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Conferenza droga
Triulzi Federico - 22 agosto 1995
mdma estasy
From tlink Sun Jan 15 21:21:37 1995 remote from ax433

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Subject: e.for.ecstasy

E for Ecstasy by Nicholas Saunders.

Bibliography by Alexander Shulgin.

Published by Nicholas Saunders, 14 Neal's Yard, London, WC2H 9DP, UK.

ISBN: 0 9501628 8 4. Published May 1993. 320 pages. #7.95.

This is a revised version of the first edition. This is sold out in Europe,

but is still available in the USA from distributors: Book People and Inland

Books who supply bookstores and mail order companies such as Books by

Phone. The US shop price is $12.95. Single copies are also available from

the publisher for #10 Europe or #15 airmail worldwide if orders are paid by

Visa or Mastercard and faxed to +44 71 379 0135 or e-mail to

nicholas@neals.demon.co.uk. Include name, account number, expiry date,

address (must be same as account is sent to).

A German language edition will be published in September by Verlag Ricco

Bilger, Josefstrasse 52, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland. Title: Ecstasy. ISBN: 3

908010 12 8. Price SFr.38 plus SFr.10 including postage wordwide.

Copyright Nicholas Saunders and Alexander Shulgin 1994.

This material may be freely distributed electronically, but may be

printed for personal use only. Permission is required for any other use of

any of the contents. This will normally be given freely, provided prior

permission is obtained and the source credited in an agreed form.

The appendices can be found in the file "e.is.4.x.append".


1: Introduction

2: Own Experience

What I feel it has done for me; how I have experimented with it and researched

3: History of Ecstasy

first invented and patented; tested by US army; re-discovered by Shulgin;

used for psychotherapy; wildly popular available by credit card; alarm due

to previous impure drug causing Parkinson's disease; banning in US against

recommendation; media muddle; appeal overturned; rise of the rave in US,

Europe and then back to US; permission to use in Switzerland; permission to

use in US.

4: What it Does and How it works

Emotional effects: allowing the chi to flow, dissolving fear, allowing

memories to surface, being temporarily free of neurosis, feeling love,

removing defensiveness, allowing indulgence. Medical effects: effect on

brain with fairly full explanation including diagrams to show how brain

cells transfer info. Side effects such as blood pressure and temp rise.

What organs get rid of it. Effects of combining E with other drugs. Sex.

5: Who takes Ecstasy

Own survey results, references to other surveys. How many people take E

deduced from surveys and seizures. Welshpool and football supporters

6: Dangers

Reports of death here and in the US and why different. Overheating. Heart

failure, strokes. Neurotoxicity: the research that caused the fears and the

present assessment. Risk assessment compared to other activities as from my

article. Who should avoid taking Ecstasy. Psychological dangers: what kind

of people have been damaged by MDMA. Media overstatement.

7: The law, the media and the establishment

Times article

8: Psychotherapy in Switzerland

9: Popular uses of MDMA

Used for opening up and having fun; slimming/keeping fit; dancing; problem

solving; improving relationships; professional psychotherapy; amateur

psychotherapy; as an alternative to psychotherapy; in rituals; in place of

a quick holiday; for pain relief; for depression. . .

10: Suggestions for users

Ideal situation in town, in country. What to have with you and what to

avoid. When to take it. Who to take with and who not to. Describe Set and

Setting. How to be a guide.

11: Ecstasy and where does it come from

Tests for MDMA in the lab and at home. List of characteristics. What drugs

are sold as MDMA and how to distinguish them. Are other drugs more toxic?

Is MDMA cut with poisonous substances? Why it sometimes has a different

effect. Production and distribution

12: Discussion of establishment attitudes

edited version of Shulgin's chapter 42

13: Case histories

First-hand accounts edited to provide examples that the reader may be able

to identify with. Both positive and negative experiences.

Appendix 1: Reference section

Summaries of reports I have read.

Appendix 2: Annotated bibliography

by Shulgin

Appendix 3: Directory of Organisations in the UK

which deal with Ecstasy users

Appendix 4: Research projects

under way at present.

1 Introduction

A large proportion of young people, especially in Britain, are regular

users of the drug Ecstasy (E, Adam166, X or MDMA) for a simple reason: it

provides them with access to an experience which they value. Yet the

majority of first-time users have no access to reliable information about

the drug and rely on folklore for guidance, while little serious attention

is paid to the potential uses and benefits of MDMA. This book is intended

to satisfy Ecstasy users' thirst for knowledge, to help them to avoid its

dangers and make the best of possible benefits as well as to stimulate

further research into this fascinating drug.

The first part of the book is brief but complete in itself. Those who want

to know more on any particular subject should follow the little numbers to

the reference section; those who don't want to miss anything should also

read that section, as it also includes many fascinating items of additional

information. Then there are the personal accounts which are an easy read

and have been chosen to demonstrate most of the effects of the drug.

Finally, there is an annotated bibliography for serious researchers.

While the first edition was about and for British users of Ecstasy, this

edition includes a broader usage both in Europe, the USA and Australia, and

will be published in German. Much of the book has been rewritten to

incorporate the greatly increased volume of references.

In the summer of 1992 I held a meeting to bring together people who had

experienced a positive change as a result of taking Ecstasy. I was sick of

the rubbish put out by the media, and I wanted to see how many people, like

myself, felt the drug had done them good. Most of those who attended had

far more experience of the drug than myself, and it was hardly surprising

that nearly all credited the drug with improving the quality of their

lives. But what made a strong impression on me was that, although those

users desperately wanted information, they knew very little about the drug.

That decided me to produce this book.

In 1970 I wrote Alternative London, a guidebook for people living in the

city who, like myself, were exploring alternative lifestyles and other

levels of consciousness. As with MDMA now, media coverage of our lifestyles

consisted of horror stories and ridicule. As with Alternative London, this

book is based on personal experience backed up by extensive research.

2 My own experience with E

The seventies and early eighties was a period when I was energetic and

productive, enthusiastically involving myself in one successful project

after another, first a guidebook called Alternative London and then a

series of 'alternative' businesses which I had started in Neal's Yard, a

courtyard in central London. Yet by 1988 I felt disappointed because most

of the original ideas I had pioneered had been discarded. That year I did

start a new business, but more out of desperation to prove myself than

enthusiasm, and it was not a success.

I was in that strained frame of mind when a friend called Claudia offered

to take me on an Ecstasy trip. She is an extrovert actress who I've known

for years and, as rather an introvert myself, I wanted to keep my distance

to avoid being overpowered by her. We swallowed the capsules in her flat

and then headed off for Kew Gardens, a place I loved and where I thought I

would feel safe. On the way to the station I felt symptoms familiar from

taking LSD in the sixties - I would see something happening out of the

corner of my eye but it would return to normal when I turned my head. As we

got on the train Claudia took my hand. . . What a surprise! It felt

wonderful to be touched, and there was nothing threatening about her, she

was really warm and caring. Even the worn train seat felt good, and I

rubbed the back of my head on it like a cow does on a gate. I felt

Claudia's delight at seeing me opening up. "I could really get into this,

would you stop me if I go too far?" I asked. Claudia laughed and told me to

enjoy myself while she looked after me. I got into catlike stretching and

slid under the table to enjoy the space, laughing at how shy old me could

behave like that. When I sat up I found that I could 'ride' the train like

a horse, responding to its bumpy movement. I looked out of the window and

saw everything afresh; not only beauty but ugliness was accentuated, too.

When we got off the train I took deep breaths and the air felt wonderful.

It was good to be alive. But the intellectual part of myself asked "What is

different to normal? Why isn't life always like this?" I deduced that I was

simply allowing myself to enjoy what had always been there. I realised that

I had got into the habit of restraining myself. It was not this

drug-induced state that was distorted - it was what I had come to accept as

my normal state that was perverse. I then realised that over the past few

years I had been mildly depressed. And, what's more, I could see why: some

years before I had felt cheated by the person who took over the wholefood

shop, and I had carried that resentment like a burden ever since. This

realisation and the experience of a few hours 'freedom' was just the tonic

I needed; it got me out of the rut and I started afresh with new


Since then I have taken the drug three or four times a year. Only twice has

the experience been less than delightful, but on both occasions it

nevertheless provided insights. Once was when I took Ecstasy in a flat in

Holland with Anne and Afga, two woman friends who I had known since the

sixties, I became acutely aware of how the years had changed them. I could

see that Afga had suffered a great deal as a result of the men she had been

involved with, yet it seemed to me that the pain had matured her into a

strong and serene woman. I felt that Anne, by contrast, hadn't allowed life

to hurt her and was still playing the 'flower child' which simply didn't

fit the middle-aged woman she had become. As the trip proceeded, I found it

difficult to communicate with them. Afga became absorbed in her own

thoughts and ignored me, while I restrained myself from telling Anne how I

saw her. As a result I got a headache. The other occasion was with a tense

friend who suffered from crippling stomach cramps. When the drug took

effect her face opened up and she felt truly relaxed for the first time in

years, allowing her to slither around the floor like a snake - until it

wore off and her cramps returned with a vengeance. Altogether it was a

painful experience, but it did provide her with a valuable insight into the

cause of her cramps: the memory of being raped as an adolescent.

On one occasion I was on a walking holiday in the Himalayas. I was trekking

in Nepal with a Danish couple who I had met on the trail. Our trek took us

over a 17,000 foot high pass, an extreme effort and achievement for all of

us, and next day we took some E as we sat in the cold sunshine overlooking

Tibet with a glacier ice-fall behind us and the peak of Annapurna gleaming

across a wide valley. As we watched, clouds formed on the peak, then they

drifted across the valley changing shape into fishes, dragons and horses.

At one point an eagle swooped down over our heads, and we felt as though we

were carried with it across the valley below. Afterwards the reserved

French geologists at our hotel responded to our warm mood by bringing out

brandy and chocolates which they had reserved for a special occasion. There

were no insights, it was simply a wonderful day where the surrounding

magnificence was enhanced, but the shared experience formed a bond between

us and we travelled on together like old friends.

Another time was spent in the countryside with a lover whose Sufi master

warned that drugs damage the psyche and would undo hard-earned spiritual

achievements. As the drug came on her face lit up and she cried, "What

fools they are." Spirituality was right there for her, and she still

regards that event as a valid mystical experience. We found ourselves

utterly fascinated by a moorhen that was building its nest, as though the

bird had acknowledged our presence and was letting us observe its skills.

After all these experiences on E, I had still not been to a rave. It was

not that I didn't want to, but simply that, as a middle-aged man, I thought

I would feel conspicuously out of place. Then the opportunity came: a rave

where several of my friends would be, one actually older than myself. I

quite enjoyed myself thanks to the E putting me in a positive mood, but I

could not get into it. The dancers appeared to be lost in their individual

trips, facing the speakers without relating to one another. I was simply

amazed by the discomfort of the venue, with its rough concrete floor and

steel walls wet with condensed sweat; the unrelenting, aggressive music and

pulsing lights to match. It was not until I had spent several more similar

nights out that I was able to enjoy the true experience.

I was given a phone number by a friend to ring for tickets and was directed

to a dilapidated block with a sign saying 'Offices to Let for #50 a week.

Move in today.' It looked bare as though they had done just that. A girl

sold me the tickets and when I asked where the party was to be held she

scrawled the address on a scrap of paper. Half expecting I'd been conned, I

turned up at midnight just as the E I'd taken was coming on.

The venue was spacious and well-ventilated. The music was the usual Techno

House, although not as harsh as some, and I tried to follow a friend's

advice of moving with the bass and ignoring the rest. I got into dancing in

my usual rather self-conscious way, keeping an eye on what other people

were doing and well aware that I was much older than everybody else. Then,

imperceptibly, I gradually relaxed, melted into it, and knew I was part of

it all. There was no need to be self conscious; I had no doubt I was

accepted; there was nothing I might do that would jar because everyone else

was simply being themselves, as though they were celebrating their freedom

from the constraints and neuroses of society. Although everyone was

separately celebrating in their own space, when I looked around I would

easily make eye contact - no-one was hiding behind a mask. There was

virtually no conversation or body contact except for the occasional short

hug, but I experienced a feeling of belonging to the group, a kind of

uplifting religious experience of unity that I have felt only once before,

when I was part of a community (Christiania) that was threatened with

closure. It was as though we belonged to an exclusive tribe bonded by some

shared understanding, yet full 'membership' was mine for the #10 ticket and

#15 tablet. Not everyone was included; a few looked awkward, trying to fit

in or dancing with style but without spontaneity. I assumed that they had

not taken Ecstasy.

That experience was a revelation. I felt as though I completely understood

what raves are all about - including the music, which had always grated on

me. Harmony that I had found lacking was irrelevant: the music constantly

provided energy to lift one up without ever letting one down; it built up

more and more without ever reaching a climax. I found myself not only

dancing to the heavy beat, but breathing to it too, sometimes letting out

sounds along with the music. There was subtlety hidden in the change of

beat, a kind of tease that made me smile each time. And it felt so very

healthy, as though I was moving in a way that was a true expression of

myself, with every part of the body feeling free and flexible. I felt much

younger, almost reborn.

I danced continuously until 6 am without any effort, even though I would

normally be exhausted after an hour of such vigorous exercise. As the E

wore off, at about 4 am, I started to feel some tension in my stomach, but

the trance remained until the end. On the way home in a car with friends

the music carried on so clearly that we had to check that the stereo was

off before believing the sound was coming from inside our own heads! I

slept most of the next day and also right through the following night,

without any further effects apart from stiffness in the legs.

Problem solving

In 1992 I became interested in exploring Ecstasy's potential for solving

personal problems, and took MDMA with an old friend, Jill, with the

specific intention of resolving problems and examining relationships in our

lives. We each wrote down a list of subjects that we wanted to explore

beforehand, and spent the first hour after the drug came on concentrating

on one issue at a time.

I had snapped at an ex-neighbour a few days before. I was a bit shocked at

myself as I couldn't see why I had done it. But on Ecstasy it seemed clear:

I felt threatened by the people who had moved into his flat and he had

'caused' this problem by having moved out! Next I focused my attention on

one particular friend who I had always admired for what he had achieved in

the face of enormous difficulties. My image of him was shattered and

instead I saw him as a Chinese juggler spinning plates on bamboo sticks,

desperately rushing from one to the other to forestall a catastrophe. It

didn't seem like a revelation, more as though I had known it all the time,

and only afterwards did I realise that this was a viewpoint that I had not

seen before.

On later reflection, I assessed these insights on MDMA as valid but not the

complete picture. It was as though MDMA had provided me with a different

viewpoint, such as might be seen by a friend.

There was one occasion when the drug had virtually no effect on me, and

that was when I was in love. It was later that I realised the significance:

being on E is quite similar.132

3 History of Ecstasy

MDMA was patented as long ago as 1913 by the German company Merck. Rumour

has it that the drug was sold as a slimming pill along with comic

descriptions of its strange side effects, although it was never marketed

and the patent doesn't mention uses. The next time it came to light was in

1953 when the US army tested a number of drugs for military applications -

again, folklore says it was tried as a truth drug but there is no evidence

for this.1

The father of MDMA - or 'stepfather' as he describes himself - is Alexander

Shulgin.2 After obtaining a PhD in biochemistry from the University of

California at Berkeley, Shulgin got a job as a research chemist with Dow

Chemicals, for whom he invented a profitable insecticide. As a reward, the

company gave him a free hand and his own lab. Having had an exciting

experience on Mescaline, Shulgin used the opportunity to research

psychedelic drugs. An accepted test for psychedelic effects was to observe

how fighting fish change their behaviour. But there were problems: fish

don't say when they are under the influence and, well, have you ever seen a

fish that doesn't look stoned? His answer was to 'suck it and see'.

Eventually his company was embarrassed to find themselves holding the

patents of some popular street drugs and he was politely given the push.

Shulgin continued testing new compounds on himself and a select group of

friends for many years. Thanks to his remarkable personality - combining

openness without proselytising about his liberal and controversial views -

he has earned the respect of influential people and is able to carry on

with his research today, with the full approval of the US government. His

approach to psychedelics is similar to that of a botanist: he specialises

in the phenethylamines, and delights in recording the subtle differences

between each member of that family of drugs. His experiences are described

in his autobiography Phenethylamines I Have Known And Loved. MDMA is but

one of 179 psychoactive drugs which he describes in detail, and, although

its effects are less dramatic than many, MDMA is perhaps the one which

comes closest to fulfilling his ambition of finding a therapeutic drug.

Shulgin has now moved on to writing a book about another family of

psychoactive drugs, the tryptamines, due out in 1995.

However, it was only after hearing glowing reports from other experimenters

who had also synthesised and tried MDMA that Shulgin took an interest. He

describes how in 1977 he gave some to an old friend who was about to retire

from his career of psychotherapy.

He phoned me a few days later to tell me he had abandoned his plans for a

quiet retirement. I know none of the details of the increasingly complex

network which he proceeded to develop over the following decade, but I do

know that he travelled across the country introducing MDMA to other

therapists and teaching then how to use it in their therapy. They had all

began, of course, by taking the drug themselves. He believed (as I do) that

no therapist has the right to give a psychoactive drug to another person

unless and until he is thoroughly familiar with its effects on his own

mind. Many of the psychologists and psychiatrists whom Leo instructed

developed small groups or enclaves of professionals who had been similarly

taught, and the information and techniques he had introduced spread widely

and, in time, internationally.

It is impossible to ever know the true breadth of therapeutic MDMA usage

achieved during the remaining years of his life, but at his memorial

service, I asked an old friend of his whether she had a guess at the number

of people he had introduced to this incredible tool, either directly or

indirectly. She was silent for a moment, then said, 'Well, I've thought

about that, and I think probably around four thousand, give or take a few.'

Those first psychotherapists to use MDMA were keenly aware that they had

found a valuable new tool.3, 4, 135 As one put it, "MDMA is penicillin for

the soul, and you don't give up prescribing penicillin, once you've seen

what it can do". They were equally aware that if MDMA became a popular

street drug, it could follow in the footsteps of LSD and be criminalized by

the US government. They agreed to do as much informal research as possible

without bringing the drug to public attention, and did pretty well - MDMA

only gradually became known as a fun drug and it wasn't until 1984 that the

bubble burst.

If MDMA is so wonderful, why hasn't it been marketed by any of the big drug

companies? One reason is that the drug's commercial potential is small;

another was that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibited

trials on humans. But perhaps the most significant obstacle to the

commercial exploitation of MDMA is that it has already been patented -

although the patent ran out years ago, a drug cannot be patented a second

time. Before marketing a new drug, a drug company has to show that the

safety risks are justified by the drug's benefits as a medicine, and this

involves long and expensive trials. The only way of recouping that expense

is by obtaining exclusive rights to sell the drug through holding its


Those years 1977 to 1985 are looked back on as the 'golden age' of Ecstasy

or Adam5 as it was then known. In psychotherapy, its use only appealed to a

few experimental therapists since it didn't fit in with the usual 50-minute

psychotherapy session, but they did include some of the most dynamic people

in the field, including some who claimed that a five hour Adam session was

as good as 5 months of therapy.166 There was also a select a group of

'explorers' who used the drug in various ways, but, surprisingly, they

never discovered its potential as a dance drug.

By 1984 the drug was still legal and was being used widely among students

in the USA under its new name 'Ecstasy'. (Rumour has it that a big-time

dealer called it 'Empathy', but, although the name is more appropriate, he

found that Ecstasy had more sales appeal.) In Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas,

Ecstasy was even on sale in bars where you could pay by credit card, where

it replaced cocaine as the drug of choice among yuppies and even spread to

people who normally kept well clear of drugs. However, it was this public

and unashamed use that resulted in the drug being outlawed.

A deeply-embedded puritan ethic seems to affect the response to drugs in

Western societies. To use a drug for pleasure is taboo3, yet to use a drug

to relieve pain is acceptable. In reality there is no sharp distinction: if

someone is 'suffering from depression' and a drug makes him feel happy, it

is regarded as a medicine and meets with approval. But if that person is

regarded as normal and takes a drug that makes him happy, he is indulging

in something quite unacceptable. Except, of course, if the drug happens to

be nicotine or alcohol.16

During 1985 Ecstasy got into the mass media because a small group of people

sued the US Drug Enforcement Agency to try to prevent them from outlawing

the drug. The controversy provided free advertising which made Ecstasy

spread like wildfire throughout the US. It was a case of bad timing - the

previous year there had been a widely publicised disaster that made the

authorities overreact to any new scare. A batch of 'China White', a

so-called designer drug6 which was sold to heroin addicts as a legal

substitute, had contained a poisonous impurity, and, tragically, it caused

a form of severe brain damage similar to Parkinson's disease.7 As a result

the US Congress passed a new law allowing the DEA to put an emergency ban

on any drug it thought might be a danger to the public. On July 1st 1985

this right was used for the first time to ban MDMA - what is more, MDMA was

put in the most restrictive category of all, reserved for damaging and

addictive drugs without medical use.8 The effect of prohibition was to

curtail research into the drug without changing the attitudes of

recreational users.9 However, the Agency's haste was at the expense of not

following the letter of the law, leaving the ruling to be overturned in

subsequent court cases.

The temporary ban only lasted for a year; meanwhile a hearing was set up to

decide what permanent measures should be taken against the drug. The case

received much publicity and was accompanied by press reports advancing the

kind of scare stories now current in Europe, which added to the pressure to

make the ban permanent. One widely publicised report referred to evidence

that another drug, MDA, caused brain damage in rats and concluded that MDMA

could cause brain damage in humans.10, 11, 12 The media indulged in horror

scenarios of 'our kids' brains rotting by the time they were thirty,

although there was no evidence that MDMA caused brain damage in rats at the

dosage levels used by humans. On the other side were the psychotherapists

who gave evidence of the benefits of the drug - but they had failed to

prepare their ground by carrying out scientifically acceptable trials, so

their evidence was regarded as 'anecdotal'.

The case ended with the judge recommending that MDMA be placed in a less

restrictive category, Schedule 3, which would have allowed it to be

manufactured, to be used on prescription and to be the subject of research.

But the recommendation was ignored by the DEA, which refused to back down

and instead placed MDMA permanently in Schedule 1. A group of MDMA

supporters made a successful challenge to this decision in the Federal

Court of Appeal, but their objections were overturned on 23rd March 1988.

The fight is still continuing on the grounds that the law is

unconstitutional, that the correct procedure was not followed and that the

DEA did not take all the evidence into account.

In most countries including the US, all new drugs are regarded as 'innocent

until proved guilty' unless they are substantially similar in structure and

effect to prohibited drugs, and this gives rise to the phenomenon known as

'designer drugs' - drugs which have been deliberately synthesised to avoid

the law. In Britain, however, whole families of chemicals - including

members that have not been invented - are treated as 'guilty until proved

innocent' under the law. Psychedelic amphetamines, which includes MDA, MDEA

and MDMA have been illegal in Britain since 1977, and, as in the US, MDMA

has been placed in the category that attracts highest penalties.13, 14

All member countries of the United Nations are signatories to the

International Convention on Psychotropic Substances (ICPO) and follow

recommendations laid down by the World Health Organisation Expert Committee

on Drug Dependence. In 1985, under American pressure, the ICPO asked member

nations to place the drug in Schedule 1 although the chairman of the WHO

Expert Committee disagreed with this decision, stating that "At this time,

international control is not warranted." A clause was added encouraging

member nations to "facilitate research on this interesting substance".15

The criminalisation of MDMA in America has had wide-ranging consequences.

The first was to prevent the drug being used by professional therapists,

except in Switzerland (see chapter 9). The second was to reduce the quality

of the drug as sold on the street, because demand was now met by

clandestine laboratories and the drug was distributed through the criminal

network. Although the number of users was dramatically reduced at first,

criminalisation did not prevent the drug's popularity spreading worldwide.

Ecstasy arrives in Europe

Ecstasy was favoured by Bhagwan Rajneesh, the Indian guru whose disciples

wore orange, and when his followers moved out of their ashram in Oregon

they brought the drug to Europe in the mid eighties.17

The rave scene started on the hippy holiday island of Ibiza in 1987, where

Ecstasy joined LSD and hashish at all-night dance parties. In England

'raves' took the form of both large outdoor and warehouse parties, well

described by Paul Staines in Appendix 3.

Warehouses were prepared secretly so as to avoid local people obtaining a

court order to prevent the raves happening. Tickets were sold in advance

without the address, but with a phone number to ring on the night for

instructions regarding a meeting place such as a motorway service station

from where a convoy would proceed to the venue. Opposition to raves was

fierce since people living up to two miles away could be kept awake all

night. By 1990 the British government had passed a law, the Entertainments

(Increased Penalties Act)18, which effectively put an end to these big


The result was to push ravers into dance clubs. The Hacienda in Manchester

led the trend in 1988 with the now prevalent style: DJs who never spoke,

but teased the dancers with their subtle 'scratching' establishing the

Manchester sound.19 From there clubbing on E came to London, the rest of

Europe and eventually back to E's native California, as reported in the San

Francisco Examiner:

The English ravers hit San Francisco in the winter of 1991. "We were

suddenly surrounded by these kids, moving here from England. They were

coming here in droves and bringing with them a new sensibility, a new style

of clothes."

By this time Ecstasy had reached nearly every corner of society in England

and by the winter of 1991-2 demand had outstripped supply, partly due to

some massive police seizures.20, 21 Dealers responded by selling any old

tablet as Ecstasy and no doubt made huge profits, but as a result people

had disappointing experiences and turned away from Ecstasy. Many turned to

LSD instead for the simple reason that the dose cannot be adulterated13 as

it is microscopic (a thousand times smaller than a dose of MDMA) and is

normally sold absorbed into a 'blotter', a tiny piece of paper too small to

absorb active quantities of any other popular drug.

The English pattern of use contrasts with the American one both in kind and

volume, which accounts for there being so many more casualties here. The

proportion of young people taking Ecstasy is many times higher in

Britain22, 23, and here it is nearly always used as a dance drug. Americans

generally use Ecstasy at home, although English-style raves are on the


Although the therapeutic use of MDMA has been outlawed in the US for the

past seven years, steps are being taken there towards MDMA becoming a

prescription drug. To comply with prerequisites for the licensing of new

drugs, a non-profit organisation called The Multidisciplinary Association

for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) opened a Drug Master File for MDMA in 1986,

thus permitting research into the drug to be conducted. Recently, research

into the effects of MDMA in human volunteers has been approved by the FDA

itself, and trials began in 1993.24 I have faith in common sense prevailing

over prejudice in the long run; unless new evidence emerges that MDMA is

toxic or another drug appears that is even better, I believe that one day

MDMA will be an acceptable medicine.

4 What E does and how it works

What Ecstasy does is very simple, yet difficult to describe. It combines

two opposite effects, stimulation and relaxation, but in addition provides

a subtle quality of empathy.141 The radical psychotherapist RD Laing, who

took MDMA at Esalen, California, in 1984 when it was still legal, said, "It

made me feel how all of us would like to feel we are anyway . . . smooth

and open hearted, not soggy, sentimental or stupid".25, 3 Another

psychologist described it as providing a "brief, fleeting moment of

sanity".110 The most similar experience familiar to most people is being in


The most predictable feelings experienced are empathy, openness, peace and

caring.166 However, what people experience can vary from paranoia140 to

sleep138, depending greatly on other factors called 'set and setting'166

which includes their cultural beliefs, expectations and state of mind at

the time.153, 166 Even your genetic make up may affect your experience.178

Psychiatric effects

In 1992 researchers in the US attempted to identify the effects of MDMA in

psychological terms through studying its effects on psychiatrists.26 The

psychiatrists' experiences varied, but apart from losing track of time, the

most commonly noted effects were that they related to other people more

openly with less fear or defensiveness. Half said the drug had a lasting

positive effect on their 'social/interpersonal functioning', and nearly

half mentioned changes in their spiritual outlook and values.46

The effects are similar, though more intense, to the popular antidepressant

Prozac (Fluoxetine): it makes most people feel liberated and good about

themselves, less self-conscious and able to feel emotions more clearly,148

while a small minority become more depressed. A university lecturer who was

oversensitive to Prozac described how, as member of an examination review

board, she felt euphoric and unable to take the subject seriously, an

experience that sounds similar to MDMA. Both drugs lower serotonin levels,

though by different means.30, 67

I believe that the drug's various effects can be reduced to two primary

effects, one physical and one mental: the relief of muscular tension and

the dissolution of fear. People on Ecstasy feel able to move and to express

themselves freely, so the drug provides a taste of living without the

restraints we have become to regard as part of life. Users often compare

the effect to memories of early childhood when they would look people in

the eye, live for the moment and were free of inhibitions.

The ideas of Wilhelm Reich, a radical student of Freud who developed his

own theories, may be relevant. Reich developed the theory that children in

times of trauma brace themselves against pain by tensing their muscles, a

reaction which becomes habitual, and which develops into what he called

'body armour'. As adults, people prevent themselves from being hurt through

'being cool': avoiding expression of emotions or revealing weaknesses.

Reich believed that muscular tensions go hand in hand with emotional

tensions or neuroses, and the test for being free of the latter is the

ability to move in an 'orgasmic' way with spontaneous undulations flowing

smoothly from head to toe, a form of movement that often occurs

spontaneously on MDMA. It could be that the drug temporarily removes both

neuroses and the associated body armour.

Ecstasy is unlike most other drugs in that it increases awareness of touch

and sound, an effect that has been observed in laboratory rats.185 The drug

has also been described as allowing the life force, or Chi, to flow

freely.29 Traumatic memories, suppressed for years because they are too

painful to face, may emerge and be looked at without terror. Insights into

what is really happening in life can also occur. Pain may be reduced30, 31,

4, especially if it is based on fear, such as the fear of death.

Spiritual effects

It is also claimed that MDMA has some spiritual effects. Recently Alexander

Shulgin told the story of a Japanese poet who tried MDMA and said: "It has

taken twenty years of studying Zen for me to reach this clarity, but I'm

glad I did it my way". A Benedictine monk at a monastery in Big Sur,

California, tried to see if MDMA could aid meditation, and concluded that

the drug 'facilitated the search by providing a glimpse of the goal', but

that it did not replace the hard work required.5 A healer claimed that she

saw a client's aura brightened by MDMA27, and there are many reports of

people becoming more spiritually aware.28, 26

The Lion Path136, 149 is a road to enlightenment using MDMA as a tool. It

is based on the idea that throughout history there have been certain 'open'

periods related to astrology when there has been the opportunity for

spiritual growth. Such an opening exists now until 1988, and the most

'open' days for each individual are determined according to their own

astrological chart. On these particular days spread over 5 years, followers

meditated in isolation on MDMA. Officially, MDMA is no longer recommended

although it is still used by some followers.

Many spiritual practices "may be greatly facilitated and the effects

amplified including meditation, yoga, tai chi, guided imagery,

psychosynthesis, shamanic journey work and rebirthing. This is best done on

low doses or towards the end of a session.166

The effects of MDMA vary greatly according to the intention of the user and

external stimulation during the trip. In my experience, minimum stimulation

(such as isolation with ear plugs) in secure surroundings produces the most

inward-looking experience, while the direction, such as whether emotional

or spiritual, depends on one's intention.


Many people feel telepathic on E, or as one reader remarked, "Where does

empathy end and telepathy begin?" But although there are some anecdotes142,

there were no responses when I asked readers to test their telepathic

abilities with friends in another room.

Effects at raves

When MDMA is experienced at raves, it lacks some of the subtle effects

experienced in quiet surroundings, but has an extra quality not seen when

the drug is taken in private.32 The combination of the drug with music and

dancing together produces an exhilarating trancelike state, perhaps similar

to that experienced in tribal rituals or religious ceremonies.33

Ecstasy is often called the 'love drug', a name which suggests another way

of looking at its effects. MDMA opens the heart and allows love to flow.

This may extend to loving oneself, overcoming awkwardness and allowing

oneself to feel good.

Unpleasant effects

MDMA does not suit everyone. The most extreme example I have come across

was a few years ago, when a man I knew who suffered from severe stomach

cramps attempted to use the drug for self-therapy. During the trip he

experienced a wonderful release, allowing him to move freely and flowingly.

However, as the effects wore off the cramps returned with a vengeance. It

was a frightening experience; the following night he vomited until he was

exhausted and has never wanted to take the drug again.

Even people who normally enjoy Ecstasy can have very different experiences

including hallucinations, though these are usually due to another drug

(such as LSD) sold as Ecstasy.Appendix 2 But even with pure MDMA paranoia

is sometimes experienced.140

Less extreme reactions are more common. A woman friend who took E at a

party reported that Ecstasy made her feel unpleasantly out of control and

gave her a nasty headache, even though the pill appeared identical to that

enjoyed by her friends. She went home early and felt depressed for the next

two days.

Although I have found that Ecstasy temporarily stops pain such as

toothache, some people have reported headaches and nausea accentuated

without any of the pleasant effects. I believe it depends on what you focus

your attention.

Ecstasy can upset people's lives. There are many examples of young people

squandering ridiculous amounts of money on E and only living for their next

binge. One known personally to me is that of a 23-year-old art student who

used to live for the weekends when she and her friends took Ecstasy, and

spent the rest of the time in a state of depression. This lasted for about

a year until eventually she was thrown out of college, which made her even

more depressed. However, two years later she emerged again as her former

vibrant self, and looking back saw that her problems had resulted as much

from her parents' divorce as from taking Ecstasy through which, she says,

she made good friends.

In 1991, a survey conducted in Sydney34 found that 80% of those who tried

Ecstasy thought that it was fun to use while 7% did not (13% found it

'neutral'). Three-quarters of regular users in Manchester said they usually

enjoyed Ecstasy and most said it was 'here to stay' in their lives, but 18%

enjoyed it less than they used to.182 Another Australian survey among

amphetamine users showed that Ecstasy was not particularly liked.193 Much

of the effect depends on the setting - if you feel relaxed anyway you are

almost certain to enjoy it; although many tense people use the drug to help

them relax, not everyone can yield to its effects. Clients who have used

MDMA in psychotherapy - in which fun is not the object - tend to enjoy

their first experience but to get absorbed in their problems on subsequent

MDMA sessions.chapter 9

Although most people find the drug liberating and enjoy letting go, others

may feel uncomfortable to be without their normal defences. Even for the

same individual, a wonderful feeling of relief in a warm supportive

environment can be extremely unpleasant in other circumstances. Users may

come to bitterly regret having revealed their insecurity or longings when

under the influence of Ecstasy and some insights, such as realising that

your partner never loved you or that your dreams are not attainable, can be

extremely unpleasant. To remember a traumatic situation without support can

be devastating. When someone is 'on the edge' but just managing to keep

life together, any of these situations may push them over, resulting in a

'nervous breakdown'.

It is important to realise that bad effects are not due to the drug alone,

but to a combination of the effects of the drug and the situation at the

time. A guide who has introduced MDMA to many people over the past 18 years

assures me that none of them has ever had a bad experience, even though

some were difficult cases. He attributes this to him being able to give

whatever support was needed.144

Side effects

These can be uncomfortable, but hardly any users find that side effects

spoil the experience. Dry mouth and loss of appetite are almost universal,

and various muscular reactions are common, as though some muscles resist

the drug's demand to let go. These include holding the jaw tightly

clenched, eyes flickering from side to side, twitches, nausea and cramp,

especially as the drug first takes effect. Generally these soon pass. Side

effects are more pronounced with increased use.

Another more common but less serious problem with MDMA is that many people

resist the effect of the drug. This is uncomfortable, often manifesting in

a headache and nausea.

A long-term side effect experienced by ravers is weight loss which, for

some women, is a motive for using the drug.35 Weight reduction is

presumably caused by the combination of exercise and loss of appetite. Some

women find their menstruation upset since they started using Ecstasy, but

is probably an indirect effect.200 Some women also complain of urinary

tract infections, but these may be due to the effect of MDA which is often

sold as Ecstasy.173

Some people are concerned that a long term side effect may be to alter

personality. However, the only changes identified have been

improvements.157, 194

After effects

People often feel exhausted after taking Ecstasy. This 'hangover' is hardly

surprising considering that the mind, and usually the body, have been so

much more active than normal, and is similar to that experienced by users

of LSD and amphetamine.34

Hangovers can be reduced by avoiding other drugs such as alcohol and ampheta

mine and getting a good night's sleep afterwards. The antidepressant Prozac

(and presumably other SSRIs) reduces hangover and prevents toxicity184,

although regular Prozac use may interfere with the experience.142 Vitamins

may also help36, and so may drugs such as L-Tyrosine and L-Tryptophan.192

Other after effects are most commonly stiffness from exercise, though

depression28, 37, 44 inability to sleep191 and paranoia37 sometimes occur,

particularly among heavy users. Pain in the lower back may be due to

dehydration of the kidneys.200

Medical effects

When MDMA is swallowed, it is digested in the stomach and enters the blood

stream. From there, some of it reaches the brain, but any MDMA that passes

through the kidneys is removed and ends up in the urine - two thirds is

excreted unchanged while some 7% is 'metabolised' into MDA. Every 6 hours

the amount remaining in the body is roughly halved, so that after 24 hours

there will be only about 3% left.38, Chapter 9 Other psychoactive drugs are

excreted in a similar way, and this enables them to be 'recycled': Siberian

reindeer hunters who take fly agaric mushrooms to get high drink each

other's urine in order to prolong the effect.39

There are various chemicals called a 'neurotransmitters' naturally present

in the brain which alter our mood and activity level to suit our situation.

Serotonin and adrenaline are just two of many neurotransmitters that block

or allow the transfer of information between brain cells. Just as

adrenaline affects our activity, serotonin (or 5HT) affects our mood. The

mechanism by which they work is extremely complicated and is not yet fully

understood. All that is really known is that we have varying amounts of

these chemicals in our brains, and that the amounts vary along with our

emotional state.

MDMA causes a release of serotonin from particular brain cells, and this

produces a change of mood. It also affects aspects of the body's control

system such as blood pressure and pulse rate and, most importantly, body

temperature. It is this that has resulted in a number of deaths at raves,

which are discussed in Chapter 6.

Effects on animals

Some people have described to me the effects of Ecstasy on animals.

The first is from a laboratory researcher.141 He believes that they do not

enjoy any psychoactive drugs but feel confused, and that this is more so

with higher animals like monkeys. However, a man described how he took E

with a friend on the beach along with two German Shepherd dogs who had half

an E each! He was convinced that one dog, who tended to jump up clumsily

and too roughly for comfort, remained as affectionate as ever but became

more sensitive and gentle; while the other dog displayed unusual signs of


Thirdly, I have heard of Ecstasy being used as a cure-all for wild

animals.188 The theory is that many animals from birds to horses are

nervous, and it is this tension that makes them ill or prevents them from

getting well, especially when kept by humans.

Lastly, I have been told of race horse being doped with MDMA before racing,

which, like ravers, is said to make them calm as well as energetic.

Combining Ecstasy with other drugs

Ecstasy is often taken with cannabis, alcohol, LSD ('candy-flip') or

amphetamines at raves, and cannabis is widely smoked in the 'chill-out'

period afterwards. Although drinking has had a comeback41, most users feel

that alcohol reduces the effect of Ecstasy. Alcohol taxes the liver and

kidneys, causing dehydration, so taking it in combination with Ecstasy is

likely to result in worse after effects than taking Ecstasy alone.40, 60,

62 Similarly, when taken with amphetamine the toxicity is greater than when

the drugs are taken separately.141

Many users in the north of England particularly like to take Ecstasy with

speed (one E with half a gram of amphetamine)40, which adds excitement and

prolongs the experience. Home users in all areas generally prefer pure

MDMA. The view generally held among these groups is that speed

(amphetamine) spoils Ecstasy's subtle empathic quality.

Some ravers take Ecstasy alongwith LSD ('candy-flip'), with the

hallucinogenic qualities of LSD adding to the warmth of the Ecstasy. This

combination also extends the experience, as LSD lasts for about twice as

long as MDMA, and is often used outdoors at music festivals and in natural


Home users often refer to MDMA as a 'psychedelic amplifier' or 'catalyst',

enhancing the effect of psychedelics without changing their quality. This

has been tested with LSD, 2CB, MEM, 2-CT-2 and may apply to all other

psychedelics. The psychedelic is taken towards the end of the strongest

part of the Ecstasy trip.144 Some people use E to ensure against bad trips:

once the MDMA has established its usual positive effect, the course is set

for the LSD trip. Others find that LSD loses its usual effect and simply

amplifies the effect of the E.128

A popular combination among home users is MDMA with 2CB taken towards the

end of an E trip. As the 2CB takes over from the MDMA, the experience is

subtly changed towards a more intellectual viewpoint from which some people

find it easier to assimilate any insights gained.31 For hedonists taking E

with a lover, the 2CB provides the erotic component of love suppressed by

the Ecstasy.128

Nitrous oxide ('laughing gas') is said to be quite enjoyable while on E and

can help if you get stuck in a particular state of mind128.

Ketamine can also be used while on Ecstasy for self exploration31, and

sometimes also at raves though I have not heard of good experiences.

Drugs with similar effects

When you buy 'Ecstasy', it may not be MDMA but MDEA or MDA. These are all

'psychedelic amphetamines' with fairly similar effects and the amounts of

each sold are about the same. Connoisseurs invariably prefer MDMA because

of its empathic quality or warmth, but many users (and some dealers) can't

tell the difference. MDA lasts twice as long (8-12 hours) and has a rather

more amphetamine-like effect without producing much in the way of feelings

of closeness. MDEA (sometimes sold as 'Eve'), lasts a rather shorter time

(3-5 hours) than MDMA (4-6 hours) and is nearer to MDMA in effect, but

still lacks its communicative qualities.38

The effects of all these drugs wears off after a few successive days' use,

a phenomenon known as tolerance. However, there is no 'cross tolerance'

between MDA and MDMA. Someone who has taken so much MDMA that it has no

more effect on them can still get off on MDA.12

Future drugs like Ecstasy

The conditions are right for a flood of new and interesting drugs coming

onto the black market. There is increased demand from both explorers and

hedonists combined with new techniques which will enable drugs to be made

with the effects users want without unwanted side effects.

There is a considerable amount of research into new psychoactive drugs now

being carried out both legally (as basic research and in the search for new

medicines) and illicitly. To some extent it is now possible to design a

drug to produce a desired effect, while new techniques and equipment have

opened the way to creating whole new ranges of drugs which were previously

too difficult to synthesise.141

In addition, new methods allow the effects of new drugs to be assayed

safely and quickly, such as by implanting electrodes in the brains of

living animals. Recently drugs with very specific effects have been

produced, and hallucinogens that are even more potent than LSD.141

It has also been shown that the desired effects of Ecstasy can be separated

from the toxic effects.176, 184 The way is now open - and the search is on

(illicitly) - to produce something that has the empathic qualities of MDMA

without toxicity. One approach is to find a more potent drug so that a

smaller, and therefore less toxic, dose is needed.141

Future psychoactive drugs may well be tailored according to fashion. As

people become bored with the current fashion and move towards a new way of

behaviour (such as being more grounded, perhaps) drugs will be created to

produce the desired mood.


Although the media portray Ecstasy as an aphrodisiac, sexual arousal is not

an effect of taking MDMA. In fact the drug tends to inhibit erections in

men (and male rats190). However, people who are already feeling in a sexy

mood as the drug takes effect may become aroused.128 Many users never

become sexually aroused on E and find the state quite incompatible.

However, for others it depends on their libido at the time and this in turn

depends on who they are with and the surrounding atmosphere, so that a

place with sexual vibes such as a club may induce sexual behaviour while

this virtually never happens at raves.200 In general, there is a tendency

away from sexual desire but the drug allows one to continue on that energy

level165, although erections are inhibited and orgasms suppressed.44

Behaviour at raves during the first few years, at events where nearly

everyone was on E, was very different to that at alcohol-based clubs, and

seemed to follow from the lack of male sexual aggression. Hugging and even

caressing strangers was acceptable on a sensual level without implying a

sexual advance.41 Ravers would have a sense of belonging at any club or

event where others were on E.

According to Sheila Henderson writing in 1992, a researcher studying the

way young women use Ecstasy and author of papers entitled Women, sexuality

and Ecstasy41 and Luvdup and DeElited42, "Sex is not one of the foremost

pleasures offered by Ecstasy. . . Most men have the opposite to an

erection: a shrinking penis". Women can even enjoy snogging at raves

because it is 'safe' - not a prelude to having sex. They are less likely to

have casual sex following a night raving than after going to an

alcohol-based club. As one girl put it, "you don't go to a rave to cop". In

fact, sexual safety is an attraction at raves in contrast with

alcohol-based clubs which are seen as a cattle market. However, by 1994

Ecstasy was not the predominant drug used in most venues174 and this

atmosphere only survived in a few circles such as travellers' parties.

Other sociologists have noted that sexual behaviour at raves is less than

at other social activities33, and that, on Ecstasy, "thoughts about sex are

not always matched by desire". Though some found sex enhanced by the drug,

others were disappointed.37 However, some women said that the chill-out

period after raving was "the ideal time for long, slow sex".41 This view is

shared by the girlfriends of working class men in the north, where Ecstasy

has the reputation of being good for sex on comedown.40 An American

pamphlet claimed that: "Sexual experience only occurs when it is

appropriate on a heart level for both of you. . . Know that whatever you

choose to create will be a perfect and appropriate choice".43

The question whether Ecstasy use increases risk factors concerning sexual

behaviour is being examined in depth by Andrew Thomson. His study is not

due to be complete until 1996Appendix 5, but preliminary results show that

over three quarters of those interviewed who regularly used Ecstasy in

clubs had practised sex while under its influence, and that one in six of

these said that the effect of Ecstasy made it less likely that they would

practice safe sex.125

Two other studies have indicated that injecting polydrug users who take

Ecstasy have more sex than those who don't; but that amphetamine users who

took E were less at risk of catching HIV because they were more likely to

use condoms and no more likely to have sex.155

A group of Swiss psychotherapists (see chapter 9), who have experience of

some hundreds of people in group and individual sessions, tell me that they

have never come across a participant becoming sexually aroused while on

MDMA, although it does sometimes happen on LSD. They say that sexual

longings are sometimes expressed, but not the immediate desire for sex. The

Swiss therapists appear to take it for granted that MDMA suppresses sexual

arousal, and that men cannot have erections while on the drug.

However, a survey of users in the San Francisco area conducted in 198544

found that only half of the men who responded said it was more difficult to

have an erection on MDMA, though, of those who said they had had sex on the

drug, two thirds said they had problems in achieving an orgasm. While the

great majority of users of both sexes said that the drug had no effect on

their sexual desires, some reported a desire for sexual activities "that

implied they felt free of inhibitions, such as group sex". Most respondents

said that MDMA had made no lasting difference to their sexual pattern,

although some reported positive changes such as being more open and

relaxed. All the women and nearly all of the men thought that MDMA helped

them to become emotionally closer to others. A third thought that MDMA had

helped to overcome inhibitions, typically that it had "cleared pelvic

blocks". The survey also found there to be no increase in the initiation of

sexual activity, but slightly more receptiveness to it. In their

conclusion, the authors comment that MDMA is a curious drug in that it can

increase emotional closeness and enhance sexual activity, yet it does not

increase the desire to initiate sex.

Respondents to an Australian survey34 described the effects of Ecstasy as

'sensual' rather than 'sexual'. In contrast, an unpublished survey of users

in London45 found that 89% reported sexual arousal and 67% more sexual

activity on MDMA.

I believe the explanation for such contradictory reports is that the effect

varies considerably according to the user's expectations. Surveys may also

produce results which are biased towards those who are more potent on the

drug (or said they were), while those who felt that the questionnaire might

reveal them to be inadequate were under-represented. There may also be some

suggestion involved: the author of the London survey told me that he had

experienced a sexual advance from a woman on E, and that he would expect

increased sexual activity from users of a drug that increased energy and

reduced inhibition. Similarly, I surmise that the Swiss men who were

treated with MDMA were suggestible to their therapists' belief that men

cannot have erections on the drug. I also suspect that many people do not

make a clear distinction between sensuality and sexuality.

Women become sexually aroused more often than men, but find orgasm

suppressed. Couples who have had sex on E say that it is unusually nice

even without orgasm; they feel more loving than passionate and unusually

sensitive to each other. It seems that a universal effect of the drug is to

remove male sexual aggression, or, as one woman put it, "to bring out the

feminine qualities in men". People on Ecstasy become more sensual and less


This sensual-rather-than-sexual aspect of the drug gives rise to non-sexual

orgies at some parties, referred to as 'feely-feely' or 'snake

slithering'.165 People indulge in group sensual delights through caressing

and slithering over one another, though I've only heard of this in

Australia and California.

The suppressive effect of Ecstasy on sexual drive has been a strong

influence on rave culture. On Ecstasy, small talk and flirting seem

ridiculously hollow, and so this sort of behaviour has become taboo in rave

culture. Women became truly liberated; able to let go and enjoy themselves

without fear of being taken advantage of by aggressive men, and this

allowed them to approach men who they don't know. Similarly, women who

didn't feel threatened by men felt free to respond warmly. The atmosphere

inspired confidence and independence so that girls didn't feel the need to

be under the protection of a boyfriend, often going to the rave with a

group of friends but freely mixing with other people.41 However, this

atmosphere has diminished in circles where alcohol and other drugs have

largely replaced Ecstasy. Even then, women are less bothered by men due to

group pressure to accept their liberated behaviour.

Another social effect of Ecstasy is to break down barriers between

homosexuals and heterosexuals. Women are free to hug one another without

being thought of as lesbian, and gays are as likely to be hugged by women

as men.42

5 Who takes Ecstasy?

How many people take Ecstasy?

No-one knows just how many people take Ecstasy, but there are some clues.

In 1993, British customs seized 554 kg, double the previous year's haul.20

That year E was in more plentiful supply than the year before, so the

proportion seized was probably less than usual. At 90 mg each, 554 kg is

enough for somewhat over 6 million doses. In spite of claims by customs

that they intercept 10%, the true figure may be nearer 1%195, implying that

several hundreds of millions of doses were imported, quite apart from

domestic production. This is no hard evidence, but does suggest that there

are several million British users. Seizures have increased each year.179

Another indication is the growth in rave attendances to over a million per

week and the ever-widespread use of Ecstasy in clubs.159, 146, 175

The only British national survey on usage was conducted by Harris Opinion

Polls for the BBC Reportage programme in January 1992. Interviewers asked

questions about drug use to people on their way into clubs in the 11

largest cities in Britain. The answers of 693 people aged between 16 and 25

covering all social groups who were 'regular club goers' - i.e. said they

attended at least once a month - were analysed. Overall 31% said they had

taken Ecstasy regardless of social group. 33% said they had taken an

illegal drug, but 67% said that their friends had done so.23

Andrew Thomson, a sociologist doing research among this age groupAppendix

5, believes that those who told the Harris interviewers that they did not

take drugs but that their friends did so were probably lying (because the

questions were asked in public), and that they actually took drugs

themselves. This would explain the discrepancy with his own impression, and

that of other observers, that the majority of this group use Ecstasy.

The total number of 16-25 year-olds in Britain is 7,444,300.47 Statistics

to show how many of these are regular club goers are not available, but

Andrew Thomson believes that the figure is about 90% among those he is

studying. If that were the case, and 80% of the age group live within reach

of cities, then the national figure would be 3.5 million, or 1.7 million if

only those who openly admitted taking Ecstasy are included. Recently, it

has been suggested that there are just as many users living in the country

as in inner cities.145

A survey of school children across the whole of England found that 4.25% of

14 year-olds had tried Ecstasy.48 This comes to 24,000. Another (regional)

survey found that 6% of 14-15 year-olds have taken Ecstasy.49 If applied

nationally, that would come to 70,000.

Further statistics depend on guesswork. Ian Wardle of Lifeline, a

Manchester organisation concerned with young people who use illicit

drugs40, estimated in 1992 that a million Es were consumed every week in

Britain. Other estimates are lower, for instance the number of people who

have tried Ecstasy at raves has been put at 750,000.33 There are a

considerable number of users outside the 16-25 age group who attend clubs,

so the total number of people who have tried Ecstasy in Britain probably

lies between one and five million. The fact that six million doses were

seized without causing a shortage suggests the actual figure is at the

higher end.

In contrast, the number of American users is small. A survey of a similar

age group in 1991 found that only 0.2%, or one in 500, had used Ecstasy in

the previous 30 days; while 0.9% had used E in the previous year.22 These

figures imply that Ecstasy use was far less among young people in America

than Britain that year, though that was before rave culture started in the

States. Though there was a shortage of E in California in 1993, by 1994 it

was plentiful again.165

As for frequency of use, a study of 89 Ecstasy users in London found that

46 had used the drug more than 20 times; 23 more than 40 times and 5 more

than 100. About one third used it at least once a week, while a minority

'binged' on 10-20 over a weekend. Many took other drugs along with MDMA.45,


What kind of people take Ecstasy?

MDMA is used by a wider variety of people than other illicit drugs, and has

been credited with bringing together types of people who would not mix

previously. Besides ravers, users include Hollywood stars139, New Agers154,

gays175 and psychotherapists. All over Europe and north America Ecstasy is

found in city dance clubs, and in Britain it has spread out to people

living in the country145.

Young people are the most receptive to E. Among British schoolchildren,

Ecstasy is the drug most frequently encountered apart from cannabis, with

girls trying it earlier than boys.181, 182, 201 But Ecstasy has spread to

some surprising quarters. Peter McDermott, editor of The International

Journal on Drug Policy, describes how it hit a group in Liverpool: "I went

down to the local pub, and some of the regular four-pints-a-night drinkers

were there - drinking orange juice and giggling: they had discovered


Another older group of users are those who used to take LSD in the sixties

and perhaps still smoke cannabis. An account is given below of how Ecstasy

was picked up by such people in a particular rural community, but a similar

trend has occurred all over the country. There are even some raves

organised by and for this age group, although the majority at those I

attended were in their twenties.

Arno Adelaars, a Dutchman who has written a book about Ecstasy17, says that

extroverts and introverts use the drug differently. The extroverts use it

for entertainment, to open up and relate to strangers at parties, while the

introverts take it at home with a lover or a few close friends to provide

intellectual insights. Arno, who is familiar with the English club scene,

says that there is also a difference between the way E is taken in Holland

and in England. In Holland no-one likes to lose control, especially in

public, but in England people like to show that they are 'out of it'.

Trends among ravers

When raving was new to Britain, ravers described it as one big happy family

and would feel at home at any event where people were using E. But over the

years, and particularly from 1993, the scene has divided up into distinct

subgroups - each with their own style of music and clothes, their own music

and drugs of choice. At one extreme are some younger Northerners who wave

white gloved hands and blow whistles, while at the other are the upwardly

mobile professionals who have absorbed Ecstasy and rave-type parties into

their lifestyle, dressing much as they would for an office party and

starting the evening with a few drinks.146

In 1993, alcohol made a comeback in Britain174 and other drugs such as

poppers were more popular in some circles, probably due to worsening

reputation of drugs sold as E.172 But by 1994 the quality of Ecstasy

improved and it became re-established as the dance drug of choice.197

Amphetamines have always been used along with E in the north40 and are now

frequently used in London too. Pure MDMA is seldom used as the main drug,

largely due to other drugs being sold as Ecstasy172, 173, but also out of


Along with these diversifications in consumption of drugs, the atmosphere

at events also varies widely and in general is less open-hearted. My

impression is that the key rave experience, as described in Chapter 2,

occurs much less often. The rave parties that still manage to create the

atmosphere from the good old days are those organised by and for


Overall, it seems that, like all counter-cultures, raving has become

mainstream but in a diluted form. Rather than being the exception, it is

now normal to take E in a club, but the proportion of those on E is far

smaller and many of them have also had a few drinks. Clubs need E available

to provide a good atmosphere, so they encourage dealers on one hand while

pretending to try to keep them out.175

A new trend is commercialisation of chill out parties. Formerly, ravers

would invite others back to their homes for impromptu chill out parties.

This was very much part of the culture and still goes on, but now some

clubs cater for the same needs of somewhere to go while coming down off E

with comfort and ambient music. On Ibiza there is a club that opens daily

at 6am for the purpose.

Own Survey

Having read the published reports of surveys concerning Ecstasy, I felt

that none had asked the most important question: "Has Ecstasy changed your

life, and if so, in what way?" During December 1992, I distributed a dozen

4-page trial questionnaires and, as a result of the response, reduced this

to a 2-page questionnaire. During January and February 1993, I distributed

200 survey forms via various people with whom I was in contact through my

research. 46 were returned, though some respondents skipped several


The sexes were roughly equally represented (20 men to 18 women). Half of

the respondents were under 25 and the majority of these were 20-23.

Respondents tended to be either heavy users who had taken the drug an

average of 73 times, or light users averaging 5 experiences.

75% said they thought that taking Ecstasy had had an effect on their life.

The page of questions and answers on How your personality may have changed

as a result of taking Ecstasy is given opposite. The most pronounced change

was to enjoy dancing more. There was an increase in spirituality, being

more in touch with the spiritual side of oneself and closer to nature.

Another pronounced change was unexpected: an increase in caring about other

people. Seeing more friends, increased enthusiasm, increased happiness and

self-esteem were also frequently reported. Negative effects were less

pronounced, the most common being that Ecstasy had made ordinary life seem

more boring. Also reported by some were more depression and illness.

A question concerning paranoia produced the most surprising result.

Although several people felt much more paranoid as a result of taking

Ecstasy, others felt less paranoid. Four of those who felt much more

paranoid were women who had taken only half a dose or less. All had taken

the drug previously. Even more surprising was that none of these answered

that Ecstasy had, overall, been bad for her: three answered "good" and one


Many people added a few lines about the effect they felt Ecstasy had had on

their life. Most implied that the drug had enhanced their social lives, and

mention was frequently made of profound experiences varying from intimate

to philosophical.

So as to throw light on the theory of 'inappropriate bonding' versus the

theory that 'whatever you do on E will be right', I asked Have you ever

fallen in love on Ecstasy, and if so how did it turn out? There were 7

responses. 2 said they were still in a relationship started on Ecstasy; 2

said they were already involved but became much more in love with their

partners; one had a 3-day blissful romance that ended abruptly with a bump;

one said she had made several wrong choices on Ecstasy and one described

how both partners were embarrassed the next day about what they had said to

each other.

The sample was too small and self-selected to draw conclusions from, but it

does appear that many users experience changes well beyond the immediate

effect of the drug. However, a major obstacle to drawing conclusions from

such a survey is indicated by one comment, "I can't tell you what changes

are due to Ecstasy, as my life has changed so much anyway". To overcome

this would require comparison with an equivalent sample not taking Ecstasy.

I hope that this will encourage some further research on what I perceive as

the most fascinating and important aspect of the widespread use of Ecstasy:

How does it affect people's lives?

Raves in Northern Ireland

There have been a number of anecdotes about Catholic and Protestant kids,

brought up to hate one another, taking E together at raves and ending up

hugging.150 Just possibly this breakthrough from hatred to affection may

extend to relationships outside the rave, and could just spell the end of


I have been told that the IRA used to keep drugs out of Ireland by

kneecapping suspected dealers - a far more effective method than the law!

But in 1993, they dropped this policy with the result that Ireland enjoyed

a freshness of new-found Ecstasy experience long since lost in England.

E hits a rural community

In 1990 Ecstasy arrived at the Pennine town of Garston Bridge, midway

between Carlisle and Newcastle. This is one of those rural communities that

was deserted by farmers in the fifties in favour of better paid jobs in the

cities, leaving their old stone houses, barns and even schools to be sold

at rock bottom prices to ex-city dwellers in the sixties and seventies -

mostly ex-hippies in their late twenties settling down to start a family.

Typically these people got jobs or started their own businesses and lost

interest in drugs, apart from hash, until Ecstasy arrived. Their children

are now teenagers who, having been to school with the local farmers'

children, mix more with the indigenous population than the parents do.

There is plenty of social life since people think nothing of driving 30

miles to a party, and the generations mix freely - at any party you can

find all ages from 5 to 50.

Although country dwellers, these people kept up strong ties with their city

backgrounds, mostly in London, so they were not far behind when raves

became popular. At first these were mini-raves in their houses or larger

raves of up to 500 people in barns or marquees, usually far enough away

from other houses to avoid disturbing neighbours who might call the police.

Even though the harsh 'Tribal-techno' style of music was unpopular at

first, a core group of 20 or so enthusiasts quickly developed, who would

fix up a party every week or two where they would take E and dance all

night. Daniel, one of the rave organisers and a long-standing member of the

community, told me: "There's a great atmosphere, you could say euphoria

even, the ultimate party. The raves provide a safe environment where you

can be your true self and realise that you're OK. I always have a fabulous

time in a non-egotistical way."

Between parties, people would meet more often than before and communicate

more wholeheartedly. "Although we had known each other for so long, it took

Ecstasy to break through the very British taboo about hugging one another,"

Daniel said. But the new closeness also caused crises in couples'

relationships. "We became more open and truthful. If couples had stayed

together through habit, then it came out". Life was taken more seriously

and heartfelt: honest expression was valued more than easy, superficial

encounters. "Some people went too far and let go of the framework of their

lives. At one time there was a myth that everyone involved would lose their

jobs," Daniel said. But people would support each other through crises and

there was usually someone who understood the problem well enough to be of


Up till then, this community had been strictly non-religious. But Ecstasy

brought about spiritual development in many of the individuals. "It brought

me closer to God", claimed one woman, and "I began to see myself as the

source of love" said another, while Daniel remarked that "Being able to

transcend the ego leads to self knowledge".

When looking back over the early days of Ecstasy use, people in the

community commonly said that the emotional agony of one member had been

felt by everyone else, as if it were their own. The community became very

intimate: people who had known each other as neighbours for 10 or twenty

years felt suddenly bonded in a far deeper way through the weekend raves.

For most people the raves were a joyful celebration, but some people did

experience paranoia and one man who took a lot of E and LSD smashed up his

own house. Others took some fairly drastic decisions during this period: a

long-term couple split up with the man giving away everything he owned to

"free himself of material things" so as to be able to develop his "inner

self". He was last heard of cleaning trains in Gothenburg. A single parent,

a woman in her mid thirties, felt that she had glimpsed her true destiny

and had to follow it. She left her two children with their grand parents,

said goodbye and disappeared.

Daniel said that some new serious relationships had formed, but these were

unlike the casual affairs that were the pattern before. "You can't seduce,

cheat or lie on E," he explained. The great majority of couples did stay

together and developed much closer bonds; even single people felt that

their quality of life was improved. The few outsiders who attended became

like old friends overnight - two men who had never met before spent the

next week travelling together.

The first ravers were of the parents' generation, but they were later

joined by their teenage children and the children's friends and, after a

year or so, by some younger members of the indigenous community. As more

people joined, the raves became less intense but instead began to be

accepted by the wider community, though the original group still set the

style. A series of raves were held in village halls until the police

clamped down and one was stopped by a court order. Since then they have

been held in farm buildings without being publicly advertised; tickets have

been sold at cost price - #5 to friends through the grapevine.

At least three quarters of the people at these parties take Ecstasy and

sometimes virtually everyone takes the drug. The most common dose is a

single E, but a half E is common and a few people take several Es at a

time. Many also smoke dope right through the night, but hardly anyone

drinks alcohol or takes amphetamine. In fact most have stopped social

drinking because, as Daniel put it, "Alcohol doesn't get you there, but E

does". These people don't use Ecstasy outside parties. "It isn't just the

drug, it's a package: Ecstasy, the company, the music, the lights, the

dancing. It's a tribal sort of experience, a ritual that depends on all of

these things combined," Daniel explained.

The police don't try to stop the parties but sometimes search people on

their way in, so some ravers cautiously swallow their tablet just before

they arrive. When on a couple of occasions people were found with cannabis,

they were taken down to the police station, cautioned and returned to the

party by police car. It seems that, in view of their limited resources, the

police regard the new rave scene as something to be tolerated. There has

been no shortage of good E via the old established connections for scoring

dope - friends club together to send someone to the city who buys in bulk

and covers his or her costs and own E consumption rather than making a


The conversion of Garston Bridge to Ecstasy was seen as overwhelmingly

positive by the people involved, but as destructive by observers in another

community some miles away. There the drug was enthusiastically taken up by

some while others saw it as shallow and negative, even dividing some

couples. Those in favour would point to the new sense of caring between

people, while the others pointed to the break up of long-standing

relationships that they felt were imperative for the welfare of the

children. Nevertheless, Ecstasy spread to this and other neighbouring

communities, albeit in a less intense way: parties typically have a few

people taking E while others drink or smoke hash, with some people doing a

bit of all three. A man who does not take E described how the 'openness and

honesty' seem paper-thin to him: "It's over the top, all this display of

affection and free expression. It doesn't feel real to an observer and

actually alienates people, especially if, like me, you happen to have been

on the receiving end of some pretty hurtful remarks". This view is

supported by an experienced doctor who believes that openness and honesty

only apply to new users.161

Looking back, it was commonly felt that Ecstasy had caused the biggest

upheaval in Garston Bridge since the arrival of the first freak settlers.

"I see it as middle-age crisis on a group level. We needed something to

fill our lives as our children had done, and along came E," Daniel said.

Football Supporters

Mark Gilman, a researcher who works for Lifeline, a non-statutory drug

agency in Manchester, is conducting a study of drug use among young

football supporters. Mark is using ethnographic methods, which involve

socialising with the football supporters, and he witnessed at first hand

their conversion from drinking alcohol to taking Ecstasy. His own account

is included below.

The derby football matches, in which two teams from the same city play each

other, are notorious for generating violent incidents. The Manchester derby

is no exception. There is a long tradition of encounters between Manchester

United fans and supporters of Manchester City resulting in trouble.

Even when they are not playing each other there have been some fights when

the two groups meet in the city centre. If United have been playing at

home, the 'lads' will meet up in a city centre bar to drink Saturday night

away. If City have been playing away, their 'lads' will also make their way

back to the centre of Manchester for a drink. It often happens that,

sometime in the course of the night, the two groups clash and trouble

follows. This occurs even though some of the men come from the same areas

and are known to each other during the week. Saturdays are a special time

when normal rules of behaviour are suspended.

The first derby game of 1989, which took place at Manchester City's ground

in the late summer, was eagerly awaited by both sets of supporters, because

Manchester City had been out of the first division for some time.

Manchester United's lads met in a pub early on Saturday morning and

proceeded to get 'steamed up' on alcohol in preparation for the events to

follow. After several false alerts the United fans finally moved off from

the pub at about 2.30 pm. By this time they numbered several hundred.

Standing on a bridge that the United fans pass over on their way to the

City ground, I looked back at the approaching horde. Their demeanour and

presence was similar to those pictures you see of American GI's in Vietnam:

they were moving at a semi-trot and psyching each other up for violence.

When they reached City's ground, the United fans infiltrated the City end

and the game was held up as police moved in to sort things out. Several

arrests followed. After the game, sporadic fights broke out on the road to

the city centre and in and around city centre pubs. All in all, it was a

particularly violent day in a long history of violent days.

The corresponding fixture took place on a Saturday in February 1990. During

the day a similar sequence of events took place, but this time the violence

intensified, culminating in a running battle between United and City fans,

which went on late into the night. During the battle, several pubs were

smashed up and one young man was very seriously injured. An even more

violent day in a long history of violent days.

The following season the kick off to the first derby game was brought

forward to 12 noon. Despite an early drinking start this seemed to cut down

on the trouble. By the time of the second derby, United had qualified for

the European Cup Winners' Cup Final to be played in Rotterdam and nobody

wanted to miss that by being arrested at the derby game, so it passed off

fairly peacefully. The timing of the season's games largely neutralised the

supporters' inclination to violence.

The first derby game in the 1991/92 season fell on a Saturday, but by this

time something quite remarkable had happened. Many of the hard-core lads

from both United and City had spent most of the summer dancing the weekends

away to the sounds of house music at raves fuelled by the drug Ecstasy.

They had done this together! They had got into a routine of meeting up at

rave clubs and taking Ecstasy in groups comprising both United and City


On the night of Friday November 15, 'derby eve', another traditional time

for preliminary skirmishing, a group of United's lads were preparing for

the game not with the traditional pub crawl followed by a visit to a beery

night club but by attending a low key rave at a smallish club in a nearby

town and taking Ecstasy. Having swallowed their tablets and gone into the

club, the United lads grouped in a corner of the bar. There were about a

dozen of them. As they sipped their drinks waiting to 'come up' on their

Ecstasy tablets, they noticed a small group of City lads with whom they had

crossed many a sword.

One young man who was very new to the Ecstasy/rave scene, but something of

a veteran of derby match violence, said that a shiver went down his back at

the thought of what he expected to happen. "I thought - Oh no! - I don't

believe this! Here I am, I've just necked an E; I'm just about to have the

time of my life and it's going to go off [there's going to be a fight] with

City," he said. "I'd only had E a couple of times then and I just couldn't

imagine fighting off it - no way! Anyhow, X [one of the City lads] comes

over and the last time I saw him he wanted to kill me and everybody like

me. I thought, 'Hello, here we go,' and he just stands at the bar at the

side of me and says; 'Well who'd have thought that we would be stood side

by side the night before a derby game and there's no trouble in any of us.

It's weird innit? It could never have happened before E'. Well I thought to

myself, 'Thank Christ for that,' and I had a can of Red Stripe to get back

into it. It wasn't a great night as nights on 'E' go, the DJ was shit and

the club was only half full and most of them were bits of kids, but it was

sound enough. The best part was when I went to the toilet to get a drink

and cool down. I'm stood at the sink pouring water over my head from a pint

glass and looking at the size of my eyes and up behind me comes X [the City

lad] and he's buzzing his tits off [on Ecstasy] and he says; 'This is

better mate. This is better!' And he was dead right it was better, much

better. They even came back to this house where we go for a smoke [of hash]

after the raves. I went home to bed about 5 am. and, as I lay there waiting

to get to sleep, I couldn't stop thinking how right he was this could never

have happened before E."

The next day the United fans met up around 9 am. as usual for the derby

game. Obviously, some of them had had very little sleep. In fact some

hadn't had any. They had just gone home for something to eat; a bath and a

change of clothes. Although drinking alcohol was again prominent in the

pre-match build up, it was challenged by, or combined with, taking hash and


As United's fans moved off, there were, as usual, several hundred of them.

But from the vantage point of the same bridge I had stood on two seasons

earlier, I could hardly believe that this group was largely made up of

those same young men who had looked like they were about to go to war. This

time they looked more like they were going to Glastonbury festival! Despite

the protestations of some of the beer monsters who tried to drum up

enthusiasm for trouble, this was a loose passive grouping; a rag-taggle

army of Ecstasy-taking hedonists. They were looking forward to the night's

Ecstasy. The match went off with hardly any trouble and afterwards United

and City's lads once again danced the night away on, and in, Ecstasy. Just

as the City lad said, it could never have happened without E.

In early 1993 Mark told me that the latest trend for this group of people

is back to alcohol and, for the first time, cocaine ("You can hear the

chopping in the toilets"). He believes this is partly due to the poor

quality Ecstasy on sale [much contains no MDMA] which has put many users

off the drug, and also because of overuse resulting in less empathic

experiences. "E's mellow, there's genuine communion taking place, but

coke's a selfish drug and alcohol goes with violence." That good atmosphere

has been lost, but so many people miss it and hope it will return one day.

In fact, the level of soccer hooliganism dropped to its lowest level for

five years that year.50

6 The dangers of Ecstasy

The most likely danger from taking Ecstasy is consuming something else

instead. In Manchester in the summer of 1993, all 13 tablets and capsules

bought as Ecstasy turned out to be other drugs.172 Some people have taken

"Ecstasy" several times have never actually had MDMA. Although the quality

was said to be improving during 1993-4, you can never be sure what you are

getting unless it is from a batch that you know is good. Even dealers often

have no idea what they are selling, and may not even know that "Ecstasy"

means MDMA and nothing else.175 See Chapter 12 under Is it really Ecstasy.

What follows relates to MDMA.

There are several distinct ways in which MDMA can be dangerous, and as this

is a very important issue, I want to look at each in turn. These can be

divided into immediate, short term and long term medical dangers and

psychological dangers, giving four categories. There is also the question

of addiction.12

Immediate medical dangers

There have been frequent stories in the press about people who have died

from taking Ecstasy in Britain, and several cases are reported in the

medical journals. By July 1992 The British Medical Journal was claiming "at

least seven deaths and severe adverse reactions have followed its use as a

dance drug." Dr. John Henry of the National Poisons Unit (attached to Guy's

Hospital, London), who studied MDMA-related deaths in the period 1990 and

1991, found the cause to be heat stroke in every case. All the fatalities

occurred at crowded parties and clubs where "sustained physical activity,

high ambient temperature, inadequate fluid replacement can all reduce heat

loss and the direct effect of the drug may upset the thermoregulatory

mechanism."51 By March 1993, the National Poisons Unit listed 14 deaths

among people in whom MDMA was detected; 13 showed symptoms of overheating

and one of asthma.52 Fortunately, with widespread knowledge about the

danger of overheating and how to avoid it, this cause of death has been

nearly eliminated, while in America it is as yet unknown.161

In the United States, where the drug has been widespread for far longer,

very few deaths have been reported and none of them are believed to be due

to heatstroke. A study of five deaths associated with MDMA in the US showed

that there were other probable primary causes of death in four of the

cases, while the cause in the fifth case was not established. The report

suggested that "people with cardiac disease may be predisposed to sudden

death by taking MDMA."53 The implication is that, rather than being toxic

in itself, the drug made the users more vulnerable to preexisting

conditions such as a weak heart. No cases of death due to overheating have

been reported in the US.

Some people have attempted to explain this discrepancy by suggesting that

poisonous additives may be the cause of death in Britain. However, this is

not born out by Dr. Henry's studies or by samples analysed for the



The most likely explanation is the way the drug is used: in Britain people

often take Ecstasy while dancing for hours on end in very hot, humid raves

without sufficient drinking water. The conditions at some raves could cause

heatstroke even without a drug.55 It has been suggested that a few

individuals are particularly vulnerable to heatstroke, possibly because

they have a tendency to develop a high temperature56, though it is more

likely that the conditions are to blame.170

Heatstroke is a well-known cause of death, but in other situations it only

affects people who are pushing themselves to the limit16 or are unable to

escape from the heat. What is peculiar about Ecstasy-related deaths is that

the victims appear to make no real attempt to cool down. This has been

explained by ravers being in a trancelike state, but experiments with rats

and mice show that overheating may be a more direct effect of the drug.57

Researchers have examined the way rats respond to Ecstasy in very hot

conditions. Without MDMA, the rats did their best to cool down by becoming

less active and losing heat through their tails. But on MDMA they became

more active and did not attempt to lose heat - as though they had lost the

sense of being too hot - until they died of heatstroke. Similarly, rats in

a cold environment made no attempt to keep warm when on MDMA. Experiments

on mice show that MDMA is five times more toxic in crowded conditions than

in isolation.10, 12 This may help to explain why ravers die of heat


So how does overheating kill someone? Our body temperature (like that of

other mammals) has to be controlled very precisely for us to function,

which is why we use a thermometer to indicate when we are ill. If we get

too hot, above 42 degrees C (108 degrees F), our blood starts to form tiny

clots that stick to the artery walls. This is not usually a problem in

itself, but the process uses up the clotting agent in the blood, so that

there is nothing to prevent bleeding. There are always tiny cuts and

scratches inside the body and brain which are due to the body constantly

replacing worn out tissue with new cells, and normally these leaks are

blocked by the clotting of blood so that you don't even notice them. But

above 42 degrees bleeding is unfettered, and this is made worse by high

blood pressure due to the speedy effect of MDMA and exercise. People can

bleed to death in this way, and if bleeding occurs in the brain it can cause

a stroke. When someone is bleeding internally, blood may run out of their

mouth or anus.30

There are other ways of dying through taking Ecstasy, but they are unlikely

to happen to normal healthy people. On MDMA, we can be more active without

feeling pain or exhaustion; our temperature, sweating, blood pressure and

pulse increase without the normal warning signs of feeling discomfort or

exhaustion. It is not surprising that there have been cases of people with

weak hearts or other medical conditions have died on MDMA, although there

is no known reason why the use of MDMA should particularly affect

asthmatics.58 There is also a well-documented case in America of a healthy

woman who took MDMA and nearly died for no apparent reason, implying that

certain individuals may react in extreme ways.59 Research suggests that

some one in 12 people may be particularly sensitive to the drug for genetic


Other adverse effects that have been reported in the press - such as chest

pain, confusion, memory loss and being unable to stand up - often originate

from staff working in the casualty departments of hospitals. However, one

doctor told me that he believes that drug users tend to say they've taken

Ecstasy when they ask for medical help because they believe they will

receive more sympathy, yet their symptoms often imply they have taken

another drug.

In addition, a possible minor danger has been suggested, that MDMA use

liberates 'oxygen free radicals'. These are normal in small quantities, and

the body has a protective system for controlling their level, but large

amounts may overwhelm the system and contribute to fatigue and 'mental

dysfunction associated with sustained amphetamine abuse'. The problem can

be solved by taking vitamins: 2-4 grams of vitamin C and 1,000 IU of

vitamin E along with the drug, or treble these quantities to treat the

effects afterwards.36

Medium term medical dangers

In 1982 there were several reports of people who had contracted hepatitis

or jaundice (both diseases of the liver) after taking MDMA several times60;

kidney damage has also been suggested.30 The reports are based on the

opinions of doctors without investigation or research, so they should be

taken as potential rather than as established dangers. It is not known

whether the diseases were caused by consumption of alcohol or other

drugs55, or whether the patients had weak kidneys or livers to start with.

None of the cases were fatal. Such damage is not found in animal studies,

and there have been no such cases reported in the US. The explanation may

be that such damage was caused by a contaminant in a bad batch rather than

the drug itself127 , or that the kidneys were effected by dehydration.200

There are, however, worries that Ecstasy may be harmful when taken with

alcohol62, 60 or amphetamine.141

Long term psychological effects

One of the worst fears about Ecstasy is that it may be causing permanent

brain damage to users without them being aware of it. It has been suggested

that the drug destroys nerve endings or synapses73, and that eventually

users will suffer from depression and senile dementia - the loss of memory

and confusion that affects some old people - but at a much earlier age.

These fears have not been established. The most damning evidence concluded

from a trial is that heavy MDMA users probably had slightly worse

short-term memories, but were not depressed nor did they show any other

problems that might effect their lives.156 In another trial, the

researchers discovered to their surprise that long term MDMA users scored

better than non-users: they were "less impulsive, more harm-avoidant, and

have decreased indirect hostility".157 [More on this trial below under

brain damage.]

Some people argue that damage may not show until old age. Serotonin levels

decline with age, so MDMA use would exaggerate this decline. This assumes

that some negative aspects of old age are linked to lower serotonin, but

there is no evidence to support this hypothesis, such as MDMA having an

adverse effect on old people.

Long term brain damage

Evidence that MDMA causes brain damage is based on experiments with

animals, mainly rats, although mice, dogs and apes have also been used.

After the animal has been given the drug, it is killed and its brain sliced

into sections for examination. Because there are billions of brain cells

and they are very small, damage may be difficult to see, so various

indirect methods have been developed to indicate whether and where damage

has occurred.

The method most commonly used, because it is easiest, is to check the level

of serotonin (5HT) within the brain cells and nerves several weeks or

months after MDMA is administered. This is done by cutting out a section of

the brain, extracting the serotonin and measuring it. Many prescription

drugs lower serotonin temporarily. However, if the serotonin level fails to

return to normal, it is inferred that the cells have been damaged and have

allowed serotonin to escape. When serotonin levels take a long time to

return to normal, this was interpreted as meaning that the brain was

damaged but gradually repaired itself.63

Many trials deduced that MDMA was toxic because large doses lowered rats'

serotonin levels. Also, researchers gave monkeys MDMA and found that their

serotonin level was never completely restored, so assumed the monkeys'

brains were permanently damaged, and this led to concern that the brains of

humans may also be damaged.63 The doses given were somewhat larger than

normally used, but the effect of MDMA does vary according to the species64

and humans tend to be more sensitive than animals.

News of this brain damage to animals caused a scare and contributed to MDMA

being classified among the most dangerous drugs, but over the years doubts

have grown as to whether the results were valid because this observed

physical damage was not matched by psychiatric damage. There has not been a

single confirmed case in the scientific literature which conclusively links

MDMA neurotoxicity with behavioural or functional consequences; there is no

evidence of damage in psychological tests on MDMA users, and no damage has

been observed by psychiatrists using the drug on patients.69, 70, 141

In 1993, a chance discovery showed that much of the evidence about MDMA

causing brain damage was based on a false assumption. Dr. James

O'Callaghan, while trying to establish a standard way of measuring

neurotoxicity, needed some rats whose brains had damaged cells, so he gave

them MDMA. But, to his surprise, their brain cells were not damaged unless

he gave them really enormous doses (over 30 mg/kg, the equivalent of taking

20 Es), twice daily for a week! He then looked into the previous work which

showed nerve endings to be damaged by quite moderate doses, and discovered

that the results were flawed. Instead of actually observing the damage,

which involves a laborious procedure called 'silver staining', the

scientists had made an assumption which turned out to be wrong: that a

change in the amount of serotonin in the brain indicates damage. This

assumption was made on the grounds that serotonin exists within brain

cells, and that a reduction would occur if the cells were damaged. "It's

rather like a hose pipe full of water," explained a researcher, "the

scientists found it contained less water, so they jumped to the conclusion

that the pipe was leaking without actually finding the damage".71 Another

research project showed that the toxicity of MDMA on rats depends on the

type of cage they are kept in, casting further doubt on previous


However, in 1994, the results of a 5-year research project on humans was

published indicating permanent brain damage in people who consumed large,

but not unusual, amounts of MDMA for several years.157 The methods used

were again indirect and although unsupported, must be taken seriously. Apes

were given various doses of MDMA and their spinal fluid was examined, then

they were killed and their brains examined for damage. By this method the

researchers found 'markers' for brain damage in spinal fluid. Assuming

similarity between humans and apes, the spinal fluid of MDMA users

indicated that their brain cells that produce serotonin had died back. In

apes, most of these grew again, but did not produce as much serotonin. The

researchers then looked for signs of damage to those with supposedly

damaged brains through psychological tests, but to their surprise found

that MDMA users actually did better than non-users! In the media this was

either ignored or passed off as due to people with milder personalities

gravitating towards MDMA in the first place.

Other researchers have criticised the conclusion that there was physical

damage caused, saying that the assumption about spinal fluid indicating

damage was not justified. Also, there is an alternative explanation: that

the MDMA users had lower serotonin levels in the first place and that no

damage was caused. In conclusion, although there is strong evidence that

MDMA is physically neurotoxic143, any damage caused to the brain does not

appear to affect its function negatively, the only evidence so far being

that the change is beneficial.194

Other evidence that the damage to serotonin-producing brain cells is

unlikely to harm the brain's function is that the drug fenfluramine, which

causes similar damage to MDMA has been used as a prescription drug for many

years without reports of harmful side effects.26, 64, 65, 66, 70, 137, 141,

154, 157

Quite apart from physical damage to brain cells, another cause of concern

is that constantly lowered serotonin levels may eventually cause

psychiatric problems such as depression. However, drugs of the SSRI

(Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) type such as Prozac

(fluoxetine)47, 137, 148, now widely prescribed as mood elevators, also

cause long term reduction in serotonin levels and are considered

harmless.30, 67, 68, 137

This is not evidence that Ecstasy is safe; only that some (widely

publicised) evidence against it is unreliable. My conclusion is that using

a lot of MDMA for many years probably does damage brain cells, but without

causing psychiatric problems and may actually have benefits. However, even

if the effects appear beneficial, there is obviously a risk in making any

permanent changes to one's brain, especially when the process is not fully



Another danger is that what you bought as E is mixed with a poison of some

kind, or an addictive drug like heroin. Although this is a possibility, it

doesn't appear to happen. Dr. John Henry of the National Poisons Unit looks

for poisons in the blood and urine of people who have died or are seriously

ill after taking drugs, and says he has not come across any such cases.51

However, he has come across Paracetamol, Codeine, Amphetamine, MDA, MDEA,

Ketamine, Tiletamine and LSD.152 Dr. Les King, who analyses suspected drugs

seized by the police at the Aldermaston forensic laboratory has never come

across (or even heard of) poisonous additives to Ecstasy, although he does

not specifically test for them.54

In Holland, where the government has a far more liberal attitude, people

are employed to buy drugs sold on the street in Amsterdam. They are

analysed and the results are then made public. Once again, poisons and

addictive drugs have not been found mixed with drugs sold as Ecstasy.21

So why do these rumours persist? Much of the Ecstasy sold is not MDMA172,

175 so that users get a different effect than they expected. Also, many

users are unaware that even pure MDMA can have unpleasant effects in some

situations. Most users just want to have a good time and don't believe they

have any psychological problems, so it is more acceptable to explain

unpleasant experiences as being due to poisons. They report a terrible

headache "like rat poison"; the media report it as being rat poison and

other users believe it.

Psychological dangers

In my opinion, there is a far greater risk of damaging the mind than of

damaging the body through taking MDMA. While scientists argue about whether

there is any evidence of physical damage, instances of mental damage are

easy to find. Just as I have witnessed people whose lives appear to have

been enriched by MDMA, there are others whose lives have got worse, if not

actually been ruined as the tabloid papers would have it. Ecstasy has a

profound effect on many people, and this is not always for the better.

People may be pushed into taking Ecstasy by peer group pressure, and be

made to feel inferior if they do not enjoy it. For instance, some people

will claim that Ecstasy can do nothing but to bring out your true

personality by removing 'blocks' or defences. While this may be true in a

sense, there are many perfectly sane people who do not feel liberated by

taking MDMA, and, for whatever reason, they do not enjoy it.

There are also those who do enjoy the drug but suffer from the

psychological effects. Very often this is from taking too much too often,

resulting in paranoia and depression. Others simply find that everyday life

is boring by comparison, and lose motivation.

It is difficult to identify these dangers without further research, as

there are always other factors involved with psychological problems, for

instance other drugs. The stories I have heard about people whose lives

have been 'screwed up' by Ecstasy have always involved taking large amounts

or taking other drugs as well. In addition, there are the stories of first

time users who have 'flipped'; I don't know of any personally, but it seems

likely that these were unstable personalities. More research is needed; the

results could prevent mishaps in the future.


A drug is considered addictive if physical withdrawal symptoms occur when a

regular user stops taking it. MDMA is not addictive by this definition, and

in fact has a built-in barrier against frequent regular use - it rapidly

produces tolerance while providing more side effects.34 Whereas you can get

drunk every night on alcohol, MDMA soon ceases to work. The pleasant

effects become less and less, and after less than a week's daily use of

MDMA they disappear completely while the amphetamine-like effects

increase.37 It is then necessary to stop taking MDMA for several days

before you feel good on it again, and to get the full effect may take

several weeks. Frequent use is almost unknown in the States, where Ecstasy

has been noted as unique among recreational drugs in that it is not taken

repeatedly.69 However, many British users do, in fact, take MDMA every

weekend and try to overcome tolerance by increased doses while putting up

with the poor quality of the effects.

There are many regular users who rely on Ecstasy to make them feel good,

and who feel depressed and lacking in motivation except while enjoying its

effects. Others simply find that life is dull except when they are on it. I

have even heard of a man who can only function normally when he is on


Most hard drug users do not like Ecstasy.76 However, the Drug Enforcement

Administration in the US carried out experiments which they interpreted as

indicating potential for abuse: they found that cocaine-addicted monkeys

would 'reinforce themselves with MDMA'.12, 141


The effect of taking several Es at once is to produce an amphetamine-like

effect - "a jittery, anxiety-provoking high".5 Some users take Ecstasy

specifically to achieve this sort of effect, but they are said to be

switching to amphetamines.13 It is likely that taking large and frequent

doses is bad for you77, although one man is said to have taken 42 tablets

yet only suffered a hangover51, and a personal account is included of a

woman who says she survived taking 100 at once.Appendix 2 Ecstasy and

amphetamine are more toxic when taken together.180

Although there is no specific evidence that overdoses cause permanent

damage, there is certainly a high risk that they do.12, 63, 74 This may be

reduced by taking fluoxetine (Prozac)147, 148, 176, even several hours

afterwards and perhaps also by taking vitamins.36

For medical treatment see reference 180 (or ring the National Poisons Unit

on +44 (0)71-955 5000)

Does Ecstasy use lead on to other drugs?

Ecstasy and opiates have little in common, hence junkies do not find that

MDMA satisfies their needs.76 Social workers with a broad experience of

drug users believe that it is unlikely that MDMA users will go on to

addictive drugs because junkies are a separate social group.42 Rather than

being regarded as romantic antiheroes, the typical Ecstasy user sees them

as "old and smelly"78, and is strongly anti-heroin.79 However, MDMA has

been referred as a 'gateway' drug to the hallucinogens135, and there is

some evidence to this effect.26, 40 One user has suggested that 2CB forms a

bridge for Ecstasy users to cross over into the world of psychedelics.138

Besides, Ecstasy users do generally take other drugs, especially

amphetamine, LSD and cannabis.78

Risk of death

There are two ways of looking at the risk of death from taking a drug.

The first is to compare the total number of people who have died with the

total number of doses taken. This gives you the risk of death per dose,

such as one in a million.

The second is to compare the number of people who have died in a year with

the number of people who consume the drug. This gives the risk of death per

year as a result of taking the drug.

In both cases, two figures are needed: the number of people taking the drug

and the number of deaths resulting. These are examined below.

How many deaths are due to Ecstasy?

Surprisingly, this is not easy to answer. The official British Home Office

figures are so out of date as to be useless, although officials guess that

the present total figure is somewhere between 10 and 20.80, 81

The National Poisons Unit put the present figure of known confirmed

Ecstasy-related deaths at 14 for the period January 1988 to July 1992.52

These are fatal cases where MDMA was found in the victim's blood or urine,

but it is not necessarily implied that MDMA was the cause of death. Their

list is not comprehensive.

Newspaper reports up to March 1993 blame Ecstasy for the death of 17 to 22

people82, but these figures cannot be trusted. The main reason is that

'Ecstasy-related death' is often mistakenly taken as meaning that MDMA was

the cause of death, rather than that the victim was known to have taken

MDMA but the cause had not been established. Even the 'quality' newspapers

and medical journals cannot be trusted (see chapter 7).

In the USA, an examination of the deaths of five people who had taken

Ecstasy showed that other potentially lethal medical factors played a major

part. Although MDMA was found in the victims' blood when they died and may

have contributed to their death in some unknown or indirect way, in four

cases there was an explanation for their death which was not related to

taking MDMA.53 The fifth death may also have been due to other causes.26

An organisation called DAWN (Drug Abuse Warning Network, part of the

National Institute of Drug Abuse) collects reports of illicit drug use from

hospital casualty departments all over the United States.22 Whenever

someone turns up at an emergency room and a drug is involved, either found

on the person or in their blood or urine, or even if a patient comes in

with a problem and mentions that it is drug-related, a report is sent to

DAWN besides reports from postmortem examinations when drugs have been

detected. These reports are analysed and figures are published for all

drugs that are reported over 200 times in the past year. Although 138 drugs

are listed, Ecstasy has never been included. DAWN publishes a separate list

of drugs that have caused more than 10 deaths, but again Ecstasy is not

included. The figures imply that there is no general medical cause for

concern over MDMA use: though there are mishaps, these are rare. Indeed,

there are well over a hundred other drugs that cause more problems. Even if

the number of problems due to MDMA were increased in proportion to usage in

Britain, there would still not be a significant number.

In conclusion, it seems likely that, apart from very rare incidents, the

deaths in Britain as a consequence of taking MDMA is limited to those who

died of heat stroke, of which 14 cases are known to date. The worst annual

figure was that for 1991 with seven confirmed Ecstasy-related deaths known

to The National Poisons Unit.52

The number of people in the UK who take Ecstasy has been discussed in

Chapter 5. An educated guess is that the number lies between one and five

million. How often users take the drug is also open to guesswork. A London

survey showed that a third of users took Ecstasy at least once a week,

while a minority binged on 10-20 over a weekend. This would imply that

average usage among this sample was somewhere in the region of 25 a year,

although this may not be typical.

Taking the worst figure of seven deaths in 1991 and assuming there were

only 1 million users, the risk of dying from using Ecstasy would have been

7 in a million or 1 in 143,000 per year. If users take an average of 25 Es

a year, then the risk of death on each occasion is 7 in 25 million or 1 in

3.6 million.

To put this into perspective, if you take five rides at a fun fair you run

a risk of 1 in 3.2 million of being killed through an accident.83 Some

sports are obviously dangerous, such as parachuting which kills 3 in 1000

participants per year. Even skiing in Switzerland is risky - 1 in 500,000

are killed.84 If you play soccer, every year you run a risk of 1 in 25,000

of being killed. But if you stay at home instead of going out you still

aren't safe, since the risk of being killed through an accident at home is

1 in 26,000 a year!16

Many prescription drugs carry a high risk, including some you can buy over

the counter without prescription. For example, over 200 people die from

taking Paracetamol in Britain each year, more than ten times as many as die

from MDMA.30, 162

Many people will argue that these figures are meaningless as they are based

on guessed statistics. Suppose the figures distort the results ten times

over, the risk of dying through taking Ecstasy is still smaller than taking

part in a wide range of acceptable activities. It has been said that more

people would die if alcoholic drinks replaced Ecstasy at raves.55 Moreover,

if ravers and organisers took the appropriate steps to avoid overheating

the risk would be negligible.

Permanent damage to health

It is often argued that MDMA has never undergone the rigorous trials

demanded of a prescription drug, and therefore carries more risk. The

counter argument is that MDMA has been tested by many millions of people

over the past twenty years, and that this is a far more stringent trial. It

is true this has been done in an indiscriminate way and without controlled

conditions, but with such an enormous sample, evidence should have come to

light by now if the substance is toxic. Since it has not, it seems fair to

conclude that, although there may be unknown damage caused, the risk is no

greater than taking a new prescription drug.

Temporary damage to health

Taking Ecstasy often causes fatigue simply because of the increased

metabolic rate - the body and mind 'live faster' and you wear yourself out.

To this must be added fatigue caused by whatever you are doing on E, such

as missing a night's sleep, dancing for hours on end and not eating. Taking

booster doses or any other drugs cause extra fatigue62, and the exhaustion

due to two drugs taken together may be greater than adding the effects of

taking the drugs separately. Again, for people who are not healthy this

extra exhaustion could affect them badly, and for someone on the verge of

being ill this might be the 'straw that breaks the camel's back'.

There are also indirect dangers of taking Ecstasy. These include taking

something else you thought was MDMA and taking depressant drugs to reduce

the effects of taking 'too much too often'.77

One study has put the risk of ending up in the casualty department of a

hospital at 23 per 100,000 rave attendances. The majority of the sample

studied discharged themselves after being given treatment for racing

hearts. None of those who had taken Ecstasy alone needed further treatment,

the rest having taken a variety of other drugs at the same time.85 This

compares to the risk of injury while on a skiing holiday in Switzerland,

which is 3% or 3,000 per 100,000.84

Catching colds and other infections

It's often said that taking Ecstasy affects your immune system, making you

more likely to catch a cold afterwards. I have not found any evidence to

support this, but it is common medical knowledge that you are more

vulnerable to disease when you are exhausted, and that a hot sweaty

environment is ideal for transmitting viral infections.40 Add to this that

many people make skin contact while on Ecstasy, and it is not hard to see

that while MDMA may not directly affect the immune system, its use drains

one's reserve of energy and this may indirectly make you more susceptible

to colds and other infections.

Social dangers

A very real danger of taking Ecstasy is that you may do or say something

you will regret, or that will upset someone else. This may be trivial, such

as embarrassing some member of the public by your lack of inhibitions, or

as serious as causing an irreparable rift; for instance, by telling your

father that you have never respected him. There is also "a tendency to call

up ex-lovers and casual acquaintances and tell them how much you love

them".7 Another danger is 'inappropriate emotional bonding', by which is

meant falling in love with the person you are with,43 although the same

source also claims that "whatever you choose to create will be a perfect

and appropriate choice." Acting on impulse while under the influence can

also be a mistake - although insights can be made on Ecstasy, so can

mistakes.86 A quite different kind of danger is that using Ecstasy makes

people into criminals just as happened with drinkers under Prohibition in

the USA, and reduces their respect for the law.77, 13

7 The Law

In the seventies, there was concern about a new type of drug,

hallucinogenic amphetamines such as MDA and MDMA, which had not yet reached

Britain. With a tradition of being more prohibitive than other countries,

the British government tried to forestall trouble by classifying the entire

chemical family as Class A drugs; the most restrictive category carrying

the highest penalties. This was effected through the Misuse of Drugs Act

1971 (Modification) Order 1977 (SI Number 1243). So, although prohibition

dates from 1977, MDMA is a controlled drug under Class A of the Misuse of

Drugs Act 1971. Class A includes all compounds structurally derived from an

N-alkyl-a-methylphenethylamine by substitution in the ring with an

alkylenedioxy substituent, and this includes MDMA and its salts. Parliament

may move drugs to other classes after consultation with or on the

recommendation of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, whose

purpose is to keep under review the situation in the United Kingdom.

The British government is a signatory to the International Convention on

Psychotropic Substances which requires member nations to make laws to

control specified drugs. In spite of objections from the chairman of the

Expert Committee, the Convention issued a directive to outlaw MDMA in 1985,

but "urged countries to use the provisions of article 7 of the Convention

on Psychotropic Substances to facilitate research on this interesting

substance."15 Although the British law against MDMA was made before this,

the Act does allow for Class A drugs to be used for research.87


The maximum penalties that may be passed by any court for drugs offences

are set through legislation. Courts have a wide discretion on what penalty

to impose provided that they do not exceed the maximum. They must act

judiciously and not arbitrarily, and they must take note of the Court of

Appeal's guidelines. It may be possible in practice to persuade a court to

pass a lighter sentence for an offence involving MDMA than the court would

have passed had a quantity of heroin of the same value been involved, but

the Court of Appeal has always held that no distinction should be drawn

between the various types of Class A drug, it being for Parliament (as

advised by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs) and not the courts

to classify drugs.

For offences involving Class A drugs, the maximum penalties are as follows:

1. Life Imprisonment and/or unlimited fine for production, supply,

offering to supply and possessing with intent to supply besides confiscation

of assets (except for assets that you can prove were not the result of

supplying drugs).

2. Fourteen years imprisonment for allowing premises to be used for

producing or for unlawful prescribing

3. Seven years for possession.

For any of these offences, the Crown Court has power to impose an unlimited

fine in addition to or as well as imprisonment. If a magistrates' court

hears the case, the maximum is six months' imprisonment and/or a fine of up

to #5,000 for any offence in relation to Class A drugs.

All courts have power to impose sentences such as community service or

probation instead.

The Court of Appeal's guidelines (as laid down in the Aramah and Bilinski

cases) for offences other than simple possession involving Class A drugs

are, briefly:

1. Fourteen years for importation involving a street value of over #1m

2. Ten years for importation where the street value is between #100,000 and #1m

3. Four years for the importation of any appreciable amount

4. There may be a considerable reduction in penalty if there is a

confession of guilt coupled with considerable assistance to the police

5. Three or more years imprisonment for supply.

The Magistrates' Association sentencing guidelines suggest a fine of 30

units for possession of a small amount of a Class A drug in contrast to a

Guidelines fine of 4 units for the possession of a Class B drug. The value

of a unit depends on the offender's means and can be between #4 and #100.

30 units represents a fine of between #120 and #3,000. When someone is

found in possession of more than a "small amount" of a drug (which is not

defined), the guidelines recommend a community sentence, custody or

committal to the Crown Court for sentence.

Precursors (chemicals that may be used to make MDMA) are controlled under

section 12 of the Criminal Justice (International Co-operation) Act 1990

which was enacted following the signing of the Vienna Convention Against

Illicit Traffic in Narcotic and Psychotropic Substances. This makes it an

offence to manufacture or supply a scheduled substance knowing or

suspecting it to be used in the unlawful production of a controlled drug.

The maximum penalty for this offence is 14 years imprisonment.

How the law is applied

The way you will be treated for a drug offence depends on whether you are

considered to be a dealer or carrying drugs for your own use. Dealers are

charged with 'supply' or with 'possession with intent to supply' while

users are charged with 'possession'. However, you will be considered to be

a dealer, and charged with supply, if you pass on drugs to other people. It

makes no difference whether you have made a profit, or if other people

asked you to obtain the drugs for them. Even a gift to a friend of a single

tab of Ecstasy makes you guilty of 'supply'.

The fact that MDMA is a Class A drug means that you will probably be given

a higher sentence than you would for a Class B drug such as amphetamine -

particularly if you are accused of dealing.


If you are caught by the police with one or two pills, what happens to you

depends very much on chance. The luckiest outcome will be if the police

happen to be overloaded or concentrating on arresting a gang, when they may

just confiscate the drugs and let you go. Normally, they will arrest you

and take you to the police station. About half those arrested for

possession are simply cautioned88 and let go, and this is more likely to

happen in a big city, particularly London. You are also more likely to be

cautioned if it is your first offence, if you have nothing else of a

suspicious nature on you and if you look innocent. You can only be

cautioned if you admit the offence (such as that you were in possession of

an illegal drug).

In Scotland, cautions are seldom given, but, if found guilty of possession

of a small amount and you have no previous convictions, you stand a good

chance of 'admonishment' - no penalty on this occasion, but more severe

penalties on a further offence.

Fines are applied following the unit system; the court first has to decide

on what fine to give in terms of a number of units, then work out the fine

according to your 'disposable income'. However, a lot depends on luck, with

small country courts giving the highest penalties whereas elsewhere fines

as low as #15 are not uncommon. For second offences, the range is about #25

to #130 and increases with further previous offences. People caught with

other drugs on them or who have committed other offences are likely to face

heavier fines or imprisonment.


If you are charged with supply, your case will almost certainly be heard at

a Crown Court. Imprisonment is the usual penalty on conviction unless your

barrister persuades the court that you are not a dealer but simply

supplying friends. Sentences vary from 18 months to 5 years in most cases;

again, chance plays a big part. Besides the quantity, being found with

several different kinds of drug or a lot of cash will go against you, so

will evidence that you were seen trying to sell drugs or that someone

suffered as a result. Image counts too - if the court sees your trade as

part of a ruthless operation rather than that of a naive individual, then

you are in trouble.

What to do if you are arrested

Do not resist, make notes of exactly what happens, and ask for a solicitor.

If you cannot make notes on paper, then memorise events as best you can

until you have the chance to write down what happened.

The reason for making notes is that the police quite often make mistakes in

procedure which can be used to your advantage by your solicitor. Resistance

may be interpreted as implying guilt, and you may also be charged for

another offence.

Assistance from a solicitor is free to suspects held by the police, but you

may have to wait in a cell, sometimes for a long time. The advantage is

that a local solicitor will know the police and will be able to give you

the best advice. This is particularly useful if the police are trying to

strike a deal with you.

This is quite common. A typical offer might run: "You confess that the

pills are Ecstasy, and I'll ask my supervisor to caution you and that will

be the end of it". The pledge will usually be kept, but it has been known

for suspects to be double-crossed. Once you have confessed, the policeman

may come back and say, "Sorry, but my boss has decided to charge you all

the same". The underlying reason for this is that if you confess, the

police need not have the drug analysed, which can take up to 3 months.89

Searches and warrants

Warrants. If the police arrive with a warrant, read it, ask for a copy and

note what they do on your premises. Don't resist, the only way you can help

yourself is to cooperate but object to any incorrect procedure later.

Search. The police must have 'reasonable cause' to search you, and that

does not include the mere fact you were in a place where drugs were on

sale. Ask what their reason is for searching you and note what they reply.

If the reason is not good enough, then the evidence so obtained should not

be used against you.

Searches may include a strip search.An 'intimate search' is only

admissible if there is reasonable cause to believe you are supplying Class

A drugs - intimate search is not allowed with people who are suspected of

possession. Possession suspects who are subjected to an intimate search

could charge the police with assault, or with indecent assault if the

police search the genitals or anus. 'Intimate search' means looking inside

any part of the body, including the mouth and ears.

Blood and urine tests

You cannot be compelled to give samples except in traffic cases. However,

the fact you have refused to give a sample may be used as evidence against


Police policy trends

There is a trend towards giving cautions instead of prosecuting for the

possession of drugs; but this seems to be mainly due to pressure on police

testing facilities.89 What is worrying is that there still seems to be no

recognition in Britain that MDMA is far less dangerous than heroin, for

instance, whereas in Holland there has been a recommendation to move MDMA

to a lower category.90

Another worrying trend is that there is a movement within the police to

turn attention to users rather than dealers.91 The idea - expressed by

Commander John O'Connor of the Metropolitan Police in a recent report -

that the policy of arresting dealers has failed and should be replaced by a

drive on arrests of users, would involve thousands of arrests. It also

conflicts with recommendations of sociologists in the field.33 However, the

lack of resources may prevent this from becoming policy.

Raves, along with New Age Travellers, have come in for particularly

vindictive treatment, with some police forces declaring: "Raves will not

happen, legal or otherwise."171 Concern about falling alcohol consumption

and pub attendances by young people may put pressure on the authorities to

clamp down on raves.159

I was also worried by the lack of interest in harm reduction on the part of

the policemen I interviewed. I feel that it would earn the police a great

deal more respect if they were seen to show some caring for ravers instead

of being seen as persecuting them.

8 Ecstasy and the media

At an international conference on drugs sponsored by the British government

in 1992, the TV and radio presenter Nick Ross was asked whether he thought

the media got the right type of message across to young people.92

It depends what you mean by the right type of message. I think it puts a

very antiseptic message across. I suppose if we were to tell the truth, we

would point out that many drugs are fun. They give you an extraordinary

sensation of exhilaration, of excitement, of energy, of capacity, calmness,

insight, escape, relief and pleasure - above all, pleasure. That's why so

many people take them. Again, if we take a less antiseptic approach we

would say that very, very, very, very, very few youngsters who get involved

with drugs will become addicted to them or have serious problems with them.

Far more of them will die or become seriously injured through road traffic


But you wouldn't allow us to say that. And I'm not sure that being honest

is really what society asks of the media. I think that what we are being

asked, under a rather fraudulent umbrella of being candid, is to carry a PR

message. My experience of doing programs in this area is that the closer

you get to the street and the more you talk to people who actually work in

the area, the less concerned they are to hear this PR message and the more

they want us to say the sort of things that, at the moment, I think we fail

on. We are not saying some of the true things.

Remember that the constituency of drug users is a very broad one. We are

not just talking to the one person who has one view of life. We are talking

to millions of people almost all of whom have dabbled with addictive

substances. Not only the substances that are illegal, but the substances

which are legal. This is the complexity of it. I'm not sure society wants

us to talk about it all that elaborately. It likes the simple message:

'Drugs are there, they are bad, they are criminal and you shouldn't go near

them'. I think that we do that message pretty effectively.

It is easy to justify this position by saying that the government made

Ecstasy illegal to protect its citizens. The argument goes: 'We, the

responsible media, should not encourage people to break the law or harm

themselves. However, there is a lot of interest in the subject, so we must

report it. Therefore, we will edit our material so as to cut out anything

that might encourage people to break the law.' This may sound alright, but

the fact is that you cannot tell the truth when you leave out one side of a


Press scare stories

Even the 'quality' newspapers and medical journals do not report on Ecstasy

fairly. In October 1992, The Scottish Medical Journal (and later The

British Medical Journal) published an article entitled 'Ecstasy and

Intracerebral Haemorrhage', where a case is described in which a

20-year-old man died after 'his drink was spiked with Ecstasy', and three

others who had survived.93 As the symptoms appeared to me more typical of

amphetamine than of MDMA, I wrote to the author of the report asking how

much MDMA was found in the patient. He replied: "Unfortunately no assays

for MDMA or related substances were made in any of our cases." In other

words, he had done no tests and had no hard evidence that Ecstasy was

involved at all.

Despite the lack of evidence that MDMA was involved, the case was picked up

by various newspapers including the Glasgow Herald, whose medical

correspondent reported under the headline "Highlighting the dangers of

Ecstasy". The article had an authoritative tone and stated unequivocally

that the cause of death was Ecstasy, while implying that the drug was known

to cause serious brain damage. The article mentioned an "epidemic of use"

and referred to patients in psychiatric care as a result of taking Ecstasy,

inferring that psychological damage was due to a similar physical cause.

The Times

In October 1992 The Times commissioned me to write a front page feature on

Ecstasy for the Saturday Weekend Times. I warned the editor that my

conclusions were likely to be far more positive than any that had so far

been published, and made it a condition that I would only go ahead if I

could be sure that the piece would not be edited in a way that altered the

sense or made me look silly, and the section editor, Jane Owen, agreed. I

was very pleased as I felt sure that a positive article in The Times would

carry considerable influence.

Eventually I was told that the editors were very pleased with the piece I

wrote. It was a serious article addressing the question of toxicity based

on references to the latest research, and concluded that the case against

the drug is not proven. Yet it was never published - the paper seemed more

concerned with not upsetting their establishment readers than publishing

the truth.

Then, shortly after my article was due to appear, The Times included the

following piece by Dr. Thomas Stuttaford in the Medical Briefing column:

A thirst for Ecstasy

Ruthless rave promoters are allegedly restricting the supply of water to

dancers rendered overpoweringly thirsty by the drug Ecstasy, so that the

revellers may be persuaded to buy more costly drinks. At the same time, it

has been reported that several would-be nannies have been sacked from the

Norland Nursery Training College for experimenting with the drug.

Both ravers and emergent nannies should read the British Medical Journal

editorial by Dr. John Henry, consultant physician at Guy's, on the

pharmacology of Ecstasy, a drug first patented in 1913 as an appetite

suppressant - and rejected for this purpose. . .

This was particularly annoying as my article had contained the following:

Dr. Henry of the National Poisons Unit at Guy's Hospital, London, the

researcher most quoted in alarmist reports, has been accused by one of his

own sources of a misrepresentation of the facts. In a recent article in the

British Medical Journal (MDMA and the Dance of Death), Dr. Henry claims

that MDMA has no therapeutic potential. To support his argument he refers

to a study by Dr. Greer where 29 volunteers were given the drug by

psychotherapists and "All 29 experienced undesirable physical symptoms. .

." including nausea, stiffness and sweating.

In a letter in last month's BMJ, Dr. Greer accused Dr. Henry of omitting

the positive results of this study. "Eighteen of my subjects reported

positive changes in mood after their session; 23 reported improved

attitudes . . .

Subsequently, I offered the article to all the 'quality' national daily

papers, but each one refused it. Eventually, it was published in Druglink,

a 'trade' magazine for workers in the field. Though few people will have

read it there, I felt validated in that the editor satisfied himself of its

accuracy by checking up on the many references made in the article to

published scientific papers.

An idea of the attitudes of editors can be seen by the following

correspondence in March 1994:

To the Editor of Reader's Digest

Dear Sir,

Forthcoming article on Ecstasy

As author of the most popular book on Ecstasy, I was recently telephoned by

a researcher in connection with an article that you have commissioned on

the subject.

I saw the article you published last summer on Ecstasy. While the facts may

have been correct, the article was grossly misleading, giving the

impression that those who take the drug run a serious risk to themselves.

Of course all activities carry risk. But those who go skiing and horse

riding run a far greater risk to their life and health. The risk of taking

Ecstasy compares to that of going to a funfair, and is equivalent to that

taken on a short journey by car. Though only time will tell, evidence to

date indicates that Ecstasy users damage themselves less than those who

drink alcohol or smoke tobacco.

In fact, practically all of the deaths attributed to taking Ecstasy have

been due to overheating or mixing with other drugs (including alcohol).

Over the past year, while Ecstasy use has increased, the number of

casualties has declined markedly. This is due to information reaching users

via leaflets such as Lifeline's Peanut Pete series of comics, and Greater

Manchester's Safer Dancing Campaign which aims to save users from

overheating - and to a lesser extent, my own book.

I hope you will publish a more enlightened article, and one which contains

the information necessary for users to prevent damaging themselves. You

could well base it on the success of the Safer Dancing Campaign which has

undoubtedly saved several lives.

I suggest that you take note of the reasonable tone of the recent Newsweek

article (copy enclosed). I also suggest that you ask your researchers to

obtain a copy of the latest book on the subject written by a doctor and a

sociologist, just published this month. It is The Pursuit of Ecstasy by Dr.

Jerome Beck and Dr. Marsha Rosenbaum published by the State University of

New York Press, which gives an up to date overview of the topic.

I do not expect mention of my own book, but I would recommend that your

researcher reads a two-page feature on it in The Guardian 7/9/93.

Yours faithfully,

Nicholas Saunders

Dear Mr. Saunders,

I have received your letter and I have no intention of publishing an

article along the lines you suggest. I stand by every word in our timely

warning in the article "A Deadly Kind of Ecstasy".

Yours sincerely

Russell Twisk, Editor-in-Chief.

When the first edition of this book came out I was rang up by a breakfast

TV show and invited to talk about it. I was ushered in to the studio and

sat on a couch next to the parents of a boy who had died, so they believed,

from taking Ecstasy. Although he had committed suicide which seemed most

unlikely to be caused by Ecstasy, I was their scapegoat. I was put in an

impossible position: I could hardly accuse grieving parents of unfairly

blaming their own failure on a drug, and had to put up with the father

shouting at me: "Have you ever held a warm, dead body of someone you loved

from taking Ecstasy? Then you don't know what you are talking about." There

was no doubt who was the baddy; I was set up.

Then I was interviewed for a BBC London radio programme. The interviewer

encouraged me to talk about all the positive aspects of the drug, and an

assistant congratulated me afterwards for coming out with the truth. Then

he said he wanted some background, and as I didn't know what he meant I

dithered and contradicted myself - and this was the only part of the

interview that they broadcast! As a result, I insisted on going live on the

next interview (with Radio Leeds). I wrote down answers to questions and,

like a politician, said them even if they didn't fit the question!

Tabloid newspapers said the book should be banned, and a Dublin newspaper

used its entire front page to say so. But some papers did support the book,

and when The Guardian published a two-page feature in favour I felt


9 Psychotherapeutic use in Switzerland

The most extensive use of MDMA in psychotherapy has taken place in the

USA.135 However, when the US government outlawed the drug in 1986, this

practice was pushed underground.129, 134 The US Drug Enforcement Agency

also requested the World Health Organisation (WHO) to include MDMA in the

International Convention on Psychotropic Substances and so make the ban

world wide.94 The WHO appointed an Expert Committee to make recommendations

to member nations, and these included a recommendation to follow up

preliminary findings that MDMA had therapeutic potential.15 Although

Switzerland is not a signatory to the Convention, the Swiss government was

impressed by this clause and decided to be guided by its recommendation.

In December 1985, a group of psychotherapists in Switzerland obtained

permission to use psychoactive drugs in their work including MDMA, LSD,

Mescaline and psilocybin. They formed The Swiss Medical Society for

Psycholytic Therapy95, and besides treating patients with these drugs,

members take one of the drugs together at twice yearly meetings. The word

'psycholytic' means 'mind-dissolving'.

Originally five members, all fully qualified practising psychotherapists,

were licensed to use the drugs with their patients, and they were allowed a

free hand without government interference until the summer of 1990, when a

patient died while under the influence of Ibogaine, the psychoactive root

of an African plant. Although Ibogaine was not illegal, the therapist

involved was severely criticised for his conduct: he had administered the

drug in France, where his license was not valid, and he had failed to

screen his patients for health problems. The incident was a disaster for

the Society: all its members were subsequently banned from using

psychoactive drugs.

After a year and much diplomacy, permission was restored for the remaining

four therapists to use MDMA and LSD, but with severe restrictions. They

were only allowed to use these drugs with existing patients until the end

of 1993, and under the observation of a professor at the University

Hospital in Basle. The professor has made it clear that, although the

therapists appear to have treated many patients successfully, their reports

are regarded as anecdotal because treatment has not been conducted within

the context of a scientific study.

Comparative study

This has prompted Dr. Styk to plan a comparative study examining whether

psychotherapeutic treatment is more successful if it includes the use of

psychoactive drugs. If the results of this study are positive, he will use

them to support his application to extend licences.

The study will compare two methods of treatment: 'meditative' therapy

combined with psychoactive drugs and breathing techniques combined with

body work. Dr. Styk intends to use as subjects patients suffering from

lifetime depressive neurosis, obsessive-compulsive behaviour and, possibly,

eating disorders; conditions for which he believes treatment with MDMA and

LSD is particularly suitable.

He will take on twenty patients of each type and treat them all himself,

using a random method to select the ones to be treated with and without

drugs. He will then study and report on the progress of both groups for one

to two years. In addition, Dr. Styk will also present the authorities with

a dissertation on past case histories. This is being prepared from the

licensees' notes by a psychiatrist who has not used psychoactive drugs in

his work.

Dr. Widmer believes a more confrontational approach to licence renewal

should be taken. Rather than trying to appease the authorities, who he

believes make their decisions on political grounds rather than clinical

results, he wants to carry on giving treatment in whatever ways he sees

fit. He originally persuaded the authorities to give their permission by

being pushy, and he believes that a combination of insistence on being able

to practice with LSD and MDMA combined with keeping on friendly terms is

likely to work best. However, Dr. Styk also acknowledges that the decision

as to whether to extend the licenses depends on factors other than the

effectiveness of the treatment, such as whether giving approval might

benefit or damage the careers of the officials who make the decision.

In January 1993, I attended the Society's annual dinner where I met about

30 members. I interviewed each of those licensed to practice at their place

of work over the following few days.

Of the four licensees, only one, Dr. Bloch, uses MDMA on its own. I have

included my interview with her in full, as it is the one most appropriate

to this book and, I believe, gives a clear picture of how MDMA is used.

Both Dr. Styk and Dr. Widmer also use LSD, and Dr. Widmer runs a training

group for psychotherapists who want to learn the techniques. I have

included notes on the differences between the way they work and Dr. Bloch.

The fourth licensee, Dr. Roth, has stopped using psychoactive drugs, and I

include his reasons for making this decision. I also mention the activities

of some of the unlicensed members who I met at the dinner.

Interview with Dr. Bloch

Dr. Marianne Bloch graduated in medicine in 1970, then went on to train as

a Freudian analyst in the USA from 1974-76. From 1976-80 she trained as a

child psychiatrist in Luzern, and since 1983 she has had her own private

practice treating adults. Over the period 1980-90 she was trained in

Organismic Body Therapy by Malcolm Brown. Over the past decade she has

herself tried various psychoactive drugs.

Do you use LSD as well as MDMA?

No. Although I have permission to use LSD, and use it for myself, I have

decided only to use MDMA with patients. LSD lasts too long, both for the

patient and myself. In my own experience, I like LSD much better in a

one-to-one setting. I don't like LSD in a group, and therefore I don't want

my patients to use it in a group either.

What is the problem with using LSD in a group?

I become too sensitive. There were too many stimuli for me - I guess it

depends on one's personality. The more I was able to allow things to come

through, the more difficult it was for me to handle them. In a one-to-one

setting it was OK, but I don't want to do it with patients.

Do you do individual work with MDMA or just group work?

I do both. Mostly I use MDMA in a group, but when there is a patient who

needs complete attention I use it individually.

When did you start using MDMA with clients?

In 1989. At first it was with single patients, then later with groups.

What are the particular advantages of using MDMA? For instance, is there a

particular character type or problem that it is suitable for? Is it perhaps

only suitable when clients reach a block?

I use it with patients who are in an intense psychotherapeutic relationship

with me. I usually start after six months or a year of ongoing therapy.

Most of my patients come every week for individual therapy, and monthly to

my Grof holotropic breathing weekends*. Among them are a few who I select

for MDMA therapy as well. These are mostly patients who have difficulties

with their feelings - even with the breathing work and body therapy they

don't get deep enough into their feelings. So they are mostly

character-armoured people.

Aren't all patients character-armoured people?

Yes, but there are some who have much weaker armour. For instance, oral

people*. Their armouring is not as hard to get through.

So you use MDMA with the people with the hardest character armour.

Yes, I prefer to work with MDMA with people who have very hard character

armour. These are, for instance, women with bulimia and some compulsive

characters and depressive patients.

Are they extreme depressives?

I would say moderate depressives. And then there are the most rigid people

who have difficulties in contacting their feelings. Mostly they had some

symptoms beforehand but then during therapy, I mean body therapy, the

symptoms went away. They are left with hard character armouring which

prevents them getting to their feelings.

What about other groups such as people who have suppressed a memory of a


Yes, that is another group. For instance I had a woman patient whose

problem was Bulimia, but then it came out that she was abused by her

father, although she had no recollection of it beforehand. With MDMA she

said "Oh, there is some incest problem" and I was very surprised as she had

not mentioned it before, and now with the MDMA it comes out clearer and

clearer. This person is completely out of her body, how shall we say it,

yes completely detached from her body feeling and her emotional feelings.

Does the MDMA help her to become more integrated?

Yes, it helps a lot. It's the method that helps her most to integrate and

to get into her body. She is much less armoured in normal life than she was

before, but she is still armoured and this blocks her from feeling her

body. Very often she says "I can't feel my legs" but on MDMA she says "I

feel good, I can feel my body". It seems to have something to do with

energy flow.

If you had not used MDMA with this client, presumably she would have made

some progress just with the body work, massage, touch and expressing


Yes, but I am not sure that I would have come to that deep knowledge about

her background, the incest problems with her father. It was so deeply

covered, she had no idea it existed.

Did it take a long time to come out? Was it in the first MDMA session?

It was in the second. She had MDMA sessions alone because she was so

frightened, and later she had sessions in the group.

How often do you run an MDMA group?

Twice a year.

That is very infrequent. Is that a policy or is that because it takes so

much time?

I decided that because of the toxicity patients should not take it more

than four times a year.

Now that new research shows that MDMA is not so toxic, do you think you

might give it more often?

No, for me it is enough. Actually I don't want to use more drugs than I

have to. I also get results with breath work and body work. With some

patients, these methods work well. It is the hard core ones who sometimes

need a push.

With what proportion of your clients do you use MDMA?

In 1990 it was forbidden and we were only supposed to complete our therapy

with patients who had already been given MDMA. I strictly follow this

ruling. There are only six patients now who continue and I am not allowed

to use it on new patients. I have done MDMA sessions with 20 patients.

Eleven of them could have continued, but only six really wanted to

continue, so now I continue the treatment with these six. I don't use it as

much as my colleagues, since I want to use the least chemicals possible.

Why did only six out of eleven patients want to continue using MDMA?

Two of them had become pregnant, and so could not continue. One thought

that the holotropic breathing work had brought her as much benefit as MDMA,

and decided to do without taking chemical substances. Another felt that

MDMA opened her up too quickly and this frightened her. She too preferred

the holotropic breathing sessions, where she had more control over the

process. The last found it difficult to integrate the MDMA experience into

everyday life, which, I believe, requires a certain intellectual capacity.

After discussions with this patient, we decided together to discontinue the

MDMA treatment.

Have you written any papers on your work?

No, I am not a paper writer. I recently gave a speech at the Luzern

Psychiatric Association. But I just like to do my work.

Before the restrictions were put on, how many people were there in your

MDMA groups?

Twelve. I didn't want to take more. And I always work with my colleague,

another woman therapist.

Widmer told me it is important to have a male and female therapist present

in a group.

Yes, I think it would be better to have a male and female therapist

present, but it just happens that my colleague who trained with me in

Psychotropic medication is a female. I did have problems with a man client

- his problems had to be thrashed out with a man. It was very clear that I,

as a woman, couldn't get to him any more, he needed a man. So he had to

switch to a male therapist, because he needed a father figure with whom he

could continue the therapy.

What doses do you give people?

125 mg.

You don't vary the does according to body weight?

Earlier, yes, there were some small patients and they got 100 mg.

Do you find MDMA is much stronger for some clients than others?

I don't find so much difference, no. Some take a longer time to get into it.

Do you give it in one dose?


Do you take it yourself, or does your assistant?


When you do the group work, can you describe how you do it, how formal it

is, if you have any ritual attached to it?

We meet at 8 o'clock in the morning. We all sit around in the circle; say

how we are feeling at the moment; if we have any news; how we feel about

taking the drug. Of course these people all know each other because they

have taken the drug several times together and go to the monthly breath

workshops. They really don't have to introduce themselves any more. Then we

do some meditation. We sit there in a circle, breathe and go deep into

ourselves. It's like Zen. Then after a while my colleague starts playing

the Monochord, a string instrument with only one tone. Then they take the


Do you take it in a ritual way?

We just pass it round and take it. And then we eat some chocolate.

Oh! Chocolate?

Yes, it speeds up the effect of the drug.

Really? How is that?

Albert Hoffman [the discoverer of LSD] told me about it with reference to

LSD, and he said that there are some receptors that it speeds up, and now

we do it with MDMA and it seems to me that it works. They always have to

take their orange juice, their pills and the chocolate. I think it has

something to do with endorphines.

How long does it take to come on?

About half an hour. After they have taken the pills they lie down and my

co-therapist continues to play the monochord.

Do you have any rules or agreements about how clients interact with one

another or with yourself? How do you run the group?

Mostly I say that the patients are by themselves. They lie on the

mattresses in their space; it's something that has to do with internal work

and they have to stay by themselves. But lately I have started to say "Why

don't you mix a bit?". Maybe they were looking around and would say "This

person seems to be very sad" and I would say "OK, if you feel like going

over to this person who you think is sad you can do so." I mean, I

encourage them to communicate with each other. But this is new, in the

beginning I wanted to keep each of them separate, just going into their own


How do you deal with the situation where the person might be feeling sad

but actually not want someone to approach? Do they have to ask before


Yes. A patient who feels they want to go over to another has to ask: "I

would like to get closer to you, how is it for you? Do you want me or

not?", and the other person has to decide. I tell them that they all have

to be very honest. They have to feel for themselves what they want.

Does the problem come up that you get one or two clients who draw the

attention to themselves, and the others feel they have lost their

opportunity? Is that a problem?

Of course, this might evoke an old problem. Maybe a sibling has had more

attention and now it's a similar situation. They have to work with the

sadness and jealousy that comes up.

When I stay with a patient, I always watch my own feelings, because there

are some people who want to draw attention forever, they want to have me

forever, and I can feel in my body exactly how long it is OK for me to

stay. Suddenly I get the feeling it is no longer good for me and I just go.

And then the patient has to deal with the loss, not getting enough

attention, that's a very important experience.

So if it brings up these feelings it can be part of the therapy?

Of course, it is very important that it brings up feelings of

disappointment, and not getting enough, and jealousy. That's why I do

groups. Otherwise I could do it in a single session and they would have

'Mummy' all the time, but that is not life.

Do you ask people to keep their eyes closed?

Yes, when they start they mostly have their eyes closed, but later on they

sit up or they talk, and can walk around to ask someone if they can get

close to them. But sometimes I feel that they talk too much, so I say "You

are too much outside yourselves" and then they all have to go back to their

places. It just depends on how I feel the group is going.

Do you allow people to be alone in another room?

It depends. Very often people say in advance they will have to be in

another room since they can't be together with so many other people. I say

"OK, we will see when the drug is affecting you, then we will decide." So

far I've never experienced someone who wanted to leave the group and be


So after people have started opening up, what do you do next?

Then I play music on tapes. Mostly meditative music but also some with

bass, rhythmic bass - it stimulates some feelings and activity. It's

completely different to the music I use in holotropic treatment, because

there the music is actually the 'drug' that stimulates the activity. With

MDMA, the stimulus comes from the chemical substance, so the music has a

different intent in each setting.

Do you use different kinds of music to stimulate people in different ways?

To bring up aggression, for instance?

Yes, and sometimes also anxiety.

What kind of music stimulates anxiety?

It's some kind of dramatic music.

Film music from a thriller?

That's right. But people require different stimuli. I mean, it's not only

music which stimulates feelings, but also contact. Sometimes it's very

important that closeness between a patient and myself brings up a feeling

of anxiety, because they are afraid of closeness.

Even on MDMA?

Even more so. I remember an obsessive-compulsive character who was never in

touch with her feelings of closeness, and the last time with MDMA she

really got in touch by being close, having close body contact and also eye

contact. The first time she felt her panic by being close.

Do you use that as a technique, suggesting that people make close eye contact?

It depends, it depends on the situation. With this patient it was important.

The three of you who are practising using MDMA all seem to be doing body

work. Do you ever do purely verbal therapy using MDMA?

No, not purely verbal. As I see it, that would be to stimulate just one

level. But I believe it is very important that people use the MDMA to get

into the body and out of the head. There are people who only want to talk,

and after a while I just cut them off and say "No more talking".

Because it's separated from their feelings?

Yes. Of course. And from their awareness and sensitivity of the body, it's

very distinct.

Can you give me a few more examples of when MDMA has been particularly useful?

One patient was an extreme stutterer who had been in therapy for a long

time. With MDMA, she could really talk about her history for the first time

- because before she was only able to write things on a slip of paper. With

MDMA she spoke about her father, how she was held back and not accepted as

a child, and all of her emotional feelings came up in regard to this theme.

So on MDMA she was able to talk freely?

Yes, it was incredible. It was also incredible how her body opened up. She

started to breathe dramatically, and then sounds came out, and she could

talk without difficulty. But it was also significant that after the MDMA

session her stuttering came back. It was not as bad, but she continued to


So MDMA didn't cure the stutter, but enabled her to talk about her pain

concerning her father.

Exactly, and this opened up a different area that could be worked with in

ongoing psychotherapy afterwards. Material came up that was not known about

before. And so this opened up certain feelings.

Couldn't she have overcome the problem by writing?

Although she seems to be of normal intelligence, she couldn't go to a

normal school because of her stuttering. So her writing is slow and it

would have taken too much effort to write everything down.

Do you think that she might be able to cure the stutter through MDMA?

She is a rather difficult person to treat. In the last session with MDMA

she used her new ability to talk in a very intellectual way. So talking

became a defence mechanism against feelings that were too painful for her

to admit. But we will see.

Can you tell me about one of the Bulimia cases.

The main theme of one of the Bulimia cases is her fear of closeness and

contact with her body. The Bulimia is cured, she doesn't eat and vomit any


Was she cured without MDMA?

Yes, after about two years of body therapy and breathing sessions the

symptoms went away, but then she discovered different problems. She

realised that she was not in contact with her body in normal life. Through

MDMA she learned what it means to be in contact with her body.

How important do you think it is for people to have guidance from a

therapist to make these connections and to get in touch with feelings on

MDMA? What I am thinking of is the vast number of people who take Ecstasy

in England, do you think they are bound to get in touch with their feelings

anyway, or is the therapist's influence and therapeutic setting necessary?

The setting is important, and also a person who acts as a mirror. Sometimes

I am the mirror. When I work with someone, I get in contact with my

feelings and then I tell them exactly how I feel. If they have feelings

which they can't admit to or which they are not aware of, I have these

feelings, and then I become their mirror. For instance, I suddenly become

sad and I know, "Oh, I have no reason to be sad". Then I know it is not my

sadness, it's their sadness and that I am feeling it on their behalf, since

they are not aware of it. Then I tell them "There is something I have felt

that is not mine, can it be yours?" Then the person can go into their inner

space and find out. As soon as they become aware of their feeling of

sadness and express it, my sadness goes away. That is how I help them to

become conscious of their feelings.

Do you use a video camera or tape recorder?

No, but sometimes they bring their own tape recorder. If they go on talking

and talking I say "OK, you can use your tape recorder and continue, then I

will listen to it later".

You don't encourage that as a technique then. Do you think recordings can

be useful?

For some patients it might be quite useful, yes. I have one patient who

always talks a lot about his childhood memories. For him this talking is

also a defence mechanism, because he doesn't really get into his feelings.

Afterwards he forgets most of what he said, including the important things.

So I encourage him to use the tape recorder.

I think it is important to mention that I don't use any techniques in MDMA

sessions. I make use of my soul, body and intuition. My main intent is to

get into feeling contact with the patient and then see what emerges.

Sometimes I ask a question, or give some nurturing touch; sometimes

nothing. The other person always responds to my presence.

Do you ask people to bring things with them to the session?

Yes, sometimes I ask people to bring objects they like. One patient likes

to bring stones, small things like that. Last time I asked them to bring a

photo of themselves up to the age of three. This opened up the possibility

to work with this period of life. With some patients I used it, others not,

it really depends what they are about. I just give a suggestion and if it

comes up it's OK.

What came out of that?

We looked at the photos together, and then they started to talk about their

early childhood, because it brought up forgotten memories of that period.

It stimulated memories of that part of their life.

Is MDMA useful for bringing back memories from childhood, or memories that

have been suppressed because of pain, or just generally getting in touch

with feelings?

All of those. With one patient I mentioned it brought back this incest

problem, with another it brought back very early memories that as a child

he had been sick very often, which he had forgotten. The emotional stuff of

childhood came up, and he relived it again. Another patient realised for

the first time with MDMA "Oh I have a heart, there is my heart beating. I

never before could feel my heart beating" It was important for him to feel

inside his body, he said "Aaaarrrh! Now I feel inside." For others it is

important to get into their aggressive feelings. It's different for each


Can it be too much sometimes, the sudden getting in touch with aggressive


I have never had any problems with it being too much.

That leads to another question. Have you ever had problems using MDMA and

wished you hadn't used it with a patient?

I once had a problem with one woman, and that was when the drug was

beginning to take effect. She was overwhelmed by the feeling of opening up.

She was overcome by fear, and she screamed and yelled and then it was

important that she had some body contact with me. That gave her enough

support, and then she was able to go through this period of fear, and after

that it was OK.

After what, half an hour?

It started half an hour after taking the drug, and lasted for ten minutes.

It was really just when the drug started to take effect, the opening up.

She was completely confused. Body contact with me made it OK.

You only use MDMA with a very few of your clients. Apart from legal

restrictions, would you still not use it on some clients, and if not why


I would only use it with the more difficult ones. The ones I can't really

get through to using holotropic breath work. I really don't see why I

should use a chemical drug if I can achieve the same result without it.

Can you get the same result as easily without MDMA?

I would say with some, yes.

Is it that you believe the drug is somewhat toxic or habit forming, or by

using a drug the result is not going to be as permanent?

I am just against drugs. I mean, in my practice I don't use medication

unless necessary. I don't see why I should use drugs if I can get the same

result without. I can't really say that MDMA speeds up the therapy that

much. The patients who I use MDMA with are those who I have already tried

treating with other methods, but I was unable to open them up so deeply. I

would just be stuck, I would have to say "OK. That's it. You have to go".

Are there some people who are so armoured that MDMA makes no difference? Or

will MDMA always go to a deeper stage with them, even when your other

methods have failed?

I would say there are some patients with whom I'm not using MDMA because

I'm scared they can't handle it.

What would happen if they could not handle it?

Perhaps they could not differentiate between the outer reality and their

inner world, or they might mix the two states. For example, they may not be

able to differentiate between myself as the bad mother of their inner world

and myself as the therapist who wants to help them, and fight against me.

Maybe I would try it in an inpatient psychiatric setting, but not when the

patients have to go home afterwards and I can't follow them up closely. I'm

not willing to do overtime. I only choose patients who I believe will be

able to handle MDMA. I have my limits. I know someone who uses the drug

with far more critical patients and he invests more of his time and effort,

but I am simply not willing to do so.

Going back to your groups, what happens towards the end of the session?

After four and a half hours we have a break and I say, "OK, now we can go

into another room where you can have some food and drink tea. Then afterward

s you can go back and lie down again."

Do people want to eat? What do they like eating?

Fruit, and bread with honey. That brings them down from their altered state

of consciousness into the real world again.

Do they stay quiet?

Very quiet. Very often no-one talks. Then they come back and lie down for

half an hour. They see if there is anything else, any further effect of

MDMA. And afterwards they all have to draw a mandala, a drawing of their


When you say a mandala, can they draw anything, or has it got to be

according to a structure?

Yes, we give a piece of paper with a circle on it and say "Draw a mandala."

Of course they can also draw outside the circle. But it's also significant

who goes over the limits and who keeps within the circle. They are used to

doing this following the holotropic breath work, it's a method used by Stan


Afterwards we form a circle again and they just put their mandala in the

middle, and then each of the patients talks about their experience. And

maybe they give some explanation of the mandala. They also bring it to

their next therapy session.

So what time does a group finish?

Usually it's around 5 o'clock. They go home by bus. They are not allowed to


Is their next appointment the next time you see them?

Yes. Mostly it's within the next week, except for some who come fortnightly.

When you do MDMA sessions individually, with one client, is it very different?

It's different in that the person has constant contact with me and really

doesn't have the experience of 'mother' going away. All those feelings of

jealousy or whatever produced by the group setting are missing. Of course,

they may gain in other ways such as having more body contact.

What sort of bodywork techniques do you use?

Massage, and I give some touch, nurturing touch. I also do some crania

sacral work with them.

And do you get people to hit a cushion with a tennis racket, that sort of


I use these hard techniques only in individual body therapy sessions in

order to produce a feeling state. But with MDMA I never use any hard

techniques because the feelings get opened up by the drug. If a patient

gets into an angry state on MDMA, then I ask them to express the feeling by

movements with arms and legs on a mattress.

Do you think the things that come up on MDMA can sometimes be misleading

for a client?

What do you mean?

Well, they might have a realisation - such as the cause of some problem is

that they were abused as a child or something - but actually it's become

much more important than it is really. Perhaps they can see very clearly

something that isn't right.

It can happen that sometimes the interpretation goes in a wrong direction,

one that is not really the cause or the real root of the problem.

Do you think the real root of problems and true feelings come up more often

with MDMA than without it?

I would say yes, MDMA definitely produces more real feelings, but I would

say it is still possible on some level to project. And it is so important

for me as a therapist to realise when the patient is projecting. I then

feel an uneasiness in my body and I have to continue interacting with the

person until I feel that the problem has reached its root or the projection

has been resolved.

Do you think you are more sensitive to the patient as a result of your own

experience with MDMA?

Yes, definitely.

Do you think you would be even more sensitive if you were taking it with

the patient?

Probably. But I wouldn't dare to do so, because I also have to be able to

react in a clear way. I would never do it.

However, I just realise that I have become more and more sensitive through

my own therapy with psycholytic substances, and I guess this will continue,

and maybe at some time I will not even need it any more because this

openness might be a normal state for me.

Is the intensity of feelings increased under MDMA, or does it just increase

general awareness?

It depends. I have one patient who doesn't have any feelings in real life.

Only with MDMA can he get into his sadness or his aggression. It's not only

the awareness, with him it's really the capacity to feel. He's so stuck in

real life.

With someone like that, presumably he feels very good on MDMA?


Is there a tendency for him to go and find it on the black market and take

it at home?

No, he is too straight. I couldn't imagine him buying drugs on the black


But as a general point, if you have people who only feel good on MDMA then

won't it become an addictive drug for them? What do you think about that?

It's astonishing, but I've never had this problem at all.

Don't any of your patients sometimes take drugs outside the sessions?

One of my patients used to take LSD when he was younger, but he says he

would never do this any more outside sessions. He is much more afraid, more

aware of what could happen. No, there are no drug users among my patients.

One thing that bothers me is that, well, bodywork is not completely

accepted as straightforward psychotherapy, is it, and that if people are

making body contact at the same time as taking a drug which is normally

illegal, I can see that the picture of it from a politician's viewpoint may

be that it is all rather dodgy. Do you see this as an obstacle to this type

of therapy becoming officially accepted?

I think so, because for a psychiatrist trained in psychoanalytic therapy,

well, this is really crude. Most psychiatrists are still not trained in

body therapy. This is why it is not more institutionalised, besides many

psychiatrists are afraid of body contact. So I don't think they will choose

this method.

What sort of reaction do you have from the psychiatric community in


They show interest in hearing about it. I would also be prepared to work

with my colleagues with MDMA, but it is all too frightening for them. They

are too scared to use it on themselves.

Dr. Roth said he believed that MDMA was not worth using because the results

didn't justify the time and effort involved. What do you feel about that?

For me it has been worthwhile with the patients I have used it on.

Otherwise I wouldn't use it any more.

Have you taught any other psychotherapists to use it? Are they interested

in learning from you?

No, I gave a speech at the Luzern Psychiatric Association, and I talked to

them about Psychotropic breath work and about MDMA sessions. They said they

were interested and there was an animated discussion about psychoanalytic

and Psychotropic training, and about the ethic of opening patients up in

such a quick way. Meditation has the goal of opening up people towards

spirituality, and MDMA has a similar kind of effect, to bring people more

in contact with their spiritual being. So these psychiatrists discussed

whether it is acceptable to use these type of drugs for spiritual

enlightenment, or only meditation.

So they were more interested in the intellectual analysis of the method

than actually getting involved with it.

Yes, they were not interested in experiencing it themselves; they were not

really interested in doing anything, only in discussing it.

What do you really feel the basic effect of MDMA is?

I would say it takes away fear, it takes away the superego of the patients

- they allow themselves to feel more, to be themselves, to act the way they

are; it also helps them to get more into contact with their body, into

their physical body, to have more body awareness, and to get closer to

their feelings. And simply to feel their needs. I mean, very often they

have been totally unaware of their primal needs - needs of closeness, needs

of touch, needs of heart contact.

In the groups, is the atmosphere happy, or is it mainly feeling pain?

When you take MDMA the first time it's beautiful. It opens up everything

and you feel "Ah! That's great!", but later on it's much more difficult for

the patients because they get into their sadness, into their pain, they

realise where they are closed up, that they can't open their heart. So I

feel the deeper you get, the more difficult it is with MDMA. This beautiful

feeling of happiness goes away and you really get down to your deep

problems, and then you can work psychotherapeutically.

Have you ever come across bad effects such as paranoia?

No, I never have. Perhaps because I choose my patients carefully.

What about physical bad effects? Unpleasant effects that get in the way?

Sometimes their jaws get tense. But it doesn't bother them.

Do they ever suffer from difficult aftereffects?

One patient felt she had some energy running through her body for a while.

She could not stop the energy flow, she felt nervous and restless for about

six weeks. That was the most difficult aftereffect I have ever seen.

Once a patient suffered for about a week from nausea. In the following

individual session I discovered that the nausea had to do with unexpressed

feelings of anger. When this was resolved, the symptoms went away.

Did she have a particular character type? Do you think you could recognize

the type and avoid giving the drug to them in the future?

I would say she is not at all in the body. It was the first time and she

couldn't really handle this feeling of being in the body. It was so new to

her, and it was stress-producing. She couldn't handle the feeling of energy


Do you relate MDMA to energy flow, such as the Chinese 'Chi' or Reich's

'Orgone Energy'?

As a body therapist I work a lot with energy, and I realise that with MDMA

there is opening up especially of the block here [she put her hand on her

heart]. It opens the chest block, then of course the energy flow is better,

and it also affects the whole body.

So the energy flow is liberated. And do you think MDMA works by relaxing

the muscles that store the neuroses?

Probably, it just opens up the blocks. Usually patients have held back

feelings. When you have a block in the body it is because it is too painful

to allow the feelings to flow. MDMA is able to open up the blocks because

it also releases the feelings - or releases the feelings and then the

blocks open, you can say it either way.

So it works on a physical level in the same way as bodywork?

Definitely for me, yes.

But I also use MDMA because of its spiritual value. MDMA is the drug that

really opens up the heart, and in normal therapy I also work with opening

up the heart. That, for me, is the main goal. For me it's not important

that people are totally de-armoured, but that they get in contact with

love; love for themselves. That is why I really like to work with MDMA.

Do you think this is a separate effect to the release of neurotic tensions?

For me MDMA is the drug that opens up the heart, and is much more specific

than LSD. This is my main goal, to open up the heart and then to work from

the space of the heart.

So that's the goal of your therapy, or do you think it should be the goal

of all therapy?

That's my way.

So the goal of your method of working is to get in touch with the heart.

Does that mean helping people to be able to express love, or to feel love,

to know love in a non-sexual way?

Yes, I mean love for another person, love for themselves, love for the

universe. I would say it is my way of doing psychotherapy to get them in

touch with their heart. And whenever they are lost in some sort of anxiety

or some sort of struggle, then I bring them back to their heart and say

"Can you still feel your love in yourself?" This is just my way of binding

them back to themselves. If you are in harmony with yourself, then all your

neuroses just drop. If you are in the meditative state, then your problems

just go, you don't even have to solve them. I try to work so as to make

these neurotic things lose their value. And they very often get in contact

with this state with their first MDMA experience. "Oh, that's how it could

be. I could be open, I could be loving." And then I tell them "Do you

remember how it was on MDMA, how all the other things dropped away?" I try

to get them to be in touch with their heart again and with their feelings

when they have difficulties in their life. They become more centred, they

have more connection with their inner self.

Do you ask people to project into the future, for example if they have a

particular problem with their mother, do you ask them to visualize being in

that situation?

Sometimes, yes. I first put them in a good state, and then I say "OK, now

see how it would be confronting your mother in this state".

I've heard it said that you can't feel love until you have learned to love

yourself. Do you believe that?

I think so, yes. I believe in it. That only when you are really in contact

with yourself, are you open enough to let love flow out.

Do you have clients in the group sessions who fall in love, or get very

involved with each other? Is that a problem with MDMA?

It has never been a problem. Of course in the sessions they may have very

good feelings for each other, but they have never had affairs. Maybe it's

to do with the setting. There are only two women on the group, and they are

very much preoccupied with themselves and do not mix very much with the


Do you think that people are suggestible on MDMA?

Not at all. I think they see things as they are more clearly. For instance,

the Bulimic client I mentioned had thought she had invented being abused by

her father, but on MDMA she saw it was true. She saw it very clearly.

Are there other problems with using MDMA? Perhaps patients get too close to


The transference problem is the same as with body therapy, but the

situation of transference becomes more clear to a patient on the drug. They

can see their projections more easily. When they come up to me during the

MDMA session and say, "I love you so much!", I respond by saying, "See

whether this love is something to do with you. Could it not be your newly

discovered love for yourself?"

Dr. Styk

Dr. Juraj Styk is president of the society and has a private practice. His

MDMA groups are similar to Dr. Bloch's, but his clients meet on Friday

evenings before the Saturday session. He believes this is valuable

preparation for reducing anxiety, and is especially useful for integrating

new members. His wife assists him in the group, and he feels that to be

seen as a couple is important when he is working with women. He also has

one or two young psychotherapists assisting the group who are undertaking

training with Dr. Widmer. There are usually eight to ten in his group.

Dr. Styk goes around giving out the drug in ritual fashion to create an

atmosphere "more like being in a church than a hospital", although he adds

that he tries to avoid being seen as either a priest or doctor who can

absolve or solve problems for the clients. While waiting for the drug to

come on, he plays soft music and sometimes reads poetry. He asks members to

close their eyes, breathe and let go. In order to make the group cohesive,

he reports what he observes, such as some members being tense.

Dr. Styk and his assistants only attend to people when asked, unless they

see that a client is stuck for hours on end: he prefers to allow people to

go through the experience without being led. Rather than being

goal-orientated, he encourages spontaneity and prefers clients to think in


Clients are allowed to go to other rooms during the group session so as to

be undisturbed, but Dr. Styk says it's important to avoid the group falling

apart through members dispersing.

Towards the end of the session, Dr. Styk will ask each person to report on

how they are feeling. Then the group may all go out for a walk together if

the weather is nice. At other times they may do a psychodrama in which one

client acts out a revelation they have just had during the session, using

other group members to play roles such as members of their family.

After the session, at about 7 pm, participants sit around in a circle on

cushions and have a light dinner of such things as cheese, radishes and

fruit salad, prepared by Dr. Styk's wife. They are not really hungry, but

enjoy eating for its own sake. The situation of eating together sometimes

triggers further insights. After dinner, at about 10 pm, clients go home

and are asked to write a report to bring to their next individual session.

Dr. Styk says he always asks the men about sexual arousal during their next

individual session, and that although they may have sexual longings or

fantasies, none has ever had an erection on MDMA, although they may do so

on LSD. When I told him that men frequently say they have erections on

Ecstasy, he suggested it may be that they take amphetamine as well, or that

the Ecstasy was unknowingly mixed with amphetamine.

Dr. Widmer

Dr. Samuel Widmer has a background of experience with LSD stretching back

to when he was a student. From 1973-78 he was a member of a therapy group

which used LSD illegally. As a fully trained psychotherapist, he wanted to

use psychoactive drugs in his work, and in 1983 he wrote to the government

applying for permission to work with LSD and Mescaline. Permission was not

then forthcoming, so he searched for a suitable drug that was legal. He was

close to giving up the search when he discovered MDMA in 1986, two years

before it was made illegal.

Dr. Widmer works with larger groups than the Dr. Bloch and Dr. Styk, up to

35 people. He believes that large groups work better, and have the

advantage of spreading the cost more widely - for the same reason, he

avoids individual sessions. He frequently uses both MDMA and LSD in the

same session. Sometimes he uses half a dose of MDMA two hours before LSD,

and sometimes offers a small dose of MDMA at the end of an eight hour LSD

session to provide a smooth come down. At other times, he will give 100 mg

of MDMA at the height of an LSD session so as "to bring in the heart


He believes that LSD has a stronger effect on a transpersonal level, but

that it has little or no effect on people who have done a lot of work on

themselves and are aware of themselves. He says that working with LSD is

tricky; you have to choose clients carefully to protect yourself and avoid

those who make problems. By contrast MDMA is good for anyone, as it opens

the heart and softens hard personalites. MDMA helps to clarify one's

situation in daily life and relationships, while LSD helps on another level

with questions such as 'Who are we?' The realisation that problems stem

from wider issues comes more readily with LSD.

Asked what kind of clients responded best to MDMA treatment, Dr. Widmer

replied that it was always tempting to think of the dramatic breakthroughs,

but these tend to occur with clients who need catharsis. Clients who were

on tranquillizers often found they could do without the tranquillizers or

found they needed lower doses after treatment with MDMA. Other patients

benefited by a gradual 'maturing' process. He said there is a category of

patients who do not benefit, however, and this includes those who just want

to get rid of a particular symptom without being prepared to work through

it. He tries to screen out such patients.

When I asked what problems Dr. Widmer encountered using MDMA, he told me

that there were few problems directly involving the drug itself. However,

there were sometimes problems with negative transference and with clients'

partners, who would accuse Dr. Widmer of putting ideas into the client's

head rather than accepting that they had had an insight.

Asked about trends in psycholytic therapy, Dr. Widmer told me that the

effect of the drugs was to open people up to greater awareness of their

personality. This leads to 'growth work', where clients have no major

psychiatric problem but wish to develop their personality, and so improve

their quality of life.

Dr. Widmer has written two books on his work in German, but which he hopes

will be translated into English.96

Here are the outlines of some case histories from one of Dr. Widmer's books:

1 Dr. Widmer was asked to treat a 14-year-old anorexic girl. Her father

showed no feelings, and her mother hardly existed for herself, only

appearing to live through other members of her family. The whole family

only communicated to one another on a rational level, never expressing

emotion except for the youngest son, who the parents regarded as the

'difficult one'.

Dr. Widmer and his wife treated the girl and her parents, first in

separate sessions with Dr. Widmer treating the parents and his wife

treating the daughter. In spite of her young age, they decided to hold an

MDMA session with parents and daughter together, attended by both


During the MDMA session, father and daughter talked about their feelings

for one another for the first time, while the mother became aware of the

fear she had of herself. For the daughter this was a breakthrough: having

focused on the cause of her problem she accepted becoming a woman and put

on weight, ending her treatment shortly afterwards. However, for the

parents this was the beginning of ongoing therapy.

Dr. Widmer commented that the breakthrough facilitated by the MDMA would

probably have occurred anyway, but that the drug speeded up the process.

2 A lifelong alcoholic came for treatment, a sensitive man of 44. During an

MDMA session, he experienced deep regression and found himself 'back in the

womb'. He felt neglected and deeply hurt, and realised that this pre-birth

longing was the basis of his addiction. The insight was realised so clearly

that his 'addictive personality' was dissolved, allowing him to build a new

personality based on love.

3 An intellectual working in the medical profession came for an MDMA

session out of curiosity. He did not see himself as having psychological

problems, despite the recent break-up of his marriage.

However, the effect of the MDMA was to uncover hidden narcissistic

feelings of which he had not been aware, including hatred for his parents.

The result was that he became more in touch with himself, but also to

realise that he could benefit from therapy.

Training Group

Dr. Widmer runs a group for training other psychotherapists in the use of

psycholytic drugs. Students all have to be fully trained psychotherapists

with clinical experience, and must be in individual therapy themselves. The

course lasts 3 years, and costs 6,400 Swiss Francs. In each year trainees

attend four weekends plus one week, which includes 15 sessions using

various drugs. They also have to assist in at least 10 group sessions with

Dr. Widmer's and Dr. Styk's clients.

Most of the students are German. The first group finished their training

last August, but none of them has yet obtained permission to use

psychoactive drugs in their practice. However, one is lecturing on the use

of psycholytic therapy at Tubingen university, although without actually

using drugs.

Dr. Roth

Dr. Jorg Roth is licensed to use LSD and MDMA, but has decided not to do so

any longer. I went to interview him in the hospital where he works to find

out why.

Could you tell me about the background to your use of psychoactive drugs in


Since 1977 I have been searching for the ideal drug to use as a tool in

psychotherapy - mescaline, DMT, LSD and MDMA. Now I have found it - Chinese


Did you find that MDMA doesn't work, or did it have negative effects?

No, I have had some success using MDMA with major depression. I think MDMA

is a good tool, especially for non-chronic problems, although it is no

miracle cure - some revert just as with other kinds of therapy. I have

nothing against MDMA, but in my work the output is simply not justified by

the input. I always work with individual patients and the time required is

too long, and that means the method is usually too expensive for the

patient. And they can't drive afterwards, so they had to pay for a taxi

too. It simply wasn't cost effective.

Do all your patients have to pay the full cost of their treatment themselves?

Some have insurance that pays for part of the cost, but they have to pay at

least two-thirds themselves.

Chinese medicine has the advantage that it fits in with 50-minute sessions,

and can result in change even without the will of the patient.

Did anything else put you off using psychoactive drugs? Are they dangerous?

Not MDMA. LSD can be dangerous, but MDMA is always safe.

There are cases in England of people becoming psychotic or paranoid as a

result of taking MDMA.

I do not believe that psychosis could be triggered by MDMA except when used

it is used with alcohol or other drugs. I have never come across paranoia.

But it's possible there are some people who cannot metabolise it, just as

there are some who cannot manage alcohol.

Dr. Hess

Dr. Peter Hess is a German psychotherapist who used MDMA in 1984-5 (before

it was outlawed) at a German hospital at Frankenthal, Mainz, where he was

head of the psychiatric department.

Dr. Hess said that some of his patients were very difficult to treat

because they were caught in a vicious circle of low self-esteem, which they

reinforced by blaming themselves. "There was a hard core of about twenty

patients who failed to respond to any of the treatment available", he says.

"I tried MDMA with them, individually, and was astonished with the results.

They immediately found solidity and trust in themselves and made steady

progress. For most, a single dose was enough, although some had two


Dr. Hess followed the patients up for two years after administering the

MDMA and, apart from three with whom he lost contact, found that none of

them had had a relapse.

When the drug became illegal, he tried - without success - to conduct a

pharmocological study of MDMA at the University of Tubingen. He also

applied to the German government for a license to use MDMA but without

success. He now uses musical techniques, such as drumming, to produce

altered states of consciousness in group psychotherapy. He says the effect

is similar to LSD but does not overwhelm the patient.

I asked whether there were any psychotherapists using the drug in Germany.

"Only illegally. There is a lot of interest but no-one has permission.

However, I have heard of it being used by a small number of therapists."

Dr. Hess did not approve of this. "I think that is stupid: you only have to

get one client going through a negative transference to report you, and

your career is ruined," he said.

Dr. Helmlin

Dr. Hans-Jorg Helmlin is conducting a pharmocological study of MDMA at the

University of Bern.

The study involves monitoring what happens to MDMA as it passes through the

body by taking blood samples. Dr. Helmlin started with a pilot study of two

patients in 1992, from whom 20 blood samples were taken over a 9 hour

period. In Spring 1993 he plans to conduct a more elaborate study, using

blood samples taken from 6 patients on the day they ingested the drug and

the following day. Dr. Helmlin has no license to prescribe MDMA, so he

performs his tests on patients who have been given the drug by Dr. Styk as

part of their therapy.

Provisional results from the pilot study suggest that MDMA has a

'half-life' of six to eight hours, i.e. half is left in the body after that

time. I commented that this was surprising since the effects of the drug

end after a much shorter time. "Yes, it surprised me too. I can only think

that there is some sort of 'threshold' effect whereby the drug only has an

effect above a certain level".

By means of this study, Dr. Helmlin aims to provide some basic data on the

drug, equivalent to that provided by drug companies seeking government

approval for a product. When the full results are available, they could be

used by lobbyists to overcome a common objection of governments to

licensing the use of Psychotropic drugs, i.e. that it would be

irresponsible to do so as the drugs have not been subjected to

pharmacological tests.

Dr. Vollenweider

Dr. Helmlin also told me about the plans of Dr. Franz Vollenweider, a

researcher at the University of Zurich Psychiatric Hospital. Dr.

Vollenweider has been using Positron Emission Tomography, commonly known as

PET scans, to study what is going on inside the brain while people are

under the influence of psychoactive drugs. A volunteer is given mildly

radioactive sugar compounds which enter the blood stream, and this

radioactivity is picked up by the scanner. The result is that the blood

flow to different parts of the brain can be monitored while someone is

experiencing the effects of a drug. The person can relate their experience

at the same time as the equipment indicates what is going on in terms of

brain activity. Dr. Vollenweider has already done PET scans on subjects

taking Ketamine, a veterinary anaesthetic, and Psilocybin mushrooms, and

intends to study MDMA in the future.

Dr. Benz

Dr. Ernst Benz has written a dissertation, in German only, on members of

the Swiss Medical Society for Psycholytic Therapy and their varied


10 Other uses of Ecstasy

For large numbers of young people, Ecstasy is the drug that makes raves

happen and it has been said that, for many of them, raving is one of the

main reasons for living.97 Yet there are other regular users, particularly

in the United States, who have only vaguely heard of raves and certainly

have never experienced dancing on Ecstasy. Here are some of the ways MDMA

is used:


According to RD Laing, the radical psychotherapist,

What scientists have always been looking for is not a tranquilliser, an

upper or a downer but a stabiliser, and in the seventies Alexander Shulgin

thought he had found such a drug [in the form of MDMA]. In the context of

its use, among very responsible therapists in America, all direct reports,

including my own, were positive.25

Psychotherapists valued the way MDMA helped clients to become open and

honest in a way that allowed them to have insights which they could

remember afterwards.6 A broad survey among 17 therapists with experience in

the use of MDMA just before prohibition showed that they regarded it as of

immense value in many, but not all, situations.158

The therapeutic effects of MDMA are described in a paper called Subjective

reports of the Effects of MDMA in a Clinical Setting by Drs. George Greer

and Requa Tolbert.28

Of the 29 subjects, "18 reported positive changes in mood after their

session; 23 reported improved attitudes, such as towards self and life in

general; 28 reported improvement in interpersonal relationships, and three

of the five couples reported benefits lasting from a few days to up to two

years; nine reported improvements in their working life; 14 reported

diminished use of abusable substances (alcohol, marijuana, caffeine,

tobacco, cocaine and LSD); 15 reported beneficial changes in their life

goals; and all nine subjects with diagnosable psychiatric disorders

reported considerable relief from their problems. . ."

In general, the authors conclude that "the single best use of MDMA is to

facilitate more direct communication between people involved in a

significant emotional relationship". MDMA was also recommended as an

adjunct to insight-orientated psychotherapy, for enhancing

self-understanding and was found to be useful in spiritual and personal


According to an article in the American Journal of Psychotherapy98, the

effects of MDMA - heightened capacity for introspection along with

temporary freedom from anxiety and depression - 'should be of interest to

Freudian, Rogerian and existential humanist therapists'. It is said to

strengthen the therapeutic alliance between therapist and client by

inviting self-disclosure and enhancing trust. Clients in MDMA-assisted

therapy report that they lose defensive anxiety and feel more emotionally

open, making it possible for them to get in touch with feelings and

thoughts which are not ordinarily available to them.

Psychiatrists also suggest MDMA is helpful for marital counselling by

making it easier to receive criticisms and compliments. "There's less

defensiveness between us and more leeway for diversity", observed an

ex-client. Long-lasting increased self-esteem was also reported by clients.

Greer says that another use is in working through loss or trauma, because

the issue can be faced and accepted instead of being shut away through

fear.99 However, some therapists are doubtful about how permanent changes

may be.161

No special techniques are necessary, but some are particularly appropriate

such as 'focusing', which helps contact and release hidden feelings.144

Current use in psychotherapy

Since prohibition in the States and the ending of the Swiss license at the

end of 1993, there is no legally authorised use of MDMA in psychotherapy

except in research projects (see Appendix 2).

In California there is still a considerable amount of psychotherapy

involving the illegal use of MDMA. This is partly a continuation by

licensed therapists who used it before prohibition and have carried on,

even though some have lost their licenses as a result.134 They believe that

it is such an important tool that they are prepared to take the risk. Then

there are a growing number of lay therapists, with no license to lose, who

offer treatment, though of course this is also illegal.129 In Europe, where

lay therapists are allowed, I have heard of only a few using MDMA in

Germany and Britain.

Future use in psychotherapy

One of the most interesting trials is due to begin in Nicaragua in 1994 on

the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD or War Trauma) - the

psychological damage resulting from torture and violent traumas. At a

preliminary trial, 20 'incurable' cases were given MDMA without being told

what it was. When it came on, most of them spontaneously formed a huddle

and talked about the horrors of war and how they never wanted to fight

again. A week later, each was interviewed by a psychiatrist and most were

declared cured.130, 142

As a result, a protocol is being worked out to begin a properly controlled

trial. If the results of this are as good, it should provide scientifically

acceptable proof of the psychological benefits of MDMA for the first time,

and pave the way for it to become a prescription drug.

Amateur psychotherapy

A commonly held view is that healing can only be done by the willpower of

the wounded person, and the therapist merely helps the client to see what

is going on inside him or herself. If someone can use MDMA to gain the same

insights and to retrieve and face memories of past traumas, then this is a

more direct approach.

Representing 'the informed lay user' Robert Leverant wrote:

The therapist is only the personification of the healing aspect within each

person. If an individual can tap this force directly from time to time, why

not? If by ingesting MDMA, a person can put on a therapist's thinking cap

for a few hours and see him/herself with new vision that is presumably

empathic to him/herself, why not?29

Interestingly, Freud was in favour of lay therapy and wanted to protect

analysis from both physicians and from priests (Bettelheim 1983). In fact,

he envisioned a profession of secular ministers of the soul, perhaps akin

to PhDs.

Some people believe that gain most benefit by taking Ecstasy alone with

earplugs and a blind on or even in an isolation tank.124 However, most

believe that it really helps to have a guide for support, but not

necessarily a trained psychotherapist. Dr. Roth, one of the Swiss

psychiatrists licensed to use MDMA clinically, believes DIY therapy with

MDMA is naive, since help is needed to make use of realisations gained,

while many professional psychotherapists say that to use untrained helpers

is dangerous and irresponsible. An experienced self explorer believes that

people can go a long way by themselves, but wise guidance can be valuable

in some situations. Two experienced American psychotherapists also thought

that a wise helper was essential, but not necessarily a trained

psychotherapist.129, 134, 135

If you should decide to use E in this 'self-help' way, there are two

approaches, i.e. with or without the guide taking MDMA as well. The

advantage of both people taking it is the very close communication made

possible; the disadvantage is that it's hard for the guide to remain

disciplined and devote him or herself to the task rather than go into

themselves. One solution is for the guide to take a small dose, about half,

as was done by Alexander Shulgin.2 The dose used for therapy is important

and should be about 2mg/kg (100mg per 110 pounds) - too little may not

overcome defenses, while too much may cause a defensive reaction.134

There are some worthwhile ground rules for such sessions:

1. The guide is there purely for the benefit of the subject and should take

the part of servant and protector during the session. It is the guide's job

to prepare the venue and deal with anything that might interrupt the


2. The guide agrees to act in the subject's interest, while the subject

agrees to follow the guide's instructions. Both agree to avoid sexual

contact during or following the session.

3. The guide and subject should discuss beforehand what the object of the

session is, and agree how far the subject may deviate before the guide

intervenes. Sessions frequently take an unexpected course, and the subject

should say beforehand how deeply he or she is prepared to delve into new

areas during the session.

4. The guide's job to listen but not to interpret, and to recapitulate when

asked. It is also the guide's job to intervene when the subject deviates

beyond the limits agreed beforehand. For the subject to relate what is

going on to the guide throughout the session tends to keep the experience

superficial, but this may sometimes be appropriate.

One example of many described in Through the Gateway of the Heart31, an

American collection of positive experiences on Ecstasy, is a 32 year-old

man who was at a transition point in his life and career. His aim was "to

examine this transition and proceed as quickly as possible to the task at


I gained an important insight into the history and development of my

personality and character. My awareness, confidence, and self assurance

improved. The session provided me with one of the best opportunities I have

ever had for true self-examination. I felt refreshed, vigorous, alert, and

happy to an unusual degree. . .

I discovered and understood with a positive and profound conviction that my

identity and personality were intact. I had feared, I suppose, that I might

find that I had been damaged in some irreversible way. I felt tremendous

relief and joy when I learned otherwise.

He added that for him, the most beneficial effects of MDMA were greater

presence of mind and being able to talk with clarity.

Another example given in the book is that of a woman who had been raped

eight years before she took E. She had the help of two friends/guides.

Although LSD was the main drug involved, she was helped by a 65 mg dose of

MDMA given 2 hours after the LSD:

My friends asked me to keep silent for ten minutes and to think of and feel

what was happening to me. It took a long time before I could do this,

always fearing that I would simply go mad. When I finally accepted it and

did it, I could feel the pain take over my body so that the suffering was

physical as well . . .

I spoke of the rape. For eight years I have kept the most horrible aspects

of that day hidden in the back of my mind, and it was only then that I

realized that the little details I had wanted to ignore were eating at me

like cancer. The memories became very vivid in my mind and the suffering

became more intense . . . I started to feel the horror of that day and

started vomiting . . . getting rid of pain, of an evil that had been

destroying me.

Nine years later one of the helpers told me that "she is doing great these


Self therapy

Some people claim that Ecstasy will help you to open up your heart and rid

yourself of neuroses without the need for a therapist, and that in fact it

is more direct because there is no transference, no-one else to look to

except yourself. An enthusiastic Californian therapist is said to have

believed in this so strongly that he gave up his practice and became a

dealer instructing his clients in self therapy!135 However, most

professional people feel that a guide is essential to give support, unless

the person is unusually good at self direction and without neurotic

problems, as neurotic people can be opened up to deeper problems by the

drug.134, 135

A well-known Hollywood director, who was used to constant attention and

praise, made a film that flopped and was ridiculed by the media; meanwhile

his wife lost her own high-status position. They were shattered. Taking

Ecstasy at home together, they saw their situation in perspective: they had

respect for themselves and each other which did not rely on media


A man wrote to me how about how he feels E helped him:

I could see myself so clearly as this pathetic person who always put on an

act of being the nice guy to cover up that I was really scared stiff of

people. But on E I wasn't scared. I didn't try to be the nice guy and found

that the people I was with liked me more as I was. This made quite an

impression on me, and gradually I experimented with dropping the 'nice' me

in everyday life. A few months later I had some E again and this time got

fascinated what was going on inside myself. I found that it went back to

being rejected by my mother who had me adopted: that made me distrust

people and look for approval. I can't say it was an instant cure, but I do

feel as though I came to terms with the past and now relate to people more


Improving relationships

Very often couples become estranged over the years, relating to each other

in less and less open and intimate ways. This may have advantages, such as

providing a working relationship that avoids arguments, but it usually goes

together with an empty emotional life. Taking Ecstasy together has been

called a 'marriage saver'. The experience can break through barriers built

up over many years and, with these removed, restores intimacy to a

relationship.4, 5, 25, 26, 28, 99, 133, 134, 165, 188 On the other hand,

taking Ecstasy before a relationship is well established may be a mistake,

leading to bonding without foundations.132

A typical example is a couple who used to be very close, but, after 3 years

of marriage, argued about petty things such as who was doing their share of

the work. They spent their time looking out for evidence against one

another while ignoring what the other was contributing:

We were at each other's throats when Andrew said, 'Look, this is

ridiculous, let's take that E we hid away and try to enjoy life like we

used to'. I agreed, with some sarcastic comment about not being able to

face the situation without drugs, and after taking it we carried on pulling

each other to pieces. I remember saying to myself, 'No drug will make him

see sense, I'm going to divorce him.' But as I was preparing my next

onslaught I felt my aggression slide away and the intensity of my argument

became deflated until I felt a bit silly. Andrew was not yet hit by the

drug but, as he told me later, without my anger it felt like fighting a

sponge: he couldn't carry on without opposition. I had felt confused: on

one hand I was desperately trying to gear myself up to continue the battle,

but the ammunition kept melting. I gave in and laughed, and so did Andrew.

Soon I was crying, not out of sorrow for how I'd behaved but because we'd

wasted so much of our marriage blaming each other instead of enjoying life.

We both went through a lot of pain, but we ended up knowing we belonged

together, and even now when we row we can see how petty it really is. I

don't think we will ever get so bogged down again.

Two years later they were still together.

Taking Ecstasy does not always have an obviously happy ending. Another

estranged couple who took MDMA opened their hearts to one another, but

while the man expressed love for his wife, she confessed that she did not

love him and had never enjoyed making love with him. It was too much for

the man to accept and the marriage broke up. However, some therapists

believe that the best use of MDMA among couples is resolving a peaceful end

to a relationship.161


A woman, whose husband had left her, had become estranged from her

13-year-old daughter. It was a typical teenage rebellion with the girl

staying out all night and the mother feeling she had lost control;

conversation was limited to hurtful sniping. One day the mother was amazed

and delighted to find that her daughter wanted to curl up in bed with her

and talk about intimate secrets. Unknown to the daughter, the mother had

taken MDMA the day before - although the main effect had worn off, the

residual 'afterglow' must have made her approachable. Hostilities returned,

but so did these times of closeness.

Another woman took Ecstasy with her 20-year-old daughter at a party. They

were on good terms anyway, but the conversations they had under the influenc

e of MDMA reinforced the deep affection they felt for each other.


"Siblings always have a lot of shit together".161 As adults, there are

always a number of unresolved issues relating to childhood, such as one

bullying the other or resenting more attention from parents. Taking Ecstasy

together as adults allows long-suppressed resentments to be looked at and

resolved, and the underlying love for one another to be expressed.139

Family reunion

As a Father's day treat, a middle aged man chose to spend a day with his

family on Ecstasy. The parents and two grown up sons all enjoyed the

occasion, and look back on it as one that bonded them together again as a

family of adults after the separation caused by teenage rebellion and

leaving home.139

Problem solving

This is best done on a normal dose within an hour of the effect coming on,

as this is when the effect is strongest. It is useful to write down your

problem before you start. For instance, you could decide to look at your

relationship with your mother and why you avoid her. Or why you don't enjoy

your job. Or to find out whether you really love someone (who is not

present). It's a good idea to have a tape recorder handy and record how you

see things. Failing this, have pen and paper ready, but you may find that

thoughts come so quickly that it is hard to write fast enough, and that you

are reluctant to make the effort.

This exercise can provide insights; described by some as an unobstructed

view, perhaps the way you might see your situation if you were looking back

a year or two later. However, studies have shown that judgement can be

impaired by Ecstasy86, so any new insights should be evaluated when you are

not under the influence of MDMA, before they are acted upon.

I myself have tried MDMA for problem solving, and the first time got

completely distracted into having fun - the exercise takes discipline.161

The second time I saw everything in a simple and clear perspective;

although there were no dramatic insights I felt that it cast a new light on

some issues.

There is a danger of getting bogged down in one's own emotional mess. A

good way to avoid this is to be with someone else who asks you what's going

on and who will keep your attention on the issues at hand. A guide who is

not taking the drug provides one way of doing this, but two experienced

users can help one another. It's said to work best during the first hour

when the effect of the drug is strongest. A lot can be covered in an hour,

so it's a good idea to plan to have fun for the rest of the trip, in order

to end up on a light note.

Picturing the future

Several techniques taken from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and

hypnotherapy can be used when on MDMA.

While on MDMA it is possible to address a problem you expect to face in the

future using proven techniques. For example, you may have a colleague at

work who you don't get on with, but whose point of view you can appreciate

on MDMA and with whom you could have a much better working relationship if

you could be as open and appreciative at work. The technique is to

visualize your work situation on E and how you would relate to him, then

try to apply the insight to the real life situation.5

Another technique is to visualize a situation in the future after you have

achieved a goal, such as getting the job you want or marrying the person

you desire. Imagine yourself settled in the new job or marriage and look

back at how you got there. From this perspective, maybe you can see what

was needed more clearly than looking forward, or perhaps you can see other

possible ways of achieving your aim.

The third technique is to check whether your goal will really satisfy your

needs. Imagine having achieved your goal in the example above and see how

it feels. After the initial excitement of the novelty and achievement has

waned, are you satisfied? Does it restrict you? What do you look forward to

- another goal, or developing this new position? Was it the right goal?

Mini vacation

For people with an intense and speedy lifestyle, Ecstasy can provide as much

relaxation in two days as a week on a tropical island. A London acquaintance

made the comparison:

I like to work hard without a break, and then have a holiday. But if I go

away for a week I spend the first half of it winding down and the last day

getting geared up again, leaving only two days of actual relaxation. But

about a year ago I started to take MDMA with a friend who is also a

workaholic, and now it's become a 3-monthly event. We go to his cottage in

Kent for a weekend, sometimes with one or two others. On Saturday morning

we take the MDMA along with our first cup of tea, and just allow ourselves

to slump into a sumptuous state of relaxation, sometimes dancing a bit but

mainly just lying around blissed out. We sort of agree that we are not

going to talk much or do anything to distract the others during the first

few hours, but in the afternoon we usually go for a walk and talk quite a

lot about what happened for us, and how we saw each other. By evening we

are hungry and go to bed early, and next day get up late and sit around and

talk again. It's all very low key, but actually some of my best ideas have

occurred to me on those weekends.

There is an American report on similar use in the US, based on interviews

with 100 professional people who have hectic lifestyles.104 They tend to be

people who used LSD in the sixties but have led drug-free lives since. The

report describes a very organised approach with much advance preparation

and precise doses being matched to the person's weight. Some will rent a

house for the weekend and follow a well-worn routine, devoting the actual

trip to relaxation and personal insights, while the next day is reserved

for communication and reaffirmation of friendships.

A less structured way of using Ecstasy for relaxation is described by a 42

year-old English man who had not heard of the above paper.

I am one of those people who gets totally involved in my work (computer

animation) - it becomes my life until the project is finished, so I work

long hours without any let up. This suits me, but a time comes when I wake

up rigid with tension and really need to take a day off. Before I

discovered Ecstasy I tried country walks, weekend trips to Paris and

spending the day in bed with my girlfriend, but I never really unwound, I

remained tense and my mind was still on the project. But with Ecstasy I

relax completely. It's wonderful to spend a day totally with my girlfriend,

laughing and playing and indulging in gentle sex. I think that without

these special treats she would not have put up with so little attention

from me. I always feel great the next day, and, even though my mind has not

been occupied with work, often come up with a new angle on what I'm doing -

just like you might after a real holiday.

Keeping fit

For some women, taking Ecstasy and dancing has replaced aerobics because it

has the same effect but is more fun. Dancing for hours without eating or

drinking alcohol is an ideal way to lose weight and keep fit. According to

Sheila Henderson, who is running a research project on women Ecstasy users

in Manchester,

The motivations for raving and keeping fit are similar. They are about

pleasure-seeking, socialising, music and body image. The difference is that

one's naughty and the other's nice. One makes you feel virtuous, the other

you enjoy because it's a bit deviant. The combination of dancing all night

and burning up calories is attractive to figure-conscious girls. Lots of

women mess themselves up by going on crash diets. Many are now taking

Ecstasy to slim.35

However, she adds that the switch from the gym to the rave is not so much a

deliberate act - more that raving fulfils the same role as the gym, and

provides an alternative lifestyle with the same benefits.

Artistic expression

Ecstasy can also be used as an aid to drawing, writing, playing music123,

139, singing31 or other artistic activities. Very often the effect of the

drug is to open up the artist to a broader perspective, sometimes

uncomfortably.132, 133 There have been creative writing workshops where the

participants take a small amount of MDMA, about half a normal dose, and set

to work. Some find it good for ideas, others find the E overcomes 'writer's

block'.5 Another method for overcoming writer's block is to focus on the

writing while taking a normal dose, but to leave the actual writing until


There are some people who put on a private multimedia show with all

participants and audience on MDMA.187

A user who tried singing on MDMA told me:

It's like singing in the bath, but more so - my voice sounded quite

professional, although, mind you, I was the only one who commented on it.

Maybe it was awful really, I must try it again with a tape recorder.

And an artist who tried painting said:

I can't say I painted better on Ecstasy, but differently and more freely.

It was as though I was free to carry on with the interesting bits without

having to do the hard work. I think my style has become looser since then.

Yoga and Marshall Arts

I have had several reports from people who have used Ecstasy while

practising yoga and tai-chi besides one who has only taken Ecstasy while

doing kung fu and yoga.

I was very aware of soothing warmth permeating my body. I began to put more

energy into my form and experienced an increasingly heightened perception,

reaching a peak after about 45 minutes.

One of the major aspects that the E shed light on was the use of energy

(prana/chi) rather than a focus on muscular strength. My overall impression

of the benefits of E usage in Hatha Yoga was that the session overall had

its own distinct harmony and produced a highly balanced mode of perception

in which contradictions of body and mind were 'synthesised' into a very

pleasant equilibrium. The insights gained from the session have been

incorporated into my daily practice, so that now the sensations produced by

the E can be reproduced by the yoga - rather like a free trip.

The effect of Ecstasy on Kung Fu was to make clear that the user, who was

male, was good at the hard or yang movements but had neglected those that

were soft or yin:

I found that the softer 'feminine' touch counterposed the external,

physically athletic 'male' side of kung fu, the balance of the two working

in harmony improved the speed, power and insight into a given technique to

quite a considerable degree. . . though I am not sure I would wish to be

challenged to a fight under the influence.


Some people use MDMA as part of a ritual, either with each individual

exploring inwardly and only sharing their experience later, or by

interacting as a group, perhaps speaking in turn using a 'talking

stick'.166 The group ritual effect is to produce a powerful force and may

include rebirthing and tai chi. Rituals are best done on low doses,

otherwise it may be difficult to follow instructions.

A community has been taking MDMA together or in family groups for some 12

years twice weekly, and report continuing progress.188 Others use it alone

on particular days.136 An example is given here from a German book on


Some members of The Native American Church use MDMA in place of Peyote for

healing ceremonies. The results are described as remarkable, and white

people are easily integrated.

The ceremonies take place at night. Participants are asked to fast for

eight hours beforehand, and start by sitting in a circle with sage and

myrrh burning as incense. Each person expresses their wishes for the

session and takes 100 to 250 mg of MDMA with a small amount of distilled


When the drug comes on, they perform three dances with a drummer beating

out a heartbeat rhythm. For the first dance, the dancers are asked to focus

on the animal spirit within. They go round stamping out the rhythm which

they feel connects them with the animal world and the earth.

The second is a circle dance, where each follows another round, focusing

attention on the circle of people and the cycle of life. This has the

effect of connecting individuals to the group.

The third dance is done with two rows facing each other. The dancers stay

on the same spot, and allow all their thoughts and feelings to flow.

After the dances, the participants sit in a circle and pass round water.

Each person takes a turn with the talking stick in one hand and a shaker in

the other. As holder of the stick, that person is allowed to talk, sing or

dance while the previous person accompanies them on a drum. The others

focus their attention on the speaker but without looking at them. When

everyone has had their turn (lasting three or four minutes), water is again

passed around the circle and more incense is burned. Finally, they meditate

while they watch the sun rise.

A white American participant who attended such an event described it as a

socio-therapeutic session. There were 23 participants in her group, and she

felt very much part of it all and that there was mutual trust. She felt

waves of energy from the others and says she felt in tune with the self,

the circle and the world.

Imaginary Journeys

This technique can be used purely for fun or to learn more about yourself.

Ask a partner to take you on a journey where you face various difficulties

and pleasures. The E state will help you to feel the situations and respond

to them emotionally. Your partner notes your responses and discusses them


I was told about someone who had decided to go travelling to the third

world for the first time. A friend who was a veteran traveller took him on

a fantasy journey based on some of his real-life experiences, from the

exhilaration of visiting an Amazonian tribe to the misery of being ill with

malaria. Even though the guide was not on MDMA, he said that he relived his

experiences just because he had such a good audience.

Treating addiction and alcoholism

Although there is no study to date, there are anecdotal reports that

Ecstasy can help coke165 and heroin addicts to break their habit, of which

a personal account is included.Appendix 2

Treatment of alcoholics is another possibility, and a trial is planned in

Russia depending on government approval.101, 142 A trial on alcoholic rats

showed that they consumed less alcohol and more water when given MDMA.102

Relieving pain

There is growing interest in MDMA's potential as a pain killer. This has

been stimulated by two commonly observed effects of the drug: that when

people injure themselves while they are under its influence they can easily

accept the pain30, that it appears to enhance the effect of morphine127 and

that it dissolves fear, which can include the fear of death.70 Dr. Henry of

the National Poisons Unit believes that MDMA stimulates opiods, a

neurotransmitter, that numbs people so that they do not feel pain, as

occurs when people injure themselves at sport.30

A trial of MDMA for the relief of pain in terminal cancer patients began in

1993 - the first trial involving humans to be approved in the USA.24, 127

Russian researchers are also interested in doing research on using MDMA for

pain relief, and, with funding from the west, hope to investigate MDMA for

the treatment of alcoholism, neurosis and also terminal cancer patients.101

Psychological research

According to Enoch Callaway, humanity's most pressing problem is to

understand the human mind, yet results of research to date has been

disappointing. MDMA, with its unique quality of stimulating feelings of

love, could be a useful instrument in psychological research.100

Training psychotherapists

Among mainstream therapists, there is a trend away from the Freudian idea

of the analyst acting as a blank wall, towards the realization that empathy

is important to therapeutic success. It is also becoming more recognised

that therapists not only learn an intellectual interpretation of their own

analysis but also understand their feelings. Several people have suggested

that MDMA would be an ideal tool for this purpose.126, 135

11 Suggestions for first time users

This chapter is not an encouragement to take Ecstasy. It is an illegal drug

and in some situations can be dangerous. These suggestions are included for

the benefit of those who have already decided to take Ecstasy, so that they

may get the best out of it and reduce the dangers to a minimum.


First check on your physical condition. MDMA puts extra strain on the body,

so you should be healthy and rested. In particular, your heart, liver and

kidneys all have to work harder. If you have ever suffered from

jaundice106, you may have a weak liver. If you have doubts about your

body's ability to deal with the extra strain, then have a check up. Avoid

taking MDMA if you are on antidepressants of the MAOI type107, 127 (The

SSRI type are OK but you may feel no effect.142) You may want to follow the

more thorough screening code used in therapy by Dr. Greer.99 If you are

especially sensitive to other drugs (such as Contac, sold for colds), then

you may also overreact to MDMA and you should first see the effect of a

very small dose.141, 178

Your mental health is equally important, and rather more difficult to

assess. If you are unsure of this, or have doubts about being stripped bare

of your image, then you should avoid taking psychoactive drugs.

It's probably wise to stay off MDMA if you are pregnant58, although trials

show that it does not harm the offspring of rats.108


Find a situation where you feel good. If you enjoy large parties and clubs,

a rave could be ideal especially if you are with friends. Taking Ecstasy

with a lover can be wonderful, but avoid being with people you are not sure

of, especially someone you are emotionally attached to but have doubts

about unless you are prepared to use situation explore your relationship.

The ideal home setting for taking Ecstasy is a spacious room where you feel

secure and can let yourself go without arousing the neighbours.

Alternatively it can be nice to take E outdoors in warm weather and

pleasant familiar surroundings. It's important to feel free to express

yourself without inhibition or interruption, so choose a place where you

will not be seen or overheard.

Looking after yourself

If you have any doubts at all, take a very small dose and wait an hour (the

time it takes to come on) before deciding whether to take more. Half a dose

is quite enough for many first time users, especially women and small

people. Drink plenty of water or fruit juice (except black currant141) but

avoid alcohol and other drugs, and if you are dancing, realise that you may

be dangerously overheated even without feeling uncomfortable. Look after

friends and get them to look after you. The ultimate precaution would be to

use a forehead thermometer, a plastic strip that changes colour with

temperature, sometimes available free from Boots to promote their own-brand


Taking vitamin C and E may help to reduce exhaustion.36 Get good sleep


Folklore has it that calcium and magnesium help prevent jaw clench (and

even toxicity). This was suggested in 1984 and has been repeated in popular

writings on Ecstasy7, but is not supported by medical evidence.


If you decide to take Ecstasy at home, choose a guide who is thoroughly

familiar with its effects, and who you can trust completely, to look after

you. Although a lover may seem the obvious choice, taking E with someone

you are intimate with carries risk that you may 'see through' your

relationship or reveal hurtful things to each other. The ideal choice is

someone who you know well and have no conflicts with; someone you feel you

do not have to impress, and to whom you are happy to reveal your needs and



Ensure that you will not be disturbed by visitors or by the telephone. Make

sure there are comfortable places to sit or lie down. Have plenty of fruit

juice and plain water on hand to drink and some chewing gum to chew in case

of jaw clenching. Wear loose, light clothing but have extra clothes and a

downy or blanket to hand in case you need to warm up. Line up some of your

favourite music, both for dancing and as a pleasant background. Bring some

personal objects that you are fond of - things to handle and look at, or

perhaps some photographs of people you are fond of. A mirror could be

useful for looking at yourself. A tape recorder and camera or video camera

can be fun and help to you relive the experience later, but, if you don't

have access to these, have a pen and paper ready in case you have the urge

to make notes. Earplugs and a blind like the ones used by people who want

to sleep on planes can be useful, too. Finally, make the space attractive:

have nice things to look at, smell and touch - such as flowers, essential

oils and silk.

You really don't have to plan anything for the trip itself; just let it

happen and 'go with the flow'. But a guide can help you sample a range of

pleasant experiences that you would otherwise miss, as there is a tendency

to get absorbed in one aspect of the drug's effect and to be reluctant to

switch to something else.


The full effect of the drug only lasts for three or four hours, but you

should allow a minimum of eight hours and it is best to reserve a whole

weekend free of committments.43 This allows you time after the trip to go

over your experiences with your guide. This is usually really enjoyable and

can be particularly valuable if anything came up during the trip which

needs resolving.

If you can't take more than one day off, start reasonably early in the

morning so that you will have plenty of time with your guide after the trip

before going home to get a full night's sleep. If you can't allow yourself

a whole day, then start early one evening and make time to discuss the

experience the next day.


Establish with your guide a clear set of rules for the trip. You may like

to keep the rules used in therapy28, or you may like more relaxed rules

such as confidentiality, no sex and no activity that could be destructive

or draw attention from neighbours. It's a good idea to write down the rules

so as to be quite clear.

Notes for guides

To be a guide is usually a delightful experience, but it is a

responsibility that must be taken seriously. Take time beforehand to find

out the aims and expectations of the person you are to guide. You should

not only ask them whether they are sufficiently fit and free from emotional

problems to take Ecstasy, but also judge for yourself. It's not a good idea

to play the guide to someone who is looking for something to 'cure' them

unless your are an experienced therapist. But however well you vet people,

difficulties can still arise and you must be prepared to deal with them.

People used to taking E at raves may react differently when they take it

with only their guide for company.32

Obviously it is important to make the venue pleasant and free from

interruptions, but it is also important to show that you put care into the

preparations. As one person remarked, "When I arrived and saw how much care

and attention had gone into preparing for my trip I immediately relaxed as

I knew I was going to be well looked after". Present yourself as a servant

and as a committed supporter.

It is also important that you give the expectation of a wonderful time. If

you show signs of worrying, this may make your friend look for something to

go wrong with the trip; if you are enthusiastic and expect your friend to

have a wonderful experience, you will help to bring this about.109

Discuss beforehand what the purpose of the session is. If it is just for

fun and to experience the effects of the drug, you can offer to give a

'guided tour' of the effects from looking inside to dancing and perhaps a

walk outdoors. But maybe the person wants to explore something about

themselves, in which case the guide's job is to simply 'be there': to

provide security by giving reassurance when appropriate and to be available

to talk to, typically as the effects wear off. Side effects very often

manifest as a result of emotional problems, and it may be helpful to

suggest looking at the underlying cause. People who become 'stuck' can be

supported in what they are feeling, and if it is uncomfortable, reminded

that they will become unstuck as the drug wears off.

12 What Ecstasy is and where it comes from

Ecstasy is MDMA or, to give it the full chemical name, '3,4

Methylene-dioxy-N-methylamphetamine', pronounced 'Three-Four Methylene

Dioxy N Methyl Amphetamine'. To a chemist the name describes what the

molecule consists of. The word 'Methyl is sometimes abbreviated to 'Meth',

and the letter 'N' and numbers '3,4' are often omitted, leaving the more

usual 'Methylenedioxymethamphetamine'. (The 3,4 indicates the way in which

the components of the molecule are joined together, as it is possible to

produce an isomer which has all the same components joined differently.)

Similarly, the initials are sometimes reduced to MDM (although this is

old-fashioned) and of course there are the various popular names such as E,

Adam, X and Empathy.

Many people believe that the name implies a mixture of ingredients but this

is wrong - just as water is not a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen although

its molecule consists of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Like water, MDMA is a

compound, not a mixture. So, although the name contains the word

'amphetamine' and the law refers to MDMA as a 'psychedelic amphetamine',

MDMA contains no amphetamine. The amphetamine-like effects may be related

to dopamine release.38, 186

Is it really Ecstasy?

What is sold as Ecstasy in Britain is just as often MDA (3,4

Methylenedioxyamphetamine) or ???MDEA (3,4 Methylenedioxy-ethylamphetamine,

also called MDE or Eve). Again, these are pure substances. But in addition,

'Ecstasy' often consists of various other drugs such as mixtures of LSD and

amphetamine or caffeine. In America, the last figures published by

Pharmchem (1985) show a similar picture - only half the samples were pure

MDMA, with nearly half the remainder being MDA or MDEA while the rest was

either another drug altogether or fakes.161

Why Ecstasy may not be as good as it was

Many regular users are convinced that the quality of Ecstasy is not as good

today as it used to be. Though this may well be true, a person's experience

on E depends on several factors quite distinct from the quality of the


The first is tolerance.34, 110, 37 If you had an unlimited supply of

absolutely pure MDMA and took the same dose each day in the same situation,

you would find that the most smooth, open, loving experience with the least

amphetamine-like effects would be on the first dose. Each subsequent

experience will have less of the loving feeling and more speediness until,

after 5 days or so, you might as well be taking amphetamine (speed). You

would then have to stop taking MDMA for a time before you could experience

the good effects again. After a week without MDMA, its effect will nearly

be back to normal, although to get the full effect you may have to abstain

for as long as six weeks. Even then, the experience may not be as good as

your first one - but that is probably due to being familiar with the

effect.99 Tolerance varies according to the individual, and to the size of

dose taken. But as a rough guide, tolerance is noticed by those who take

more than one E a week.

The second factor is your state of mind. Although this applies less with

MDMA than with many other drugs (particularly LSD), the effect is highly

responsive to your mood - in fact one of the drug's effects is to liberate

suppressed feelings. You may not even notice that you are uncomfortable

about something until the drug takes effect.

The circumstances where you take Ecstasy influences the effect, and it has

been suggested that dancing on E may also alter the drug's effect.32

Expectations also play a surprisingly large role in the effect - people get

what they expect. Everyone likes to believe that they won't be fooled, but

tests in which LSD and hash were substituted with a placebo show that, with

those drugs at least, nearly everyone experiences what they expect.109

Alexander Shulgin, who wrote a book on the effects of psychedelics2,

describes how he had an emergency operation on his thumb during the war.

Before the operation he was given a glass of orange juice with white powder

at the bottom which immediately sent him unconscious - later he was told

the powder was sugar!

Nevertheless, the overall quality of Ecstasy has gone down over the years.

When Ecstasy first hit England, it was brought by enthusiasticusers from

the USA for their friends, and so tended to be pure and strong. Now it

comes mainly from illicit factories in Holland and is distributed for

profit by entrepreneurs. It may be less good because:

1. It is weaker. Dr. Les King, who is in charge of testing samples of drugs

seized by the police, has the impression that the strength of tablets and

capsules has gone down by 10-20% over the past couple of years.54

2. It is MDA, not MDMA. There is as much MDA seized as MDMA54, and this

produces less of the warm, empathic feelings, although it is so similar to

MDMA that much has been sold as Ecstasy without anyone realising. The most

obvious distinction is that MDA lasts twice as long, 8 to 12 hours.

3. It is MDEA, not MDMA. MDEA appeared on the market in 1992 and the

proportion of street sales of Ecstasy that are actually MDEA is rising.54

MDEA is quite similar to MDMA but most people who have compared the two

drugs do not like it as much, saying that they are not able to communicate

as well or that they feel more stoned and less clear-headed. It lasts the

same time as MDMA, 3 to 5 hours.

4. It is a mixture of the above drugs. Many people believe that the effects

they experience are due to mixtures ("That one had a bit more speed in it")

but in fact mixtures involving MDMA-type drugs are rare.54

5. It is a cocktail of drugs designed to substitute for MDMA. When MDMA is

in short supply, dealers have been known to produce mixtures which they

hope will produce similar effects, such as LSD and amphetamine.54 The

effect of this combination lacks all of the warmth and empathy of MDMA and

the LSD component lasts for twice as long.

6. It is simply speed. In Holland, 15% of street samples of "Ecstasy"

consisted of amphetamine and/or caffeine.21

7. It is a fake. About 10% of 'drugs' seized by police turn out to contain

no active ingredient at all. This proportion has not changed over the


8. It has been contaminated by a poison. This is one of the ideas loved by

the tabloid press who have suggested that addictive drugs have been added

to pills, a variation of 'the dope peddler who gives the kids free samples

to get them addicted' shock horror story. Another variation says that rat

poison or broken glass has been found in pills. Lab tests on samples here

and abroad have found no such contaminants.54

9. The MDMA was badly manufactured and contains chemicals with nasty

effects. This is a possibility, but has not been supported by analysis of


Another reason sometimes given is that, in addition to tolerance, the

effects of the drug change with repeated use, but this was not found to be

the case in trials of MDMA on psychiatrists.26

How can you find out what it is?

It is not possible to identify MDMA without equipment. Most people judge by

the appearance as some 'brands' have a good reputation, but beware of

fakes. Lookalike pills can always be distinguished when compared side by

side, but its hard to be sure later. Its a good idea to examine each pill

very carefully and remember features that are hard to copy such as precise

details of the design pressed into the pill. Capsules are obviously far

more dodgy, as the same ones may contain different powders which may look

similar. The only clue is then taste, and so its a good idea to get to know

and remember what good E tastes like.

In Holland, there are several 'safe houses' with which the police have

agreed not to interfere, where people can take drugs for analysis.112 (See

Appendix 6 on page 310.) The Dutch government even pays people to buy

samples of street drugs and send them in for analysis so that the results

can be published21. However, there is no legal way to have a pill tested in


There is a laboratory reagent called Marquis that consists of sulphuric

acid and formaldehyde which I have seen used in Amsterdam for testing drugs

brought in by dealers (wrongly described in MixMag as a machine for testing

Ecstasy). It shows a dark colour with MDA, MDMA and MDEA, but also turns

dark with many prescription drugs and even some paper, so is not a reliable

test, especially when used by inexperienced people. However, regular users

of Marquis claim to be able to acquire the skill to distinguish between

several drugs including amphetamine, which shows orange, from MDMA which

shows a darker colour, or brown/black-purple.54

A drug testing kit is marketed by British Drug Houses and Merck (product

code 321761, price about #35). This consists of 40 ampoules of Marquis; to

use it you break off the neck of an ampoule and drop in a tiny bit of the

drug. The instructions say that within a minute the Marquis turns violet

with opiates and 'yellow/orange/brown' with amphetamines and MDMA-type

drugs. Absence of colour indicates none of these drugs are present, and

this is what it is used for - as a quick way to check whether a suspect

tablet does not contain an illicit drug.

Laboratory analysis

The method used to detect MDMA (and other drugs) is called chromatography.

The principle is akin to the coloured rings around a drop of ink as it

spreads out on a piece of paper: under controlled conditions, different

drugs form characteristic rings. Equipment is set up to test for various

drugs by seeing whether characteristic bands are produced, and the method

can be used to test samples of pills and to detect the presence of drugs

like MDMA in blood and urine. At the National Poisons Unit there is a fair

sized laboratory equipped with chromatography testing machines of various

types. Each machine is dedicated to looking for a particular drug or

poison. Some drugs, like cannabis, can be detected up to "five weeks after

a single reefer", while LSD is very hard to detect. MDMA can be detected

the day after it is taken and sometimes longer.30

Physical properties

Pure MDMA is a white crystalline solid. When the crystals are too small to

see it looks like a fine powder, but they are often large enough to sparkle

and its possible to grow giant crystals up to a gram. The powder tends to

stick to a dry finger but without forming lumps. It is chemically stable so

that is does not decompose in air, light or heat - i.e. it has a long shelf

life, unlike LSD.141 It dissolves in water but does not absorb dampness

from the air. MDMA has a distinct, strong and rather bitter, taste.


There is very little MDMA manufactured for medical use169, so that (unlike

amphetamine) what is sold on the black market is also manufactured


Most of what is sold as Ecstasy in Britain comes from Holland. The reason

is simple: the sentences for supplying drugs in Holland are lower than

other countries and the prisons are more comfortable. It is far less risky

to smuggle drugs into England than to set up manufacturing facilities here.

The trend is towards manufacture in Eastern countries where the materials

and equipment are more easily available and bribes will avoid imprisonment.

However, the methods are well known2, 163, 189 and there are small scale

manufacturers everywhere.

One group told me about the problems of manufacturing from their point of

view.167 Far from being an easy way to make money, it sounded like a

nightmare of problems from explosions to paranoia. Suppliers are meant to

inform police, so materials had to be bought at inflated prices for 'cash

and no questions', but this always left them open to blackmail. The

synthesis produced poisonous fumes and sometimes they had to evacuate when

things got out of control, returning to find their valuable product

dripping from the ceiling. Sometimes fumes billowed out in white clouds and

could be smelled miles away. Even selling it was a problem carrying far

more risks - and less money - than they had expected.

I have spoken to two people who have visited clandestine factories in

Holland.21, 112 One described a small operation producing MDMA in a private

home: the equipment was ex-industrial, consisting of an autoclave and a

14,000 rpm mixer. Neither of the two operatives were chemists, although one

had worked in a hospital laboratory. They had no previous experience, they

simply taught themselves from books and papers in public libraries. They

were cautious about buying the materials, so ordered them separately from

suppliers in different countries. The cost of setting up the factory -

about #70,000 - came from a criminal who wanted to get into the drug

business. It took the operatives six weeks to make a batch, with many

failures, but they said they could have done it in far more easily with the

right equipment.

Very few clandestine factories have been discovered in Britain. One, in a

shed in a garden centre, was found to be producing a batch of 20 kgs -

enough for 200,000 tablets - every 24-36 hours.89

The manufacturing process produces a raw substance of which between 80% and

95% is MDMA. Incomplete synthesis results in a brownish colour.110 A

filler, composed of an inactive compound such as china clay, is then added

to bind the pills and to make them bigger. Pills typically weigh between

200 mg and 600 mg each, of which only 100 mg is MDMA.54 Sometimes a colour

is added. Speckled effects are produced by mixing different colours of

filler, giving the false impression that the pill contains several active


Pill-making is an art in itself: if the pills are too solid, they may be

shitted out whole; if they are too soft, they may fall apart in the mouth -

the pressure and filler have to be well controlled. Commercial drug

manufacturers use a small piston which forces the ingredients against a die

at high pressure, producing a hard, smooth tablet. The die is engraved with

a logo or name and can be changed according to the type of pill. Like the

big drug companies, clandestine manufacturers use a die to identify their

'brand'. Word soon gets round that a particular brand is good, but before

long fake lookalikes are sold and the brand loses its reputation. Brands

therefore typically have a life of only three to six months.54 A single

factory will produce different brands for export so as to reduce the risk

of being traced.112

Because many Ecstasy pills are badly made, pills such as aspirin are

sometimes rubbed down to remove their markings and give them the look of

illicit manufacture before being sold as fake Ecstasy.113 Some Ecstasy is

also sold as a loose powder or in capsules; this probably comes from small

manufacturers who do not have the pill-making equipment.

As much MDA and ???MDEA is sold in Britain as MDMA. MDA is easier to make

since it is a half-way stage in one method of manufacturing MDMA, and

requires fewer controlled precursors than MDMA. The reason so much MDEA was

produced in Holland is because it was legal until 30th July 1993.160

Police action to prevent manufacture in Britain follows the principle of

encouraging the suppliers of precursor chemicals to inform the police of

suspicious orders. A new law making it illegal to manufacture or supply

precursor chemicals means the suppliers could also be prosecuted.114

Illicit laboratories raided to date have all been discovered by tip-offs

from informants.14


According to the police89, the typical drug dealer nowadays is a

middle-aged criminal who has been in prison many times and probably

committed armed robberies when he was younger. Police say that the pattern

has changed, and that this kind of person never used to get involved in the

drugs trade. The Mafia and other gangs of organised criminals are not

suspected. This view is supported in a book called Traffickers by Nicholas

Dorn.115 Dorn says that, far from fitting the popular image of organised

crime under the direction of "Mr Big", in Britain there are no drug barons

and relatively little corruption. Drug dealing is, in fact, 'disorganised


According to Dorn, there are seven distinct types of dealer, but the

situation is fluid; individuals change their method of operation, making it

very difficult for the police who, he says, are less flexible in their


At the top end are those who will organise production, such as the

criminals who put up #70,000 to set up a factory in Holland. Then there are

wholesalers, criminals who buy by the kilo for #20,000 or so (#2 per dose).

They sell on to the middle men who buy a thousand Es at a time for #3 to #5

each and re-sell by the hundred at about #8 per E to the dealers who sell

to the public at about #15 each, though often these are bought in batches

of ten or so at a small discount (such as one or two 'free' tablets).

Recently I've had reports of street prices as low as #814 and #9.79 The

price of illicit drugs does not bear the same relation to the cost of

production as does the price of legal drugs. Instead, prices seem to start

as high as the market will bear but then stay at that figure, defying

inflation, or actually falling over time.40

A large proportion of the retail trade is conducted by people buying for

their friends without making a profit, although usually gaining a few free

tablets for their own consumption. Then there are the dealers who are

trusted as connoisseurs of the drug, and will describe the subtle qualities

of the particular batch from personal experience. This type of dealer never

sells to the public but only to regular clients who respect them, so the

dealer cannot afford to provide poor quality.

Another variation, more common among working class men, is for friends to

arrange a meeting place, usually a pub, before a rave. One person knows of

a supply and collects money on behalf of the others, then returns with the

drugs which cost each person less than if they had bought separately.40

This method carries more risk, either of losing your money or of getting

poor quality. The person buying for the others also runs the risk of far

greater penalties, see chapter 7.

A more commercial form of supply is by individuals who buy 100 or so and

are either 'known' at certain clubs, or go around offering them for sale.

They may be honest, especially if they are known, but they may also be

selling fake Es. A new trend is for 'retail specialists' to sell in a club

or at a rave. These are organised gangs, but probably not part of a large

syndicate. They cooperate with security staff or the promoters of raves and

clubs, and occasionally, so I have been told, with the police. The club or

rave organisers put on a show of heavy security, searching people on their

way in so as to exclude dealers. This leaves the way open for the gang to

sell inside. Some members go around asking people if they want to buy drugs

without carrying stock themselves so that, if arrested, they will not be

accused of 'supply' and may get off with a fine. The stock and money is

carried by members who are well protected by body guards, and lookouts warn

of police activity inside and outside the venue. They have contingency

plans worked out in case of a surprise raid, for example members who are

free of drugs might cause a fight so as to attract the attention of the

police while those carrying drugs and money escape.

Regular ravers tell me that such an operation frequently exists when there

is tight security on entry and can easily be observed, yet the police

hardly ever attempt to arrest such gangs. I am told that drugs sold this

way are generally low quality and are sometimes fake.

A report by Dr. Newcombe of Manchester University suggests that "It would

be unrealistic to expect any strategy to substantially reduce the use of

drugs at raves", but he does suggest that police attention should be

directed towards such gangs. He also believes the gangs are responsible for

selling bad quality drugs.33

13 Official Attitudes and Harm Reduction Policies

There are a range of attitudes towards drug use. At one extreme there is

the view still widely held in the USA that all drugs (although,

inexplicably, alcohol is excluded) cause enormous damage to young people,

and must be stamped out by tough use of the law and campaigns such as "Just

Say No" rather than genuine education. The view is that drugs are evil in

themselves and that no sane person would choose to take any illicit drug

unless he or she had a perverse or inadequate personality. Drug dealers are

seen as ruthless criminals who have no respect for their customers, and

"give the kids free samples, because they know full well that today's young

innocent faces will be tomorrow's clientele." These were the satirical

words of Tom Lehrer some 40 years ago, but there are some people who still

believe in this view, including police in the drug squad.89

At the other end is the Dutch government. Although members of the United

Nations and therefore signatories to the Convention on Psychotropic

Substances15, the Dutch have decided not to prosecute people found in

possession of drugs for their own use, without actually changing the law.

Instead of trying to prevent people from taking drugs, the authorities in

Holland give drug users help and information so they can choose for

themselves. To this end they employ people to buy samples of drugs sold on

the street which are then analysed and the results published. Occasionally

there are warnings about particular pills that are very strong or are

adulterated: in one case 'Ecstasy' that turned out to be Ketamine.

Holland also has a "safe house" policy. This means that certain drug

agencies have assurances from the police and authorities that visitors will

not be raided or stopped on their way in or out. This provides a link

between the authorities and the dealers. The pact gives dealers an

opportunity to talk about their side of the trade and to have samples of

their wares tested, while it provides the authorities with detailed

(although anonymous) information about what is going on.

One might say that Britain is in between. My impression is that the

Establishment and police favour the official American view, while workers

in the field sympathise more with the Dutch. In researching this book, I

have come into contact with a number of people who are paid by the

government including social workers, teachers, doctors, psychiatrists and

researchers in the field of drug use. Many of them cannot afford to say

openly what they believe, but off the record have told me they believe that

Ecstasy has done more good than harm; several have admitted trying the drug

for themselves. At one drug prevention agency I was surprised to hear the

staff speak positively about Ecstasy just after their head had told me of

the importance of warning users about its dangers. The discrepancy was

later explained by the need to raise funds for the organisation.

Current trends

There are signs of attitudes softening. In Britain, the Independent and

Economist have launched a crusade to legalise drugs on the grounds that

prohibition is the route cause of about half the crime, and that present

policies simply do not work - a view also voiced by Commander John Grieve

of the Metropolitan Police.164 In America, the Just Say No campaign is

losing credibility and is being challenged by more and more critics

including the mayor of San Francisco. In Europe, Holland has been leading

the way towards liberalisation but faces pressure from other EC countries

to tighten up. A Dutch committee has also recommended that MDMA be

reclassified to the same class as cannabis.

Future change in attitudes

In June 1993, a paper called 'X at the Crossroads' predicted that E had a

high growth potential in the USA, and that public attitude to the drug will

change from its present disinterest to either 'marijuana-like acceptance'

or 'LSD-like rejection'. Which way it goes will probably depend on chance

rather than common sense, since the public are more influenced by media

horror stories than statistics.151, 154

In Britain, use has been steadily increasing while media coverage has

declined. This is partly due to far fewer casualties resulting from

successful harm reduction campaigns, but also media burnout. With polls

showing that nearly half the population favour decriminalisation of

cannabis, and some serious discussion of legalisation of all drugs, it

seems likely that attitudes will soften.151, 164

On the other hand, there has been concern that "Jobs in traditional leisure

industries are being jeopardised by the huge growth in raves which have

mushroomed into a #2 billion-a-year industry".159 The powerful brewery

lobby in Britain is likely to put pressure on the government to clamp down

on raves.

Harm Reduction

Harm reduction policies116, 117 are based on the idea that it is of greater

benefit to society to put effort into reducing the harm caused by drug

taking than to prevent drugs being consumed at all. This was first applied

to opiate (heroin) users in response to the AIDS scare by supplying free

syringes to prevent HIV being spread through sharing needles.

In relation to Ecstasy use, harm reduction has recently been adopted as a

policy by Manchester City Council118 in the form of a Safer Dancing

campaign. Before this, venues were being closed when the police found

illicit drugs, with the result that the clientele moved on to other venues

- often unlicensed premises. People suffered from heatstroke as a result of

taking Ecstasy in badly ventilated venues where water to the wash basins

had been cut off, forcing them to buy drinking water at exorbitant prices.

At the illegal raves there are frequently other risks too, such as small or

locked exit doors and poor fire access.

Instead of closing clubs where drugs are being used, 'harm reduction'

policies accept that people are going to take drugs, and that what is

important is to reduce the risk of harm. Dr. Newcombe of Manchester

University has been one of the main protagonists of this idea, and the

policy is now widely accepted by many people working in the field. Dr.

Newcombe offers courses on harm reduction including one related to Ecstasy

use119; under the name The Rave Research Bureau, he offers a consultancy

service to club owners who wish to have their premises monitored.120

Many club owners are becoming more responsible40 and some even employ

people to look after ravers who have problems.118, 121 However, at one

event I attended in 1993 in London the water had been cut off to all the

wash basins in the toilets and tap water was being sold at #2.50 a bottle;

at another, an illegal rave under a railway arch, there was only one

unlocked narrow exit for over a thousand people.

Safer dancing in Manchester

In Manchester, however, evidence of sharp practices on the part of a number

of night clubs has triggered the beginnings of a consensus that

harm-reduction is the way forward. Tony Cross, press officer for Manchester

City Council, said: "We had confidential information that a number of clubs

were turning off the cold water supply; charging #1.50p for a glass of

water; turning up the heating and switching off the air conditioning. A

couple of clubs were doing it every weekend". In neighbouring Bolton, a

club called the Pleasure Dome which deliberately switched off its water

supply on rave nights achieved notoriety when the local paper reported that

"drug crazed" girls had been seen drinking from toilets and was forced to

close in 1992.

Local authorities have responsibility under the law for issuing and

withdrawing clubs' entertainment licenses and ensuring that their premises

are safe. Manchester's response, following advice from Dr. Russell

Newcombe, of Manchester University's department of social policy and social

work, was to introduce a code of conduct which clubs have to conform to as

a condition of retaining their licences. A minimum code of conduct,

announced in December 1992 with the launch of the "Safer Dancing Campaign",

will be followed in 1993 by more detailed requirements.

The minimum code requires clubs to do the following:

1. monitor air temperature and air quality at regular intervals throughout

their premises and improve methods of ventilation if necessary;

2. provide adequate facilities for "chilling out" such as a room with a

quieter and cooler atmosphere and comfortable seating;

3. ensure that cold tap water is available in toilets and provide free

water at bars;

4. provide customers with up-to-date information about the risk of drug

use; how to avoid overheating and where confidential advice and help can be


5. employ outreach workers to operate on site offering confidential advice,

first aid, and a referral service for customers.

There are about seven clubs in Manchester involved in the rave scene and

the council is concentrating on these in promoting and following up the new

policy. It met with the club owners in March 1993 to discuss the

implications of the minimum code and, in conjunction with the non-statutory

drug agency Lifeline, it has produced a series of educational posters about

E that have been sent to all Manchester nightclubs. By February 1993, one

club had been found - by a Lifeline volunteer - to have broken the code by

switching off its water. "An enforcement officer will visit that club to

review the situation; we will threaten to revoke their entertainment

licence and we could then do so," Mr. Cross said. However, Lifeline

researchers say that other clubs, notably The Pier in Wigan and The

Hacienda in Manchester, have been exemplary in introducing a wider range of

safety measures than required by the code. Meanwhile new clubs such as The

Parliament in Manchester provide even better facilities than the code


The council is also taking advice from Dr. Newcombe on what to include in

the extended code of conduct. He has suggested more stringent steps such as

requiring all clubs to cooperate fully with police drug squads and assist

with surveillance operations and intelligence; stationing security staff in

areas where drug dealing takes place; altering the internal structure of

clubs to aid surveillance and keeping a log of all incidents of violence,

drug use, drug dealing and other criminal acts.

The policy has aroused great interest from other authorities, private

individuals around Britain reporting similar sharp practices and the

Institute of Environmental Health Officers. It is likely to become the

model for authorities covering other centres of the rave scene.

14 Conclusion

There are several very different uses of Ecstasy: spiritual enlightenment,

psychotherapy, use in rituals and artistic expression, empathy with others

and for fun. The effects of the drug sometimes appear contradictory when

described by different categories of users. This is because the drug does

not produce any given effect, but rather allows the user to go further in

their own direction. It does this by its unique but subtle combination of

effects: dissolving fear, while simultaneously relaxing and stimulating. I

have always thought that ritual, religious experience and group elation

were valuable experiences missing from our sterile society, and I can

believe that raves fill the void. They provide a taste of a richness

lacking in normal life.122

Ecstasy and its effects are an important part of life for a large

proportion of people in Britain, and increasingly other parts of the world,

today. The establishment and the media have responded by trying to prevent

Ecstasy use by means of scare stories and heavy legal penalties, with very

little attempt to understand the attraction of the drug or to provide

genuine help and information. This has had the result of making Ecstasy

users lose respect for the media. There is a need for the media to report

honestly about illicit drug use, and this requires telling the whole truth.

There is no justification that I can see for the law preventing willing,

informed adults from consuming whatever they want to. However, even those

against legalization should support the reclassification of MDMA. The law

gives the wrong message by including MDMA among the most dangerous drugs,

discrediting the Class A category. Once having taken MDMA and found it to

be fun and not harmful, users are more likely to go on to try other Class A

drugs such as crack cocaine. The law should be changed to put MDMA in the

same category as cannabis.

There has been a disgraceful disregard of human life on the part of the

media and authorities who have been using rave deaths as ammunition for the

scare campaign against Ecstasy rather than informing users how to take

steps to prevent overheating. Manchester's lead in harm reduction policies

should be welcomed enthusiastically and similar policies should be adopted

throughout Britain without delay.

The police should change their tactics. Instead of trying to prevent people

using the Ecstasy by arresting users and user-dealers, they should

concentrate on eliminating violent criminals and protecting ravers from

exploitation. They should not tolerate the organised gangs who operate at

raves and clubs. These are liable to use violence and are obviously much

tougher to deal with than user-dealers, but for this very reason they

should be eliminated. The police should also help implement harm prevention

in areas where such policies have been made law.

MDMA appears to have great potential for use in psychotherapy, but this

requires further exploration. As a signatory to the Convention on

Psychotropic Substances, the government should act on the Expert

Committee's recommendation to facilitate research into the therapeutic use

of MDMA.

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