uses acid was very taken with the image and described it in very poetic
picturesque words, without exception those who also used drugs were able to
sympathize and understand what the person was talking about. The rest of the
car just looked at them strangely. Or annother instant that comes to mind is
the time someone came in from outside very excited and told about how pretty
the lights shining off the frost on the cars in the parking lot looked, the
only people who went back out to look at this were those that had at some point
partaken of these psychoactives. Annother example is a time early in the
morning after a long night of talking and general togetherness, everyone was
sitting back with thier eyes closed and talking about the images that were
coming to thier mind, talking about what they could see in thier mind's eye,
and sharing it with the others there, going from one person to annother
around the room, the people who did drugs had visions that were remarkably more
detailed, vivid, and unusual. Further they could seem to relate to what the
otehr people wer describing better.
Let me emphasize that in none of these instances was anyone under the
influence of anything, this was merely their normal mindset. It is not that the
non-users couldn't see the beauty, it is just that they wer not excited or
empassioned about it, it did not touch them as deeply.
The Sacred Record
December 1990
Peyote Way Church of God
Star Rt #1 Box 7x
Willcox, Az., 85643
Edited by Rev. Anne L. Zapf, President
The Peyote Way Church of God advocates:
1) The sacramental use of peyote;
2) a wholistic lifestyle (the health of the body, of the family, and of the
Earth -- see Section 89 of the Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints);
3) the pursuit of personal experiences of the Holy Spirit within and
without ourselves;
4) self discipline;
5) compassion;
6) non-violence;
7) selfless service;
8) the recognition of the central role of the female as the giver of life;
9) family oriented cottage industry.
Dear Friends,
We've been pretty busy around here making our last minute
preparations for winter. Matthew has been especially busy filling
Christmas Pottery orders. The final days of summer brought many Spirit
Walkers, finishing off the last of our supply of the Holy Sacrament Peyote.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Fifth Circuit Appeals court, in
Houston, heard oral arguments appealing Judge Robert Maloney's ruling
against the Peyote Way Church of God on August 8. Two weeks before the
scheduled oral arguments, our attorney received a call from repreentatives
of the Native American Church of North America. They requested a metter to
discuss the effect of our appeal on the Native American Church.
Two days later, we met with two attorneys representing the Native
American Church and one Native American Church member at our attorney's
office in Safford. The attorneys requested that we drop our appeal. They
stated that they had a "generic" bill which would accomplish recognition of
the religious use of the holy sacrament by non-Indians. They expressed
confidence that they could work for the good of both our Churches. The
N.A.C. representative indicated that the Native American Church would work
with the Peyote Way Church. After several hours of discussion, they
requested that we ask for a delay in our oral arguments. Their major
concern was that the judges wold rule that the Texas and Federal statutes
concerning Peyote are unconstitutional, and that the exemption for the
N.A.C. would be struck down.
The Board of Stewards was advised of the situation and gave serious
consideration to their request over the next week. Our attorney researched
their arguments carefully and learned that their fears were unfounded.
Should the judges in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals determine that the
exemption is unconstitutional, the law itself would have to be struck down,
making the Holy Sacrament Peyote legal! We felt that our beest course was
to continue our appeal for justice. We are, as always, ready to work with
the Native American Church.
We would like to encourage support of the "Religious Freedom
Restoration Act of 1990," introduced by Congressman Stephen Solarz. The
Bill (#HR5377), now in Committee, was prompted by the recent Supreme Court
ruling in Oregon vs Smith which stated that the State did not need to show
a compelling interest in enforcing laws which restrict religious observance
(see The Sacred Record, July and August, 1990). Please write to your
Congressional Representatives asking them to support this Bill.
A few folks have written to ask about the Church since brother Guy
Mount has decided to discontinue "Friends of the Peyote Road." He is
committed to continuing _The Peyote Book_, which has reached many folks and
been a great influence on their opinions about the Holy Sacrament Peyote.
He has donated the $2,150.49 received by the "Friends" to the Peyote Way
Church of God. We plan to use the funds received from "Friends" to
construct the Sacramental Greenhouse Facility.
The pump which is the only source of Church water has seized up on
several occasions, alerting us to the imminent need to repair or replace
it in the ensuing months. We are expecting it to be a major expense. We
would rather not use the funds received from the "Friends" to make this
expensive repair. All donations are gratefully received and
tax-deductible. Those who would rather not donate money to the Church
could help us by donating building materials: lumber, glass, nails, etc,
which could be used in th construction of the Greenhouse. We also need
latex paint (white), carpets (new or used), a refrigerator, copier
cartridges for a Canon PC 5 copier, video camera, recycled copier paper, and
Fonts and a scanner for the Macintosh Plus computer.
The Goddess
She is beautiful
She is terrible.
What you can imagine is less than what you can see in the eyes of
the Goddess.
She is all form... ever balanced and changing.
She is everything that was and is and will be.
Associate membership is available to all, over the age of eighteen,
regardless of race or spiritual disposition. Upon the receipt of
twenty-eight dollars lifetime membership dues, we will send a membership
card and a copy of the Church Bylaws.
All donations are Tax-deductible, and go toward the sustaining of
one hundred and sixty acres of Church land for Spirit Walk, the maintenance
of Church buildings and facilities for Spirit Walk communicants and
visitors during their stay at the Mother Church; food for visitors;
Newsletters; care of four-legged Church Stewards; and the planned
construction of a Sacramental Greenhouse Facility. Our Tax-exempt ID # is
Literature: (suggested donations)
Bylaws 5
Freedom under the Constitution 3
letter to Mrs. Bush 2
The Spirit Walk 3
back issues of the Sacred Record 1
Section 89: A Word of Wisdom n/c
bibliography of books and articles n/c
Please include .29 for n/c items and .45 for other items.
Thank you
presumably some persons have always "abused " cerain drugs --alcoohol for
millennia, opiates for centureies. However, only in the twentieth centruy
have certain paterns of drug use been labelled as "adictions".
Traditionally, the term "adiction" has meant simply a strong inclination
toward certain kinds of conduct, withlittle or ;no pejorative meaning
attached to it. Thus, the Oxformd English Dictionary offers such
pre-twentieth-century examples of the use of this term as being adicted "tyo
civil affairs", "to useful reading" -and also "to bad habits". Being
addicted to drugs is not among the definitions listed.
Ceremonial Chemistry: The ritual persecution of drugs, addicts, and pushers
Thomas Szasz, M.D.
Learning Publications Inc
PO Box 1338
Holmes Bch FL 34218-1338
Available by mail: 1-800-222-1525
I believe Gordon Wasson did a huge amount of anthropological
sleuthing into the use of mushrooms in ancient societies and
developed a compelling argument that the original tree of
knowledge (from which Adam and Eve consumed forbidden fruit)
was an abstraction of the "fruiting body" of mushrooms--
although I don't recall many of his points I do remember one
particularly facinating illustration that was a rendering of
the earliest known tree-of-life/knowledge drawing: it was
carved in stone and was simply a cap and a stem--the
stereotypical representation of a mushroom. Wasson did his
research in the early fifties and never got much recognition.
>> Page 58 of this week's _Time_ magazine carries a very interesting
>> article headed: "Do Humans Need to Get High?" and is subtitled "A
>> scientist says society should provide safe, nonaddictive drugs."
>> Basically, a UCLA researcher named Ronald Siegel argues that man's
>> very nature is to seek altered states from time to time, and we'd
>> be better off trying to find safer, better drugs, rather than trying
>> to kill the ones that exist.
>Check out his book:
>Ronald K. Siegel. Intoxication: Life in Pursuit of Artificial Paradise.
>New York: E. P. Dutton, 1989, 390 pp.
>Dr. Will
Also, along the same lines, there is an excellent book called
_The Natural Mind_, by Andrew Weil, which deals with exactly the same
subject. He postulates the search for altered states of consciousness
is a normal and, in fact, essential part of the human psyche. He then
goes on to deal with how the mindset towards drugs should be changed,
and why it is as confused as it is.
It's a really good read, and left me with a very hopeful
feeling. It was originally written years ago (69? Early 70's?) and
recently reprinted with a new preface.
Weil also co-authored a book called _From Chocolate to
Morphine_, a sweeping treatise on psychoactive substances. This has
got to be one of the best pieces of drug-related literature I've ever
read. It discusses why we do drugs, reiterates Weil's thesis that
altered states are not evil, and catalogues all the many and varied
psychoactive substances they could fit in a book. The information on
each class of drug and individual substance consists of background,
history, subjective effects, dangers, physiological effects, and more.
The attitude put forth by this book is one which everyone should be
exposed to. Drugs, food, amusement park rides, in fact anything, are
not inherently bad, only your RELATIONSHIP with them can be bad. Only
when people get into bad (dependent, overloading, etc...)
relationships with psychoactive substances do problems occur.
>IMHO, this theory should be obvious. Profound religious experiences
>involve non-ordinary states of consciousness. Period. This doesn't
>necessarily mean that every religious experience involves leaving your
>body and being taught how to fly by psychedlic jesus jellyfish, drugs
>need not be involved and there are plenty of different religious "highs."
I think a very interesting question is, What are those circuits doing there
in the first place?
Its easy to understand what the circuits for, e.g., love, ie,
pair-bonding are for: humans take forever to raise, and its easier if
you have two helping. Many animals share these features.
I've read that it was useful in smaller societies to have the ability to bond
to one's tribe and feel brotherhood; of course this has been exploited in
patriotism and is part of many modern religions.
So, an interesting question is: Are states of religious awe and
ecstacy artifacts or have they been selected for?
.."Think anyone will mind that I don't have a tie?" ---Cliff Stoll
.."Don't worry," Bob said. "At your level of abstraction, it doesn't make
any difference" ---Robert Morris, chief scientist, NSA
The following is a postscript stereo rendering of the LSD structure.
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944 1233 m 954 1238 l 963 1244 m 972 1249 l 982 1254 m 991 1260 l
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1019 1573 m 1025 1564 l 1032 1555 m 1038 1546 l 1044 1538 m 1051 1529 l
1057 1520 m 1063 1511 l 884 1254 m 946 1220 l 947 1234 m 937 1239 l
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891 1614 m 903 1613 l 914 1613 m 925 1613 l 937 1612 m 948 1612 l
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829 1554 m 835 1563 l 840 1571 m 846 1580 l 851 1588 m 857 1597 l
863 1605 m 868 1614 l 860 1627 m 835 1675 l 790 1521 m 738 1530 l
1279 1653 m 1431 1687 l 1279 1653 m 1244 1697 l 1431 1687 m 1448 1684 l
1431 1687 m 1495 1565 l 1431 1687 m 1465 1840 l 1495 1565 m 1550 1568 l
1495 1565 m 1486 1572 l 1495 1565 m 1478 1494 l 1565 1323 m 1561 1270 l
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1786 1741 m 1690 1786 l 1786 1741 m 1757 1730 l 1786 1741 m 1825 1780 l
1786 1741 m 1813 1692 l 1690 1786 m 1634 1834 l 1690 1786 m 1668 1743 l
1690 1786 m 1722 1810 l stroke
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843 1342 l stroke
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848 1316 m 845 1307 l 842 1299 m 838 1291 l 822 1289 m 777 1288 l
1460 1422 m 1512 1372 l 1460 1422 m 1478 1494 l 1460 1422 m 1384 1406 l
1578 1882 m 1634 1834 l 1519 1868 m 1575 1889 l 1524 1854 m 1535 1858 l
1546 1863 m 1558 1867 l 1569 1871 m 1580 1875 l 1578 1882 m 1587 1956 l
1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 setrgbcolor 1429 1890 m 1388 1935 l 1421 1880 m
1381 1925 l stroke
1 setlinewidth stroke
******************************END OF FAQ******************************
[Reminder: FYI only, consult your shamans & attorneys etc., you are
self-responsible, regardless of what anyone asserts.]
[Reminder: FYI only, consult your shamans & attorneys etc., you are
self-responsible, regardle