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[ cerca in archivio ] ARCHIVIO STORICO RADICALE
Conferenza Emma Bonino
Commissione Europea Letizia - 29 settembre 1995

Brussels, 29 September 1995

Discussion seminar held by the Commission

with the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries

(3 October 1995)


Round Table with European Fisheries Organizations

(2 October 1995)

on structural aspects of the Common Fisheries Policy

(Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

The European Commission is organizing on 2 and 3 October 1995 in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) two meetings on the common fisheries policy (CFP).

On 2 October, there will be a round table with representatives of Europe's fishing industry on the subject of arrangements governing fishing effort in the framework of structural policy.

The Commission will present the fishing vessel register of the Community, after which there will be an exchange of views between the Commission, Parliament and the industry on various topical issues.

On 3 October, there is to be a discussion seminar with the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries, to deal with the subject of a structural policy for the sea fishing industry and areas dependent on fishing.

I. European Commission discussion seminar with the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries (3 October 1995)

This discussion seminar fits into the framework of the consultation policy the European Commission has been developing over recent years with the different Community authorities, in particular the European Parliament.

It seemed appropriate, now that the management tools introduced with the renovation of the common fisheries policy in 1992 are gradually being brought into use, to hold more wide-ranging discussion meetings outside the regular framework of Parliamentary Committee work, to deal with common fisheries policy as a whole, with its general design, consistency, and purpose, and for the European Parliament and the European Commission to reflect together on desirable developments.

Early this year, the European Parliament and the European Commission decided to hold three discussion seminars on common fisheries policy:

on 23 June, a seminar was held in Ancona (Italy) on management policy and the conservation of fishery resources;

on 3 October, a seminar will be held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on structural policy to assist fisheries and aquaculture;

in March 1996, a seminar will be held in Vendée (France) on fisheries agreements and trade policy for the fisheries sector.

The European Parliament decided in February 1995 that these seminars should take place in different regions of the Community.

For the discussion seminars with the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries, participation is restricted to Members of Parliament and to officials of the European Parliament and the European Commission.

II. Round Table with fisheries organizations

In order to develop dialogue with both sides of the European fisheries industry, the Member of the Commission responsible for fisheries, Mrs Bonino, is organizing interregional round tables for representatives of the industry on subjects of common interest; these events are complementary to the existing meetings in the framework of the relations introduced with the Advisory Committee on Fisheries.

So as to take advantage of the synergy effect of the seminars organized with the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries, it is planned that the round tables will be held either the day before or the day after those seminars, and in the same place. This will enable MEPs to take part in meetings with representatives of the industry, which will encourage the flow of information.

For the interregional round table of 2 October in Santiago de Compostela, the European Commission has decided on the list of participants on proposals from European fisheries organizations. The meeting will also be attended by MEPs from the Committee on Fisheries, and, as observers, by representatives of local fisheries organizations.

Mrs Bonino, Member of the Commission responsible for Fisheries, and Mr Almeida Serra, Director-General for Fisheries at the European Commission, will take part in both events.

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