Special Events
Saturday, November 4th, A GALA PDX-NORML BENEFIT!!!
Starts at 6:30 pm, Mt. Tabor Pub, SE 49th & Hawthorne Boulevard. Cost:
$4.00, over 21 only. An evening of music & movies to help PDX-NORML
end adult marijuana prohibition. Starts with movies REEFER MADDNESS
and BILLION DOLLAR CROP, followed by PDX-NORML Director, Mr. Terry
Miller, who will speak at 9pm. Then the bands:
and special guest
King Crow
will rock and roll us into the wee hours. All this for only $4 and
remember its for a very worthy cause. It's NORML! Contact Terry at
227-2478 or e-mail:
On Going Events
Daily*, 4:00 - 6:00 P.M., SE 38th & Hawthorne, Hunger-Free & Drug Peace
Zone: Purpose 1) feed homeless and poor people; 2) "Harm Reduction,"
(needle exchange, bleach kits, condoms, overdose warnings, information
about detox, medical care, treatment, shelter). All free and
confidential. WE NEED COOKS FOR WINTER! Please contact Floyd @ 235-
4524, or email at "". *Weekends subject to volunteer
PORTLAND SATURDAY MARKET, Every Saturday* Latest political, law
enforcement, and legal information, petitions, Register Voters,
volunteer opportunities. * Weather permitting.
Alternate Mondays, (10/30), Nov 13th & 27th, Fully Informed Jury
Action, 7:00 - 8:00 A.M., Multnomah County Courthouse, 1021 S.W. 4th,
Portland: fortnightly distribution of "jury nullification," juror
rights & responsibilities information. (* Meets Tuesday, if Monday is
a holiday.) Contact Bill @ 291-7439
Alternate Mondays, (10/30), Nov. 13 & 27th, Oregon Cannabis Tax Act of
1997, petition drive, 7:30 P.M., league office, Portland. NEEDS
VOLUNTEER PETITIONERS! Petitioner training, petition drive updates,
Portland area coordination. Contact OCTA @ 229-0428.
Tuesday, November 21, (and 12/18, & 1/19/96), Hemp film fest at Clinton
Street Theatre (SE 26th & Clinton Street). Screening of "The Billion
Dollar Crop," and "Let My People Grow" films. This is a fundraiser for
the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act of 1997 (see above).
Fourth Wednesday, (10/25), Nov. 22nd., PDX-NORML, 7:30 P.M., league
office. Monthly business meeting of the Portland, Oregon chapter of
the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, NORML, the
nation's oldest and biggest drug policy reform group. Guest speaker.
Free and open to the public. Get NORML! Contact Terry @ 227-2478.
Good works: Total Total New
Recs New New New New New Vol Pdx
From To Added Voters Pets Jury Phone Xport Hrs NORML
09/01/95 10/17/95 1033 486 116 52 75 22 538 16
*** DRUG WAR, or DRUG PEACE? ***