Today, the Day of actions against the AIDS, the Radical Party will conduct in Moscow, near the Ministry for Health of the Russian Federation, a manifestation under the slogan "Medicinal heroin against mafia and death".
The action will be held to support programs of "harm reduction" of drugs (in particular, programs of replacement of syringes), for the implementation in Russia of the Suiss experiment on controlled distribution of heroin prescribed to the addicts in medical institutions.
The press-secretary of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Alexandr Zharov, at the request of the "Utro" reporter, has commented the idea of free distribution of heroin to the addicts. He has said that the position "of the Ministry in this question remains invariable. We flatly deny the use of drugs". The representative of the Ministry for Health has said that his institution is against the use for "medical" purposes even of the so-called "light drugs", as the distinction between "light" and "heavy" drugs is very relative. The world experience and researches of many competent scientists show that the legalisation to some extent of drugs is by no means an obstacle for their spread and cessation of the increase of number of drug addicts.
However, as the reporter of "Utro" was said in the non-governmental organization "Fokus" engaged in the AIDS prophylaxis and the work with the persons who are ill with the "plague of the XX century", at present the programs of replacement of syringes are carried out in more than 30 cities of Russia, among them are Sankt-Peterburgh, Yekaterinburgh, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan.