Brussels, 18 September 1995Cholera epidemic in Guinea: Commission funds medical aid
A cholera epidemic has broken out in Guinea, affecting the local
population, as well as refugees from Liberia and Sierra Leone.
The European Union is making available a grant of 100,000 ECU to
combat it.
The European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) is working with
Medecins sans Frontieres-Belgium on this project. The money will
pay for medical staff on the spot and for kits to treat patients.
It will also cover repairs to treatment centres and training for
local staff.
The action will last two months, and at least 500,000 refugees
stand to benefit from the availability of medical care, as well
as the local population whose numbers are hard to estimate.
A separate grant of 20,000 ECU, channelled through OXFAM, the
British non-governmental organisation, will improve sanitation
for some 140,000 families hosting refugees from Sierra Leone.
This action will take place in Guinea's Forecariah prefecture.