ALGECIRAS, Spain, June 1 (Reuter) - Spanish fishermen have little hope that renewed talks between the European Union and Morocco on fishing rights in Moroccan waters will produce a quick agreement, a fishermen's union leader said on Thursday.
The EU and Morocco were starting a fifth round of talks in Rabat on Thursday, with the EU set to make counter-proposals to Moroccan demands for major cuts in catches of all kinds of fish and a a greater share of landings in its ports.
Rafael Montoya, president of the Andalusian Federation of Fishermen's Guilds, told the state news agency Efe he did not expect any agreement to come quickly.
"Morocco is taking an inflexible attitude and we too have a firm position," he said.
If negotiations did not follow the course Spanish fishermen wanted it could easily happen that access through Spanish ports would be blocked for all kinds of Moroccan produce, as happened in Algeciras last week, Montoya added.
In May fishermen in Algeciras and other ports began stopping lorries carrying imports of Moroccan fish. They were later joined by farmers who extended the boycott to other Moroccan goods, although the blockade has now been eased in most ports.
Some 650 Spanish and 50 Portuguese fishing boats have been inactive in harbour since the expiry of the previous fishing agreement with Morocco at the end of April.
The giant General Workers' Union and the communist-led Workers Commissions have called a 24-hour strike in the fishing sector throughout Andalusia from Thursday evening to protest against lack of a new agreement.
EU fisheries commissioner Emma Bonino recognised the crucial nature of the new round of negotiations. "We are playing to win this time," she was quoted as saying by a spokesman in Brussels. "Talks will continue until we get an agreement."