ROME, July 17 (Reuter) - The EU commissioner responsible for
humanitarian aid said on Monday the international community
should consider evacuating 100,000 Bosnians from U.N. "safe
areas" if nothing more is done to protect them from Serb attack.
Commissioner Emma Bonino of Italy told a news conference after
returning from a tour of refugee camps in the Bosnian town of
Tuzla that 100,000 people, mostly Moslems and some Croats, were
"at risk" in the Safe Areas of Zepa, Gorazde and Bihac.
Bonino is the European Union's Commissioner for Humanitarian
Aid, as well as Consumer Affairs and Fisheries.
"The international community has to make a choice," she said.
"Either we decide that we will protect these areas, which is the
task for which we are there, or I think the international
community has at least to have the courage to go and try to help
them leave the zones before they are killed, raped, etc."
Bonino said the world should start formulating a plan for
refugees in the event more safe areas fall to Bosnian Serbs.
"I wouldn't like to find ourselves with 100,000 people coming
from everywhere without any plan being established before that,"
she said. "If we are to resettle them inside Bosnia or we have to
find other solutions, this has to be carefully studied."
About 23,000 Moslem refugees arrived in government-held
territory around Tuzla after being expelled from the eastern
enclave of Srebrenica in a wave of "ethnic cleansing". Most are
women, children and the elderly.
Refugees have told reporters of young women being taken off by
Serb convoys and of men being slaughtered. U.N. officials are
gathering information from refugees about alleged war crimes.