Brussels 25 September 19951996 European Young Consumer Competition
"Environmental awareness must be translated into environmentally-friendly consumer patterns and behaviour: it is becoming increasingly necessary for consumers, especially the younger ones, to be aware of the impact of their behaviour as consumers on the environment... I truly hope that this new edition of the European Young Consumer Competition will encourage them to find ways to take better care of our planet's resources", declared Emma Bonino, European Commissioner responsible for Consumer Affairs.
Indeed, this year's theme of the third edition of the competition, which is now under way:
The Impact of Consumer Behaviour on the Environment
is intended to help young people become environmentally conscious citizens by making them aware of the impact of their daily behaviour as consumers, at school, at home and when shopping.
Youngsters, aged between 12 and 14, in schools throughout the 15 countries of the European Union, will be asked to prepare information material on this topic which they will then be required to present to other young people. After initial selection at national level, a European jury will reward the works which seem best suited to passing on the message of the competition. The two previous editions involved more than 35,000 young people in schools throughout Europe.
The competition is organised by the European Inter-Regional Institute for Consumer Affairs. Entries must be submitted to the national correspondents of this organisation (see attached list of addresses) by 17 January 1996. European Young Consumer Competition
The European Young Consumer competition was created in 1994 as an instrument to promote consumer education in schools throughout the European Union. It is aimed at young people between the ages of 12 - 14 and is intended to encourage them to reflect on their own behaviour and to become more enlightened consumers.
National competitions are held in all the countries of the European Union and the winning team from each country presents its work to a European Jury in Brussels. Participants are required to prepare information material on a consumer topic and this can take the form of posters, slides, video, magazines. Numerous prizes are awarded at national level and the three winning teams at the European Final receive 2,500, 2,000 and 1,500 ECU respectively.
Ireland were the winners of the 1994 competition with a "rap dance" on the theme "Choosing a product". In 1995 the theme chosen was "Young consumers and advertising - how to promote a foodstuff through an advertising message". A Spanish team from the Blasco Ibañez College in Valencia, who had chosen to promote fruit consumption by young people, was awarded the first prize.
National coordinators
Renate Wagner
Verein für Konsumenteninformation
Mariahilferst. 81
A - 1060 Wien
Tél.: +43 1 587 3514
Fax: +43 1 587 9300
Pirkko Grönlund
Haapaniemenkatu 4A, Box 5
SF - 00531 Helsinki
Tél.: +358 0 77 261
Fax: +358 0 77 26 7557
Marianne Örberg
Sorterargatan 26, Box 503
S - 162 15 Vällingby
Tél.: +46 8 759 8300
Fax: +46 8 739 3935
Martin-José Iturriria Goñi
Direccion de Consumo
c/Adriano VI, 14-16
E - 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Tél.: +34 45 18 99 23
Fax: +34 45 18 99 31
Marino Melissano
Comitato Difesa Consumatori
Sezione Alto Adige
Via Argentieri 22
I - 39100 Bolzano
Tél. & fax: +39 471 97 49 45
Theo Wolsing
Mintropst. 27
D - 40215 Düsseldorf
Tél.: +49 211 38 090 - 115
Fax: +49 211 38 09 172
Jean-Marie Béguin
rue des Chevaliers 18
B - 1050 Bruxelles
Tél.: +32 2 547 0611
Fax: +32 2 547 0601
Annelise Bredholt
Amagerfælledvej. 56
DK - 2300 K¢benhavn S
Tél.: +45 31 57 01 00
Fax: +45 32 96 02 32
Geneviève Trautmann
CTRC Languedoc Roussillon
18 rue Marceau
F - 34000 Montpellier
Tél.: +33 67 92 63 40
Fax: +33 67 92 64 67
Clotilde Crestani
Union Luxembourgeoise des
55 rue des Bruyères
L - 1274 Howald
Tél.: +352 49 60 221
Fax: +352 49 49 57
Mario Beja Santos
Instituto do Consumidor
Praça do Duque de Saldanha 31, 3
P - 1000 Lisboa
Tél.: +351 1 54 40 25
Fax: +351 1 52 24 10
Celestine Nolan
Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs
Shelbourne House, Shelbourne Road
IRL - Dublin 4
Tél.: +353 1 661 44 44 ext. 2938
Fax: +353 1 660 67 63
United Kingdom
Bruce Collier
Director of Community Protection
South Ayrshire Council
PO Box 1996
Wellington Square
Ayr, Scotland
UK - KA7 1DS
Tél.: +44 1 292 612 109
Fax: +44 1 292 612 159
Erik Van Rijn van Alkemade
Leeghwaterplein 26
NL - 2521 CU Den Haag
Tél.: +31 70 38 47 449
ou +31 70 38 47 428
Fax: +31 70 38 41 282
George Pavlikakis
43-45 Valtetsiou str
GR - Athens 10681
Tel.: +30 1 330 0673
Fax: +30 1 330 0591
Richard Delpierre
79 rue Gantois
F - 59000 Lille
Tel.: +33 20 21 92 55
Fax: +33 20 54 18 45