The European Commission has cleared a grant worth 950,000 ECU to help victims of the conflict in Afghanistan to survive the onset of colder weather. The capital, Kabul, has been so severely damaged in the long-running conflict that its inhabitants face a grim winter unless the international community provides emergency aid.
The European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) will work with Aide Internationale Contre la Faim (AICF France), OXFAM (United Kingdom) and Tear Fund (United Kingdom) to provide a range of assistance over the next six months. The non-governmental organisations have identified about 370,000 people as being particularly vulnerable.
AICF plans to set up a feeding programme for children under five, while OXFAM will distribute blankets, plastic sheeting and clothes. Tear Fund will distribute emergency food aid to families in need, as well as repairing water pumps and other essential services.