BC-FISH-MOROCCO Bonino to brief Commission on fish talks with Rabat
BRUSSELS, Sept 5 (Reuter) - Fisheries Commissioner Emma
Bonino is due on Wednesday to brief her Commission colleagues on
last month's failed fish talks with Morocco but will present no
figures for ad hoc compensation of EU fishermen, a spokesman
Bonino will update the Commission on the breakdown of talks
at the end of August, he said.
A Commission proposal for an "ad hoc" fund to compensate
Spanish and Portuguese fishing fleets for lost fishing
opportunities is not yet ready, but should be completed in the
next few days, the spokesman said.
Bonino said in August compensation might come from the
financial orientation instrument for fisheries (IFOP, after the
French acronym), other existing structural funds such as
Objective 1 or PESC money and an "ad hoc" fund for those
affected by the stalled talks.
The Italian commissioner said Rabat's stance in talks, which
collapsed over disagreements over the size of fishing quota cuts
for squid and octopus, called for a full examination of EU
relations with Morocco.
This is unlikely to take place at Wednesday's meeting
because of the pressure of other agenda items such as the French
nuclear tests, the spokesman said.